Walmart's Out-Of-Control Crime Problem Driving Police Crazy...

Another reason not to shop at Walmart. Biggest criminal hangout in the world. I mean, besides jail. I would advise folks to avoid Walmarts late at night especially. And before all you Walmart apologists freak out, read the article. It's costing you the Taxpayer bigtime.

The retailer’s aggressive cost cutting has unintended consequences

Darrell Ross—Officer Walmart to his colleagues in the Tulsa Police Department—operates for up to 10 hours a day out of the security office of a Walmart Supercenter in the city’s northeast corner. It’s a small, windowless space with six flatscreen monitors mounted on a pale blue cinder-block wall, and on this hot summer day, the room is packed. Four Walmart employees watch the monitors, which toggle among the dozens of cameras covering the store and parking lot, while doing paperwork and snacking on Cheez Whiz and Club Crackers. In a corner of the room, an off-duty sheriff’s officer, hired by Walmart, makes small talk with the employees.

As soon as Ross walks in the door, around 2 p.m., he’s presented with an 18-year-old who tried to leave the store with a microwave oven...

His squad’s sergeant, Robert Rohloff, a 34-year police veteran who has to worry about staffing, budgets, and patrolling the busiest commercial district in Tulsa, says there’s nothing funny about Walmart’s impact on public safety. He can’t believe, he says, that a multibillion-dollar corporation isn’t doing more to stop crime. Instead, he says, it offloads the job to the police at taxpayers’ expense. “It’s ridiculous—we are talking about the biggest retailer in the world,” says Rohloff. “I may have half my squad there for hours.”

Walmart’s Out-of-Control Crime Problem Is Driving Police Crazy
Gosh! You mean to say there are shoplifters at department stores?

Who knew?

We should get rid of department stores.
Another reason not to shop at Walmart. Biggest criminal hangout in the world. I mean, besides jail. I would advise folks to avoid Walmarts late at night especially. And before all you Walmart apologists freak out, read the article. It's costing you the Taxpayer bigtime.

The retailer’s aggressive cost cutting has unintended consequences

Darrell Ross—Officer Walmart to his colleagues in the Tulsa Police Department—operates for up to 10 hours a day out of the security office of a Walmart Supercenter in the city’s northeast corner. It’s a small, windowless space with six flatscreen monitors mounted on a pale blue cinder-block wall, and on this hot summer day, the room is packed. Four Walmart employees watch the monitors, which toggle among the dozens of cameras covering the store and parking lot, while doing paperwork and snacking on Cheez Whiz and Club Crackers. In a corner of the room, an off-duty sheriff’s officer, hired by Walmart, makes small talk with the employees.

As soon as Ross walks in the door, around 2 p.m., he’s presented with an 18-year-old who tried to leave the store with a microwave oven...

His squad’s sergeant, Robert Rohloff, a 34-year police veteran who has to worry about staffing, budgets, and patrolling the busiest commercial district in Tulsa, says there’s nothing funny about Walmart’s impact on public safety. He can’t believe, he says, that a multibillion-dollar corporation isn’t doing more to stop crime. Instead, he says, it offloads the job to the police at taxpayers’ expense. “It’s ridiculous—we are talking about the biggest retailer in the world,” says Rohloff. “I may have half my squad there for hours.”

Walmart’s Out-of-Control Crime Problem Is Driving Police Crazy
wal-mart is an extension of a white trash trailer park



Dayamn! You're even more stupid than you look!!!! And I didn't think that was possible....... :lmao:

Hey, you're the one saying it's ok to pay higher taxes to help Wally World out. That's a pretty funny take coming from greedy white Republican dude. :)
I love how you emulate the article's implied exaggerations....... Now that's funny, pathetic but funny.
Oh and the last time I looked in the mirror I noticed that yes, I can pass for white (from my dad's side of the family). As for being a Republican........ I'm not. That's your only defensive stance.......? Of course it is, way ta go sputz......... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Ok, the Police are lying. I get it. Enjoy your Walmart criminals and higher taxes. Keep on shopping till you drop boy. WOO HOO!!
Still can't get past your delusions to see my point, not that I expected you were smart enough to be able to...... :lmao:

I asked him where he shopped. He says he doesn't shop at Walmart. Wonder if wherever he shops wouldn't call the TAXPAYER FUNDED police if a crime was
Just telling you what Bentonville's gonna tell ya. 'You just shut up and buy more cheap shitty Chinese-made products. That's all your good for. If we wanted your opinion, we would ask.'

