Walmart Employees Getting a Raise

Because we are all human beings and should be above the pack mentality of an animal.
I do not, or would not, work for a company who does not have ethical policies.
A business is not a charity, I get that. Completely.
At the same time a business should have an obligatory humaneness and appreciation for years of dedication and value when that employee reaches an age where they may not be as fast and productive as a new recruit. I am speaking of course of a laborer, or someone whose contributions are mainly physical.
I personally have no worries. My contacts and reputation in the industry make me far more valuable than an inexperienced person with little to no contacts/experience. Just so you know where I stand.
Well that's my position, a person should be too valuable at that point to let go. Your scenario is that he could be replaced by a couple of young part timers. I don't see why a company should be obligated to keep them on if that's the level of work they are doing.

Yes, it would be nice, especially if the CEO is buying a bigger yacht but I don't have much faith in mankind in general. I don't expect kindness or someone looking out for my best interests. I guess it's why I work for myself.
You know we are talking about a job that comprises taking items out of boxes and putting them on shelves, right? You know, jobs that high school kids do.

Good Point.
The nations largest employer is a discount retail chain. Awesome.

In 1955 the nations largest employers were movers and shakers. Builders, and organizations of great accomplishments that contributed greatly to the countries well being. They were - GM, US Steel, Amoco and Goodyear. All well paying jobs with solid benefits. Anyone would do well to begin and end their careers at any of them.
Paradise...the top 4 employers are...wait for it... WalMart, - Yum! (KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut) - McDonalds - ad finally a decent employer IBM.


Which brings us right back to Kaz's point in post #311 about onerous gov't policies (corp taxes, regulations, etc.) chasing entire industries (and their jobs) out of the country. We can't have the freedoms that are fertile ground for innovative and ambitious people if we try to FORCE them to keep their biz here. We must entice them - using biz friendly policies - to do so. Carrot, not stick.
Because we are all human beings and should be above the pack mentality of an animal.
I do not, or would not, work for a company who does not have ethical policies.
A business is not a charity, I get that. Completely.
At the same time a business should have an obligatory humaneness and appreciation for years of dedication and value when that employee reaches an age where they may not be as fast and productive as a new recruit. I am speaking of course of a laborer, or someone whose contributions are mainly physical.
I personally have no worries. My contacts and reputation in the industry make me far more valuable than an inexperienced person with little to no contacts/experience. Just so you know where I stand.
Well that's my position, a person should be too valuable at that point to let go. Your scenario is that he could be replaced by a couple of young part timers. I don't see why a company should be obligated to keep them on if that's the level of work they are doing.

Yes, it would be nice, especially if the CEO is buying a bigger yacht but I don't have much faith in mankind in general. I don't expect kindness or someone looking out for my best interests. I guess it's why I work for myself.

If, after a 20 career, you are still getting paid for what you do rather than what you know you are justifiably at risk of losing your job to someone (bigger, stronger, faster, smarter and/or cheaper) who can be trained in short order to do it just as well if not better. Your employer is no more obligated to keep you on than you were obligated to stay for all or any of those 20 years.
You know we are talking about a job that comprises taking items out of boxes and putting them on shelves, right? You know, jobs that high school kids do.

Good Point.
The nations largest employer is a discount retail chain. Awesome.

In 1955 the nations largest employers were movers and shakers. Builders, and organizations of great accomplishments that contributed greatly to the countries well being. They were - GM, US Steel, Amoco and Goodyear. All well paying jobs with solid benefits. Anyone would do well to begin and end their careers at any of them.
Paradise...the top 4 employers are...wait for it... WalMart, - Yum! (KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut) - McDonalds - ad finally a decent employer IBM.

IBM decent? They have off-shored hundreds of thousands of jobs through layoffs while being the number 1 user of H1b visa's and claiming that there are no Americans willing to take said jobs that they just fired the Americans from.
You know we are talking about a job that comprises taking items out of boxes and putting them on shelves, right? You know, jobs that high school kids do.

Good Point.
The nations largest employer is a discount retail chain. Awesome.

In 1955 the nations largest employers were movers and shakers. Builders, and organizations of great accomplishments that contributed greatly to the countries well being. They were - GM, US Steel, Amoco and Goodyear. All well paying jobs with solid benefits. Anyone would do well to begin and end their careers at any of them.
Paradise...the top 4 employers are...wait for it... WalMart, - Yum! (KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut) - McDonalds - ad finally a decent employer IBM.

IBM decent? They have off-shored hundreds of thousands of jobs through layoffs while being the number 1 user of H1b visa's and claiming that there are no Americans willing to take said jobs that they just fired the Americans from.

Your still helping make my point.
The 4th largest US employer is trying hard to get off the list.
My only point to you was it is a pretty shitty and embarassing thing frankly, that the nations largest employer is (yay!) about to pay $9 an hour.
You know we are talking about a job that comprises taking items out of boxes and putting them on shelves, right? You know, jobs that high school kids do.

Good Point.
The nations largest employer is a discount retail chain. Awesome.

