Wallace schools Scalise on Fox News

Did anybody catch this interview on Sunday?! Amazing how many questions Scalise dodges and spins from. Damn, when are we going to get honesty back in our politics?! This is pathetic. Good for Wallace by keeping it real.

YEP wallace got schooled damn that trump for doing what obama would not do

Haha. The guy giving the interview got schooled?! Ok buddy
Wallace is an insidious deceptive piece of shit!

He is very good at deception which is why I refer to him as insidious!

His dad (mike) would be ashamed!
What exactly did he do in that interview that you’d call insidious? Ask hard questions? Not let his subject spin answers?
Did anybody catch this interview on Sunday?! Amazing how many questions Scalise dodges and spins from. Damn, when are we going to get honesty back in our politics?! This is pathetic. Good for Wallace by keeping it real.

YEP wallace got schooled damn that trump for doing what obama would not do

Trump was using military aid as a bribe to help his re-election.
You’re damn right that’s not what Obama would do.
Wallace always slurps up and falls for the democrat narrative without looking into it...if he would take the time to do some research before he goes on the air his show may have better ratings....
Wallace always slurps up and falls for the democrat narrative without looking into it...if he would take the time to do some research before he goes on the air his show may have better ratings....
Asking tough questions is a democratic narrative? That’s interesting
Wallace is getting his final RINO shots in before leaving FOX News.

Anyone left of fake news gatewaypundit who doesn't toe the party line 150% is thrown out of the Republican party according to these cultists.
Looks like Wallace got demoted to the less busy 7 pm
Slot of Sunday’s

Mark levin went from
Sunday fox at 10
Pm to his 8 pm time a lot
Wallace is getting his final RINO shots in before leaving FOX News.

Wallace is a registered lifelong Democrat.

On October 11, 2006, The Washington Post reported that Wallace had been a registered Democrat for more than two decades. Wallace explained his party affiliation as pragmatism, saying that being a Democrat is the only feasible means of participating in the political process in heavily Democratic Washington, DC. He maintained that he had voted for candidates from both major parties in the past

Sounds like a Dem in Name Only...
Wallace is getting his final RINO shots in before leaving FOX News.

Wallace is a registered lifelong Democrat.

On October 11, 2006, The Washington Post reported that Wallace had been a registered Democrat for more than two decades. Wallace explained his party affiliation as pragmatism, saying that being a Democrat is the only feasible means of participating in the political process in heavily Democratic Washington, DC. He maintained that he had voted for candidates from both major parties in the past

So did I. Never again.

Sounds like a Dem in Name Only...

Listen to what they say, not what they say they are. He's a true believer.
Wallace is an insidious deceptive piece of shit!

He is very good at deception which is why I refer to him as insidious!

His dad (mike) would be ashamed!


He asked questions that the Scalise dodged and refused to answer. Do you think Wallace should not ask the questions?

Are you saying GOP guests should not be asked hard questions? Isn't that a bit snowflake of you?

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