Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

You are confused moon bat.

There have been very few real free market capitalists elected to government offices in several decades so we have no idea what real capitalism will do.

Both Republicans and Democrats give us more government with more regulations and more government transfer payments and the combined cost of government in this country is 40% of the GDP and then we wonder why poverty is increasing and family income is decreasing.

This country had much greater economic growth back when the cost of government in this country was half what it is now.

Jobs are not created by taking money from a person that earned and giving it away to some shithead welfare queen in order to buy votes, which is what Libtard economics is all about. Socialism always fails to some degree or another and most of the time it is disaterous.

Jobs are created in a free market when Americans are allowed to be productive and can realize the fruits of their labor instead of having their money taking away and given to the Obamaphone lady so that Obama can get votes.

Again, your argument would work if we were losing to Argentina or Somalia where they don't let no gummit take care of anyone.

We aren't. We are losing to Germany and Japan which have LAVISH welfare benefits compared to the US.

It's not the ObamaPhone lady who is costing us that much money. It's the old person who worked hard all of her life, found out her 401K and Pension have been looted by the Capitalists you love on Wall Street, and are insisting on government benefits so they don't starve when they go back and work for WalMart at 70.
Yes I do have an answer but you are smart enough to understand it.

If the government would get out of the business of welfare and if it would get off the backs of the job producers in this country then the free market of labor would correct any inefficiencies we see.

You Moon Bats are really dunmbasses. You elect big government assholes that screw up free market capitalism that produce real jobs and real wealth and then you bitch about the consequences.

Guy, your argument would make sense if we were being beaten by small government libertarians.

We aren't. We are being being by Japan and Germany, which have liberal welfare states that put ours to shame and China which is a state run command economy.

Have you looked at the "Welfare State" in Germany? Universal health care, six weeks of paid vacation. Unions that can fire the CEO.

When I was a kid, we used to laugh at the little Volkswagen Beetles...

Who' laughing now?

We not are being beaten by anybody. We are being beaten by ourselves. For instance, when the Libtards protects our greedy unions and the unions run up the cost of goods and services then it is no wonder we can compete in a world economy.

We can't compete in a world economy when we have some of the highest taxation rates in the world.

Even more socialistic Ireland knows that it is better to have a low corporate tax rate than the US and because of that it is causing American corporations to relocate there.

There are counties that use government subsidies and protectionism to subsidies jobs and that is always a tough nut to crack but it is possible to do it if the government would get off the backs of the job producers in this country.

Hong Kong is the economic model that works. Very little government interference in the free market and the result is tremendous economic growth, economic freedom and wealth creation. We use to be more like that and because of it the relatively more capitalistic US had twice the post WWII economic growth rate of the more socialistic European countries.

Nowadays due to the fact that the combined cost of government in this country is 40% of the GDP and we have have millions of pages of regulations and we have high taxation we can't even achieve 3% annual economic growth and the poverty rate is creasing. Big government has been a failure at producing jobs in this country and we need to stop it.
If you Moon Bats don't like Wal Mart then don't shop there.

If you are a Wal Mart employee and you don't like the money you are making then you should go work for someplace else.

If you are an American that don't like welfare (like me) then you stop voting for the stupid Libtards that give out the welfare in exchange for votes.

Wow, you sure have no answers. Keep preaching the same crap that got us in this mess. The world has changed and you seem to have stayed behind.

Yes I do have an answer but you are smart enough to understand it.

If the government would get out of the business of welfare and if it would get off the backs of the job producers in this country then the free market of labor would correct any inefficiencies we see.

You Moon Bats are really dumbasses. You elect big government assholes that screw up free market capitalism that produce real jobs and real wealth and then you bitch about the consequences.
Republicans have been in control of congress, I've seen no improvements. They seem very big government to me. Look at trump, he is all big government.
If you Moon Bats don't like Wal Mart then don't shop there.

If you are a Wal Mart employee and you don't like the money you are making then you should go work for someplace else.

If you are an American that don't like welfare (like me) then you stop voting for the stupid Libtards that give out the welfare in exchange for votes.

And the funny thing is, the people you vote for will keep creating the economic conditions that REQUIRE a welfare state. That they will keep making you pay for because hey, those rich people are too busy buying Dancing Horses.
Their war on unions has been great for increasing welfare and government dependence.
If you Moon Bats don't like Wal Mart then don't shop there.

