Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year


According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.
Most positions in department stores are entry level unskilled labor. Those are the lowest paid positions due to labor market forces.
Why would any employer pay over the market rate wage for entry level work? That's stupid.
Most of the workers at the Walmart and all the other big box stores near here are kids, middle aged, adults, semi retired people looking to pick up some walking around money.
This time of year, many college students take part time work at these retailers.
Where's the problem.
The hardware store in town is always busy. Instead of running to Lowes or Home Depot, I go to the mom and pop hardware store. They have good employees who know the products and are generally handy people.

The same here.

If Walmart did open up and put anybody out of business, it's not Walmart's doing, it's the customers doing.

If we don't support our local stores, they will close up and we will have no choice but to deal with big box. I would rather pay more money and have convenient parking, informed employees, and the same selection of items that any big box has.
Mom and Pop stores are not threatened by Walmart.

On that note, I guess I will just let you continue in your delusions, friend. I dont have time to get you to think from a more objective angle if you are going to say that Mom and Pop shops, locally owned retail stores, are not threatened by Walmart.

I just dont have that much time left to spend on the futile.
The hardware store in town is always busy. Instead of running to Lowes or Home Depot, I go to the mom and pop hardware store. They have good employees who know the products and are generally handy people.
Opinion: Study shows Walmart kills small biz

The big-box giant has tried unsuccessfully to sweet-talk its way into our city twice already with promises of jobs, jobs and more jobs. And now it's knocking again, hoping to capitalize on high unemployment and a protracted recession to scare New Yorkers into thinking that Walmart - and Walmart alone - can propel our struggling communities straight to prosperity.

If history is any indication, nothing could be further from the truth. Chicago's struggling West Side learned the hard way that Walmart's stores destroy more retail jobs than they create.

In 2006, the big-box retailer promised to bring jobs to the cash-strapped community. But according to a landmark study by Loyola University, the company's rhetoric didn't match reality: Within two years of Walmart's opening its doors, 82 local stores went out of business.

Instead of growing Chicago's retail economy, Walmart simply overtook it - absorbing sales from other city stores, and shuttering dozens of them in the process.

Researchers at Loyola dubbed Walmart's store a wash - generating no new sales revenue for Chicago, and no new jobs for hard-off residents.

Chicago's cautionary tale isn't isolated. Countless communities, and peer-reviewed surveys across the country, all reach the same conclusion: When Walmart moves in, small businesses, and jobs, move out; Main St. dies.

According to a provisional study by David Neumark, Junfu Zhang and Stephen Ciccarella called "The Effects of Walmart on Local Labor Markets," for every two jobs Walmart "creates," three local jobs are destroyed.

With due respect to Walmart, this is not the kind of economic development neighborhood small businesses need.
Most positions in department stores are entry level unskilled labor. Those are the lowest paid positions due to labor market forces.
Why would any employer pay over the market rate wage for entry level work? That's stupid.

And don't we the consumer do the exact same as Walmart?

I mean, if you need a rebuilt transmission on your vehicle, you get three estimates. In most cases, you will choose the lowest one.

If you need lawn care for your home, and get three estimates, do you chose the one that agrees to cut your lawn for $45.00 per cut, or the one that gave you a price of $70.00 per cut?

We all (including Walmart and others) try to get the cheapest labor that we can. We do the same when we decide where to buy our products.
Walmart needs to pay more simple as that and people would not need government help. Walmart won't so it's the governments right and job to help people or force Walmart off the tit of stealing people's labor AND having Americans subsidizing them so they can get richer

That's governments job? When did that become governments job? Can you point where that's listed at in the US Constitution?

Stealing is when you take something that doesn't belong to you, kind of like taxation. Stealing is not offering a job to somebody who agrees to work that job for said amount of money.

Walmart will be happy to pay their employees whatever you desire, but you have to be a dedicated customer. The problem is that if they pay their workers too much and have to increase the price of their products, you and millions of others will shop somewhere else.
Wrong on so many fronts don't care about the constitution the governments job is to protect its citizens even if that means from predatory businesses. Oh and your bullshit argument about paying to much fails miserably since the waltons are worth BILLIONS and the CEOs get real hefty bonuses on top of several million dollar salaries for doing nothing they don't sell they don't make they don't transport
Republicans love poor white folks Christ if dumbocrats laid off the gin grabbing and fag pushing they could sweep every election republicans don't give a shit about the poor they just love them some big business welfare leaches though

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Wrong.....the government does not subsidize walmart......Walmart has work they need to be done, and they offer a wage they think will attract a worker to do it....both parties can agree or disagree to the arrangement and either engage in the agreement or walk away......

