Wallingford police called after Nazi, Confederate merchandise found at flea market

So now we have liberals "almost vomiting" at the mere sight of Nazi and Confederate shit at a flea market.

God forbid they ever have to actually fight a battle against such evil haha!

this country has went completely Twilight Zone since OBama was put in to be the GREAT UNITER.

it's become more sick and the people have even become Scary to live with. my gawd this was so over the top DUMP
Why don't them folks learn to speak when spoken to?
I believe that anytime someone comes across something that belonged to the Nazis be it a flag, any other article from them it should be burned and utterly destroyed. There is no excuse for selling Nazi owned material. If it is found on the market for sale law enforcement should seize the merchandise in question and destroy it by fire. Anyone who buys and sells that type of material is totally void of any conscience whatsoever. I find it disgusting that anyone would do such a thing. As for the confederate flag? There was a war and that was the flag of the south - there were two sides to the war - that was one of the sides that fought - it would not be the equivalent of a Nazi flag in any way shape or form.

Had I seen nazi material at a flea market for sale I would have called the police and reported it too - and I also would have done my best to have them seize the material and destroy it by fire. Every trace of nazi material should be destroyed utterly. That is not memorobilia. The very suggestion that it is a something worth keeping for the memory of it - is an absolutely vile satanic idea. What a disgrace!

You are aware there's Holocaust books and others about the Nazis. That's part of history that should not be forgotten. Let it be a warning to generations to come. Getting rid of Nazi items is wrong.

I disagree with you. If a person found such an item and wanted to donate it to a Holocaust museum that is between them and God but as sure as the LORD lives I would not donate it - I'd burn it to a crisp - no matter the value. May G-d of Israel judge me ever so severely if I am not telling you the truth. It matters not if the item were worth 100 million dollars - I'd still burn it to a crisp. With no regrets. What that evil represents comes from the deepest place of hell and to hell it should return - in flames!
I believe that anytime someone comes across something that belonged to the Nazis be it a flag, any other article from them it should be burned and utterly destroyed. There is no excuse for selling Nazi owned material. If it is found on the market for sale law enforcement should seize the merchandise in question and destroy it by fire. Anyone who buys and sells that type of material is totally void of any conscience whatsoever. I find it disgusting that anyone would do such a thing. As for the confederate flag? There was a war and that was the flag of the south - there were two sides to the war - that was one of the sides that fought - it would not be the equivalent of a Nazi flag in any way shape or form.

Had I seen nazi material at a flea market for sale I would have called the police and reported it too - and I also would have done my best to have them seize the material and destroy it by fire. Every trace of nazi material should be destroyed utterly. That is not memorobilia. The very suggestion that it is a something worth keeping for the memory of it - is an absolutely vile satanic idea. What a disgrace!

You are aware there's Holocaust books and others about the Nazis. That's part of history that should not be forgotten. Let it be a warning to generations to come. Getting rid of Nazi items is wrong.

I disagree with you. If a person found such an item and wanted to donate it to a Holocaust museum that is between them and God but as sure as the LORD lives I would not donate it - I'd burn it to a crisp - no matter the value. May G-d of Israel judge me ever so severely if I am not telling you the truth. It matters not if the item were worth 100 million dollars - I'd still burn it to a crisp. With no regrets. What that evil represents comes from the deepest place of hell and to hell it should return - in flames!
(Dramatic music rises)
I believe that anytime someone comes across something that belonged to the Nazis be it a flag, any other article from them it should be burned and utterly destroyed. There is no excuse for selling Nazi owned material. If it is found on the market for sale law enforcement should seize the merchandise in question and destroy it by fire. Anyone who buys and sells that type of material is totally void of any conscience whatsoever. I find it disgusting that anyone would do such a thing. As for the confederate flag? There was a war and that was the flag of the south - there were two sides to the war - that was one of the sides that fought - it would not be the equivalent of a Nazi flag in any way shape or form.

Had I seen nazi material at a flea market for sale I would have called the police and reported it too - and I also would have done my best to have them seize the material and destroy it by fire. Every trace of nazi material should be destroyed utterly. That is not memorobilia. The very suggestion that it is a something worth keeping for the memory of it - is an absolutely vile satanic idea. What a disgrace!

You are aware there's Holocaust books and others about the Nazis. That's part of history that should not be forgotten. Let it be a warning to generations to come. Getting rid of Nazi items is wrong.

