Walmart: Retail Giant Falling Into Terminal Decline...

Why is it business's fault that some people are worth no more than a wage they couldn't support a family on?
Would you pay top dollar for a TV that only got half the channels?
Why should Walmart pay employees based on the emotions of liberals?

They don't pay, you will.
And if they don't earn some of their money at Walmart, I have to pay for ALL of their upkeep. Be thankful that there are companies like Walmart that will employ unskilled workers and provide a part of their maintenance.
I will pay an employee at or slightly above the prevailing rate for that skill set. What it costs you to support your life style is irrelevant.
Apparently it's time to post this again:

How is that relevant? It is not Walmart's duty to make people worth $X/hour. It is not their duty to pay more for a product or service than it is worth.

Look at the "Yearly operating income growth." One model is losing money (that's what the red numbers and the minus sign mean), the other shows a 16.1% growth year over year.

Now, which one underpays its employees? That would be the one in the minus numbers.
Which one pays a decent wage? The one showing 16.1% growth.

Got it now?
Employees are paid what they are worth to the company, maybe a bit more to keep valued workers.
LOOK! When someone walks into Walmart and fills out an application and receives an offer, they are told what they will earn.
They have the opportunity to accept the wage offered or to walk out.
Once they have started work, they can do the minimum to get by and remain at their starting wage, or they can work hard, learn skills and make themselves more valuable.
What they should not be doing is using their lack of ambition and education as a political football.
No Damnit! It's the low paid worker's problem. They can stay away from drugs, finish school, learn a trade and budget.

And live in an area where Walmart has driven out all the competition.

Tell me why Costco can pay $15+ an hour and show a profit and Walmart can't. Then tell me why you're happy that Walmart got a $6 billion tax break last year (the shortfall is paid for by middle-class taxpayers).

Yeah, and i expect Walmart to eventually cry to Government about getting some sort of bailout. It'll run the old 'Too Big To Fail' scam on the Government. We'll see what the Walmart fanboys say when they're forced to bail the Waltons out.
They'll spin it into "Walmart is an American institution! It's part of our American values!" :rofl:

Yeah, it is, but not in a way you'd want to brag about if you were sane...
Half of your nation's citizens will be working low-skilled entry-level jobs. What are you gonna do with those people?

If Walmart wasn't paying their employees enough then they wouldn't have any employees. That's how the market works.

If the Businesses won't pay, you will.

False Dichotomy. The taxpayers don't have to pay for anything; they simply choose to every time they go to the voting booth and reelect politicians who redistribute wealth.

Because everyone knows if you SHOUT you have far more credibility.

Simple question: Why is Costco showing a 16.1% profit and Walmart shows a loss?

Can you answer that? I doubt it. Shout some more.
No Damnit! It's the low paid worker's problem. They can stay away from drugs, finish school, learn a trade and budget.

And live in an area where Walmart has driven out all the competition.

Tell me why Costco can pay $15+ an hour and show a profit and Walmart can't. Then tell me why you're happy that Walmart got a $6 billion tax break last year (the shortfall is paid for by middle-class taxpayers).

Yeah, and i expect Walmart to eventually cry to Government about getting some sort of bailout. It'll run the old 'Too Big To Fail' scam on the Government. We'll see what the Walmart fanboys say when they're forced to bail the Waltons out.
They'll spin it into "Walmart is an American institution! It's part of our American values!" :rofl:

Yeah, it is, but not in a way you'd want to brag about if you were sane...

Oh, they're definitely gonna play that card. But we'll see what the Walmart fanboys think when they're forced to bail the Waltons out.
Half of your nation's citizens will be working low-skilled entry-level jobs. What are you gonna do with those people?

If Walmart wasn't paying their employees enough then they wouldn't have any employees. That's how the market works.

If the Businesses won't pay, you will.

False Dichotomy. The taxpayers don't have to pay for anything; they simply choose to every time they go to the voting booth and reelect politicians who redistribute wealth.

Sorry, but $7-9 an hr. just ain't gonna cut it. Doesn't get you much in today's America. These people will turn to Government for assistance. And they'll get it. We're not a nation that allows its People to starve to death... Well, i think so anyway.
That Costco is owned an run by the Chinese is something you don't seem to realize and that is a real misfortune.

The real misfortune is that you actually believe this. However, if I asked you to prove it, you couldn't.

China does own and operate Costco.

From your link:

Claim: Costco warehouse club stores are owned by China.

Status: False.

Do you know what "false" means?

Yup and you are right.