By trying to say that Walmart is responsible for the food, clothing, shelter and healthcare of it's are in essence supporting the oldest labor system in the is called slavery.....

only in the Master/Slave relationship was the one extracting labor from the one responsible for the feeding, clothing, sheltering and healthcare of the other...... a supporter of slavery......why don't you move to an African nation that still practices it......?
Yes but nobody can live working at walmart full time. Cant buy a house and car etc.

Then they should get the skills to get those jobs in the Walmart corporation that do...or they should use the freedom this country provides and get a job with someone else..........

That is freedom...what you are preaching is slavery.
Compassion is providing a free K-12 education. To bad so many people waste that opportunity. Not to mention the trillions of dollars a year in handouts. Add up of the State and Federal programs to assist the poor. We spend more than any country on the poor.

The US is the only First World country to spend LESS money on educating the poor children than the children of the rich. Poor kids go to school in poorly equipped classrooms, in crumbling buildings, often have to share textbooks, and because the pay is so low, they tend not to have the best teachers.

The kids are often poorly nourished, don't have a lot of supports or resources at home, and have to try to make it out of their neighbourhoods to have a chance in life. It's like tying rocks to their feet and telling them to sink or swim. Only the strongest will make it.
Most positions in department stores are entry level unskilled labor. Those are the lowest paid positions due to labor market forces.
Why would any employer pay over the market rate wage for entry level work? That's stupid.
Most of the workers at the Walmart and all the other big box stores near here are kids, middle aged, adults, semi retired people looking to pick up some walking around money.
This time of year, many college students take part time work at these retailers.
Where's the problem.

The market rate for labour is established by the minimum wage law. The federal minimum wage hasn't been raised since Clinton was in office. Low income workers are falling further and further behind.

You may think it's cool to see your tax dollars go to these mega-profitable corporations, but I'd rather let these assholes pay their own workers. I don't shop at Walmart and see no reason to give more money to the Walton Family. I worked all my life. These lazy jerks inherited their money. They don't need mine.
The US is the only First World country to spend LESS money on educating the poor children than the children of the rich. Poor kids go to school in poorly equipped classrooms, in crumbling buildings, often have to share textbooks, and because the pay is so low, they tend not to have the best teachers.

The kids are often poorly nourished, don't have a lot of supports or resources at home, and have to try to make it out of their neighbourhoods to have a chance in life. It's like tying rocks to their feet and telling them to sink or swim. Only the strongest will make it.

The people of the community control their own schools. If they want new buildings, higher paid teachers, better food in the cafeteria, then they can pay more taxes and have these things. That's what all other communities do.

So what do middle-class kids do when they get out of school? They get a job, save some money, eventually move out of their parents home into a nice apartment or house of their own. What's stopping anybody from any class in our society from doing the same thing?
Wrong on so many fronts don't care about the constitution the governments job is to protect its citizens even if that means from predatory businesses. Oh and your bullshit argument about paying to much fails miserably since the waltons are worth BILLIONS and the CEOs get real hefty bonuses on top of several million dollar salaries for doing nothing they don't sell they don't make they don't transport

Obviously you don't care about the Constitution. Why should you care about something you have no knowledge of?

If the Walton's or the CEO agreed to make less, shouldn't they put that money into their products to lower the cost?

The only job the government has when it comes to protection is protecting the citizens from foreign and domestic enemies. If you don't want to learn a skill, learn a trade, open up your own business, why should anybody pay you more than you are worth if your skills are just about worthless? Because the owners, stock holders or CEO has money?

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Worst spin attempt ever.

Prove me wrong...

Walmart solely exist to support th US government welfare program...

What else could it be?
If you don't think the fed govt should set a minimum level of benefits, just have the balls to say so

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Worst spin attempt ever.

Prove me wrong...

Walmart solely exist to support th US government welfare program...

What else could it be?
If you don't think the fed govt should set a minimum level of benefits, just have the balls to say so
If government wants everyone to have a minimum level of benefits, than government should supply those benefits. Quit trying to force business to do it. In fact, the whole concept of benefits came about when government capped what companies could pay their employees. Benefits were a way around the caps.

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Worst spin attempt ever.

Prove me wrong...

Walmart solely exist to support th US government welfare program...

What else could it be?
If you don't think the fed govt should set a minimum level of benefits, just have the balls to say so
If government wants everyone to have a minimum level of benefits, than government should supply those benefits. Quit trying to force business to do it. In fact, the whole concept of benefits came about when government capped what companies could pay their employees. Benefits were a way around the caps.
what cap on wages? I was merely saying that anyone who opposes min wage should have the balls to say they oppose it.

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.
No matter how many time you post this stupid topic you'll get the same answer - take everyone off of food stamps and welfare who has a job.

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