Wallingford police called after Nazi, Confederate merchandise found at flea market

Yep, they sure do...

really? it seems to me that the issue is the PUBLIC DISPLAY of your support of chattel slavery-------not a flag in a box in your basement
What the fuck are you talking about you condescending Harpy? Where did I ever support any kind of slavery? Chattel or not. There were slaves owned by the communists (not chattel slaves) but they called them "citizens" and that's what you prefer. Enslave everybody to the ruling class (party) you would be a part of asa commissar….. naturally.

try again cock sucking pimp-----I would have the same comments for a dog who decided to display a HAMMER AND SICKLE flag over his house as I would have for a dog like you with a confederate slave owner flag over his house. You can to the white thing with the big red dot on it--------another expression of your filth
I recommend you to go as a Harpy and find Priapus, your mouth will be full for quite a while and and you won't be able to spew unfounded fucking accusations. I see that you prefer using the word "dog" what is derogatory to infidels and did not use the word "goyim" what is the description of gentiles. Research the ERA of American slavery to see that it was not uniquely an American phenomenon but was an accepted institution word wide. ( am not endorsing slavery with what I am talking about, those are facts you revisionist communist) Don't try to say that slavery was designed in the South part of the USA, what later became known for 4 years as the Confederacy, by Southerners for the purposed to establish an ideology of racism.

you post like your fellow fascists re-write history. ----a whole list of
"don't try to tell me" s----------implying that I did so try-----you filthy liar
:popcorn: ...go on...
It never happened.. wrong color…. Just like slavery, including white slavery world wide in the 1800s never happened. It happened only here when Confederates dispatched ships to Africa to capture black people and bring them back here as slaves. While Confederate ships with the Confederate Battle flags hoisted on their masts were en route they came up with the evil scheme of racism. That's how it was, just ask any of the revisionist grave diggers who desecrate final resting places and introduce censorship.

you just jumped into the DEEP END--------do you know how to swim?
That story is just as true as the one grave desecrators are telling about Confederates were the only slave holders in the world in the 1800s.

what story----slavery still exists in the world------you southerners never had a monopoly
You would be surprised to know that I have no Southern ancestry going back from the present to the known history of mankind. It comes down to right and wrong. Slavery is and was wrong but it does not mean that historical artifacts and monuments, including digging up and desecrating graves, should be destroyed because some don't like it. It its wrong. (ISIS doesn't like historical artifacts and buildings which are not agreeing with its belief and systematically destroys them, communists destroyed them in Russia, China, Cuba, Viet Nam and in the former Communist Block, Hitler destroyed them starting with burning books)

People are digging up graves in the USA? where?-----taking a flag down and putting it in the closet is not the same as bombing ancient Buddhist art
Nathan Bedford Forrest>>>Confederate General>>>>Memphis, Tennessee
Stephanie------you have something against the RAINBOW? The rainbow is a symbol of the bible------it marked the end of the great flood that ended evil ON EARTH------sorta ------the rainbow and the white dove------HOLY SYMBOLS---
in the bible ----the olive branch too----the little white dove came to Noah with an olive branch in its cute little beak------such a touching story-----I always liked it

The homos hijacked the rainbow. God has a face palm

and notice she had NO objections with it being flown on OUR white house. figures they are all two faced hypocrites going on over the Confederate flag

There is a stink going on around here over the Pride parade thing, they want to paint the crosswalks in rainbow and people are screaming not on public/government property. Of course the homos don't see the hypocrisy of it all

well of course. they Believe they can do whatever the hell they want. After all they paid to have the white house lite up that the idiot leader of their thought it was: So cool...

It's that Fascist thing with them: Don't do as I do, do as I SAY. paint the cross walks, that's just damn unbelievable.

actually----I agree with your regarding the rain-bow light up of the white house----
the big jerk should not have done that-----it touches the sensibilities of many
fine American people------WHO does he think he is........very bad judgement
That's the "in your face" arrogance
Stephanie------you have something against the RAINBOW? The rainbow is a symbol of the bible------it marked the end of the great flood that ended evil ON EARTH------sorta ------the rainbow and the white dove------HOLY SYMBOLS---
in the bible ----the olive branch too----the little white dove came to Noah with an olive branch in its cute little beak------such a touching story-----I always liked it

The homos hijacked the rainbow. God has a face palm

and notice she had NO objections with it being flown on OUR white house. figures they are all two faced hypocrites going on over the Confederate flag

There is a stink going on around here over the Pride parade thing, they want to paint the crosswalks in rainbow and people are screaming not on public/government property. Of course the homos don't see the hypocrisy of it all

well of course. they Believe they can do whatever the hell they want. After all they paid to have the white house lite up that the idiot leader of their thought it was: So cool...

