Walmart Employees Getting a Raise

They go there because its all they can find for work and are in no position unfortunately to discuss the wage. Its take it or starve with no job...Take it and you get FS and MIGHT be able to find a crappy dump to rent and scrape by...Its exactly why unionization needs to happen at wal mart.

So Walmart can overpay for labor whose productivity is worth far less? Yeah ... there's a real good idea.
Walmart has already begun the process of hiring less and cutting existing Employees' hours. There will be less Employees as a result of this. And customer service at Walmart is already awful. So less Employees means even worse service is coming. Think you can't find an Employee to help ya now? Just wait till the cutbacks take full effect.

I have the inside scoop on this. I have a relative who's currently in Management there. It will raise the pay, but it's gonna raise prices and cut staffing as well. In my opinion, Walmart is and always will be a dump. I can't fathom how anyone can say it's an enjoyable shopping experience. It's more like entering Third World Chaos. I choose to avoid it at all costs. I pay more, but man it's so worth it.

Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015
This would be like me saying "jeb bush won. Conservatives are going to hate this". Are you really this much of a bullshit spin artist where even when you lose you win?

This would be like me saying "jeb bush won. Conservatives are going to hate this".

for the most part

they would actual say that

i know i would
Why? Why don't cons like him? Bet they will when he's the nominee.

i dont like him

i will not vote for him
And they did it because of market forces

That's really gotta leave the libs butt sore

Silly nutter. Libs LOVE it when wages go up. Kind of like we love it when Americans succeed. When American workers can buy more shit. When the future becomes a little brighter.

The idea that you and your nutter friends THINK that this is some kind of affirmation of policies which you know...the ones that are not being employed right FUCKING funny.

Yeah you love it but you hate the fact that market forces and not the government made it happen

Say what? Market forces? Interesting. The OVER REGULATED market? The one that has been DESTROYED by Obama and his policies?

You fucking clown.

Where have I ever used the term over regulated market?

Where did I ever mention Obama destroying the market?


I'm not going to check the archives. You are safe.
you would not be able to back up your bullshit and you know it

Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015
And they did it because of market forces

That's really gotta leave the libs butt sore

Silly nutter. Libs LOVE it when wages go up. Kind of like we love it when Americans succeed. When American workers can buy more shit. When the future becomes a little brighter.

The idea that you and your nutter friends THINK that this is some kind of affirmation of policies which you know...the ones that are not being employed right FUCKING funny.

Yeah you love it but you hate the fact that market forces and not the government made it happen

Say what? Market forces? Interesting. The OVER REGULATED market? The one that has been DESTROYED by Obama and his policies?

You fucking clown.
The DEREGULATED market gave us a recession and brought down the world economy. The facts are right there. They are called "recent history".

You mean the deregulation Clinton signed that removes the one very clear line between banks, investment firms and insurance companies that deregulation?
Silly nutter. Libs LOVE it when wages go up. Kind of like we love it when Americans succeed. When American workers can buy more shit. When the future becomes a little brighter.

The idea that you and your nutter friends THINK that this is some kind of affirmation of policies which you know...the ones that are not being employed right FUCKING funny.

Yeah you love it but you hate the fact that market forces and not the government made it happen

Say what? Market forces? Interesting. The OVER REGULATED market? The one that has been DESTROYED by Obama and his policies?

You fucking clown.

Where have I ever used the term over regulated market?

Where did I ever mention Obama destroying the market?


I'm not going to check the archives. You are safe.
you would not be able to back up your bullshit and you know it

Of course. You have NEVER complained about how there are too many regulations......or how Obama has been a disaster for the economy. Never. I have that impression of you for no reason at all. It's all my imagination.
those are just facts

i never used the term over regulated.

But then again you don't know anything about what it takes to run a business do you?

You've been bitching about government regulations for YEARS. That must be because there aren't enough of them. Right?

I own a business, dummy. My third, actually. Been running businesses since 1996. You fail again.
those are just facts

i never used the term over regulated.

But then again you don't know anything about what it takes to run a business do you?

You've been bitching about government regulations for YEARS.

I own a business, dummy. My third, actually. Been running businesses since 1996. You fail again.

