Walmart Employees Getting a Raise

You people and this illusion that there is some "agreement" to be paid shit wages...uh no. Yo tu are TOLD what pay is and you take it or you starve and become homeless.

of course thats very very stupid and liberal. People get paid eveything from minimum to 20 billion a year depending on what they make themselves worth to other people.

Is it your opinion that every WalMart employee who made less than $9 per hour yesterday somehow "made themselves" worth more? Is that what your dumb ass is saying? And...they will all make themselves worth $10 in short order?

You idiot.
You people and this illusion that there is some "agreement" to be paid shit wages...uh no. Yo tu are TOLD what pay is and you take it or you starve and become homeless.
Your bullshit about starvation and homelessness aside, that is exactly how agreements work. You TELL someone what your offer is, and they TELL you whether they accept it.

Are you thinking someone goes to apply to work at Walmart without knowing they will make a low wage for a low skill job? Of course not, they go there because they decided they are willing to accept the agreement to do so.

You sure are missing some points today.
You people and this illusion that there is some "agreement" to be paid shit wages.

:wtf: Nobody is forced to work anywhere. They agree to work there.

..uh no. Yo tu are TOLD what pay is and you take it or you starve and become homeless.

False, and you've just demonstrated how much of a failure you are at life. When you apply for a job, if you are selected you are given a job offer. You can accept it, or you can decline it. Ooorrr!! You can attempt to negotiate it. You think the world is supposed to hand over whatever you want from it, and that is why you fail at life. You're always waiting for someone to give you something. If you just learned how to be a little fucking self sufficient you could learn how to advocate for yourself and earn your way to what you want.

Hell, I've just done it with my new job. They made me a job offer; told me they were going to pay me $X. Guess what? I'm making more than $X. I didn't agree to their terms. It took them all of 48 hours to agree to the terms I presented to them.

Nobody tells me what they're going to pay me, I tell them what I'm going to be paid, then they paid me what was agreed upon. If they aren't willing to agree, then I don't work there.
Is it your opinion that every WalMart employee who made less than $9 per hour yesterday somehow "made themselves" worth more?.

dear, by chance they are worth more as the economy improves since there is more and more competition for workers. This drives wages up but of course not to the levels they would command with more skills.

Do you understand?
They go there because its all they can find for work and are in no position unfortunately to discuss the wage. Its take it or starve with no job...Take it and you get FS and MIGHT be able to find a crappy dump to rent and scrape by...Its exactly why unionization needs to happen at wal mart.
They go there because its all they can find for work

dear, they can get a Ph.d in computer science and start at 175k if they want. Thats the beauty of a free country.
They go there because its all they can find for work and are in no position unfortunately to discuss the wage. Its take it or starve with no job...Take it and you get FS and MIGHT be able to find a crappy dump to rent and scrape by...Its exactly why unionization needs to happen at wal mart.

Soo then, by your own admission, they are not worth anything more than crap wages.
Is it your opinion that every WalMart employee who made less than $9 per hour yesterday somehow "made themselves" worth more?.

dear, by chance they are worth more as the economy improves since there is more and more competition for workers. This drives wages up but of course not to the levels they would command with more skills.

Do you understand?

I understand that you are an idiot.
Is it your opinion that every WalMart employee who made less than $9 per hour yesterday somehow "made themselves" worth more?.

dear, by chance they are worth more as the economy improves since there is more and more competition for workers. This drives wages up but of course not to the levels they would command with more skills.

Do you understand?

I understand that you are an idiot.
dear, by chance they are worth more as the economy improves since there is more and more competition for workers. This drives wages up but of course not to the levels they would command with more skills.

Do you understand?
Is it your opinion that every WalMart employee who made less than $9 per hour yesterday somehow "made themselves" worth more?.

dear, by chance they are worth more as the economy improves since there is more and more competition for workers. This drives wages up but of course not to the levels they would command with more skills.

Do you understand?

Your point is correct, but it's not even the whole story. A great many, I'd dare say most, American workers are working for undervalued wages. That undervaluation is almost entirely on the part of the worker. American workers are increasingly passive about their compensation and more inclined than ever to simply settle for wages, leaving money on the table.

The job market still isn't that hot. There are still a significant number of disenfranchised workers who have given up looking for work, and when we add that to the fact that at this point Walmart level employees are amongst the very bottom scrapings of the barrel (typically being of lower quality than the average fast food employee), I don't see any of this being due to an increase in employees' actual value. To me it seems to be more an matter of employees finally being assertive enough to leverage their value in order to bring their wage point closer to that par.
Is it your opinion that every WalMart employee who made less than $9 per hour yesterday somehow "made themselves" worth more?.

dear, by chance they are worth more as the economy improves since there is more and more competition for workers. This drives wages up but of course not to the levels they would command with more skills.

Do you understand?

Your point is correct, but it's not even the whole story. A great many, I'd dare say most, American workers are working for undervalued wages. That undervaluation is almost entirely on the part of the worker. American workers are increasingly passive about their compensation and more inclined than ever to simply settle for wages, leaving money on the table.

