wall, wall, that big beautiful wall ...

Who cares, as long as it's built.

We can get the money: dismantle unnecessary bureaucracies, cut funding to PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood. We certainly can cut food stamps by the half that DumBama doubled it from. There are all kinds of ways to get the money we need for this wall.

Great idea! Everyone must sacrifice. Starve an American child child today so that Trump can build a wall that will slow down illegals by at least 10 minutes!

Right. American children will starve because we are building a wall. They aren't starving because of our overblown bureaucracies, they aren't starving because of our funding to PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood. They aren't starving because DumBama helped get us 20 trillion in debt. But they are going to starve because of a F'n wall.

Well, food stamps are primarily available because children should not go hungry because their parents are out of work, and you seem to be in favor of cutting food stamps in half. So, in fairness, I guess that you would not be in favor of starving the children, You would just put them on a severe diet...
Who cares, sucker. That guy who lives in the white house told fools like you that Mexico would pay, and it gave you a woodie. Remember?

Just like the woodie you got when your last clown said you can keep your doctor if you like him? You can keep your insurance? You can keep your healthcare facility? Nobody making less than 250K will see a new tax of any kind? The average family will save over $2,500 on healthcare costs?

Well, then, I guess that means that Trump is allowed to lie to you for the next 8 years about phone tapping, inauguration attendance, fraudulent illegal immigrant voting, health care reform, muslims celebrating in the street, etc., etc., because Obama did it. I'm sure that Trump appreciates the "Get out of jail free" card you gave him! I kind of like the concept. I wonder if I can use that on my wife, since her first husband cheated on her....
Only asshole liberals that exploit illegals think this is funny.
No. What you don't get is how fucking funny is that you rubes swallowed Trump's piss with such gusto! :lol:

Over and over and over and over and...

Who cares, as long as it's built.

We can get the money: dismantle unnecessary bureaucracies, cut funding to PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood. We certainly can cut food stamps by the half that DumBama doubled it from. There are all kinds of ways to get the money we need for this wall.

Great idea! Everyone must sacrifice. Starve an American child child today so that Trump can build a wall that will slow down illegals by at least 10 minutes!

Right. American children will starve because we are building a wall. They aren't starving because of our overblown bureaucracies, they aren't starving because of our funding to PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood. They aren't starving because DumBama helped get us 20 trillion in debt. But they are going to starve because of a F'n wall.

Well, food stamps are primarily available because children should not go hungry because their parents are out of work, and you seem to be in favor of cutting food stamps in half. So, in fairness, I guess that you would not be in favor of starving the children, You would just put them on a severe diet...

Really? Then perhaps you should study what Maine did. In Maine, they created criteria for people receiving food stamps that had no dependents. The three mandates were: having a job where you worked at least 20 hours per week; be enrolled in a vocational program where you will be able to gain employment; volunteer at least 20 hours PER MONTH. Guess what the results were?

That's right. Most of those receiving food stamps dropped out of the program. It seems they weren't that hungry after all.

It has nothing to do with children or starving people. DumBama doubled the food stamp program to create more government dependents, just like Commie Care was designed to do. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Who cares, as long as it's built.

We can get the money: dismantle unnecessary bureaucracies, cut funding to PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood. We certainly can cut food stamps by the half that DumBama doubled it from. There are all kinds of ways to get the money we need for this wall.

Great idea! Everyone must sacrifice. Starve an American child child today so that Trump can build a wall that will slow down illegals by at least 10 minutes!

Right. American children will starve because we are building a wall. They aren't starving because of our overblown bureaucracies, they aren't starving because of our funding to PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood. They aren't starving because DumBama helped get us 20 trillion in debt. But they are going to starve because of a F'n wall.

Well, food stamps are primarily available because children should not go hungry because their parents are out of work, and you seem to be in favor of cutting food stamps in half. So, in fairness, I guess that you would not be in favor of starving the children, You would just put them on a severe diet...

Really? Then perhaps you should study what Maine did. In Maine, they created criteria for people receiving food stamps that had no dependents. The three mandates were: having a job where you worked at least 20 hours per week; be enrolled in a vocational program where you will be able to gain employment; volunteer at least 20 hours PER MONTH. Guess what the results were?

That's right. Most of those receiving food stamps dropped out of the program. It seems they weren't that hungry after all.

It has nothing to do with children or starving people. DumBama doubled the food stamp program to create more government dependents, just like Commie Care was designed to do. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Well, I guess you are right. if a guy or maybe a single parent woman is out of work, and can't feed her kids, if they are hungry enough, the little nippers can get to work.