I disagree with you. If a person found such an item and wanted to donate it to a Holocaust museum that is between them and God but as sure as the LORD lives I would not donate it - I'd burn it to a crisp - no matter the value. May G-d of Israel judge me ever so severely if I am not telling you the truth. It matters not if the item were worth 100 million dollars - I'd still burn it to a crisp. With no regrets. What that evil represents comes from the deepest place of hell and to hell it should return - in flames!

I don't look at it as emotionally as you. I see it as a lesson that should be learned about evil. Don't destroy it...allow others to learn about what happened so it may not happen again.
The homos hijacked the rainbow. God has a face palm

and notice she had NO objections with it being flown on OUR white house. figures they are all two faced hypocrites going on over the Confederate flag

There is a stink going on around here over the Pride parade thing, they want to paint the crosswalks in rainbow and people are screaming not on public/government property. Of course the homos don't see the hypocrisy of it all

well of course. they Believe they can do whatever the hell they want. After all they paid to have the white house lite up that the idiot leader of their thought it was: So cool...

It's that Fascist thing with them: Don't do as I do, do as I SAY. paint the cross walks, that's just damn unbelievable.

actually----I agree with your regarding the rain-bow light up of the white house----
the big jerk should not have done that-----it touches the sensibilities of many
fine American people------WHO does he think he is........very bad judgement
That's the "in your face" arrogance

You need to leave Rosie alone and stop provoking her to anger.
I believe that anytime someone comes across something that belonged to the Nazis be it a flag, any other article from them it should be burned and utterly destroyed. There is no excuse for selling Nazi owned material. If it is found on the market for sale law enforcement should seize the merchandise in question and destroy it by fire. Anyone who buys and sells that type of material is totally void of any conscience whatsoever. I find it disgusting that anyone would do such a thing. As for the confederate flag? There was a war and that was the flag of the south - there were two sides to the war - that was one of the sides that fought - it would not be the equivalent of a Nazi flag in any way shape or form.

Had I seen nazi material at a flea market for sale I would have called the police and reported it too - and I also would have done my best to have them seize the material and destroy it by fire. Every trace of nazi material should be destroyed utterly. That is not memorobilia. The very suggestion that it is a something worth keeping for the memory of it - is an absolutely vile satanic idea. What a disgrace!

You are aware there's Holocaust books and others about the Nazis. That's part of history that should not be forgotten. Let it be a warning to generations to come. Getting rid of Nazi items is wrong.

I disagree with you. If a person found such an item and wanted to donate it to a Holocaust museum that is between them and God but as sure as the LORD lives I would not donate it - I'd burn it to a crisp - no matter the value. May G-d of Israel judge me ever so severely if I am not telling you the truth. It matters not if the item were worth 100 million dollars - I'd still burn it to a crisp. With no regrets. What that evil represents comes from the deepest place of hell and to hell it should return - in flames!
(Dramatic music rises)

This is not something to joke about, MG. I am not laughing. God knows my heart. I said what was in my heart. It's the truth. There is nothing else to say about it.

OT remark to you - you said on another thread that you remember as a kid not knowing if you would eat some days. When I read that it saddened me, MG. I feel very bad for you that you went through such a terrible thing. No child should have to wonder about such things. I'm very sorry for what you suffered when you were young.

I want you to consider and keep in mind that there were children who suffered starvation to the point of becoming skeletons - they were Jewish children - they were torn away from their parents who loved them dearly - they were purposely starved by very evil men who thought they were doing God a favor - such is the sickness of Catholicism - the truth is that the teaching behind it has always taught justification for killing all "heretics" - anyone not Catholic. Sick but true. It was an Inquisition against the Jews. I feel compelled to remind people of that because it is true. The Vatican would hate for people to believe it - they think they got away with it. They didn't. Some of us know what they did. I know what they did. I'm never going to forget it either. I'm NEVER GOING TO FORGET WHAT THEY DID TO THE JEWS. I'm not going to stop telling others about what they did either!!
and notice she had NO objections with it being flown on OUR white house. figures they are all two faced hypocrites going on over the Confederate flag

There is a stink going on around here over the Pride parade thing, they want to paint the crosswalks in rainbow and people are screaming not on public/government property. Of course the homos don't see the hypocrisy of it all

well of course. they Believe they can do whatever the hell they want. After all they paid to have the white house lite up that the idiot leader of their thought it was: So cool...

