Walmart Employees Getting a Raise

I had a relative who worked in management at Walmart. He told me average customers have absolutely no idea what Walmart Employees have to endure. Just dealing with the ignorant mongoloid customers alone, is enough to drive the sane completely insane. They deserve more than money. They deserve medals.

But it doesn't matter, Walmart's making their stores Ghost Towns as far as staff goes. If they do pay Employees more, you can bet they will hire less and cut hours. You'll see even less staff than you do now. I mean seriously, who can really say they get good service at Walmart? That rarely happens. And it's gonna get worse.
Walmart has been preparing for this day. It's been systematically cutting back on staffing. Customers will begin noticing it soon. Customer Service at Walmart has always been terrible, but it's gonna get even worse. That's the inside scoop i'm receiving.

So good luck finding an Employee to help ya out. Probably ain't gonna happen. What few Employees are there, are gonna have to listen to 'I wanna see a Manager!' all day long. My relative told me that's a common whine there. Poor people. I wish em all the best of luck.
This is wonderful news. I just heard all Walmart employees will now be paid $9 and next year or in the future it will be $10 hr. I may actually shop at Walmart now.

Walmart employees to get raises

Bout fucking time.

Token concession. If they kept wages tied to inflation they'd be getting like $22/hour. Something's better than nothing, but to me it's like they did a tiny increase just to make them appear better than they are.

Should give them the $15 they've been asking for. Still WAY below adjusted for inflation.

Why should they pay kids from Democrat high schools $22/hour for not being able to read or write?

Because Wal-Mart's arguably the biggest employer we have in the country, and they pay a helluva lot of taxes. Without their employees though they're nothing. So I'd rather they keep their employees on cloud 9 and go on paying those taxes benefitting the rest of us.

Plus, it's simply fair and just. Not a popular reason I understand, but I'm all about fair and just.

Same reason ford pays its employees so well. So they'll buy cars. Walmarts sales would go up if they paid better. Probably this factored in to their decision to give raises. Next year $10 hr. I can't expect more from them.
You've never taken and economics class. Wow, liberal math is funky
This is wonderful news. I just heard all Walmart employees will now be paid $9 and next year or in the future it will be $10 hr. I may actually shop at Walmart now.

Walmart employees to get raises

Bout fucking time.

Token concession. If they kept wages tied to inflation they'd be getting like $22/hour. Something's better than nothing, but to me it's like they did a tiny increase just to make them appear better than they are.

Should give them the $15 they've been asking for. Still WAY below adjusted for inflation.

Why should they pay kids from Democrat high schools $22/hour for not being able to read or write?

Because Wal-Mart's arguably the biggest employer we have in the country, and they pay a helluva lot of taxes. Without their employees though they're nothing. So I'd rather they keep their employees on cloud 9 and go on paying those taxes benefitting the rest of us.

Plus, it's simply fair and just. Not a popular reason I understand, but I'm all about fair and just.

Same reason ford pays its employees so well. So they'll buy cars. Walmarts sales would go up if they paid better. Probably this factored in to their decision to give raises. Next year $10 hr. I can't expect more from them.
You've never taken and economics class. Wow, liberal math is funky
True. Hillary and San Fran Nan says giving all those illegals welfare and food stamps will put more money into the economy. That's an example of liberal math.
This is wonderful news. I just heard all Walmart employees will now be paid $9 and next year or in the future it will be $10 hr. I may actually shop at Walmart now.

Walmart employees to get raises

Bout fucking time.

Token concession. If they kept wages tied to inflation they'd be getting like $22/hour. Something's better than nothing, but to me it's like they did a tiny increase just to make them appear better than they are.

Should give them the $15 they've been asking for. Still WAY below adjusted for inflation.

What makes you pick $15 an hour as the hurdle that people not worth that should not be employed?
My wife has worked for Wally World since 2010 and is making 9 an hour now, so no raise for older employees..........
Good. Wal Mart goes under. Costco,and other chain stores that pay better wages will expand and fill the void. EVERYONE WINS!

Except for the poor that relied on Wal-Mart for cheap stuff. They lose.
No one cares? Are republicans upset workers got a raise?

