Wallingford police called after Nazi, Confederate merchandise found at flea market

Nazi material should be outlawed and banned. When found it should be destroyed by fire. I am not recommending totalitarianism. I am recommending a return to good conscience, obeying the Word of God and showing good will towards our Jewish community by banishing once and for all anything that glorifies the wicked and faithful son of the Roman Catholic church - Hitler and his evil Catholic regime - the Nazis! You didn't go through what they went through so you obviously do not understand the seriousness of this - not to mention how God Almighty sees it! It's an abomination in His sight to see people trading in such evil - this is the very evil that murdered 6 1/2 of His people! And people want the right to collect it and put it on their wall like a trophy? It is utterly sick and demented!! For you not to see how demented it is - is a sign of your own conscience being in need of help.
You got it wrong. Hitler persecuted the Catholic Church. Germany had higher percentage of Protestants than Catholics.
You find unexpected things in unexpected places. My uncle recently had the tanks for his cutting torch refilled--rather than filling his, the company simply took them and delivered full tanks. The acetylene tank was made in the mid-80's, and is unremarkable except that it seems to have been delivered originally to the Coast Guard. The oxygen tank is much older, with dozens of inspection marks on it, some dating to the 1920's. (Looks to have been made in 1922, probably for Union Carbide.) Included in the marks are a "USN" stamp from 1952, another Navy stamp from 1970...and a German stamp from 1937 that includes a swastika.
You will be reported to the PC Police…
simple decency------when did you give it up? to lots of people those flags
represent enslavement

But too me it represents heritage and pride. I don't care how others feel about it. You see I have my rights also and I fully intend to use and express them.

heritage of enslavement and raping little girls? for southern pride---how about biscuits and gravy? -------catfish dredged in corn meal?---------uhm...... saying
YA'ALL ----and----oh I know----SWEET TEA. A story----my son was in the navy and somehow he became the sorta "guide" for his mates when they were ashore in foreign lands. He knew nothing more than they did----but---well----he is a yankee. The poor southern kids actually seem to believe that everyone understands "southern" --------they would ask for "sweet tea" in paris cafes-----in
a restaurant in Italy one insisted on SPAGHETTI AL FREDO----and could not be convinced that the Italian waiter did not know what he was talking about

I'm a "Yankee" but I understand why the Civil War happened and I understand that flag has meaning other than you idiots and your "it's RACIST". Grow up

no doubt it has MANY meanings-----just as the HAMMER AND SICKLE banners have many meanings and just as the Nazi SWASTIKA has many meanings----but to lots of people all of them have very very very negative and hurtful meanings.
You want one of them hanging on your house-----fine with me------I would spit but I would not call the cops or tear the rag down or attend your ROBERT E. LEE birthday party

The mistake of your life would be to spit on anything I own

Oooooooh! Internet tough bitch!!
I fly my confederate flag in protest and dare anyone to try and bring it down.

I'll win goes without saying

and notice she had NO objections with it being flown on OUR white house. figures they are all two faced hypocrites going on over the Confederate flag

There is a stink going on around here over the Pride parade thing, they want to paint the crosswalks in rainbow and people are screaming not on public/government property. Of course the homos don't see the hypocrisy of it all

well of course. they Believe they can do whatever the hell they want. After all they paid to have the white house lite up that the idiot leader of their thought it was: So cool...

It's that Fascist thing with them: Don't do as I do, do as I SAY. paint the cross walks, that's just damn unbelievable.

actually----I agree with your regarding the rain-bow light up of the white house----
the big jerk should not have done that-----it touches the sensibilities of many
fine American people------WHO does he think he is........very bad judgement
He used OUR house, the PEOPLE'S house, for his own radical agenda, and lit it up like a CHEAP FAGOOT BILLBOARD.

The amount of DISGRACE this America hating little kenyan turd has heaped on America just keeps piling up.
Go change your tampon, Pole Rider. You're suffering from toxic shock syndrome
Better get your festering herpes blisters around cock sucking hole checked, Jiffy Erectile Dysfunction, your butt hurt is reaching epic proportions.
I fly my confederate flag in protest and dare anyone to try and bring it down.

I'll win goes without saying


Doubt it.

That I fly my flag? Why do you doubt that?


Prove it. Go outside, take a picture of it with the front page from today's morning paper visible...and post the pic here. It shouldn't take you more than a minute or two. I'll wait.

Ah, I see you're still the hall monitor in the 3rd grade.