It's that Fascist thing with them: Don't do as I do, do as I SAY. paint the cross walks, that's just damn unbelievable.

actually----I agree with your regarding the rain-bow light up of the white house----
the big jerk should not have done that-----it touches the sensibilities of many
fine American people------WHO does he think he is........very bad judgement
That's the "in your face" arrogance

You need to leave Rosie alone and stop provoking her to anger.
I believe that anytime someone comes across something that belonged to the Nazis be it a flag, any other article from them it should be burned and utterly destroyed. There is no excuse for selling Nazi owned material. If it is found on the market for sale law enforcement should seize the merchandise in question and destroy it by fire. Anyone who buys and sells that type of material is totally void of any conscience whatsoever. I find it disgusting that anyone would do such a thing. As for the confederate flag? There was a war and that was the flag of the south - there were two sides to the war - that was one of the sides that fought - it would not be the equivalent of a Nazi flag in any way shape or form.

Had I seen nazi material at a flea market for sale I would have called the police and reported it too - and I also would have done my best to have them seize the material and destroy it by fire. Every trace of nazi material should be destroyed utterly. That is not memorobilia. The very suggestion that it is a something worth keeping for the memory of it - is an absolutely vile satanic idea. What a disgrace!

You are aware there's Holocaust books and others about the Nazis. That's part of history that should not be forgotten. Let it be a warning to generations to come. Getting rid of Nazi items is wrong.

I disagree with you. If a person found such an item and wanted to donate it to a Holocaust museum that is between them and God but as sure as the LORD lives I would not donate it - I'd burn it to a crisp - no matter the value. May G-d of Israel judge me ever so severely if I am not telling you the truth. It matters not if the item were worth 100 million dollars - I'd still burn it to a crisp. With no regrets. What that evil represents comes from the deepest place of hell and to hell it should return - in flames!
(Dramatic music rises)

This is not something to joke about, MG. I am not laughing. God knows my heart. I said what was in my heart. It's the truth. There is nothing else to say about it.

OT remark to you - you said on another thread that you remember as a kid not knowing if you would eat some days. When I read that it saddened me, MG. I feel very bad for you that you went through such a terrible thing. No child should have to wonder about such things. I'm very sorry for what you suffered when you were young.

I want you to consider and keep in mind that there were children who suffered starvation to the point of becoming skeletons - they were Jewish children - they were torn away from their parents who loved them dearly - they were purposely starved by very evil men who thought they were doing God a favor - such is the sickness of Catholicism - the truth is that the teaching behind it has always taught justification for killing all "heretics" - anyone not Catholic. Sick but true. It was an Inquisition against the Jews. I feel compelled to remind people of that because it is true. The Vatican would hate for people to believe it - they think they got away with it. They didn't. Some of us know what they did. I know what they did. I'm never going to forget it either. I'm NEVER GOING TO FORGET WHAT THEY DID TO THE JEWS. I'm not going to stop telling others about what they did either!!
Whoa honey, no need to bleed...
and notice she had NO objections with it being flown on OUR white house. figures they are all two faced hypocrites going on over the Confederate flag

There is a stink going on around here over the Pride parade thing, they want to paint the crosswalks in rainbow and people are screaming not on public/government property. Of course the homos don't see the hypocrisy of it all

well of course. they Believe they can do whatever the hell they want. After all they paid to have the white house lite up that the idiot leader of their thought it was: So cool...

It's that Fascist thing with them: Don't do as I do, do as I SAY. paint the cross walks, that's just damn unbelievable.

actually----I agree with your regarding the rain-bow light up of the white house----
the big jerk should not have done that-----it touches the sensibilities of many
fine American people------WHO does he think he is........very bad judgement
That's the "in your face" arrogance

You need to leave Rosie alone and stop provoking her to anger.
I believe that anytime someone comes across something that belonged to the Nazis be it a flag, any other article from them it should be burned and utterly destroyed. There is no excuse for selling Nazi owned material. If it is found on the market for sale law enforcement should seize the merchandise in question and destroy it by fire. Anyone who buys and sells that type of material is totally void of any conscience whatsoever. I find it disgusting that anyone would do such a thing. As for the confederate flag? There was a war and that was the flag of the south - there were two sides to the war - that was one of the sides that fought - it would not be the equivalent of a Nazi flag in any way shape or form.

Had I seen nazi material at a flea market for sale I would have called the police and reported it too - and I also would have done my best to have them seize the material and destroy it by fire. Every trace of nazi material should be destroyed utterly. That is not memorobilia. The very suggestion that it is a something worth keeping for the memory of it - is an absolutely vile satanic idea. What a disgrace!

