Walmart Employees Place Food Donation Bins at Doorstep of Alice Walton's $25 Million Condo

I'm sure they couldn't get near her condo. Does anyone believe her building doesn't have security?

You do know that the picture is of her front door, right?

The sign is at the front door of the building where her condo is, not at her front door, and I'm sure it was there only until they discovered it and removed it. That building is private property, and no one has a right to put anything on property they don't own.
Why is it Walmarts responsibility to feed people who work for them....they have jobs and have posted how much they will pay someone to do that job....if someone agrees to work for that amount of money they accept the job and begin work....if no one agrees to that wage then Walmart either has to raise the wage or not have the work done....

Oh yeah...I forgot....were talking lefties here....they believe in the master/slave relationship where the owner of the business owns the employees and therefore must feed, clothe and house truth they actually believe in the government/slave relationship and want the government to be the master that feeds, clothes and houses them...

But in order to get there, they have to destroy freedom...and freedom of contract is one of the things they need to destroy....

Yeah! Like how dare Wal-mart pay their employees enough to get food so they can have energy to do their jobs. I mean it's like they think they're people or something. Silly leftists for thinking minimum wage workers are actually people.

Silly leftists for thinking minimum wage workers are actually people.

Obama should help more minimum wage illegals stay and depress wages for minimum wage Americans.
Why not, companies go to all that trouble recruiting them to come on up here...

We need to punish companies like Walmart.
Cut off their access to illegals, stick it to the man!
They have been caught more than once doing it.Once for illegals from Eastern Europe...
Local and state taxes are plenty. Also, OnePercenter you are some onepercentor. Everybody in the 1% has taken a tax deduction . Moron.

Taxes aren't the issue. The issue is a company that's taken ten's of billions in subsidies paying their employees so little that they qualify for welfare. If you want to complain about your tax money being wasted, Walmart would be a great place to start.
The sign is at the front door of the building where her condo is, not at her front door, and I'm sure it was there only until they discovered it and removed it. That building is private property, and no one has a right to put anything on property they don't own.

The bin was placed on public property in front of her building where all of her neighbors (and the world) can see it.
The sign is at the front door of the building where her condo is, not at her front door, and I'm sure it was there only until they discovered it and removed it. That building is private property, and no one has a right to put anything on property they don't own.

The bin was placed on public property in front of her building where all of her neighbors (and the world) can see it.

If it was placed on the sidewalk, then it's still illegal. However, from the photo, it appears to be on the easement in front of the sidewalk, which is still private property.

Whatever the case, it's clearly illegal. The people who did it were also probably not Walmart employees. They were SEIU agitators. It's no surprise that union thugs would break the law to pursue their agenda against Walmart.

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