Walmart: Retail Giant Falling Into Terminal Decline...

Why is it business's fault that some people are worth no more than a wage they couldn't support a family on?
Would you pay top dollar for a TV that only got half the channels?
Why should Walmart pay employees based on the emotions of liberals?

They don't pay, you will.
And if they don't earn some of their money at Walmart, I have to pay for ALL of their upkeep. Be thankful that there are companies like Walmart that will employ unskilled workers and provide a part of their maintenance.
I will pay an employee at or slightly above the prevailing rate for that skill set. What it costs you to support your life style is irrelevant.
Apparently it's time to post this again:


Looks like Costco is gonna continue growing. Walmart on the other hand, is done growing. If anything, it's over-expanded. There's no more potential for growth. It's peaked out. And that's just about a death sentence for a company.

Hmm. Seems like you really dislike Walmart. :D Seriously, a lot of low-income people shop at Walmart, so I don't think it's going anywhere. People also like the fact that they do all of their shopping at one store instead of traveling around. It's convenient and it's cheap. I agree that they aren't the most "employee friendly" place to work, but if they raised wages, then they would have to raise prices and that probably would hurt them. The reason why they are so popular is because they are so cheap! :)

You get what you pay for... Shitty Chinese-made products and shitty service. If you shop Walmart regularly, don't bitch about either. You're supporting that.
In my area, we will do just fine without Walmart. But up north in small towns, Walmart is all they got. Up north I appreciate Walmart.

They got by without it in the past. They'll make it. But Walmart will still be around for awhile. It's gonna be a slow painful death.

Meh, I don't think Walmart has anything to worry about. Plenty of people are shopping at Walmart. I went there the other day and couldn't even find a spot in which to park.

True. It's not going away anytime soon. It's gonna be a slow painful death. It'll be Kmart eventually.

We actually have a K-Mart here too. Lol. I think Walmart killed K-Mart, but who do you think is killing Walmart? Who is their competitor? People aren't going to stop shopping Walmart because it is cheaper than most other stores. There's Target, but they aren't as popular in my area.

Another company will step in. And who knows, maybe the small businesses Walmart crushed, will come back?

No offense, but I think this is probably wishful thinking on your part. :) Small businesses are great, but a lot of people just cannot afford to shop at them regularly.
They don't pay, you will.
And if they don't earn some of their money at Walmart, I have to pay for ALL of their upkeep. Be thankful that there are companies like Walmart that will employ unskilled workers and provide a part of their maintenance.
I will pay an employee at or slightly above the prevailing rate for that skill set. What it costs you to support your life style is irrelevant.
Apparently it's time to post this again:


Looks like Costco is gonna continue growing. Walmart on the other hand, is done growing. If anything, it's over-expanded. There's no more potential for growth. It's peaked out. And that's just about a death sentence for a company.

Hmm. Seems like you really dislike Walmart. :D Seriously, a lot of low-income people shop at Walmart, so I don't think it's going anywhere. People also like the fact that they do all of their shopping at one store instead of traveling around. It's convenient and it's cheap. I agree that they aren't the most "employee friendly" place to work, but if they raised wages, then they would have to raise prices and that probably would hurt them. The reason why they are so popular is because they are so cheap! :)

You get what you pay for... Shitty Chinese-made products and shitty service.

I won't argue with that. Their stuff is really cheap. Lol.
And if they don't earn some of their money at Walmart, I have to pay for ALL of their upkeep. Be thankful that there are companies like Walmart that will employ unskilled workers and provide a part of their maintenance.
I will pay an employee at or slightly above the prevailing rate for that skill set. What it costs you to support your life style is irrelevant.
Apparently it's time to post this again:


Looks like Costco is gonna continue growing. Walmart on the other hand, is done growing. If anything, it's over-expanded. There's no more potential for growth. It's peaked out. And that's just about a death sentence for a company.

Hmm. Seems like you really dislike Walmart. :D Seriously, a lot of low-income people shop at Walmart, so I don't think it's going anywhere. People also like the fact that they do all of their shopping at one store instead of traveling around. It's convenient and it's cheap. I agree that they aren't the most "employee friendly" place to work, but if they raised wages, then they would have to raise prices and that probably would hurt them. The reason why they are so popular is because they are so cheap! :)

You get what you pay for... Shitty Chinese-made products and shitty service.

I won't argue with that. Their stuff is really cheap. Lol.

Yeah, i laugh at loyal Walmart customers who bitch about the cheap shitty products and shitty customer service. I mean, what do they expect? It pays its workers shite wages and all the products on its shelves are made by Chinese slaves. You do get what you pay for.
Apparently it's time to post this again:


Looks like Costco is gonna continue growing. Walmart on the other hand, is done growing. If anything, it's over-expanded. There's no more potential for growth. It's peaked out. And that's just about a death sentence for a company.

Hmm. Seems like you really dislike Walmart. :D Seriously, a lot of low-income people shop at Walmart, so I don't think it's going anywhere. People also like the fact that they do all of their shopping at one store instead of traveling around. It's convenient and it's cheap. I agree that they aren't the most "employee friendly" place to work, but if they raised wages, then they would have to raise prices and that probably would hurt them. The reason why they are so popular is because they are so cheap! :)

You get what you pay for... Shitty Chinese-made products and shitty service.