The job market still isn't that hot. There are still a significant number of disenfranchised workers who have given up looking for work, and when we add that to the fact that at this point Walmart level employees are amongst the very bottom scrapings of the barrel (typically being of lower quality than the average fast food employee), I don't see any of this being due to an increase in employees' actual value. To me it seems to be more an matter of employees finally being assertive enough to leverage their value in order to bring their wage point closer to that par.

seems like idle speculation on your part with no evidence presented, while we do know for sure than an improving economy will reduce Obama's huge unemployment and begin to drive up wages.
Good. Wal Mart goes under. Costco,and other chain stores that pay better wages will expand and fill the void. EVERYONE WINS!

Except for the poor that relied on Wal-Mart for cheap stuff. They lose.
And the people who worked there who wont have jobs anymore. But libs dont give a shit about them. "I've got mine, the rest of you motherfuckers can go shit in a hat."

This is wonderful!!! The USMB nutters have all become champions of the nation's working poor! It's fucking beautifil!!

How long do you think they can keep it up?
We were always champions of the working poor, nudnik. But now it's apparent that Democrat policies hurt the working poor, GOP policies help the working poor.
You mean GOP policies help the working to become poor.

Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015
And they did it because of market forces

That's really gotta leave the libs butt sore

Silly nutter. Libs LOVE it when wages go up. Kind of like we love it when Americans succeed. When American workers can buy more shit. When the future becomes a little brighter.

The idea that you and your nutter friends THINK that this is some kind of affirmation of policies which you know...the ones that are not being employed right FUCKING funny.

Yeah you love it but you hate the fact that market forces and not the government made it happen

Say what? Market forces? Interesting. The OVER REGULATED market? The one that has been DESTROYED by Obama and his policies?

You fucking clown.
The DEREGULATED market gave us a recession and brought down the world economy. The facts are right there. They are called "recent history".
Is it your opinion that every WalMart employee who made less than $9 per hour yesterday somehow "made themselves" worth more?.

dear, by chance they are worth more as the economy improves since there is more and more competition for workers. This drives wages up but of course not to the levels they would command with more skills.

Do you understand?

I understand that you are an idiot.
dear, by chance they are worth more as the economy improves since there is more and more competition for workers. This drives wages up but of course not to the levels they would command with more skills.

Do you understand?
Republicans keep saying that there are millions of "decent and hardworking Americans" who have no education. It actually seems as is they are saying Americans with an education are both indecent and lazy.
Is it your opinion that every WalMart employee who made less than $9 per hour yesterday somehow "made themselves" worth more?.

dear, by chance they are worth more as the economy improves since there is more and more competition for workers. This drives wages up but of course not to the levels they would command with more skills.

Do you understand?

Your point is correct, but it's not even the whole story. A great many, I'd dare say most, American workers are working for undervalued wages. That undervaluation is almost entirely on the part of the worker. American workers are increasingly passive about their compensation and more inclined than ever to simply settle for wages, leaving money on the table.

The job market still isn't that hot. There are still a significant number of disenfranchised workers who have given up looking for work, and when we add that to the fact that at this point Walmart level employees are amongst the very bottom scrapings of the barrel (typically being of lower quality than the average fast food employee), I don't see any of this being due to an increase in employees' actual value. To me it seems to be more an matter of employees finally being assertive enough to leverage their value in order to bring their wage point closer to that par.

seems like idle speculation on your part with no evidence presented, while we do know for sure than an improving economy will reduce Obama's huge unemployment and begin to drive up wages.

I wouldn't call it idle speculation. I have done quite a bit of research the the effect of negotiation behaviors on compensation. Far too much to be able to dig up at this point. But here's a few morsels of information.

-Only 31% always negotiate salary after receiving a job offer (down from 37% just one year ago).
-20% never negotiate salary during the job interview process. Increase from 18% in 2012.
-41% did not negotiate salary for the job they currently hold.
-Only 24% of people negotiated for more money during most recent review, 48% didn’t bother.
-59% of respondents dread salary negotiations. A significant increase from 48% previous year.

49% never negotiate a job offer
This is wonderful news. I just heard all Walmart employees will now be paid $9 and next year or in the future it will be $10 hr. I may actually shop at Walmart now.

Walmart employees to get raises

Bout fucking time.

if it weren't from the pressure and bad press wally world have given nothing, Their sales per store are down
Walmart workers protest nationwide

You have absolutely no idea why Walmart is raising wages for 1/2 million employees but like most loony socialists you are genetically disposed to assume some evil intent. It's not possible Walmart is doing the right thing and surely raising those wages 40% will insure their sales per store will improve, right? Leftist idiot.
Is it your opinion that every WalMart employee who made less than $9 per hour yesterday somehow "made themselves" worth more?.

dear, by chance they are worth more as the economy improves since there is more and more competition for workers. This drives wages up but of course not to the levels they would command with more skills.

Do you understand?

I understand that you are an idiot.
dear, by chance they are worth more as the economy improves since there is more and more competition for workers. This drives wages up but of course not to the levels they would command with more skills.

Do you understand?
Republicans keep saying that there are millions of "decent and hardworking Americans" who have no education. It actually seems as is they are saying Americans with an education are both indecent and lazy.

Yanno ... given the angry, bitter, stupid response of goofy loony lefties like rdean and guno I am considering requesting of Walmart mgmt that they reconsider their very generous decision. Geeez.

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