Sure you do

Tell me how much time do you have to take to comply with OSHA regs I hope you're at least replacing all your MSDS sheets so as to comply with the new format

How many silly posters do you have to display in your business that are required by law?
So awesome!!! The nations largest employer will now pay $9 an hour!!
At 28 hrs a week that is $252 a week, or about $195 after taxes. that is $780 a month!
Let's see...after paying forced Obama"care" of $130 a month for absolutely nothing in return ever - that leaves $650 a month,
After paying rent...nothing left.
Let's celebrate!!
So awesome!!! The nations largest employer will now pay $9 an hour!!
At 28 hrs a week that is $252 a week, or about $195 after taxes. that is $780 a month!
Let's see...after paying forced Obama"care" of $130 a month for absolutely nothing in return ever - that leaves $650 a month,
After paying rent...nothing left.
Let's celebrate!!
Maybe you are confused about what lowest common denominator wages means.
So awesome!!! The nations largest employer will now pay $9 an hour!!
At 28 hrs a week that is $252 a week, or about $195 after taxes. that is $780 a month!
Let's see...after paying forced Obama"care" of $130 a month for absolutely nothing in return ever - that leaves $650 a month,
After paying rent...nothing left.
Let's celebrate!!
Maybe you are confused about what lowest common denominator wages means.

Maybe you are confused that it isn't great that, again, the nations largest employer pays absolute paltry wages and no real benefits.
Maybe you didn't know that employee benefits around the country are diminishing rapidly. Rare now is an employer who provides a pension plan. Companies everywhere have chucked dental and eye insurance, or greatly reduced the employer portion.
Sick pay has quietly vanished across the U.S. replaced by "PTO" days. Employees had vacation time, and sick pay was a paid, separate, set of time on top of vacation time.
No more.
Or perhaps you haven't noticed that companies everywhere are using loop holes to terminate higher paid employees with lower paid replacements? Anyone who is working for a company, and either received a letter or a sit down meeting with HR notifying them that their job description has been "updated". Should be very afraid.
Now take your letter and compare it with your co-workers...what do you see? Almost no ones description is identical. Slight variances in most of them. Why?
Because that way they can eliminate any individual they want, and legally say they are not firing the employee, but eliminating the position.
If you think employee wages and benefits are improving in this corporatocracy we have today - you are woefully misinformed.
those are just facts

i never used the term over regulated.

But then again you don't know anything about what it takes to run a business do you?

You've been bitching about government regulations for YEARS.

I own a business, dummy. My third, actually. Been running businesses since 1996. You fail again.

Sure you do

Tell me how much time do you have to take to comply with OSHA regs I hope you're at least replacing all your MSDS sheets so as to comply with the new format

How many silly posters do you have to display in your business that are required by law?

My current business is not brick and mortar.....dummy. I'm a one man show. I'm supposed to display my business license somewhere in my home office. That's about it. I'm not supposed to warehouse any product here.....but I do. I'll let you know if anyone ever comes to check. I'm in year 6 and not a peep out of anyone.

One of my former businesses was a sports training center for young athletes. There were a lot of safety regs involved with that one. My biggest headache was keeping about thirty emergency lights operational. They were 25 feet up and I am shaky on a ladder. I remember getting pissed that I had to paint the parking lot spaces. I had a huge lot. I also had to post the standard human resources posters. I think it takes about a minute to thumb tack them to a bulletin board. I used Paychex to handle my payroll and benefits package. It was a breeze. The business didn't succeed past year three...but that is not due to regulations.

It sounds like you are very concerned with meeting safety regs for your employees. Why.....are you an asshole? Their safety should be a top priority for you. OSHA is supposed to save lives.....not jobs. If you can't maintain a safe work don't deserve the business.

You don't want to hang any posters? What a burden! I don't know how you do it!
those are just facts

i never used the term over regulated.

But then again you don't know anything about what it takes to run a business do you?

You've been bitching about government regulations for YEARS.

I own a business, dummy. My third, actually. Been running businesses since 1996. You fail again.

Sure you do

Tell me how much time do you have to take to comply with OSHA regs I hope you're at least replacing all your MSDS sheets so as to comply with the new format

How many silly posters do you have to display in your business that are required by law?