If you are a Wal Mart employee and you don't like the money you are making then you should go work for someplace else.

If you are an American that don't like welfare (like me) then you stop voting for the stupid Libtards that give out the welfare in exchange for votes.

And the funny thing is, the people you vote for will keep creating the economic conditions that REQUIRE a welfare state. That they will keep making you pay for because hey, those rich people are too busy buying Dancing Horses.

You are confused moon bat.

There have been very few real free market capitalists elected to government offices in several decades so we have no idea what real capitalism will do.

Both Republicans and Democrats give us more government with more regulations and more government transfer payments and the combined cost of government in this country is 40% of the GDP and then we wonder why poverty is increasing and family income is decreasing.

This country had much greater economic growth back when the cost of government in this country was half what it is now.

Jobs are not created by taking money from a person that earned and giving it away to some shithead welfare queen in order to buy votes, which is what Libtard economics is all about. Socialism always fails to some degree or another and most of the time it is disaterous.

Jobs are created in a free market when Americans are allowed to be productive and can realize the fruits of their labor instead of having their money taking away and given to the Obamaphone lady so that Obama can get votes.
Repubs are looking to elect a guy who believes in tariffs. That is not free market.
Yes I do have an answer but you are smart enough to understand it.

If the government would get out of the business of welfare and if it would get off the backs of the job producers in this country then the free market of labor would correct any inefficiencies we see.

You Moon Bats are really dunmbasses. You elect big government assholes that screw up free market capitalism that produce real jobs and real wealth and then you bitch about the consequences.

Guy, your argument would make sense if we were being beaten by small government libertarians.

We aren't. We are being being by Japan and Germany, which have liberal welfare states that put ours to shame and China which is a state run command economy.

Have you looked at the "Welfare State" in Germany? Universal health care, six weeks of paid vacation. Unions that can fire the CEO.

When I was a kid, we used to laugh at the little Volkswagen Beetles...

Who' laughing now?

We not are being beaten by anybody. We are being beaten by ourselves. For instance, when the Libtards protects our greedy unions and the unions run up the cost of goods and services then it is no wonder we can compete in a world economy.

We can't compete in a world economy when we have some of the highest taxation rates in the world.

Even more socialistic Ireland knows that it is better to have a low corporate tax rate than the US and because of that it is causing American corporations to relocate there.

There are counties that use government subsidies and protectionism to subsidies jobs and that is always a tough nut to crack but it is possible to do it if the government would get off the backs of the job producers in this country.

Hong Kong is the economic model that works. Very little government interference in the free market and the result is tremendous economic growth, economic freedom and wealth creation. We use to be more like that and because of it the relatively more capitalistic US had twice the post WWII economic growth rate of the more socialistic European countries.

Nowadays due to the fact that the combined cost of government in this country is 40% of the GDP and we have have millions of pages of regulations and we have high taxation we can't even achieve 3% annual economic growth and the poverty rate is creasing. Big government has been a failure at producing jobs in this country and we need to stop it.
We have out of control inequality which is slowing us down.
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I gave you the definition. You tried to skew it to fit your agenda. You are the one who is clueless. No one is forced to buy imported goods from China.
Sure if they don't need clothes or other essentials for life.

When have tariffs ever worked?

What essentials for life are produced ONLY in China? Come back later when you realize that you are lying.

If you think the US can produce all its own clothing you are a moron.

Again, when have tariffs ever worked? You avoid the question because they don't and never have.

Tariffs worked for close to two hundred years in this country. They protected manufacturing and other industries so the America could become the greatest country in the world.

Manufacturing didn't need protecting. We had the most efficient manufacturing in the world. It was a source of income for the government, it is a tax after all.

Exactly, and American industries had tariff protections to grow into an efficient manufacturing country. That all went down the tubes with the trade giveaways like Nafta.
Sure if they don't need clothes or other essentials for life.

When have tariffs ever worked?

What essentials for life are produced ONLY in China? Come back later when you realize that you are lying.

If you think the US can produce all its own clothing you are a moron.

Again, when have tariffs ever worked? You avoid the question because they don't and never have.