You are aware there's Holocaust books and others about the Nazis. That's part of history that should not be forgotten. Let it be a warning to generations to come. Getting rid of Nazi items is wrong.

I disagree with you. If a person found such an item and wanted to donate it to a Holocaust museum that is between them and God but as sure as the LORD lives I would not donate it - I'd burn it to a crisp - no matter the value. May G-d of Israel judge me ever so severely if I am not telling you the truth. It matters not if the item were worth 100 million dollars - I'd still burn it to a crisp. With no regrets. What that evil represents comes from the deepest place of hell and to hell it should return - in flames!
(Dramatic music rises)

This is not something to joke about, MG. I am not laughing. God knows my heart. I said what was in my heart. It's the truth. There is nothing else to say about it.

OT remark to you - you said on another thread that you remember as a kid not knowing if you would eat some days. When I read that it saddened me, MG. I feel very bad for you that you went through such a terrible thing. No child should have to wonder about such things. I'm very sorry for what you suffered when you were young.

I want you to consider and keep in mind that there were children who suffered starvation to the point of becoming skeletons - they were Jewish children - they were torn away from their parents who loved them dearly - they were purposely starved by very evil men who thought they were doing God a favor - such is the sickness of Catholicism - the truth is that the teaching behind it has always taught justification for killing all "heretics" - anyone not Catholic. Sick but true. It was an Inquisition against the Jews. I feel compelled to remind people of that because it is true. The Vatican would hate for people to believe it - they think they got away with it. They didn't. Some of us know what they did. I know what they did. I'm never going to forget it either. I'm NEVER GOING TO FORGET WHAT THEY DID TO THE JEWS. I'm not going to stop telling others about what they did either!!

And that is exactly right. You and I know what happened and won't forget it. There are generations behind us that need to know. Maybe they will see that swastika in a museum and ask what that was. Let them know the story, the horror and teach them to make sure that won't happen again.
I believe that anytime someone comes across something that belonged to the Nazis be it a flag, any other article from them it should be burned and utterly destroyed. There is no excuse for selling Nazi owned material. If it is found on the market for sale law enforcement should seize the merchandise in question and destroy it by fire. Anyone who buys and sells that type of material is totally void of any conscience whatsoever. I find it disgusting that anyone would do such a thing. As for the confederate flag? There was a war and that was the flag of the south - there were two sides to the war - that was one of the sides that fought - it would not be the equivalent of a Nazi flag in any way shape or form.

Had I seen nazi material at a flea market for sale I would have called the police and reported it too - and I also would have done my best to have them seize the material and destroy it by fire. Every trace of nazi material should be destroyed utterly. That is not memorobilia. The very suggestion that it is a something worth keeping for the memory of it - is an absolutely vile satanic idea. What a disgrace!

You are aware there's Holocaust books and others about the Nazis. That's part of history that should not be forgotten. Let it be a warning to generations to come. Getting rid of Nazi items is wrong.

I disagree with you. If a person found such an item and wanted to donate it to a Holocaust museum that is between them and God but as sure as the LORD lives I would not donate it - I'd burn it to a crisp - no matter the value. May G-d of Israel judge me ever so severely if I am not telling you the truth. It matters not if the item were worth 100 million dollars - I'd still burn it to a crisp. With no regrets. What that evil represents comes from the deepest place of hell and to hell it should return - in flames!

I don't look at it as emotionally as you. I see it as a lesson that should be learned about evil. Don't destroy it...allow others to learn about what happened so it may not happen again.

I'm not emotional. I'm merely doing exactly what I know G-d of Israel would expect me to do with it. Destroy it by fire!

Jackson, what does the Bible say should be done with items that are of the occult / items that are identified as evil? Does the Bible not say that those things should be burned by fire and the cost of them not even taken into consideration? Yes. Anything evil such as nazi material should be burned and destroyed by fire.
There is a stink going on around here over the Pride parade thing, they want to paint the crosswalks in rainbow and people are screaming not on public/government property. Of course the homos don't see the hypocrisy of it all

well of course. they Believe they can do whatever the hell they want. After all they paid to have the white house lite up that the idiot leader of their thought it was: So cool...

