

Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
The tea party has moved indoors to the halls of congress. The next speaker of the house has called for every congressman to stand and vote before "god and his countryman" the tea party rocked the house. and Fox News and CNN are on the job.. MSNBC? playing their usual sleazy weekend lineup.. :lol::lol:
Where were the tea baggies when Bush jr was running up the debt? Does anyone know? Any ideas on where they were? Or are they all under a year old? Anyone have any ideas? Seems they only came recently? They ain't aliens are they? Anyone have any ideas on why they appeared so suddenly?
Where were the tea baggies when Bush jr was running up the debt? Does anyone know? Any ideas on where they were? Or are they all under a year old? Anyone have any ideas? Seems they only came recently? They ain't aliens are they? Anyone have any ideas on why they appeared so suddenly?

second verse same as the first,, catch a new tune everynowandthenitwillspiceupyourpersonality.
no sireeee bibbbbity bob,, this here health care thang ain't no big deal over to msnbc.. :lol::lol::lol::lol:I don't think they have enough money to run the news on the weekend..

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