In 1955 the nations largest employers were movers and shakers. Builders, and organizations of great accomplishments that contributed greatly to the countries well being. They were - GM, US Steel, Amoco and Goodyear. All well paying jobs with solid benefits. Anyone would do well to begin and end their careers at any of them.
Paradise...the top 4 employers are...wait for it... WalMart, - Yum! (KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut) - McDonalds - ad finally a decent employer IBM.

IBM decent? They have off-shored hundreds of thousands of jobs through layoffs while being the number 1 user of H1b visa's and claiming that there are no Americans willing to take said jobs that they just fired the Americans from.

Your still helping make my point.
The 4th largest US employer is trying hard to get off the list.
My only point to you was it is a pretty shitty and embarassing thing frankly, that the nations largest employer is (yay!) about to pay $9 an hour.

You mean $9/hr ($10/hr by next Feb) to their lowest paid people. Americans already average waaaay more than $9/hr (or $10/hr).
Is it your opinion that every WalMart employee who made less than $9 per hour yesterday somehow "made themselves" worth more?.

dear, by chance they are worth more as the economy improves since there is more and more competition for workers. This drives wages up but of course not to the levels they would command with more skills.

Do you understand?

I understand that you are an idiot.
dear, by chance they are worth more as the economy improves since there is more and more competition for workers. This drives wages up but of course not to the levels they would command with more skills.

Do you understand?
Republicans keep saying that there are millions of "decent and hardworking Americans" who have no education. It actually seems as is they are saying Americans with an education are both indecent and lazy.

Mind readers of the world unite!

Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015
And they did it because of market forces

That's really gotta leave the libs butt sore

Silly nutter. Libs LOVE it when wages go up. Kind of like we love it when Americans succeed. When American workers can buy more shit. When the future becomes a little brighter.

The idea that you and your nutter friends THINK that this is some kind of affirmation of policies which you know...the ones that are not being employed right FUCKING funny.

Yeah you love it but you hate the fact that market forces and not the government made it happen

Say what? Market forces? Interesting. The OVER REGULATED market? The one that has been DESTROYED by Obama and his policies?

You fucking clown.
The DEREGULATED market gave us a recession and brought down the world economy. The facts are right there. They are called "recent history".

Obama's been in control for quite a while now. What's his excuse?
I suspect that most republicans are happy about a company giving its employees a raise when they are not being forced by the government to do so.

They were convicted in the court of public opinion. Walmart and their co-companies make over $50 BILLION PER YEAR IN NET PROFIT.

Ten dollars per hour is still chump-change.
Because we are all human beings and should be above the pack mentality of an animal.

That's a ridiculously foolish thing for you to say considering...

1 - Humans are animals.
2 - You are actually the one advocating for "pack" or herd mentality. Keeping an unproductive employee in a company simply because s/he is old is a herding behavior. Humans are herd animals. We develop social bonds that preserve the cohesion of the herd, without much regard for utilitarian concerns. Terminating an employee for lack of individual productivity is an act which goes beyond our base animal tendencies.
Obama's been in control for quite a while now. What's his excuse?

Obama? You mean the former community organizer whose wife took not one, but TWO $6 figure ghost appointments while he was Senator in Chicago?
You think a guy like that is going to help the little guy?
Ten dollars per hour is still chump-change.
That's pretty good for starting wages. If you are trying to raise a family and buy a home on a minimum wage job you're doing it wrong.
Who made the rule the retail was starting wage? Why shouldn't you be able to raise a family and buy a house on minimum wage? After all, minimum wage is the base wage for all wages.
Who made the rule the retail was starting wage? Why shouldn't you be able to raise a family and buy a house on minimum wage? After all, minimum wage is the base wage for all wages.
Yep, and that's when you pop zits and drive to work in your beater car from your apartment you share with two other people. As people mature they do better financially, unless they are fuckups, and start the house/family/dog/ thing. Like always. Except now for some reason stock boys are suppose to afford all that.
Prove me wrong. Don't forget about Walmarts sub companies; procurement, logistics, and transportation. All of which are privately owned sub - companies. The Walmart 7 on 100 percent. Each one of the sub- companies make a profit.

You're the one who has to prove your own claims.
You know we are talking about a job that comprises taking items out of boxes and putting them on shelves, right? You know, jobs that high school kids do.

Good Point.
The nations largest employer is a discount retail chain. Awesome.

In 1955 the nations largest employers were movers and shakers. Builders, and organizations of great accomplishments that contributed greatly to the countries well being. They were - GM, US Steel, Amoco and Goodyear. All well paying jobs with solid benefits. Anyone would do well to begin and end their careers at any of them.
Paradise...the top 4 employers are...wait for it... WalMart, - Yum! (KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut) - McDonalds - ad finally a decent employer IBM.

IBM decent? They have off-shored hundreds of thousands of jobs through layoffs while being the number 1 user of H1b visa's and claiming that there are no Americans willing to take said jobs that they just fired the Americans from.

Your still helping make my point.
The 4th largest US employer is trying hard to get off the list.
My only point to you was it is a pretty shitty and embarassing thing frankly, that the nations largest employer is (yay!) about to pay $9 an hour.
Don't assume that because I'm responding to you, that I'm disagreeing with you :)

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