It's that Fascist thing with them: Don't do as I do, do as I SAY. paint the cross walks, that's just damn unbelievable.

actually----I agree with your regarding the rain-bow light up of the white house----
the big jerk should not have done that-----it touches the sensibilities of many
fine American people------WHO does he think he is........very bad judgement
That's the "in your face" arrogance

You need to leave Rosie alone and stop provoking her to anger.
I believe that anytime someone comes across something that belonged to the Nazis be it a flag, any other article from them it should be burned and utterly destroyed. There is no excuse for selling Nazi owned material. If it is found on the market for sale law enforcement should seize the merchandise in question and destroy it by fire. Anyone who buys and sells that type of material is totally void of any conscience whatsoever. I find it disgusting that anyone would do such a thing. As for the confederate flag? There was a war and that was the flag of the south - there were two sides to the war - that was one of the sides that fought - it would not be the equivalent of a Nazi flag in any way shape or form.

Had I seen nazi material at a flea market for sale I would have called the police and reported it too - and I also would have done my best to have them seize the material and destroy it by fire. Every trace of nazi material should be destroyed utterly. That is not memorobilia. The very suggestion that it is a something worth keeping for the memory of it - is an absolutely vile satanic idea. What a disgrace!

You are aware there's Holocaust books and others about the Nazis. That's part of history that should not be forgotten. Let it be a warning to generations to come. Getting rid of Nazi items is wrong.

I disagree with you. If a person found such an item and wanted to donate it to a Holocaust museum that is between them and God but as sure as the LORD lives I would not donate it - I'd burn it to a crisp - no matter the value. May G-d of Israel judge me ever so severely if I am not telling you the truth. It matters not if the item were worth 100 million dollars - I'd still burn it to a crisp. With no regrets. What that evil represents comes from the deepest place of hell and to hell it should return - in flames!
(Dramatic music rises)

This is not something to joke about, MG. I am not laughing. God knows my heart. I said what was in my heart. It's the truth. There is nothing else to say about it.

OT remark to you - you said on another thread that you remember as a kid not knowing if you would eat some days. When I read that it saddened me, MG. I feel very bad for you that you went through such a terrible thing. No child should have to wonder about such things. I'm very sorry for what you suffered when you were young.

I want you to consider and keep in mind that there were children who suffered starvation to the point of becoming skeletons - they were Jewish children - they were torn away from their parents who loved them dearly - they were purposely starved by very evil men who thought they were doing God a favor - such is the sickness of Catholicism - the truth is that the teaching behind it has always taught justification for killing all "heretics" - anyone not Catholic. Sick but true. It was an Inquisition against the Jews. I feel compelled to remind people of that because it is true. The Vatican would hate for people to believe it - they think they got away with it. They didn't. Some of us know what they did. I know what they did. I'm never going to forget it either. I'm NEVER GOING TO FORGET WHAT THEY DID TO THE JEWS. I'm not going to stop telling others about what they did either!!
Whoa honey, no need to bleed...

I feel sorry for you. Your heart is like a stone.
There is a stink going on around here over the Pride parade thing, they want to paint the crosswalks in rainbow and people are screaming not on public/government property. Of course the homos don't see the hypocrisy of it all

well of course. they Believe they can do whatever the hell they want. After all they paid to have the white house lite up that the idiot leader of their thought it was: So cool...

It's that Fascist thing with them: Don't do as I do, do as I SAY. paint the cross walks, that's just damn unbelievable.

actually----I agree with your regarding the rain-bow light up of the white house----
the big jerk should not have done that-----it touches the sensibilities of many
fine American people------WHO does he think he is........very bad judgement
That's the "in your face" arrogance

You need to leave Rosie alone and stop provoking her to anger.
I believe that anytime someone comes across something that belonged to the Nazis be it a flag, any other article from them it should be burned and utterly destroyed. There is no excuse for selling Nazi owned material. If it is found on the market for sale law enforcement should seize the merchandise in question and destroy it by fire. Anyone who buys and sells that type of material is totally void of any conscience whatsoever. I find it disgusting that anyone would do such a thing. As for the confederate flag? There was a war and that was the flag of the south - there were two sides to the war - that was one of the sides that fought - it would not be the equivalent of a Nazi flag in any way shape or form.

Had I seen nazi material at a flea market for sale I would have called the police and reported it too - and I also would have done my best to have them seize the material and destroy it by fire. Every trace of nazi material should be destroyed utterly. That is not memorobilia. The very suggestion that it is a something worth keeping for the memory of it - is an absolutely vile satanic idea. What a disgrace!

You are aware there's Holocaust books and others about the Nazis. That's part of history that should not be forgotten. Let it be a warning to generations to come. Getting rid of Nazi items is wrong.