Since you're not man enough to back up a demand of "you just shut up", I'll give you my opinion when I please and your only role is to find a way to be happy with it.

I didn't tell you to shut up. I told you that's what Bentonville's gonna tell you. 'You just continue shopping till you drop. That's your sole purpose. Now get to it.'

You said "you just shut up and keep buying . . . "

One of my purposes is to call out cowards like you.

Uh, you will shut up and keep buying your cheap shitty Chinese-made products from Walmart. Am i wrong?

You will keep being a coward. I'm not wrong.

I'll take that as me being right.
His squad’s sergeant, Robert Rohloff, a 34-year police veteran who has to worry about staffing, budgets, and patrolling the busiest commercial district in Tulsa, says there’s nothing funny about Walmart’s impact on public safety. He can’t believe, he says, that a multibillion-dollar corporation isn’t doing more to stop crime. Instead, he says, it offloads the job to the police at taxpayers’ expense. “It’s ridiculous—we are talking about the biggest retailer in the world,” says Rohloff. “I may have half my squad there for hours.”

Isn't that their job?

Hey, as long as you don't mind Walmart outsourcing all the costs to you the Taxpayer, than go on supporting it. But i don't shop at Walmart. So i'm not happy with the increased taxes to cover what it has more than enough money to pay for. I'm with the Police on this one.
Hey, you're the one saying it's ok to pay higher taxes to help Wally World out. That's a pretty funny take coming from greedy white Republican dude. :)
I love how you emulate the article's implied exaggerations....... Now that's funny, pathetic but funny.
Oh and the last time I looked in the mirror I noticed that yes, I can pass for white (from my dad's side of the family). As for being a Republican........ I'm not. That's your only defensive stance.......? Of course it is, way ta go sputz......... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Ok, the Police are lying. I get it. Enjoy your Walmart criminals and higher taxes. Keep on shopping till you drop boy. WOO HOO!!
Still can't get past your delusions to see my point, not that I expected you were smart enough to be able to...... :lmao:

I asked him where he shopped. He says he doesn't shop at Walmart. Wonder if wherever he shops wouldn't call the TAXPAYER FUNDED police if a crime was
Since you're not man enough to back up a demand of "you just shut up", I'll give you my opinion when I please and your only role is to find a way to be happy with it.

I didn't tell you to shut up. I told you that's what Bentonville's gonna tell you. 'You just continue shopping till you drop. That's your sole purpose. Now get to it.'

You said "you just shut up and keep buying . . . "

One of my purposes is to call out cowards like you.

Uh, you will shut up and keep buying your cheap shitty Chinese-made products from Walmart. Am i wrong?

You will keep being a coward. I'm not wrong.
Yeah, he seems to think that cops aren't supposed to respond to reported crimes committed at Walmarts. :dunno:
Of course some Wally Worlds are in or next to high crime areas, but so are all the other retail outlets in the same areas. Those Wally Worlds have a higher number of shoppers so obviously will draw a higher number of criminals. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that out...... :lol:

Well, now you'll pay higher taxes to pay for something Walmart has more than enough money to pay for. You're being Walmart's little bitch again. Walmart's much more expensive than you think. It's actually costing you bigtime.
Walmart crime is out of control. And you the Taxpayer are paying for it. So enjoy that cheap shitty Chinese-made toaster. You're paying through the nose in other ways.
This should make you happy....... Heck maybe the cops can protect and serve the shit out of you....... :lmao:

Doesn't WalMart have a bunch of black employees? And you're calling cops? Want to turn it into a shooting gallery?