Only asshole liberals that exploit illegals think this is funny.
No. What you don't get is how fucking funny is that you rubes swallowed Trump's piss with such gusto! :lol:

Over and over and over and over and...
Typical nasty liberal wanting to impose groupthink. You arrogant bastards LOVE them so MUCH, Try living with illegal aliens. Think outside the HOA box and put up with Hispanics. Illegal Mexicans LOVE over indulgences. Too many kids, too many pets, to loud music, Mexicans LOVE excess. That's the problem here. Americans of European extraction don't like that too much.
Only asshole liberals that exploit illegals think this is funny.
No. What you don't get is how fucking funny is that you rubes swallowed Trump's piss with such gusto! :lol:

Over and over and over and over and...
Typical nasty liberal wanting to impose groupthink.
Typical retard projecting. :lol:

And I am old school conservative, retard. Nice try.

You dumb fucks fell for a huckster. A fake. A New York limousine liberal.
Only asshole liberals that exploit illegals think this is funny.
No. What you don't get is how fucking funny is that you rubes swallowed Trump's piss with such gusto! :lol:

Over and over and over and over and...
Typical nasty liberal wanting to impose groupthink.
Typical retard projecting. :lol:

And I am old school conservative, retard. Nice try.

You dumb fucks fell for a huckster. A fake. A New York limousine liberal.
Um, ok. Insulting us is so much better, though? Spoken like a child. I don't argue with children.
Only asshole liberals that exploit illegals think this is funny.
No. What you don't get is how fucking funny is that you rubes swallowed Trump's piss with such gusto! :lol:

Over and over and over and over and...
Typical nasty liberal wanting to impose groupthink. You arrogant bastards LOVE them so MUCH, Try living with illegal aliens. Think outside the HOA box and put up with Hispanics. Illegal Mexicans LOVE over indulgences. Too many kids, too many pets, to loud music, Mexicans LOVE excess. That's the problem here. Americans of European extraction don't like that too much.

What a relief to know that your hatred is not racial!!!

But, I am with you. What drives me crazy are those damn Swedes. Reeking of suntan lotion at the beach, showing off their blond hair, strutting around like bikinis were made just for them, talking like the Swedish Chef on the Muppet Show. They may be mostly in Minnesota, but sooner or later, you, too, will be saying, " Olga! Ve need more meatballs for ze smorgousboard!"

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Who cares, as long as it's built.

We can get the money: dismantle unnecessary bureaucracies, cut funding to PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood. We certainly can cut food stamps by the half that DumBama doubled it from. There are all kinds of ways to get the money we need for this wall.

Great idea! Everyone must sacrifice. Starve an American child child today so that Trump can build a wall that will slow down illegals by at least 10 minutes!

Right. American children will starve because we are building a wall. They aren't starving because of our overblown bureaucracies, they aren't starving because of our funding to PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood. They aren't starving because DumBama helped get us 20 trillion in debt. But they are going to starve because of a F'n wall.

Well, food stamps are primarily available because children should not go hungry because their parents are out of work, and you seem to be in favor of cutting food stamps in half. So, in fairness, I guess that you would not be in favor of starving the children, You would just put them on a severe diet...

Really? Then perhaps you should study what Maine did. In Maine, they created criteria for people receiving food stamps that had no dependents. The three mandates were: having a job where you worked at least 20 hours per week; be enrolled in a vocational program where you will be able to gain employment; volunteer at least 20 hours PER MONTH. Guess what the results were?

That's right. Most of those receiving food stamps dropped out of the program. It seems they weren't that hungry after all.

It has nothing to do with children or starving people. DumBama doubled the food stamp program to create more government dependents, just like Commie Care was designed to do. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Well, I guess you are right. if a guy or maybe a single parent woman is out of work, and can't feed her kids, if they are hungry enough, the little nippers can get to work.


So she can't find work but her kids can?

Nothing wrong with kids working. I've been working since the age of 11. I worked with my bricklayer father all summer and in evenings during fall and spring, I worked at my school in a work/ study program, I delivered papers, I worked for a cleaning company, I worked at a car wash. Nothing wrong with it at all.

Of course back then, parents didn't freely hand their kids money. If you want money, go earn it. Most of us were not raised in an entitlement environment. That's why no matter where you go today, you see HELP WANTED signs on every fast food window.

Then when they become an adult, they stay home with mom and dad until the age of 30 or so.

Who cares, as long as it's built.

We can get the money: dismantle unnecessary bureaucracies, cut funding to PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood. We certainly can cut food stamps by the half that DumBama doubled it from. There are all kinds of ways to get the money we need for this wall.
Who cares, sucker. That guy who lives in the white house told fools like you that Mexico would pay, and it gave you a woodie. Remember?
. He didn't say how they would pay, so who is the fool here ? You are, because you are trying so hard to hang on every word Trump says, and this in hopes to punch holes in anything Trump. You're hate is making a fool out of you, and no one else can help in that.
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