I disagree with you. If a person found such an item and wanted to donate it to a Holocaust museum that is between them and God but as sure as the LORD lives I would not donate it - I'd burn it to a crisp - no matter the value. May G-d of Israel judge me ever so severely if I am not telling you the truth. It matters not if the item were worth 100 million dollars - I'd still burn it to a crisp. With no regrets. What that evil represents comes from the deepest place of hell and to hell it should return - in flames!
(Dramatic music rises)

This is not something to joke about, MG. I am not laughing. God knows my heart. I said what was in my heart. It's the truth. There is nothing else to say about it.

OT remark to you - you said on another thread that you remember as a kid not knowing if you would eat some days. When I read that it saddened me, MG. I feel very bad for you that you went through such a terrible thing. No child should have to wonder about such things. I'm very sorry for what you suffered when you were young.

I want you to consider and keep in mind that there were children who suffered starvation to the point of becoming skeletons - they were Jewish children - they were torn away from their parents who loved them dearly - they were purposely starved by very evil men who thought they were doing God a favor - such is the sickness of Catholicism - the truth is that the teaching behind it has always taught justification for killing all "heretics" - anyone not Catholic. Sick but true. It was an Inquisition against the Jews. I feel compelled to remind people of that because it is true. The Vatican would hate for people to believe it - they think they got away with it. They didn't. Some of us know what they did. I know what they did. I'm never going to forget it either. I'm NEVER GOING TO FORGET WHAT THEY DID TO THE JEWS. I'm not going to stop telling others about what they did either!!

And that is exactly right. You and I know what happened and won't forget it. There are generations behind us that need to know. Maybe they will see that swastika in a museum and ask what that was. Let them know the story, the horror and teach them to make sure that won't happen again.

I believe what they have is most likely sufficient to get the message across to the people, Jackson. What this discussion is about is the fact that it is being bought and sold and people are doing this for filthy lucre. It's despicable and should be outlawed. Those dealing in it should be arrested and thrown in jail.
well of course. they Believe they can do whatever the hell they want. After all they paid to have the white house lite up that the idiot leader of their thought it was: So cool...

It's that Fascist thing with them: Don't do as I do, do as I SAY. paint the cross walks, that's just damn unbelievable.

actually----I agree with your regarding the rain-bow light up of the white house----
the big jerk should not have done that-----it touches the sensibilities of many
fine American people------WHO does he think he is........very bad judgement
That's the "in your face" arrogance

You need to leave Rosie alone and stop provoking her to anger.
You are aware there's Holocaust books and others about the Nazis. That's part of history that should not be forgotten. Let it be a warning to generations to come. Getting rid of Nazi items is wrong.

I disagree with you. If a person found such an item and wanted to donate it to a Holocaust museum that is between them and God but as sure as the LORD lives I would not donate it - I'd burn it to a crisp - no matter the value. May G-d of Israel judge me ever so severely if I am not telling you the truth. It matters not if the item were worth 100 million dollars - I'd still burn it to a crisp. With no regrets. What that evil represents comes from the deepest place of hell and to hell it should return - in flames!
(Dramatic music rises)

This is not something to joke about, MG. I am not laughing. God knows my heart. I said what was in my heart. It's the truth. There is nothing else to say about it.

OT remark to you - you said on another thread that you remember as a kid not knowing if you would eat some days. When I read that it saddened me, MG. I feel very bad for you that you went through such a terrible thing. No child should have to wonder about such things. I'm very sorry for what you suffered when you were young.

I want you to consider and keep in mind that there were children who suffered starvation to the point of becoming skeletons - they were Jewish children - they were torn away from their parents who loved them dearly - they were purposely starved by very evil men who thought they were doing God a favor - such is the sickness of Catholicism - the truth is that the teaching behind it has always taught justification for killing all "heretics" - anyone not Catholic. Sick but true. It was an Inquisition against the Jews. I feel compelled to remind people of that because it is true. The Vatican would hate for people to believe it - they think they got away with it. They didn't. Some of us know what they did. I know what they did. I'm never going to forget it either. I'm NEVER GOING TO FORGET WHAT THEY DID TO THE JEWS. I'm not going to stop telling others about what they did either!!

And that is exactly right. You and I know what happened and won't forget it. There are generations behind us that need to know. Maybe they will see that swastika in a museum and ask what that was. Let them know the story, the horror and teach them to make sure that won't happen again.