My current business is not brick and mortar.....dummy. I'm a one man show. I'm supposed to display my business license somewhere in my home office. That's about it. I'm not supposed to warehouse any product here.....but I do. I'll let you know if anyone ever comes to check. I'm in year 6 and not a peep out of anyone.

One of my former businesses was a sports training center for young athletes. There were a lot of safety regs involved with that one. My biggest headache was keeping about thirty emergency lights operational. They were 25 feet up and I am shaky on a ladder. I remember getting pissed that I had to paint the parking lot spaces. I had a huge lot. I also had to post the standard human resources posters. I think it takes about a minute to thumb tack them to a bulletin board. I used Paychex to handle my payroll and benefits package. It was a breeze. The business didn't succeed past year three...but that is not due to regulations.

It sounds like you are very concerned with meeting safety regs for your employees. Why.....are you an asshole? Their safety should be a top priority for you. OSHA is supposed to save lives.....not jobs. If you can't maintain a safe work don't deserve the business.

You don't want to hang any posters? What a burden! I don't know how you do it!

So IOW you don't run a business.

A one man show is NOT a business. You don't seem to know the difference between being self employed and owning a business.

If you don't show up you don't make anything so you own a job.

I can be gone for a month and not only still make money but make more than I did the year before.

And I have no problem with employee safety. I have never had a Workers comp claim so I am doing something right. I have a problem with stupid rules like having to replace thousands of pages of MSDS sheets for no good reason.

And I asked the question about posters because I knew you wouldn't know the answer. Anyone who owns a business knows the answer to that question you don't
those are just facts

i never used the term over regulated.

But then again you don't know anything about what it takes to run a business do you?

You've been bitching about government regulations for YEARS.

I own a business, dummy. My third, actually. Been running businesses since 1996. You fail again.

Sure you do

Tell me how much time do you have to take to comply with OSHA regs I hope you're at least replacing all your MSDS sheets so as to comply with the new format

How many silly posters do you have to display in your business that are required by law?

My current business is not brick and mortar.....dummy. I'm a one man show. I'm supposed to display my business license somewhere in my home office. That's about it. I'm not supposed to warehouse any product here.....but I do. I'll let you know if anyone ever comes to check. I'm in year 6 and not a peep out of anyone.

One of my former businesses was a sports training center for young athletes. There were a lot of safety regs involved with that one. My biggest headache was keeping about thirty emergency lights operational. They were 25 feet up and I am shaky on a ladder. I remember getting pissed that I had to paint the parking lot spaces. I had a huge lot. I also had to post the standard human resources posters. I think it takes about a minute to thumb tack them to a bulletin board. I used Paychex to handle my payroll and benefits package. It was a breeze. The business didn't succeed past year three...but that is not due to regulations.

It sounds like you are very concerned with meeting safety regs for your employees. Why.....are you an asshole? Their safety should be a top priority for you. OSHA is supposed to save lives.....not jobs. If you can't maintain a safe work don't deserve the business.

You don't want to hang any posters? What a burden! I don't know how you do it!

So IOW you don't run a business.

A one man show is NOT a business. You don't seem to know the difference between being self employed and owning a business.

If you don't show up you don't make anything so you own a job.

I can be gone for a month and not only still make money but make more than I did the year before.

And I have no problem with employee safety. I have never had a Workers comp claim so I am doing something right. I have a problem with stupid rules like having to replace thousands of pages of MSDS sheets for no good reason.

And I asked the question about posters because I knew you wouldn't know the answer. Anyone who owns a business knows the answer to that question you don't

Look at you!

If you can be gone for a month and make more money than if you were there......why are you there? Are you stupid? You just might be.

You can be a man any time and issue your apology for questioning my sincerity. I own and operate a business. Pisses you off, doesn't it.
those are just facts

i never used the term over regulated.

But then again you don't know anything about what it takes to run a business do you?

You've been bitching about government regulations for YEARS.

I own a business, dummy. My third, actually. Been running businesses since 1996. You fail again.

Sure you do

Tell me how much time do you have to take to comply with OSHA regs I hope you're at least replacing all your MSDS sheets so as to comply with the new format

How many silly posters do you have to display in your business that are required by law?