Costco is a public traded American Company that is opening offices in China. Or trying to.
Why is it business's fault that some people are worth no more than a wage they couldn't support a family on?
Would you pay top dollar for a TV that only got half the channels?
Why should Walmart pay employees based on the emotions of liberals?

They don't pay, you will.
And if they don't earn some of their money at Walmart, I have to pay for ALL of their upkeep. Be thankful that there are companies like Walmart that will employ unskilled workers and provide a part of their maintenance.
I will pay an employee at or slightly above the prevailing rate for that skill set. What it costs you to support your life style is irrelevant.
Apparently it's time to post this again:

How is that relevant? It is not Walmart's duty to make people worth $X/hour. It is not their duty to pay more for a product or service than it is worth.

Look at the "Yearly operating income growth." One model is losing money (that's what the red numbers and the minus sign mean), the other shows a 16.1% growth year over year.

Now, which one underpays its employees? That would be the one in the minus numbers.
Which one pays a decent wage? The one showing 16.1% growth.

Got it now?
So... red numbers.... Walmarts income growth declined by 0.04%

That is a relatively insignificant number, like 4 hundred thousand less profit per billion.
Hardly something to be worried about, unless you want to make rich evil Conservatives look like villains and lock in the votes of Walmart workers.
I find it amazing that Walmart, who employs 1% of the US workforce IN THE UNITED STATES is evil, but Apple, who manufactures their products in CHINA and pays what 12% the wage a Walmart employee earns, gets a pass. (yes people making IPhones in China start at about 180 Euros or $200/month)
It can be for no other reason than the fact Chinese workers can't vote for Democrats.
Half of your nation's citizens will be working low-skilled entry-level jobs. What are you gonna do with those people?

If Walmart wasn't paying their employees enough then they wouldn't have any employees. That's how the market works.

If the Businesses won't pay, you will.

False Dichotomy. The taxpayers don't have to pay for anything; they simply choose to every time they go to the voting booth and reelect politicians who redistribute wealth.

Sorry, but $7-9 an hr. just ain't gonna cut it. Doesn't get you much in today's America. These people will turn to Government for assistance. And they'll get it. We're not a nation that allows its People to starve to death... Well, i think so anyway.
Look stupid! If you are not making enough money, that is YOUR fault. You make minimum wage because you are worth that or less to a company.
Years ago, I started a job in a machine shop at minimum wage. If I remember correctly, MW was $1.35. In 2 weeks, I was making $2/hr and in 6 months, $4/hour. I didn't get a 300% raise because I promised to vote for a Democrat. I was paid more because I was worth more.
Half of your nation's citizens will be working low-skilled entry-level jobs. What are you gonna do with those people?

If Walmart wasn't paying their employees enough then they wouldn't have any employees. That's how the market works.

If the Businesses won't pay, you will.

False Dichotomy. The taxpayers don't have to pay for anything; they simply choose to every time they go to the voting booth and reelect politicians who redistribute wealth.

Sorry, but $7-9 an hr. just ain't gonna cut it. Doesn't get you much in today's America. These people will turn to Government for assistance. And they'll get it. We're not a nation that allows its People to starve to death... Well, i think so anyway.
Look stupid! If you are not making enough money, that is YOUR fault. You make minimum wage because you are worth that or less to a company.
Years ago, I started a job in a machine shop at minimum wage. If I remember correctly, MW was $1.35. In 2 weeks, I was making $2/hr and in 6 months, $4/hour. I didn't get a 300% raise because I promised to vote for a Democrat. I was paid more because I was worth more.

Again, we're not a nation that allows its People to starve to death. That may upset you, but it is the reality. If Walmart won't pay, you will. It is what it is.

Because everyone knows if you SHOUT you have far more credibility.

Simple question: Why is Costco showing a 16.1% profit and Walmart shows a loss?

Can you answer that? I doubt it. Shout some more.
Costco has a different business model.
Costco showed a 16% growth in profit Walmart showed essentially no growth in profit. The chart does not say Walmart ran at a loss.

Let's see if I can tell you what that means.
(made up numbers)
Last year, Walmart had a. operating income of $10,000,000,000 they had a 0.04% decrease in operating income. This year, their operating income was 10,996,000,000.
Costco last year had an operating income of $1,000,000,000
They had a 16% growth in operating income or 1,160,000,000.
Congratulations Costco, but to paraphrase Mark Twain,
The reports of Walmart's imminent death have been greatly exaggerated.
Half of your nation's citizens will be working low-skilled entry-level jobs. What are you gonna do with those people?