Tariffs worked for close to two hundred years in this country. They protected manufacturing and other industries so the America could become the greatest country in the world.

Manufacturing didn't need protecting. We had the most efficient manufacturing in the world. It was a source of income for the government, it is a tax after all.

Exactly, and American industries had tariff protections to grow into an efficient manufacturing country. That all went down the tubes with the trade giveaways like Nafta.

We didn't need protections, that is the point. Tariffs don't work, just another tax.
Did the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Cause the Great Depression? | America's Trade Policy

Those who blame Smoot-Hawley counter that the drop in exports was significant. From 1929 to 1933 American exports declined from about $5.2 billion to $1.7 billion, and the impact was concentrated on agricultural products such as wheat, cotton and tobacco. As a result, many American farmers defaulted on their loans, which in turn particularly affected small rural banks.

Today, the Smoot-Hawley tariffs represent a cautionary tale. Regardless of whether they were the major cause of the Great Depression or not, they definitely were a truly terrible idea. In today’s world where Central Banks have been pumping out liquidity and inflating stocks, similar to the case in the 1920s, we must hope that we don’t repeat the mistake of Smoot-Hawley.
If you Moon Bats don't like Wal Mart then don't shop there.

If you are a Wal Mart employee and you don't like the money you are making then you should go work for someplace else.

If you are an American that don't like welfare (like me) then you stop voting for the stupid Libtards that give out the welfare in exchange for votes.

And the funny thing is, the people you vote for will keep creating the economic conditions that REQUIRE a welfare state. That they will keep making you pay for because hey, those rich people are too busy buying Dancing Horses.

You are confused moon bat.

There have been very few real free market capitalists elected to government offices in several decades so we have no idea what real capitalism will do.

Both Republicans and Democrats give us more government with more regulations and more government transfer payments and the combined cost of government in this country is 40% of the GDP and then we wonder why poverty is increasing and family income is decreasing.

This country had much greater economic growth back when the cost of government in this country was half what it is now.

Jobs are not created by taking money from a person that earned and giving it away to some shithead welfare queen in order to buy votes, which is what Libtard economics is all about. Socialism always fails to some degree or another and most of the time it is disaterous.

Jobs are created in a free market when Americans are allowed to be productive and can realize the fruits of their labor instead of having their money taking away and given to the Obamaphone lady so that Obama can get votes.
Repubs are looking to elect a guy who believes in tariffs. That is not free market.

There is no free market and life's unfair. You think our agriculture and pharmaceutical industries operate on free market principles? There's thousands of lobbyistso
What essentials for life are produced ONLY in China? Come back later when you realize that you are lying.

If you think the US can produce all its own clothing you are a moron.

Again, when have tariffs ever worked? You avoid the question because they don't and never have.

Tariffs worked for close to two hundred years in this country. They protected manufacturing and other industries so the America could become the greatest country in the world.

Manufacturing didn't need protecting. We had the most efficient manufacturing in the world. It was a source of income for the government, it is a tax after all.

Exactly, and American industries had tariff protections to grow into an efficient manufacturing country. That all went down the tubes with the trade giveaways like Nafta.

We didn't need protections, that is the point. Tariffs don't work, just another tax.

All countries use tariffs and subsidies. You don't think Red China and Japan became powerhouse economies by using the free market, do you? Check with your civics teacher if you don't believe me.
If you Moon Bats don't like Wal Mart then don't shop there.

If you are a Wal Mart employee and you don't like the money you are making then you should go work for someplace else.

If you are an American that don't like welfare (like me) then you stop voting for the stupid Libtards that give out the welfare in exchange for votes.

And the funny thing is, the people you vote for will keep creating the economic conditions that REQUIRE a welfare state. That they will keep making you pay for because hey, those rich people are too busy buying Dancing Horses.

You are confused moon bat.

There have been very few real free market capitalists elected to government offices in several decades so we have no idea what real capitalism will do.

Both Republicans and Democrats give us more government with more regulations and more government transfer payments and the combined cost of government in this country is 40% of the GDP and then we wonder why poverty is increasing and family income is decreasing.

This country had much greater economic growth back when the cost of government in this country was half what it is now.

