Walmart Employees Getting a Raise


Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015
And they did it because of market forces

That's really gotta leave the libs butt sore

Silly nutter. Libs LOVE it when wages go up. Kind of like we love it when Americans succeed. When American workers can buy more shit. When the future becomes a little brighter.

The idea that you and your nutter friends THINK that this is some kind of affirmation of policies which you know...the ones that are not being employed right FUCKING funny.

Yeah you love it but you hate the fact that market forces and not the government made it happen
Paying less, which drives business overseas, which closes factories, which leaves employees jobless is NOT good for our economy.

That's not cause and effect, it's delusion. Economic efficiency is good for the economy. I'm still looking for your evidence that liberal lawyers are right and the field of economics is wrong.

Fear and hysteria is the worst way to make economic decisions. The more government protects us from progress, the more we suffer, and the more you want government to protect us from progress.

That I'll agree with. I don't like progressive lawyers either. However, go try and buy ANY household item made in the USA. Go ahead. Try and find a waffle maker made here in the states. Try and find a blender. Try and find anything at all made here. I see the figures stating that manufacturing is doing great, but i would love to know what they're making. Other than cars of course, and even there many parts are made overseas, shipped here and assembled here.

There is a lot made in and outside the USA, I don't see the relevance of what is and what isn't made here. Lawyers are costing us jobs, not businesses acting efficiently
The biggest winners are going to be the American tax payers who will be subsidizing Walmart workers less as the employee's income is increased. Government benefits like Medicaid and SNAPS are based on income. The employees who are now collecting these benefits will collect less.
Or people will work less hours so as to keep their benefits because if they lose them they will actually be ma
To see the RWnuts try to portray this as some sort of conservative victory is breathtaking.
It's not a victory or a defeat for anyone it is merely an illustration of market forces and a company responding to them.

Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015
And they did it because of market forces

That's really gotta leave the libs butt sore

Silly nutter. Libs LOVE it when wages go up. Kind of like we love it when Americans succeed. When American workers can buy more shit. When the future becomes a little brighter.

The idea that you and your nutter friends THINK that this is some kind of affirmation of policies which you know...the ones that are not being employed right FUCKING funny.

Yeah you love it but you hate the fact that market forces and not the government made it happen

Say what? Market forces? Interesting. The OVER REGULATED market? The one that has been DESTROYED by Obama and his policies?

You fucking clown.
... You are a incompetent white anti white who gets pissy when anyone uses pro white or pro worker sources for information.Guess what? No one cares!

Once again it is an absolute certainty that the semiliterate "Racial Socialist" will miss the irony of his referring to anyone as "a incompetent white anti white."

Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015
And they did it because of market forces

That's really gotta leave the libs butt sore

Silly nutter. Libs LOVE it when wages go up. Kind of like we love it when Americans succeed. When American workers can buy more shit. When the future becomes a little brighter.

The idea that you and your nutter friends THINK that this is some kind of affirmation of policies which you know...the ones that are not being employed right FUCKING funny.

Yeah you love it but you hate the fact that market forces and not the government made it happen

Say what? Market forces? Interesting. The OVER REGULATED market? The one that has been DESTROYED by Obama and his policies?

You fucking clown.

Once again, you show you are a Marxist
ROFLMAO....cutting FS,medicaid,SS etc is HELPING the working poor? DO TELL!
Who cut Medicaid, dickbreath? That would be Obama.
The First Act Of The Koch Congress Is A Vicious Attack On Social Security

The republican party bosses. They own the republican party. Lock step. If republicans were FOR workers.They would be FOR raising min wage,FOR paid maternity leave,FOR better working conditions etc. The republican party has been and will always be the party of the rich.
Paying less, which drives business overseas, which closes factories, which leaves employees jobless is NOT good for our economy.

That's not cause and effect, it's delusion. Economic efficiency is good for the economy. I'm still looking for your evidence that liberal lawyers are right and the field of economics is wrong.

Fear and hysteria is the worst way to make economic decisions. The more government protects us from progress, the more we suffer, and the more you want government to protect us from progress.

That I'll agree with. I don't like progressive lawyers either. However, go try and buy ANY household item made in the USA. Go ahead. Try and find a waffle maker made here in the states. Try and find a blender. Try and find anything at all made here. I see the figures stating that manufacturing is doing great, but i would love to know what they're making. Other than cars of course, and even there many parts are made overseas, shipped here and assembled here.

There is a lot made in and outside the USA, I don't see the relevance of what is and what isn't made here. Lawyers are costing us jobs, not businesses acting efficiently

Holy shit.

40 years ago...this country was the worlds LEADING IMPORTER of raw materials and the worlds LEADING EXPORTER of finished, manufactured goods. That situation has been reversed. We now import more finished goods than any nation in the world. Therefore....WE ARE NOT MANUFACTURING.

Why are all of you unable to understand this?
Good. Wal Mart goes under. Costco,and other chain stores that pay better wages will expand and fill the void. EVERYONE WINS!

Except for the poor that relied on Wal-Mart for cheap stuff. They lose.
And the people who worked there who wont have jobs anymore. But libs dont give a shit about them. "I've got mine, the rest of you motherfuckers can go shit in a hat."

This is wonderful!!! The USMB nutters have all become champions of the nation's working poor! It's fucking beautifil!!

How long do you think they can keep it up?
We were always champions of the working poor, nudnik. But now it's apparent that Democrat policies hurt the working poor, GOP policies help the working poor.


Of course. You LOVE poor people. The GOP is the party of the working man!!

Yup, it is. Democrats are the party of George Soros, the trial lawyers lobby, the government unions, and Tom Streyer.
Republicans are the party of the small business owner, the middle class.
This is why the GOP fails to attract much black vote. Blacks are stuck in a plantation mindset, fed to them by Dems, who assure them they will never succeed on their own.

Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015
And they did it because of market forces

That's really gotta leave the libs butt sore

Silly nutter. Libs LOVE it when wages go up. Kind of like we love it when Americans succeed. When American workers can buy more shit. When the future becomes a little brighter.

The idea that you and your nutter friends THINK that this is some kind of affirmation of policies which you know...the ones that are not being employed right FUCKING funny.

Yeah you love it but you hate the fact that market forces and not the government made it happen

Say what? Market forces? Interesting. The OVER REGULATED market? The one that has been DESTROYED by Obama and his policies?

You fucking clown.

Once again, you show you are a Marxist


Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015
And they did it because of market forces

That's really gotta leave the libs butt sore

Silly nutter. Libs LOVE it when wages go up. Kind of like we love it when Americans succeed. When American workers can buy more shit. When the future becomes a little brighter.

The idea that you and your nutter friends THINK that this is some kind of affirmation of policies which you know...the ones that are not being employed right FUCKING funny.

Yeah you love it but you hate the fact that market forces and not the government made it happen

Say what? Market forces? Interesting. The OVER REGULATED market? The one that has been DESTROYED by Obama and his policies?

You fucking clown.
Sez the guy wiht a clown avatar.
You are beyond pitiful.
So now they're in a higher tax bracket and taking home less?

Not in Oregon, the greedy scum Oregon liberals slam the poor and middle class with a whopping 9% state income tax rate starting at about $4 an hour.
We don't have an income tax here but the libs have been trying and trying. We do have a really high sales tax though so I am not sure who's better off.
Except for the poor that relied on Wal-Mart for cheap stuff. They lose.
And the people who worked there who wont have jobs anymore. But libs dont give a shit about them. "I've got mine, the rest of you motherfuckers can go shit in a hat."

This is wonderful!!! The USMB nutters have all become champions of the nation's working poor! It's fucking beautifil!!

How long do you think they can keep it up?
We were always champions of the working poor, nudnik. But now it's apparent that Democrat policies hurt the working poor, GOP policies help the working poor.


Of course. You LOVE poor people. The GOP is the party of the working man!!

Yup, it is. Democrats are the party of George Soros, the trial lawyers lobby, the government unions, and Tom Streyer.
Republicans are the party of the small business owner, the middle class.
This is why the GOP fails to attract much black vote. Blacks are stuck in a plantation mindset, fed to them by Dems, who assure them they will never succeed on their own.

Weeeeeeeee! You love poor people. It oozes from your pores.

Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015
And they did it because of market forces

That's really gotta leave the libs butt sore

Silly nutter. Libs LOVE it when wages go up. Kind of like we love it when Americans succeed. When American workers can buy more shit. When the future becomes a little brighter.

The idea that you and your nutter friends THINK that this is some kind of affirmation of policies which you know...the ones that are not being employed right FUCKING funny.

Yeah you love it but you hate the fact that market forces and not the government made it happen

Say what? Market forces? Interesting. The OVER REGULATED market? The one that has been DESTROYED by Obama and his policies?

You fucking clown.
Sez the guy wiht a clown avatar.
You are beyond pitiful.

You are the reason for the clown avatars. Did you know that?
And the people who worked there who wont have jobs anymore. But libs dont give a shit about them. "I've got mine, the rest of you motherfuckers can go shit in a hat."

This is wonderful!!! The USMB nutters have all become champions of the nation's working poor! It's fucking beautifil!!

How long do you think they can keep it up?
We were always champions of the working poor, nudnik. But now it's apparent that Democrat policies hurt the working poor, GOP policies help the working poor.


Of course. You LOVE poor people. The GOP is the party of the working man!!

Yup, it is. Democrats are the party of George Soros, the trial lawyers lobby, the government unions, and Tom Streyer.
Republicans are the party of the small business owner, the middle class.
This is why the GOP fails to attract much black vote. Blacks are stuck in a plantation mindset, fed to them by Dems, who assure them they will never succeed on their own.

Weeeeeeeee! You love poor people. It oozes from your pores.
Weee you're a desperate piece of shit out of arguments and disproven at every turn.
And they did it because of market forces

That's really gotta leave the libs butt sore

Silly nutter. Libs LOVE it when wages go up. Kind of like we love it when Americans succeed. When American workers can buy more shit. When the future becomes a little brighter.

The idea that you and your nutter friends THINK that this is some kind of affirmation of policies which you know...the ones that are not being employed right FUCKING funny.

Yeah you love it but you hate the fact that market forces and not the government made it happen

Say what? Market forces? Interesting. The OVER REGULATED market? The one that has been DESTROYED by Obama and his policies?

You fucking clown.
Sez the guy wiht a clown avatar.
You are beyond pitiful.

You are the reason for the clown avatars. Did you know that?
Wow. Honored.
This is wonderful!!! The USMB nutters have all become champions of the nation's working poor! It's fucking beautifil!!

How long do you think they can keep it up?
We were always champions of the working poor, nudnik. But now it's apparent that Democrat policies hurt the working poor, GOP policies help the working poor.


Of course. You LOVE poor people. The GOP is the party of the working man!!

Yup, it is. Democrats are the party of George Soros, the trial lawyers lobby, the government unions, and Tom Streyer.
Republicans are the party of the small business owner, the middle class.
This is why the GOP fails to attract much black vote. Blacks are stuck in a plantation mindset, fed to them by Dems, who assure them they will never succeed on their own.

Weeeeeeeee! You love poor people. It oozes from your pores.
Weee you're a desperate piece of shit out of arguments and disproven at every turn.

Of course. The GOP loves poor people. Especially the black ones. Everyone knows it.
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