I won't argue with that. Their stuff is really cheap. Lol.

Yeah, i laugh at loyal Walmart customers who bitch about the cheap shitty products and shitty customer service. I mean, what do they expect? It pays its workers shite wages and all the products on its shelves are made by Chinese slaves. You do get what you pay for.

Well, truth be told, most people cannot afford to shop anywhere else. We are kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place here. We've done away with our manufacturing industry for the most part. Most of our stuff comes from overseas. Sad. :(
Some are sad, others are rejoicing over Walmart's decline. Where do you stand?

Good. Glad its happening. Nothing but masters on slave plantation forcing the american tax payer to subsidize their workers incomes with welfare because ya know being worth BILLIONS a piece is quite enough to get by on.
Looks like Costco is gonna continue growing. Walmart on the other hand, is done growing. If anything, it's over-expanded. There's no more potential for growth. It's peaked out. And that's just about a death sentence for a company.

Hmm. Seems like you really dislike Walmart. :D Seriously, a lot of low-income people shop at Walmart, so I don't think it's going anywhere. People also like the fact that they do all of their shopping at one store instead of traveling around. It's convenient and it's cheap. I agree that they aren't the most "employee friendly" place to work, but if they raised wages, then they would have to raise prices and that probably would hurt them. The reason why they are so popular is because they are so cheap! :)

You get what you pay for... Shitty Chinese-made products and shitty service.

I won't argue with that. Their stuff is really cheap. Lol.

Yeah, i laugh at loyal Walmart customers who bitch about the cheap shitty products and shitty customer service. I mean, what do they expect? It pays its workers shite wages and all the products on its shelves are made by Chinese slaves. You do get what you pay for.

Well, truth be told, most people cannot afford to shop anywhere else. We are kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place here. We've done away with our manufacturing industry for the most part. Most of our stuff comes from overseas. Sad. :(

I hear ya. But there are other options. I stopped shopping at Walmart awhile ago. And i haven't looked back. I can actually enjoy shopping a bit now. Once you stop shopping at Walmart, you really appreciate nice clean stores and friendly helpful service. It's so refreshing. But you are right, some have no choice. I feel or em.
No sir. They can wait to start a family until they can afford one. I'm tired of paying for the irresponsibility of others.

Get ready to pay more. Like i said, half the people in your country will be working low-skilled entry-level jobs. And if the Businesses refuse to pay them a living wage, you the Taxpayer will have to pick up the slack.
Why is it business's fault that some people are worth no more than a wage they couldn't support a family on?
Would you pay top dollar for a TV that only got half the channels?
Why should Walmart pay employees based on the emotions of liberals?

They don't pay, you will.
And if they don't earn some of their money at Walmart, I have to pay for ALL of their upkeep. Be thankful that there are companies like Walmart that will employ unskilled workers and provide a part of their maintenance.
I will pay an employee at or slightly above the prevailing rate for that skill set. What it costs you to support your life style is irrelevant.
Apparently it's time to post this again:

How is that relevant? It is not Walmart's duty to make people worth $X/hour. It is not their duty to pay more for a product or service than it is worth.
And let's be real, there's nothing worse than a loyal Walmart dufus whining about cheap shitty products and shitty service. I mean, where the fluck do they think they're shopping? They're shopping in the toilet bowl of the retail world. Yet they truly believe they're gonna get 5-star service and excellent quality products.

Walmart peeps are some seriously clueless people. Listen up America, you get what you pay for. You wanted the cheap shitty products and shitty service. So deal with it. Quit ya bitchin.
And let's be real, there's nothing worse than a loyal Walmart dufus whining about cheap shitty products and shitty service. I mean, where the fluck do they think they're shopping? They're shopping in the toilet bowl of the retail world. Yet they truly believe they're gonna get 5-star service and excellent quality products.

Walmart peeps are some seriously clueless people. Listen up America, you get what you pay for. You wanted the cheap shitty products and shitty service. So deal with it. Quit ya bitchin.

Not really the fault of the American people. This is all the doing of the government with their trade agreements.
Get ready to pay more. Like i said, half the people in your country will be working low-skilled entry-level jobs. And if the Businesses refuse to pay them a living wage, you the Taxpayer will have to pick up the slack.
Why is it business's fault that some people are worth no more than a wage they couldn't support a family on?
Would you pay top dollar for a TV that only got half the channels?
Why should Walmart pay employees based on the emotions of liberals?

They don't pay, you will.
And if they don't earn some of their money at Walmart, I have to pay for ALL of their upkeep. Be thankful that there are companies like Walmart that will employ unskilled workers and provide a part of their maintenance.
I will pay an employee at or slightly above the prevailing rate for that skill set. What it costs you to support your life style is irrelevant.
Apparently it's time to post this again:

How is that relevant? It is not Walmart's duty to make people worth $X/hour. It is not their duty to pay more for a product or service than it is worth.