My current business is not brick and mortar.....dummy. I'm a one man show. I'm supposed to display my business license somewhere in my home office. That's about it. I'm not supposed to warehouse any product here.....but I do. I'll let you know if anyone ever comes to check. I'm in year 6 and not a peep out of anyone.

One of my former businesses was a sports training center for young athletes. There were a lot of safety regs involved with that one. My biggest headache was keeping about thirty emergency lights operational. They were 25 feet up and I am shaky on a ladder. I remember getting pissed that I had to paint the parking lot spaces. I had a huge lot. I also had to post the standard human resources posters. I think it takes about a minute to thumb tack them to a bulletin board. I used Paychex to handle my payroll and benefits package. It was a breeze. The business didn't succeed past year three...but that is not due to regulations.

It sounds like you are very concerned with meeting safety regs for your employees. Why.....are you an asshole? Their safety should be a top priority for you. OSHA is supposed to save lives.....not jobs. If you can't maintain a safe work don't deserve the business.

You don't want to hang any posters? What a burden! I don't know how you do it!

So IOW you don't run a business.

A one man show is NOT a business. You don't seem to know the difference between being self employed and owning a business.

If you don't show up you don't make anything so you own a job.

I can be gone for a month and not only still make money but make more than I did the year before.

And I have no problem with employee safety. I have never had a Workers comp claim so I am doing something right. I have a problem with stupid rules like having to replace thousands of pages of MSDS sheets for no good reason.

And I asked the question about posters because I knew you wouldn't know the answer. Anyone who owns a business knows the answer to that question you don't

Look at you!

If you can be gone for a month and make more money than if you were there......why are you there? Are you stupid? You just might be.

You can be a man any time and issue your apology for questioning my sincerity. I own and operate a business. Pisses you off, doesn't it.
Thank you for illustrating that you do not understand how a business operates.

A business is a set of systems put in place so as to continue the revenue stream no matter who is there.

I have an asst manager and employees that I have trained over the past 8 years in every aspect of the business from simple things like how they answer the phones to the most complicated things.

So I can now take time off and still see increases over the previous year because of the systems I have in place.

A one man show is not a business because it cannot operate unless you are there. You own a job not a business.

Michael E. Gerber Companies

If your business depends on you, you don't own a business-you have a job. And it's the worst job in the world because you're working for a lunatic... You can't close it when you want to, because if it's closed you don't get paid. You can't leave it when you want to, because if you leave there's nobody there to do the work. You can't sell it when you want to, because who wants to buy a job?

—Michael Gerber
You've been bitching about government regulations for YEARS.

I own a business, dummy. My third, actually. Been running businesses since 1996. You fail again.

Sure you do

Tell me how much time do you have to take to comply with OSHA regs I hope you're at least replacing all your MSDS sheets so as to comply with the new format

How many silly posters do you have to display in your business that are required by law?

My current business is not brick and mortar.....dummy. I'm a one man show. I'm supposed to display my business license somewhere in my home office. That's about it. I'm not supposed to warehouse any product here.....but I do. I'll let you know if anyone ever comes to check. I'm in year 6 and not a peep out of anyone.

One of my former businesses was a sports training center for young athletes. There were a lot of safety regs involved with that one. My biggest headache was keeping about thirty emergency lights operational. They were 25 feet up and I am shaky on a ladder. I remember getting pissed that I had to paint the parking lot spaces. I had a huge lot. I also had to post the standard human resources posters. I think it takes about a minute to thumb tack them to a bulletin board. I used Paychex to handle my payroll and benefits package. It was a breeze. The business didn't succeed past year three...but that is not due to regulations.

It sounds like you are very concerned with meeting safety regs for your employees. Why.....are you an asshole? Their safety should be a top priority for you. OSHA is supposed to save lives.....not jobs. If you can't maintain a safe work don't deserve the business.

You don't want to hang any posters? What a burden! I don't know how you do it!

So IOW you don't run a business.

A one man show is NOT a business. You don't seem to know the difference between being self employed and owning a business.

If you don't show up you don't make anything so you own a job.

I can be gone for a month and not only still make money but make more than I did the year before.

And I have no problem with employee safety. I have never had a Workers comp claim so I am doing something right. I have a problem with stupid rules like having to replace thousands of pages of MSDS sheets for no good reason.