Jobs are not created by taking money from a person that earned and giving it away to some shithead welfare queen in order to buy votes, which is what Libtard economics is all about. Socialism always fails to some degree or another and most of the time it is disaterous.

Jobs are created in a free market when Americans are allowed to be productive and can realize the fruits of their labor instead of having their money taking away and given to the Obamaphone lady so that Obama can get votes.
Repubs are looking to elect a guy who believes in tariffs. That is not free market.

There is no free market and life's unfair. You think our agriculture and pharmaceutical industries operate on free market principles? There's thousands of lobbyistso
If you think the US can produce all its own clothing you are a moron.

Again, when have tariffs ever worked? You avoid the question because they don't and never have.

Tariffs worked for close to two hundred years in this country. They protected manufacturing and other industries so the America could become the greatest country in the world.

Manufacturing didn't need protecting. We had the most efficient manufacturing in the world. It was a source of income for the government, it is a tax after all.

Exactly, and American industries had tariff protections to grow into an efficient manufacturing country. That all went down the tubes with the trade giveaways like Nafta.

We didn't need protections, that is the point. Tariffs don't work, just another tax.

All countries use tariffs and subsidies. You don't think Red China and Japan became powerhouse economies by using the free market, do you? Check with your civics teacher if you don't believe me.

Yes we have tariffs on China now. But they are just income for the government, another tax. History has shown they make things worse. When did repubs become so pro taxes?
Sadly, Walmart represents what America has become. It just appeals to the ugliness in people. Take a good look around next time you're in a Walmart. Look at how dirty and stinky the store is. All those ripped open packages strewn everywhere. The folks in such a rabid frenzy to buy more stuff, they can't even take the time to open the package properly. They've been reduced to their base wild animal instinct. Just look at the frantic faces running around desperate to buy more cheap shitty Chinese-made products they don't need.

Then take a look at the sad miserable faces of Walmart workers. No joy at all. I truly feel for them. But it's all about Consumerism. Most Americans feel compelled to shop till they drop. They've been told that's what they're supposed to do since they were small children. It's their purpose in life. But it can never really make them happy. There will still be a hole in them. And that emptiness can't be filled by more stuff. Consumerism promotes ugly greed. Walmart represents what we've become. It would be fair to say that our entire country is now just one massive-sized Walmart. It's very sad.
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Shopper Zombies. This dude summed it up perfectly.

"The only true lasting American value that's left... buyin things. People spending money they don't have, on things they don't need."...

More Carlin genius.

"Only a nation of unenlightened halfwits could have taken this beautiful place, and turned it into what it is today... a shopping mall."


According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Except they do nothing of the sort.

Walmart makes billions of dollars off the labor of those people, and the rest of us subsidize their food, health care and housing.

No the government gets in the way of the free market by subsidizing the employees, instead of the employees refusing to work at walmart and putting them out of business ...the government says work at walmart the rest of your lives we Will give you food stamps
This is how weird people like you are.

If a manufactuer moves off shore for cheaper labor rates, you cant say enough how pursuits of corporate profit is everything. And you so understand how they could do that. What with unions and everything.

Let a company import cheap labor and all of a sudden thats terrible.

What the fuck?

Most don't move overseas for bigger corporate profits. Most move overseas because Americans want to buy the cheapest stuff we can get our hands on, and we don't care where it's made.

When a company moves overseas, their workers cannot take advantage of our welfare system. They can't vote here. They can't change us into a bilingual country from over there. They can't lower American wages over there. They can't bring criminals into our country from over there.

If you want to talk about hypocrisy, it's the liberals that complain Americans don't make enough money, but welcome these foreigners into our country to take our jobs.
Actual studies by real economists disagree with your opinion. I see no reason to believe you over people who know what they are talking about.

And I'm sure I can find plenty of economists that would say your economists are FOS. That's because it makes no sense whatsoever unless you really believe that the reason many don't have money is because we have wealthy people in our country that have it all.
Actual studies by real economists disagree with your opinion. I see no reason to believe you over people who know what they are talking about.

And I'm sure I can find plenty of economists that would say your economists are FOS. That's because it makes no sense whatsoever unless you really believe that the reason many don't have money is because we have wealthy people in our country that have it all.

it is funny how little you understand economics. You still seem to think trickle down works. Sad.

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