Why don't you go outside then


I fly my confederate flag in protest and dare anyone to try and bring it down.

I'll win goes without saying


Doubt it.

That I fly my flag? Why do you doubt that?


Prove it. Go outside, take a picture of it with the front page from today's morning paper visible...and post the pic here. It shouldn't take you more than a minute or two. I'll wait.

Ah, I see you're still the hall monitor in the 3rd grade.

Why don't you go outside then



So many of you nutters are casual liars.
I fly my confederate flag in protest and dare anyone to try and bring it down.

I'll win goes without saying


Doubt it.

That I fly my flag? Why do you doubt that?


Prove it. Go outside, take a picture of it with the front page from today's morning paper visible...and post the pic here. It shouldn't take you more than a minute or two. I'll wait.

Ah, I see you're still the hall monitor in the 3rd grade.

Why don't you go outside then



So many of you nutters are casual liars.

You lie calling others liars

So there...

I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.

No,you didn't.
Oh, tell me you didn't say that! That is exactly what my 14 yr. old grandson says. I could say I went to the store today and he would say "No, you didn't!

How in the hell would you know what SIL did or didn't do?

Your posts have always been askewed and now I know why. Arrested adolescent development. Your mind got stuck in the teen years! That's what's wrong with you!
Doubt it.

That I fly my flag? Why do you doubt that?


Prove it. Go outside, take a picture of it with the front page from today's morning paper visible...and post the pic here. It shouldn't take you more than a minute or two. I'll wait.

Ah, I see you're still the hall monitor in the 3rd grade.

Why don't you go outside then



So many of you nutters are casual liars.

You lie calling others liars

So there...

… he is just projecting.
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.

No,you didn't.
Oh, tell me you didn't say that! That is exactly what my 14 yr. old grandson says. I could say I went to the store today and he would say "No, you didn't!

How in the hell would you know what SIL did or didn't do?

Your posts have always been askewed and now I know why. Arrested adolescent development. Your mind got stuck in the teen years! That's what's wrong with you!

He has a clown avatar, one of the dregs of this forum. I can see them messaging each other, "hey let's be a club and we will all get clown avatars!!!"..."should we elect a president and have a secret password?" AHAHAHAHAHA Childish little assholes
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.

No,you didn't.
Oh, tell me you didn't say that! That is exactly what my 14 yr. old grandson says. I could say I went to the store today and he would say "No, you didn't!

How in the hell would you know what SIL did or didn't do?

Your posts have always been askewed and now I know why. Arrested adolescent development. Your mind got stuck in the teen years! That's what's wrong with you!

Call it a hunch. This particular nutter lies very often. Have you been paying attention?
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.

No,you didn't.
Oh, tell me you didn't say that! That is exactly what my 14 yr. old grandson says. I could say I went to the store today and he would say "No, you didn't!

How in the hell would you know what SIL did or didn't do?

Your posts have always been askewed and now I know why. Arrested adolescent development. Your mind got stuck in the teen years! That's what's wrong with you!

He has a clown avatar, one of the dregs of this forum. I can see them messaging each other, "hey let's be a club and we will all get clown avatars!!!"..."should we elect a president and have a secret password?" AHAHAHAHAHA Childish little assholes

You seem upset. How's the high level economics symposium going? Have you managed to traverse Route Irish yet?
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.

No,you didn't.
Oh, tell me you didn't say that! That is exactly what my 14 yr. old grandson says. I could say I went to the store today and he would say "No, you didn't!

How in the hell would you know what SIL did or didn't do?

Your posts have always been askewed and now I know why. Arrested adolescent development. Your mind got stuck in the teen years! That's what's wrong with you!

He has a clown avatar, one of the dregs of this forum. I can see them messaging each other, "hey let's be a club and we will all get clown avatars!!!"..."should we elect a president and have a secret password?" AHAHAHAHAHA Childish little assholes
Yes, what truth lies behind those avatars. They are all clowns without a mature thought among them. It's amazing they all advertise what dunces they are.
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.

No,you didn't.
Oh, tell me you didn't say that! That is exactly what my 14 yr. old grandson says. I could say I went to the store today and he would say "No, you didn't!

How in the hell would you know what SIL did or didn't do?

Your posts have always been askewed and now I know why. Arrested adolescent development. Your mind got stuck in the teen years! That's what's wrong with you!

Call it a hunch. This particular nutter lies very often. Have you been paying attention?

Grow up.

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