Ah, so now y'all suddenly have a problem with the Police. Y'all greedy white Republican dudes crack me up. You're so full of shite. :laugh:

Um ... you don't recognize when I'm mocking you, LOL. Democrats just get dumber and dumber, don't you?

Aren't you glad you're not prejudice like white people are?

Uh, this is actually a really good time for you Authority-Worshippers to support the Police. They're telling you that you're gonna have to pay higher taxes to subsidize Walmart's security. Because Walmart is too greedy to do it.
Drudge, let's blow it so far out of proportion to reality for the pure sensationalist value Report.

Yeah, I read it, one store and that means ALL Wally Worlds are havens for criminals. :lmao:

It's actually a Bloomberg article. And yes, Walmart does have a serious criminal-haven problem. And you the Taxpayer are paying for it. Ask your local Police.
Alice Walton paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to Crooked Hillary. That is the crime that LWNJs overlook.
I love how you emulate the article's implied exaggerations....... Now that's funny, pathetic but funny.
Oh and the last time I looked in the mirror I noticed that yes, I can pass for white (from my dad's side of the family). As for being a Republican........ I'm not. That's your only defensive stance.......? Of course it is, way ta go sputz......... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Ok, the Police are lying. I get it. Enjoy your Walmart criminals and higher taxes. Keep on shopping till you drop boy. WOO HOO!!
Still can't get past your delusions to see my point, not that I expected you were smart enough to be able to...... :lmao:

I asked him where he shopped. He says he doesn't shop at Walmart. Wonder if wherever he shops wouldn't call the TAXPAYER FUNDED police if a crime was
I didn't tell you to shut up. I told you that's what Bentonville's gonna tell you. 'You just continue shopping till you drop. That's your sole purpose. Now get to it.'

You said "you just shut up and keep buying . . . "

One of my purposes is to call out cowards like you.

Uh, you will shut up and keep buying your cheap shitty Chinese-made products from Walmart. Am i wrong?

You will keep being a coward. I'm not wrong.
Yeah, he seems to think that cops aren't supposed to respond to reported crimes committed at Walmarts. :dunno:
Of course some Wally Worlds are in or next to high crime areas, but so are all the other retail outlets in the same areas. Those Wally Worlds have a higher number of shoppers so obviously will draw a higher number of criminals. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that out...... :lol:

Well, now you'll pay higher taxes to pay for something Walmart has more than enough money to pay for. You're being Walmart's little bitch again. Walmart's much more expensive than you think. It's actually costing you bigtime.
You have stock in aluminum foil don'tcha........ :lmao:
Bleepin Walmart. All those $Billions, yet won't hire a proper security staff. But then again, why would it? It has the Taxpayers to pay the bill. Ah, evil corporations, ya gotta love em... Or do ya?

With all the taxes they pay, they are already paying for the police. Why do they need to pay for it again? Democrats really hate anyone who is successful, don't you?

Oh i'm not a Democrat. And you should listen to the Police on this one. They're actually telling you the truth. Walmart's playing Taxpayers for suckers again. It refuses to hire a proper security staff. And why would it? It has 'sucker' Taxpayers to pay for it.
this is what police have to deal with at walmart

Dashcam video released by police shows a wild brawl between a Christian family band and police in a Walmart parking lot in Arizona.

This should make you happy....... Heck maybe the cops can protect and serve the shit out of you....... :lmao:

Doesn't WalMart have a bunch of black employees? And you're calling cops? Want to turn it into a shooting gallery?

Ah, so now y'all suddenly have a problem with the Police. Y'all greedy white Republican dudes crack me up. You're so full of shite. :laugh:

Um ... you don't recognize when I'm mocking you, LOL. Democrats just get dumber and dumber, don't you?

Aren't you glad you're not prejudice like white people are?

Uh, this is actually a really good time for you Authority-Worshippers to support the Police. They're telling you that you're gonna have to pay higher taxes to subsidize Walmart's security. Because Walmart is too greedy to do it.

Where you shop does the same unless you're going to claim they don't call the police if a crime occurs.