I believe what they have is most likely sufficient to get the message across to the people, Jackson. What this discussion is about is the fact that it is being bought and sold and people are doing this for filthy lucre. It's despicable and should be outlawed. Those dealing in it should be arrested and thrown in jail.
What you are recommending is totalitarianism. Now, if you recall, religion is and was not well received under those governments. Communist Russia (USSR) Nazi Germany, Commie China..etc… You would be in quite a deep shit trying to practice your religion if your wish came
through banning things and throwing people in jail selling things what you do not like.
well of course. they Believe they can do whatever the hell they want. After all they paid to have the white house lite up that the idiot leader of their thought it was: So cool...

It's that Fascist thing with them: Don't do as I do, do as I SAY. paint the cross walks, that's just damn unbelievable.

actually----I agree with your regarding the rain-bow light up of the white house----
the big jerk should not have done that-----it touches the sensibilities of many
fine American people------WHO does he think he is........very bad judgement
That's the "in your face" arrogance

You need to leave Rosie alone and stop provoking her to anger.
You are aware there's Holocaust books and others about the Nazis. That's part of history that should not be forgotten. Let it be a warning to generations to come. Getting rid of Nazi items is wrong.

I disagree with you. If a person found such an item and wanted to donate it to a Holocaust museum that is between them and God but as sure as the LORD lives I would not donate it - I'd burn it to a crisp - no matter the value. May G-d of Israel judge me ever so severely if I am not telling you the truth. It matters not if the item were worth 100 million dollars - I'd still burn it to a crisp. With no regrets. What that evil represents comes from the deepest place of hell and to hell it should return - in flames!
(Dramatic music rises)

This is not something to joke about, MG. I am not laughing. God knows my heart. I said what was in my heart. It's the truth. There is nothing else to say about it.

OT remark to you - you said on another thread that you remember as a kid not knowing if you would eat some days. When I read that it saddened me, MG. I feel very bad for you that you went through such a terrible thing. No child should have to wonder about such things. I'm very sorry for what you suffered when you were young.

I want you to consider and keep in mind that there were children who suffered starvation to the point of becoming skeletons - they were Jewish children - they were torn away from their parents who loved them dearly - they were purposely starved by very evil men who thought they were doing God a favor - such is the sickness of Catholicism - the truth is that the teaching behind it has always taught justification for killing all "heretics" - anyone not Catholic. Sick but true. It was an Inquisition against the Jews. I feel compelled to remind people of that because it is true. The Vatican would hate for people to believe it - they think they got away with it. They didn't. Some of us know what they did. I know what they did. I'm never going to forget it either. I'm NEVER GOING TO FORGET WHAT THEY DID TO THE JEWS. I'm not going to stop telling others about what they did either!!

And that is exactly right. You and I know what happened and won't forget it. There are generations behind us that need to know. Maybe they will see that swastika in a museum and ask what that was. Let them know the story, the horror and teach them to make sure that won't happen again.

I believe what they have is most likely sufficient to get the message across to the people, Jackson. What this discussion is about is the fact that it is being bought and sold and people are doing this for filthy lucre. It's despicable and should be outlawed. Those dealing in it should be arrested and thrown in jail.

Don't you see what you are doing and saying is against the law? If historians buy and sell Nazi icons, it is their right. I don't see the objection except that it was a terribly sad time in our history. I wouldn't have it in my house, but I am not going to condemn someone else for going against my standards.

You, I assume feel the same way about Buddha and Muslim icons. If they want those idols, it is their legal right but I wouldn't have them.
Nazi material should be outlawed and banned. When found it should be destroyed by fire. I am not recommending totalitarianism. I am recommending a return to good conscience, obeying the Word of God and showing good will towards our Jewish community by banishing once and for all anything that glorifies the wicked and faithful son of the Roman Catholic church - Hitler and his evil Catholic regime - the Nazis! You didn't go through what they went through so you obviously do not understand the seriousness of this - not to mention how God Almighty sees it! It's an abomination in His sight to see people trading in such evil - this is the very evil that murdered 6 1/2 of His people! And people want the right to collect it and put it on their wall like a trophy? It is utterly sick and demented!! For you not to see how demented it is - is a sign of your own conscience being in need of help.
After reading Rosie's explanation on the confederate flag I feel compelled to agree with her. (I'm changing my mind from my former position on it being a southern flag) It does represent something that is very hurtful to the African American people in America and therein - it should be banned too.
actually----I agree with your regarding the rain-bow light up of the white house----
the big jerk should not have done that-----it touches the sensibilities of many
fine American people------WHO does he think he is........very bad judgement
That's the "in your face" arrogance