It's that Fascist thing with them: Don't do as I do, do as I SAY. paint the cross walks, that's just damn unbelievable.

actually----I agree with your regarding the rain-bow light up of the white house----
the big jerk should not have done that-----it touches the sensibilities of many
fine American people------WHO does he think he is........very bad judgement
He used OUR house, the PEOPLE'S house, for his own radical agenda, and lit it up like a CHEAP FAGOOT BILLBOARD.

The amount of DISGRACE this America hating little kenyan turd has heaped on America just keeps piling up.
The homos hijacked the rainbow. God has a face palm

and notice she had NO objections with it being flown on OUR white house. figures they are all two faced hypocrites going on over the Confederate flag

There is a stink going on around here over the Pride parade thing, they want to paint the crosswalks in rainbow and people are screaming not on public/government property. Of course the homos don't see the hypocrisy of it all

well of course. they Believe they can do whatever the hell they want. After all they paid to have the white house lite up that the idiot leader of their thought it was: So cool...

It's that Fascist thing with them: Don't do as I do, do as I SAY. paint the cross walks, that's just damn unbelievable.

actually----I agree with your regarding the rain-bow light up of the white house----
the big jerk should not have done that-----it touches the sensibilities of many
fine American people------WHO does he think he is........very bad judgement
He used OUR house, the PEOPLE'S house, for his own radical agenda, and lit it up like a CHEAP FAGOOT BILLBOARD.

The amount of DISGRACE this America hating little kenyan turd has heaped on America just keeps piling up.

I kinda did not like it either-----I was offended. think of the ELECTRIC BILL
What a fag...

I was soooooo offended... BooWhooo.... Where and the world do these idots come from, and who should be slapped for raising them?


shopper perusing the merchandise at the Redwood Country Flea Market was so offended by a vendor selling Confederate and Nazi historical memorabilia, the person actually called 911.

Wallingford, Connecticut police were dispatched to the flea market to investigate.

Confederate memorabilia. (Example)

The police chief William Wright tells News 8 “the reason no one was arrested was because the items were being sold on private property” — not to mention no laws were broken.

“There was a table set up with this material,” Wright says, according to Journal-Record. “It’s not criminally illegal, but obviously it offended this person. It causes some people a sense of being uncomfortable. Certainly the owner could preclude this merchandise.”

The town resident who called 911 said there were helmets with swastikas, images of Hitler and other historical Nazi items.

“I was shaking and almost vomiting,” he tells the paper. “I had to run. My grandmother had numbers,” referring to the digits the Nazis would tattoo on prisoners.

The caller complained that the Confederate items were “not authentic” and were replicas of flags and weapons.

He says the seller told him “he was selling so much he can’t keep it in stock.”

Offended flea market shopper calls 911 over Confederate merchandise The American Mirror
I went to an online store to get my flag. They are sold out. The demand is so great that the manufacturers are out of cloth.
When you elect a community organizer Prez, activist wannabes' sprout up like weeds.
This has nothing to do with Obama. Stop trying to blame him for some whiner overreacting and abusing the 911 system
The homos hijacked the rainbow. God has a face palm

and notice she had NO objections with it being flown on OUR white house. figures they are all two faced hypocrites going on over the Confederate flag

There is a stink going on around here over the Pride parade thing, they want to paint the crosswalks in rainbow and people are screaming not on public/government property. Of course the homos don't see the hypocrisy of it all

well of course. they Believe they can do whatever the hell they want. After all they paid to have the white house lite up that the idiot leader of their thought it was: So cool...

It's that Fascist thing with them: Don't do as I do, do as I SAY. paint the cross walks, that's just damn unbelievable.

actually----I agree with your regarding the rain-bow light up of the white house----
the big jerk should not have done that-----it touches the sensibilities of many
fine American people------WHO does he think he is........very bad judgement
He used OUR house, the PEOPLE'S house, for his own radical agenda, and lit it up like a CHEAP FAGOOT BILLBOARD.

The amount of DISGRACE this America hating little kenyan turd has heaped on America just keeps piling up.
Go change your tampon, Pole Rider. You're suffering from toxic shock syndrome
So now we have liberals "almost vomiting" at the mere sight of Nazi and Confederate shit at a flea market.

God forbid they ever have to actually fight a battle against such evil haha!
The police chief William Wright tells News 8 “the reason no one was arrested was because the items were being sold on private property” — not to mention no laws were broken.