If Walmart wasn't paying their employees enough then they wouldn't have any employees. That's how the market works.

If the Businesses won't pay, you will.

False Dichotomy. The taxpayers don't have to pay for anything; they simply choose to every time they go to the voting booth and reelect politicians who redistribute wealth.

Sorry, but $7-9 an hr. just ain't gonna cut it. Doesn't get you much in today's America. These people will turn to Government for assistance. And they'll get it. We're not a nation that allows its People to starve to death... Well, i think so anyway.
Look stupid! If you are not making enough money, that is YOUR fault. You make minimum wage because you are worth that or less to a company.
Years ago, I started a job in a machine shop at minimum wage. If I remember correctly, MW was $1.35. In 2 weeks, I was making $2/hr and in 6 months, $4/hour. I didn't get a 300% raise because I promised to vote for a Democrat. I was paid more because I was worth more.

Again, we're not a nation that allows its People to starve to death. That may upset you, but it is the reality. If Walmart won't pay, you will. It is what it is.
No one wants anyone to starve to death, but I'll be damned if I will reward your irresponsibility.
My prediction is, the Waltons will seek a Government Bailout at some point. They'll cry about how the communities are begging them to not close the stores. It'll be another 'Too Big To Fail' scam.

We'll see what the Walmart fanboys have to say about being forced to give the Waltons that Corporate Welfare. It's should be interesting. Stay tuned.
Half of your nation's citizens will be working low-skilled entry-level jobs. What are you gonna do with those people?

If Walmart wasn't paying their employees enough then they wouldn't have any employees. That's how the market works.

If the Businesses won't pay, you will.

False Dichotomy. The taxpayers don't have to pay for anything; they simply choose to every time they go to the voting booth and reelect politicians who redistribute wealth.

Sorry, but $7-9 an hr. just ain't gonna cut it. Doesn't get you much in today's America. These people will turn to Government for assistance. And they'll get it. We're not a nation that allows its People to starve to death... Well, i think so anyway.
Look stupid! If you are not making enough money, that is YOUR fault. You make minimum wage because you are worth that or less to a company.
Years ago, I started a job in a machine shop at minimum wage. If I remember correctly, MW was $1.35. In 2 weeks, I was making $2/hr and in 6 months, $4/hour. I didn't get a 300% raise because I promised to vote for a Democrat. I was paid more because I was worth more.

Again, we're not a nation that allows its People to starve to death. That may upset you, but it is the reality. If Walmart won't pay, you will. It is what it is.
No one wants anyone to starve to death, but I'll be damned if I will reward your irresponsibility.

They won't be allowed to starve. That's the point. You're just gonna have to accept that.
That Costco is owned an run by the Chinese is something you don't seem to realize and that is a real misfortune.

The real misfortune is that you actually believe this. However, if I asked you to prove it, you couldn't.

China does own and operate Costco.

From your link:

Claim: Costco warehouse club stores are owned by China.

Status: False.

Do you know what "false" means?

Yup and you are right.

Costco is a public traded American Company that is opening offices in China. Or trying to.

As virtually every other major American corporation has. What's your point?
If Walmart wasn't paying their employees enough then they wouldn't have any employees. That's how the market works.

False Dichotomy. The taxpayers don't have to pay for anything; they simply choose to every time they go to the voting booth and reelect politicians who redistribute wealth.

Sorry, but $7-9 an hr. just ain't gonna cut it. Doesn't get you much in today's America. These people will turn to Government for assistance. And they'll get it. We're not a nation that allows its People to starve to death... Well, i think so anyway.
Look stupid! If you are not making enough money, that is YOUR fault. You make minimum wage because you are worth that or less to a company.
Years ago, I started a job in a machine shop at minimum wage. If I remember correctly, MW was $1.35. In 2 weeks, I was making $2/hr and in 6 months, $4/hour. I didn't get a 300% raise because I promised to vote for a Democrat. I was paid more because I was worth more.

Again, we're not a nation that allows its People to starve to death. That may upset you, but it is the reality. If Walmart won't pay, you will. It is what it is.
No one wants anyone to starve to death, but I'll be damned if I will reward your irresponsibility.

They won't be allowed to starve. That's the point. You're just gonna have to accept that.
No they won't but forcing Walmart to pay them more than they are worth is paulitician stupid.
It is not Walmart's duty to make you a quality employee.
Would you be willing to pay more money for gasoline than you can buy it for all over town?
Why should Walmart pay more for labor?

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