You need to leave Rosie alone and stop provoking her to anger.
I disagree with you. If a person found such an item and wanted to donate it to a Holocaust museum that is between them and God but as sure as the LORD lives I would not donate it - I'd burn it to a crisp - no matter the value. May G-d of Israel judge me ever so severely if I am not telling you the truth. It matters not if the item were worth 100 million dollars - I'd still burn it to a crisp. With no regrets. What that evil represents comes from the deepest place of hell and to hell it should return - in flames!
(Dramatic music rises)

This is not something to joke about, MG. I am not laughing. God knows my heart. I said what was in my heart. It's the truth. There is nothing else to say about it.

OT remark to you - you said on another thread that you remember as a kid not knowing if you would eat some days. When I read that it saddened me, MG. I feel very bad for you that you went through such a terrible thing. No child should have to wonder about such things. I'm very sorry for what you suffered when you were young.

I want you to consider and keep in mind that there were children who suffered starvation to the point of becoming skeletons - they were Jewish children - they were torn away from their parents who loved them dearly - they were purposely starved by very evil men who thought they were doing God a favor - such is the sickness of Catholicism - the truth is that the teaching behind it has always taught justification for killing all "heretics" - anyone not Catholic. Sick but true. It was an Inquisition against the Jews. I feel compelled to remind people of that because it is true. The Vatican would hate for people to believe it - they think they got away with it. They didn't. Some of us know what they did. I know what they did. I'm never going to forget it either. I'm NEVER GOING TO FORGET WHAT THEY DID TO THE JEWS. I'm not going to stop telling others about what they did either!!

And that is exactly right. You and I know what happened and won't forget it. There are generations behind us that need to know. Maybe they will see that swastika in a museum and ask what that was. Let them know the story, the horror and teach them to make sure that won't happen again.

I believe what they have is most likely sufficient to get the message across to the people, Jackson. What this discussion is about is the fact that it is being bought and sold and people are doing this for filthy lucre. It's despicable and should be outlawed. Those dealing in it should be arrested and thrown in jail.

Don't you see what you are doing and saying is against the law? If historians buy and sell Nazi icons, it is their right. I don't see the objection except that it was a terribly sad time in our history. I wouldn't have it in my house, but I am not going to condemn someone else for going against my standards.

You, I assume feel the same way about Buddha and Muslim icons. If they want those idols, it is their legal right but I wouldn't have them.

This is about Nazism and I disagree with you, Jackson. Historians do not have the right to own such items or trade in them. Absolutely not. It should all be destroyed. If they were to become Christians? They would have to destroy it by fire - they could not sell it - they would have to destroy it. Because the Holy Spirit would tell them to destroy it by fire.

If you doubt it, why not ask the LORD about it? He will tell you!
You find unexpected things in unexpected places. My uncle recently had the tanks for his cutting torch refilled--rather than filling his, the company simply took them and delivered full tanks. The acetylene tank was made in the mid-80's, and is unremarkable except that it seems to have been delivered originally to the Coast Guard. The oxygen tank is much older, with dozens of inspection marks on it, some dating to the 1920's. (Looks to have been made in 1922, probably for Union Carbide.) Included in the marks are a "USN" stamp from 1952, another Navy stamp from 1970...and a German stamp from 1937 that includes a swastika.
Nazi material should be outlawed and banned. When found it should be destroyed by fire. I am not recommending totalitarianism. I am recommending a return to good conscience, obeying the Word of God and showing good will towards our Jewish community by banishing once and for all anything that glorifies the wicked and faithful son of the Roman Catholic church - Hitler and his evil Catholic regime - the Nazis! You didn't go through what they went through so you obviously do not understand the seriousness of this - not to mention how God Almighty sees it! It's an abomination in His sight to see people trading in such evil - this is the very evil that murdered 6 1/2 of His people! And people want the right to collect it and put it on their wall like a trophy? It is utterly sick and demented!! For you not to see how demented it is - is a sign of your own conscience being in need of help.

The fact that I have a differing opinion does not reflect my own conscience being in need of help. I will let God make judgments.
Nazi material should be outlawed and banned. When found it should be destroyed by fire. I am not recommending totalitarianism.

Yes, you are. The two sentences about are contradictory.

Then you are accusing God of being a totalitarian because His Word tells us to destroy items that are of the occult - items that are evil and Nazi material falls under that category. God is not politically correct. You can get that out of your head right now. His ways are higher than our ways.

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