Walter Williams: Why the Founders Did Not Want a Democracy

Maybe this will help.
Oh, you and I wholeheartedly agree! I didn't mean to throw you or question you. I know the historical politics of the Compromise. The mostly anti-slavery states of the North were trying to blunt the political power of the slave states as much as possible without losing their support for ratifying the Constitution. I just wanted to draw you out as we've got leftists on this thread who do not grasp the anti-slavery essence of the Compromise. These are the nincompoops who take offense to its supposed racism, as if the intent were to esteem enslaved blacks as being 3/5s human.
Oh I comprehend the benefit to the land owning elites just fine I'm just not such a sycophant fan boy that I give a shit that the Jeff Bezos's and Elon Musks of their time thought their desires should monopolize the interests of government.
There are benefits to be had by future, emerging landowners as well! Indeed, in early American history, it served to encourage the rapid acquisition of landed property and grow prosperity for all.

You brainwashed collectivists, socialists or whatever cannot see past your silly zero-sum-game mentalities.

Maybe if you took that Founder cock out of your mouth, ignore the propaganda you've been spoon fed all your life and thought about it for a moment you might understand why a group of land owning elites wanted to make sure the government was managed by those same land owning elites and that the "mob" they were afraid of were all the people who they denied the right to vote. It's honestly sad how many of you clowns idolize people who didn't think most of you should have had a say in shit. 😄
Funny people like yourself will use the Constitution when it's convenient. When it's not you bring up every fault of the Founders but you loons will push socialism like it's the answer to everything even though it's various forms are responsible for over 100 million deaths.
Oh I comprehend the benefit to the land owning elites just fine I'm just not such a sycophant fan boy that I give a shit that the Jeff Bezos's and Elon Musks of their time thought their desires should monopolize the interests of government.
The ownership of property is the only way most families can every accumulate or pass on any real wealth to their children.
It is a representative democracy numnuts

One in which the majority is expected to set policy
In a republic such as are we vote for representatives who make those decisions, we don't vote directly on legislation or even for presidents.
all that is true,,

but if youre going to accurately describe our form of government the correct label is

thats because its the constitution that sets the standards/laws for everything that comes after,,

It is a democratic republic in practice.
all that is true,,

but if youre going to accurately describe our form of government the correct label is

thats because its the constitution that sets the standards/laws for everything that comes after,,

Maybe if you took that Founder cock out of your mouth, ignore the propaganda you've been spoon fed all your life and thought about it for a moment you might understand why a group of land owning elites wanted to make sure the government was managed by those same land owning elites and that the "mob" they were afraid of were all the people who they denied the right to vote. It's honestly sad how many of you clowns idolize people who didn't think most of you should have had a say in shit. 😄

Our founders were exceptional men who created America that became something never before seen and gave the most people the most opportunity to rise above the station that they were born into. "Property" in America was not just for the elites. Nor when one says PROPERTY do they mean land/buildings necessarily---animals were included. Simple animals like a Donkey hun could qualify a male of majority age, even a black male in some areas to vote. The thought process was that as long as the voter was not broke ass street bum (which includes our current drunk ghetto and trailer park trash) that they would have skin in the game and be less likely to be bought off by corrupt pols like so many deadbeats are now.
In a republic such as are we vote for representatives who make those decisions, we don't vote directly on legislation or even for presidents.
And no one said we do. Why argue against a point no one is making?

The Founders wanted a democratic republic...ONE IN WHICH THE MAJORITY FACTION SETS POLICY

Our founders were exceptional men who created America that became something never before seen and gave the most people the most opportunity to rise above the station that they were born into. "Property" in America was not just for the elites. Nor when one says PROPERTY do they mean land/buildings necessarily---animals were included. Simple animals like a Donkey hun could qualify a male of majority age, even a black male in some areas to vote. The thought process was that as long as the voter was not broke ass street bum (which includes our current drunk ghetto and trailer park trash) that they would have skin in the game and be less likely to be bought off by corrupt pols like so many deadbeats are now.
What umitigated bullshit. You clowns have fallen for you own propaganda. Some other idiot in the thread called me a socialist. It's the Founders who lived off the wealth created on the backs of slaves. As I said. Take that Founder cock out your mouth and look at history objectively.

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