I would like to see wally world shut down. They are one of the primary causes of the economic destruction of America IMO.

Yes, paying less for the same thing? Who needs that crap? It's destroying us

You fail to look at the unintended consequences of the never ending search for cheap crap. The manufacturing base of the USA has been destroyed because we can't compete with Chinese slave labor wages. Thus the manufacturers have had to move their operations overseas. Thus Americans lose high paying manufacturing jobs and must take low paying service jobs.

It's a cycle that ends with the country in question being in debt up to its ears, and unable to pay anything other than the interest on its debt.

Sound familiar?

How many Americans are sitting at home not working, on the Public Dole?

Sound familiar?
Good. Wal Mart goes under. Costco,and other chain stores that pay better wages will expand and fill the void. EVERYONE WINS!

Except for the poor that relied on Wal-Mart for cheap stuff. They lose.

Why's that? Wal Mart is the only store that sells cheap Chinese made crap? I doubt it.I compare prices at Target,K Mart and Wal Mart and don't really see a difference...I use target simply because its cleaner,quieter,and easier to get in and out of.
Good. Wal Mart goes under. Costco,and other chain stores that pay better wages will expand and fill the void. EVERYONE WINS!

Except for the poor that relied on Wal-Mart for cheap stuff. They lose.
And the people who worked there who wont have jobs anymore. But libs dont give a shit about them. "I've got mine, the rest of you motherfuckers can go shit in a hat."
No one cares? Are republicans upset workers got a raise?

I would like to see wally world shut down. They are one of the primary causes of the economic destruction of America IMO.

Yes, paying less for the same thing? Who needs that crap? It's destroying us

You fail to look at the unintended consequences of the never ending search for cheap crap. The manufacturing base of the USA has been destroyed because we can't compete with Chinese slave labor wages. Thus the manufacturers have had to move their operations overseas. Thus Americans lose high paying manufacturing jobs and must take low paying service jobs.

It's a cycle that ends with the country in question being in debt up to its ears, and unable to pay anything other than the interest on its debt.

Sound familiar?

How many Americans are sitting at home not working, on the Public Dole?

Sound familiar?

I fail to look at nothing. You fail to look at the field of economics. Your anti capitalist rantings are irrelevant. Paying less for the same thing is good for our economy. Money saved is spent or invested creating jobs. When you can explain why liberal lawyers are right and the field of economics is wrong get back to me.
Good. Wal Mart goes under. Costco,and other chain stores that pay better wages will expand and fill the void. EVERYONE WINS!

Except for the poor that relied on Wal-Mart for cheap stuff. They lose.
And the people who worked there who wont have jobs anymore. But libs dont give a shit about them. "I've got mine, the rest of you motherfuckers can go shit in a hat."

This is wonderful!!! The USMB nutters have all become champions of the nation's working poor! It's fucking beautifil!!

How long do you think they can keep it up?
You fail to look at the unintended consequences of the never ending search for cheap crap. The manufacturing base of the USA has been destroyed because we can't compete with Chinese slave labor wages. Thus the manufacturers have had to move their operations overseas. Thus Americans lose high paying manufacturing jobs and must take low paying service jobs.

It's a cycle that ends with the country in question being in debt up to its ears, and unable to pay anything other than the interest on its debt.

Sound familiar?

How many Americans are sitting at home not working, on the Public Dole?

Sound familiar?
The problem is that Americans say one thing and do another. They talk up USA made products but buy the Chinese shit for much less. So who's fault is that? The fact is it's expensive to do business here and most people don't want to carry the costs regardless of what they say. We should have even trade agreements but we should be free to choose how we spend out money.
Should give them the $15 they've been asking for. Still WAY below adjusted for inflation.
Walmart is not a charity or the government, their role is not to keep their wages adjusted to inflation.

They should be maximizing profit by selling goods in retail stores, paying wages that are enough to attract and retain enough employees to accomplish that goal.
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Plus, it's simply fair and just. Not a popular reason I understand, but I'm all about fair and just.
It has nothing to do with popularity, we don't apply one person's opinion about what is fair and just to corporate wage decisions because concepts like "fair" are subjective.

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