And I asked the question about posters because I knew you wouldn't know the answer. Anyone who owns a business knows the answer to that question you don't

Look at you!

If you can be gone for a month and make more money than if you were there......why are you there? Are you stupid? You just might be.

You can be a man any time and issue your apology for questioning my sincerity. I own and operate a business. Pisses you off, doesn't it.
Thank you for illustrating that you do not understand how a business operates.

A business is a set of systems put in place so as to continue the revenue stream no matter who is there.

I have an asst manager and employees that I have trained over the past 8 years in every aspect of the business from simple things like how they answer the phones to the most complicated things.

So I can now take time off and still see increases over the previous year because of the systems I have in place.

A one man show is not a business because it cannot operate unless you are there. You own a job not a business.

Michael E. Gerber Companies

If your business depends on you, you don't own a business-you have a job. And it's the worst job in the world because you're working for a lunatic... You can't close it when you want to, because if it's closed you don't get paid. You can't leave it when you want to, because if you leave there's nobody there to do the work. You can't sell it when you want to, because who wants to buy a job?

—Michael Gerber

Weeeeeeeee! I don't own a business!!! I'm just a working stiff! I'm gonna go see my boss about that raise I've been wanting!
Sure you do

Tell me how much time do you have to take to comply with OSHA regs I hope you're at least replacing all your MSDS sheets so as to comply with the new format

How many silly posters do you have to display in your business that are required by law?

My current business is not brick and mortar.....dummy. I'm a one man show. I'm supposed to display my business license somewhere in my home office. That's about it. I'm not supposed to warehouse any product here.....but I do. I'll let you know if anyone ever comes to check. I'm in year 6 and not a peep out of anyone.

One of my former businesses was a sports training center for young athletes. There were a lot of safety regs involved with that one. My biggest headache was keeping about thirty emergency lights operational. They were 25 feet up and I am shaky on a ladder. I remember getting pissed that I had to paint the parking lot spaces. I had a huge lot. I also had to post the standard human resources posters. I think it takes about a minute to thumb tack them to a bulletin board. I used Paychex to handle my payroll and benefits package. It was a breeze. The business didn't succeed past year three...but that is not due to regulations.

It sounds like you are very concerned with meeting safety regs for your employees. Why.....are you an asshole? Their safety should be a top priority for you. OSHA is supposed to save lives.....not jobs. If you can't maintain a safe work don't deserve the business.

You don't want to hang any posters? What a burden! I don't know how you do it!

So IOW you don't run a business.

A one man show is NOT a business. You don't seem to know the difference between being self employed and owning a business.

If you don't show up you don't make anything so you own a job.

I can be gone for a month and not only still make money but make more than I did the year before.

And I have no problem with employee safety. I have never had a Workers comp claim so I am doing something right. I have a problem with stupid rules like having to replace thousands of pages of MSDS sheets for no good reason.

And I asked the question about posters because I knew you wouldn't know the answer. Anyone who owns a business knows the answer to that question you don't

Look at you!

If you can be gone for a month and make more money than if you were there......why are you there? Are you stupid? You just might be.

You can be a man any time and issue your apology for questioning my sincerity. I own and operate a business. Pisses you off, doesn't it.
Thank you for illustrating that you do not understand how a business operates.

A business is a set of systems put in place so as to continue the revenue stream no matter who is there.

I have an asst manager and employees that I have trained over the past 8 years in every aspect of the business from simple things like how they answer the phones to the most complicated things.

So I can now take time off and still see increases over the previous year because of the systems I have in place.

A one man show is not a business because it cannot operate unless you are there. You own a job not a business.

Michael E. Gerber Companies

If your business depends on you, you don't own a business-you have a job. And it's the worst job in the world because you're working for a lunatic... You can't close it when you want to, because if it's closed you don't get paid. You can't leave it when you want to, because if you leave there's nobody there to do the work. You can't sell it when you want to, because who wants to buy a job?

—Michael Gerber

Weeeeeeeee! I don't own a business!!! I'm just a working stiff! I'm gonna go see my boss about that raise I've been wanting!

I have it on good authority that your boss is a complete asshole

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