Pretty funny watching you Authority-Worshippers attacking Police on this one. Y'all are some very confused messed up folks.
Just telling you what Bentonville's gonna tell ya. 'You just shut up and buy more cheap shitty Chinese-made products. That's all your good for. If we wanted your opinion, we would ask.'

Since you're not man enough to back up a demand of "you just shut up", I'll give you my opinion when I please and your only role is to find a way to be happy with it.

I didn't tell you to shut up. I told you that's what Bentonville's gonna tell you. 'You just continue shopping till you drop. That's your sole purpose. Now get to it.'

You said "you just shut up and keep buying . . . "

One of my purposes is to call out cowards like you.

You'll do what you're told son. You'll continue funding and supporting one of the most evil corporations on earth. If i'm wrong about that, please feel free to correct me.

I'll do what I choose unless you think you're man enough to make me do what you're telling me to do. Please feel free to try AND fail.

So you won't be shopping at Walmart anymore? And don't lie.
Another reason not to shop at Walmart. Biggest criminal hangout in the world. I mean, besides jail. I would advise folks to avoid Walmarts late at night especially. And before all you Walmart apologists freak out, read the article. It's costing you the Taxpayer bigtime.

The retailer’s aggressive cost cutting has unintended consequences

Darrell Ross—Officer Walmart to his colleagues in the Tulsa Police Department—operates for up to 10 hours a day out of the security office of a Walmart Supercenter in the city’s northeast corner. It’s a small, windowless space with six flatscreen monitors mounted on a pale blue cinder-block wall, and on this hot summer day, the room is packed. Four Walmart employees watch the monitors, which toggle among the dozens of cameras covering the store and parking lot, while doing paperwork and snacking on Cheez Whiz and Club Crackers. In a corner of the room, an off-duty sheriff’s officer, hired by Walmart, makes small talk with the employees.

As soon as Ross walks in the door, around 2 p.m., he’s presented with an 18-year-old who tried to leave the store with a microwave oven...

His squad’s sergeant, Robert Rohloff, a 34-year police veteran who has to worry about staffing, budgets, and patrolling the busiest commercial district in Tulsa, says there’s nothing funny about Walmart’s impact on public safety. He can’t believe, he says, that a multibillion-dollar corporation isn’t doing more to stop crime. Instead, he says, it offloads the job to the police at taxpayers’ expense. “It’s ridiculous—we are talking about the biggest retailer in the world,” says Rohloff. “I may have half my squad there for hours.”

Walmart’s Out-of-Control Crime Problem Is Driving Police Crazy
Gosh! You mean to say there are shoplifters at department stores?

Who knew?

We should get rid of department stores.

Yes, there are shoplifters at all department stores. But you obviously didn't read the article.
Ok, the Police are lying. I get it. Enjoy your Walmart criminals and higher taxes. Keep on shopping till you drop boy. WOO HOO!!
Still can't get past your delusions to see my point, not that I expected you were smart enough to be able to...... :lmao:

I asked him where he shopped. He says he doesn't shop at Walmart. Wonder if wherever he shops wouldn't call the TAXPAYER FUNDED police if a crime was
You said "you just shut up and keep buying . . . "

One of my purposes is to call out cowards like you.

Uh, you will shut up and keep buying your cheap shitty Chinese-made products from Walmart. Am i wrong?

You will keep being a coward. I'm not wrong.
Yeah, he seems to think that cops aren't supposed to respond to reported crimes committed at Walmarts. :dunno:
Of course some Wally Worlds are in or next to high crime areas, but so are all the other retail outlets in the same areas. Those Wally Worlds have a higher number of shoppers so obviously will draw a higher number of criminals. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that out...... :lol:

Well, now you'll pay higher taxes to pay for something Walmart has more than enough money to pay for. You're being Walmart's little bitch again. Walmart's much more expensive than you think. It's actually costing you bigtime.
You have stock in aluminum foil don'tcha........ :lmao:
He sneaks into Walmart to buy it.
Another reason not to shop at Walmart. Biggest criminal hangout in the world. I mean, besides jail. I would advise folks to avoid Walmarts late at night especially. And before all you Walmart apologists freak out, read the article. It's costing you the Taxpayer bigtime.