Look at the "Yearly operating income growth." One model is losing money (that's what the red numbers and the minus sign mean), the other shows a 16.1% growth year over year.

Now, which one underpays its employees? That would be the one in the minus numbers.
Which one pays a decent wage? The one showing 16.1% growth.

Got it now?
People can't survive on $7-9 an hr. That's the reality. They'll have to look to Government assistance. So if Businesses don't wanna pay, you'll make up the difference. Evil Corps like Walmart are very happy with you doing that.
It's not WalMart's problem.

They just need to get a second job. ....... :cool:

It's everyone's problem.
No Damnit! It's the low paid worker's problem. They can stay away from drugs, finish school, learn a trade and budget. They can not have kids until they can pay for them.
They should not rely on the taxpayer to subsidize their irresponsibility.

If you want to take in people, give them some cash and blank checks for food, go ahead. Do it with YOUR money, not mine.
I do my part. I now have my 6th "project" in as many years.
A woman who got out of an abusive marriage is staying in the guest cottage in return for some light house cleaning so she can save for advance rent and security for an apartment.
Get back to me when you're doing as much.
And let's be real, there's nothing worse than a loyal Walmart dufus whining about cheap shitty products and shitty service. I mean, where the fluck do they think they're shopping? They're shopping in the toilet bowl of the retail world. Yet they truly believe they're gonna get 5-star service and excellent quality products.

Walmart peeps are some seriously clueless people. Listen up America, you get what you pay for. You wanted the cheap shitty products and shitty service. So deal with it. Quit ya bitchin.

Not really the fault of the American people. This is all the doing of the government with their trade agreements.
You left out the third party...the corporations doing the outsourcing.
And let's be real, there's nothing worse than a loyal Walmart dufus whining about cheap shitty products and shitty service. I mean, where the fluck do they think they're shopping? They're shopping in the toilet bowl of the retail world. Yet they truly believe they're gonna get 5-star service and excellent quality products.

Walmart peeps are some seriously clueless people. Listen up America, you get what you pay for. You wanted the cheap shitty products and shitty service. So deal with it. Quit ya bitchin.

Not really the fault of the American people. This is all the doing of the government with their trade agreements.

Can't argue with you on that one.
Why is it business's fault that some people are worth no more than a wage they couldn't support a family on?
Would you pay top dollar for a TV that only got half the channels?
Why should Walmart pay employees based on the emotions of liberals?

They don't pay, you will.
And if they don't earn some of their money at Walmart, I have to pay for ALL of their upkeep. Be thankful that there are companies like Walmart that will employ unskilled workers and provide a part of their maintenance.
I will pay an employee at or slightly above the prevailing rate for that skill set. What it costs you to support your life style is irrelevant.
Apparently it's time to post this again:

How is that relevant? It is not Walmart's duty to make people worth $X/hour. It is not their duty to pay more for a product or service than it is worth.

Look at the "Yearly operating income growth." One model is losing money (that's what the red numbers and the minus sign mean), the other shows a 16.1% growth year over year.

Now, which one underpays its employees? That would be the one in the minus numbers.
Which one pays a decent wage? The one showing 16.1% growth.

Got it now?

Costco seems to be on the right track. I look forward to getting one in my area.
No Damnit! It's the low paid worker's problem. They can stay away from drugs, finish school, learn a trade and budget.

And live in an area where Walmart has driven out all the competition.

Tell me why Costco can pay $15+ an hour and show a profit and Walmart can't. Then tell me why you're happy that Walmart got a $6 billion tax break last year (the shortfall is paid for by middle-class taxpayers).
They don't pay, you will.
And if they don't earn some of their money at Walmart, I have to pay for ALL of their upkeep. Be thankful that there are companies like Walmart that will employ unskilled workers and provide a part of their maintenance.
I will pay an employee at or slightly above the prevailing rate for that skill set. What it costs you to support your life style is irrelevant.
Apparently it's time to post this again:

How is that relevant? It is not Walmart's duty to make people worth $X/hour. It is not their duty to pay more for a product or service than it is worth.

Look at the "Yearly operating income growth." One model is losing money (that's what the red numbers and the minus sign mean), the other shows a 16.1% growth year over year.

Now, which one underpays its employees? That would be the one in the minus numbers.
Which one pays a decent wage? The one showing 16.1% growth.

Got it now?

Costco seems to be on the right track. I look forward to getting one in my area.

BJ's is more popular in my area, I think. I think we have more BJs than Costcos. Pretty much the same thing though.
No Damnit! It's the low paid worker's problem. They can stay away from drugs, finish school, learn a trade and budget.

And live in an area where Walmart has driven out all the competition.

Tell me why Costco can pay $15+ an hour and show a profit and Walmart can't. Then tell me why you're happy that Walmart got a $6 billion tax break last year (the shortfall is paid for by middle-class taxpayers).

Yeah, and i expect Walmart to eventually cry to Government about getting some sort of bailout. It'll run the old 'Too Big To Fail' scam on the Government. We'll see what the Walmart fanboys say when they're forced to bail the Waltons out.

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