wall, wall, that big beautiful wall ...

That's president Trump, a little respect.

Obama may be number 2 but, he's trying harder.

Let's not forget this.

Renditions continue under Obama, despite due-process concerns.

obama is a pos.
Lol. obama is a joke.

Of the nearly 50 times you posted about Obama, you never ONCE called him President Obama, you fucking hypocritical ass.
A much needed wall will be built.
The Rich/Liberals elitist that enable and help illegals aliens are the real problem here. Let them pay for a wall. They are 2/3 the problem, Mexicans are just poor witty bitty victims After all, since the grapes of wrath, who USED to do all those dirty jobs the rich white elitists wouldn't? Anyone they could exploit and make it seem like social justice. Really.
We are all children of immigrants. We don't need a wall on our southern border

Yes, I am a second generation American. All four of my grandparents came to America from Norway and Denmark by way of Ellis Island. The came here LEGALLY. They were all required to prove that they were disease free and had sponsors here who would help them get settled as AMERICANS. My mother's father had a fourth-grade education. He came here broke. His first job was driving a horse-drawn milk wagon. He married and his wife, my grandmother, never worked outside the home.

During World War II he bought two apartment building for them, my Mom and Aunt to live. The other units were rented. My Mom and Aunt could not find an apartment in which to live in Chicago because they each had children without a husband. My Ol' Man lost his leg in the Battle of the bulge after five months on the front line. My Uncle was in the South Pacific.

I cannot describe the pride each of my grandparents took in learning English and becoming AMERICAN CITIZENS!

Why are immigrants from other countries, Pakistan, India, Japan, the Middle East, Russia, Ukraine and others so eager to come to America and BUILD a future, a business and be successful?
McConnell, the RINO of the Senate says he doesn't think Mexico will pay for the wall. Big fucking deal. Is Mitch the new hero of the snowflakes now or something?
Trump promised. he guaranteed mexico would pay for the wall. Did he lie once again??
No. Why would you assume he lied, because McConnell has a different opinion?
This isn't about anyone other than Trump. HE LIED AGAIN
Your opinion (which is worthless).
Seems kind of a shame to break up one of the most profitable economic systems in the Western Hemisphere. Our gangsters send guns to Mexico, and their gangsters send drugs to the USA gangsters. Our gangsters spend profits on going to major rap star concerts, who get rich and buy a lot of expensive cars and gold necklaces. Glock and other gun manufacturers are happy. The NRA is ecstatic. Drug abusers are happy, and the Mexican gangsters and Chicago gangsters kill each other.This seems to pretty much make EVERYONE happy. I think it may be a win/win situation!
Get back to us in eight years!
Rump will be lucky to last 1 year
Trump is President?
No way...CNN and NBC and The Washington Compost said Hillary won.
To the tune of 3 million more votes
Not after you and the other Illegals are sent bye-bye.
Illegals aren't going anywhere, Homer. At what point will you begin to believe that Trump is all hot air and bull shit. No substance whatever
Tell that to the Canadians.
We are all children of immigrants. We don't need a wall on our southern border

Yes, I am a second generation American. All four of my grandparents came to America from Norway and Denmark by way of Ellis Island. The came here LEGALLY. They were all required to prove that they were disease free and had sponsors here who would help them get settled as AMERICANS. My mother's father had a fourth-grade education. He came here broke. His first job was driving a horse-drawn milk wagon. He married and his wife, my grandmother, never worked outside the home.

During World War II he bought two apartment building for them, my Mom and Aunt to live. The other units were rented. My Mom and Aunt could not find an apartment in which to live in Chicago because they each had children without a husband. My Ol' Man lost his leg in the Battle of the bulge after five months on the front line. My Uncle was in the South Pacific.

I cannot describe the pride each of my grandparents took in learning English and becoming AMERICAN CITIZENS!

Why are immigrants from other countries, Pakistan, India, Japan, the Middle East, Russia, Ukraine and others so eager to come to America and BUILD a future, a business and be successful?

My ancestors came here from England in the late 1600's. They were too poor to buy a gun to kill the indians, so they had to use a hatchet. The good land was soon taken, so they had to cross the appalachians in the 1700's in order to find more indians to kill. Having done that successfully for decades, they are now counted as the true American pioneers, and there were no laws against it, so they were 100% legal. However, those pesky indians were still hanging around, so they elected Andrew Jackson as president, and he sent them off the the West somewhere making the rest of the land available to us. Good old Andy knew how to take care of people living here who were not real Americans!
We are all children of immigrants. We don't need a wall on our southern border

Yes, I am a second generation American. All four of my grandparents came to America from Norway and Denmark by way of Ellis Island. The came here LEGALLY. They were all required to prove that they were disease free and had sponsors here who would help them get settled as AMERICANS. My mother's father had a fourth-grade education. He came here broke. His first job was driving a horse-drawn milk wagon. He married and his wife, my grandmother, never worked outside the home.

During World War II he bought two apartment building for them, my Mom and Aunt to live. The other units were rented. My Mom and Aunt could not find an apartment in which to live in Chicago because they each had children without a husband. My Ol' Man lost his leg in the Battle of the bulge after five months on the front line. My Uncle was in the South Pacific.

I cannot describe the pride each of my grandparents took in learning English and becoming AMERICAN CITIZENS!

Why are immigrants from other countries, Pakistan, India, Japan, the Middle East, Russia, Ukraine and others so eager to come to America and BUILD a future, a business and be successful?

My ancestors came here from England in the late 1600's. They were too poor to buy a gun to kill the indians, so they had to use a hatchet. The good land was soon taken, so they had to cross the appalachians in the 1700's in order to find more indians to kill. Having done that successfully for decades, they are now counted as the true American pioneers, and there were no laws against it, so they were 100% legal. However, those pesky indians were still hanging around, so they elected Andrew Jackson as president, and he sent them off the the West somewhere making the rest of the land available to us. Good old Andy knew how to take care of people living here who were not real Americans!
So go back to England.
If illegals are kept out and can't send our money back home they paid for it. Keeping them off of welfare pays for it. Keeping their kids out of our schools pays for it. Making them pay fee's to import their shit pays for it. Keeping our jobs here and not there pays for it.
Legals send money back home, Homer.

That's why we need to limit "legals" as well.

Who cares, as long as it's built.

We can get the money: dismantle unnecessary bureaucracies, cut funding to PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood. We certainly can cut food stamps by the half that DumBama doubled it from. There are all kinds of ways to get the money we need for this wall.

Great idea! Everyone must sacrifice. Starve an American child child today so that Trump can build a wall that will slow down illegals by at least 10 minutes!

Right. American children will starve because we are building a wall. They aren't starving because of our overblown bureaucracies, they aren't starving because of our funding to PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood. They aren't starving because DumBama helped get us 20 trillion in debt. But they are going to starve because of a F'n wall.
I have always had a secret admiration of Mexican Culture. The food, the History, Toltecs, the Mayans, and their art. But I draw the line and allowing people to immigrate illegally because they are Hispanic, because Mexicans aren't Spanish, they aren't a race specifically. Illegals aliens are manipulators and frauds, not immigrants, in the truest sense. Fleeing Mexico from poverty is NOT the same as fleeing certain death, , Only people that exploit illegals are making this a issue here. And we all know it.
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Who cares, sucker. That guy who lives in the white house told fools like you that Mexico would pay, and it gave you a woodie. Remember?

Just like the woodie you got when your last clown said you can keep your doctor if you like him? You can keep your insurance? You can keep your healthcare facility? Nobody making less than 250K will see a new tax of any kind? The average family will save over $2,500 on healthcare costs?

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