The retailer’s aggressive cost cutting has unintended consequences

Darrell Ross—Officer Walmart to his colleagues in the Tulsa Police Department—operates for up to 10 hours a day out of the security office of a Walmart Supercenter in the city’s northeast corner. It’s a small, windowless space with six flatscreen monitors mounted on a pale blue cinder-block wall, and on this hot summer day, the room is packed. Four Walmart employees watch the monitors, which toggle among the dozens of cameras covering the store and parking lot, while doing paperwork and snacking on Cheez Whiz and Club Crackers. In a corner of the room, an off-duty sheriff’s officer, hired by Walmart, makes small talk with the employees.

As soon as Ross walks in the door, around 2 p.m., he’s presented with an 18-year-old who tried to leave the store with a microwave oven...

His squad’s sergeant, Robert Rohloff, a 34-year police veteran who has to worry about staffing, budgets, and patrolling the busiest commercial district in Tulsa, says there’s nothing funny about Walmart’s impact on public safety. He can’t believe, he says, that a multibillion-dollar corporation isn’t doing more to stop crime. Instead, he says, it offloads the job to the police at taxpayers’ expense. “It’s ridiculous—we are talking about the biggest retailer in the world,” says Rohloff. “I may have half my squad there for hours.”

Walmart’s Out-of-Control Crime Problem Is Driving Police Crazy
wal-mart is an extension of a white trash trailer park




Yup. Walmart truly represents the very worst of America.
It might help you all to understand paulitician better if you knew he is a Green Party acolyte. He just doesn't know it.

"Walmart is an evil corporation! Grrrr..."
Drudge, let's blow it so far out of proportion to reality for the pure sensationalist value Report.

Yeah, I read it, one store and that means ALL Wally Worlds are havens for criminals. :lmao:

It's actually a Bloomberg article. And yes, Walmart does have a serious criminal-haven problem. And you the Taxpayer are paying for it. Ask your local Police.
Alice Walton paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to Crooked Hillary. That is the crime that LWNJs overlook.

Hillary Clinton was a lawyer for Walmart. Says enough about her.
Another reason not to shop at Walmart. Biggest criminal hangout in the world. I mean, besides jail. I would advise folks to avoid Walmarts late at night especially. And before all you Walmart apologists freak out, read the article. It's costing you the Taxpayer bigtime.

The retailer’s aggressive cost cutting has unintended consequences

Darrell Ross—Officer Walmart to his colleagues in the Tulsa Police Department—operates for up to 10 hours a day out of the security office of a Walmart Supercenter in the city’s northeast corner. It’s a small, windowless space with six flatscreen monitors mounted on a pale blue cinder-block wall, and on this hot summer day, the room is packed. Four Walmart employees watch the monitors, which toggle among the dozens of cameras covering the store and parking lot, while doing paperwork and snacking on Cheez Whiz and Club Crackers. In a corner of the room, an off-duty sheriff’s officer, hired by Walmart, makes small talk with the employees.

As soon as Ross walks in the door, around 2 p.m., he’s presented with an 18-year-old who tried to leave the store with a microwave oven...

His squad’s sergeant, Robert Rohloff, a 34-year police veteran who has to worry about staffing, budgets, and patrolling the busiest commercial district in Tulsa, says there’s nothing funny about Walmart’s impact on public safety. He can’t believe, he says, that a multibillion-dollar corporation isn’t doing more to stop crime. Instead, he says, it offloads the job to the police at taxpayers’ expense. “It’s ridiculous—we are talking about the biggest retailer in the world,” says Rohloff. “I may have half my squad there for hours.”

Walmart’s Out-of-Control Crime Problem Is Driving Police Crazy
wal-mart is an extension of a white trash trailer park




Yup. Walmart truly represents the very worst of America.
You don't have any mirrors in your house, do ya........... :eusa_whistle:
The military is taking over the American southwest.

The cops are pigs.

Down with Walmart.

Come on, pauli. You are Green Party to the bone. :lol:

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