“There was a table set up with this material,” Wright says, according to Journal-Record. “It’s not criminally illegal, but obviously it offended this person. It causes some people a sense of being uncomfortable. Certainly the owner could preclude this merchandise.”
Having concluded and announced that no laws were broken, this police official exceeded his purpose by recommending the dealer "preclude" the merchandise he was selling. My recommendation is that supervisory cop should mind his business (in the most literal sense) and not publicly decide what citizens should or should not be selling or buying via lawful commerce.

The town resident who called 911 said there were helmets with swastikas, images of Hitler and other historical Nazi items.

“I was shaking and almost vomiting,” he tells the paper. “I had to run. My grandmother had numbers,” referring to the digits the Nazis would tattoo on prisoners.
This hyper-affected, histrionic schmuck is a familiar character and all have the same story about some relative who survived the Holocaust. Most of them are full of shit and enjoy feeling pitied (The Holocaust Industry, by Norman Finkelstein).
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So now we have liberals "almost vomiting" at the mere sight of Nazi and Confederate shit at a flea market.

God forbid they ever have to actually fight a battle against such evil haha!

this country has went completely Twilight Zone since OBama was put in to be the GREAT UNITER.

it's become more sick and the people have even become Scary to live with. my gawd this was so over the top DUMP
The police chief William Wright tells News 8 “the reason no one was arrested was because the items were being sold on private property” — not to mention no laws were broken.

“There was a table set up with this material,” Wright says, according to Journal-Record. “It’s not criminally illegal, but obviously it offended this person. It causes some people a sense of being uncomfortable. Certainly the owner could preclude this merchandise.”
Having concluded and announced that no laws were broken, this police official exceeded his purpose by recommending the dealer "preclude" the merchandise he was selling. My recommendation is that supervisory cop should mind his business (in the most literal sense) and not publicly decide what citizens should or should not be selling or buying via lawful commerce.

The town resident who called 911 said there were helmets with swastikas, images of Hitler and other historical Nazi items.

“I was shaking and almost vomiting,” he tells the paper. “I had to run. My grandmother had numbers,” referring to the digits the Nazis would tattoo on prisoners.
This hyper-affected, histrionic schmuck is a familiar character and all have the same story about some relative who survived the Holocaust. Most of them are full of shit and enjoy feeling pitied (The Holocaust Industry, by Norman Finkelstein).

What an asshole.
A bit more detail:

An officer responded to the Redwood Flea Market on South Turnpike Road Sunday to investigate the report and found Nazi and Confederate memorabilia for sale. He told the complainant, who is Jewish, there was nothing police could do because the merchandise was on private property.

“There was a table set up with this material,” Wright said, unsure of the exact amount, but speculating several showcases. “It’s not criminally illegal, but obviously it offended this person. It causes some people a sense of being uncomfortable. Certainly the owner could preclude this merchandise.”
The complainant, a town resident, feared possible backlash and asked to remain anonymous. He told the Record-Journal that in addition to several showcases there was Nazi merchandise, including German helmets with swastikas, images of Hitler, and Jewish stars of David, in a truck.
“I was shaking and almost vomiting,” he said. “I had to run. My grandmother had numbers,” he said, referring to the Nazi system of tattooing numbers on prisoners.
He also saw Confederate items that he does not believe were authentic Civil War weapons or flags. He said the seller told him “he was selling so much he can’t keep it in stock.”

Wallingford police look into complaint about Nazi Confederate items sold at flea market MyRecordJournal.com

Had I seen nazi material at a flea market for sale I would have called the police and reported it too - and I also would have done my best to have them seize the material and destroy it by fire. Every trace of nazi material should be destroyed utterly. That is not memorobilia. The very suggestion that it is a something worth keeping for the memory of it - is an absolutely vile satanic idea. What a disgrace!

Above is a picture of Adolf Hitler's personal gold-plated firearm. It has changed hands four times since being recovered in 1945 and was last sold for $51 million. That fifty-one million dollars.

If you somehow came into possession of this pistol, what would you do with it?

Burn it to a crisp. With not a single regret.
Oh yeah-------I got bad news for you-----I GOT THE MAP OF IRELAND on my face-----the local boys would come to my aid before coming to your aid-----I just snap my fingers and paddy comes running with the boys. -----really----I grew
up in a neighborhood with LOTS of Irish kids-------and whenever someone said
"that little irish girl over there....." it was ME ------the single deficit was-----well-----I was very shy------and reticent------it just did not fit. Even the coppery streaks in my hair------the stubby nose and the freckles------did not cover up for that reticent
thing-----but I did survive
Are you drunk?

She doesn't drink.

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