Wanking is good for you

You referred to 11 year old gang rape victims as just getting "tapped up" by their assailants.

Tapped up is a reference to cheep and easy sex.

Well, like I actually said in the post you're replying to. Many of these girls were NOT being "gang raped", they were simply being lured into having sex. Rape is when someone says no (usually), these girls weren't saying no, they wanted it, the problem is they're too young to be having sex.
Secondly, I didn't use "tapped up" as "cheap and easy sex", I've never heard that.

But you seem to be dishonest enough to take what I said and try and use it for something else that, not really ironically, has fuck all to do with this topic either.

No wonder you're on my ignore list. And.... I guess your next reply will come in another five years. Enjoy.
Well, like I actually said in the post you're replying to. Many of these girls were NOT being "gang raped", they were simply being lured into having sex. Rape is when someone says no (usually), these girls weren't saying no, they wanted it, the problem is they're too young to be having sex.
Secondly, I didn't use "tapped up" as "cheap and easy sex", I've never heard that.

But you seem to be dishonest enough to take what I said and try and use it for something else that, not really ironically, has fuck all to do with this topic either.

No wonder you're on my ignore list. And.... I guess your next reply will come in another five years. Enjoy.
Are you Muslim? The depth of your misogyny is absolutely staggering.

Just imagine, folks -- girls as young as 11 were forced to watch other girls getting gang raped violently less they comply. They had gasoline poured on them with threats to light it. They were called "easy meat" to degrade their humanity and this absolute subhuman ghoul claims they WANTED it.

Isn't that always the claim of those who go after children, saying they wanted it?

Male masturbation could increase chances of having offspring, study suggests​

Time men got out there and wanked a bit more. It'll boost a man's chances of producing kids. The religious right should be out there with porn mags as we speak.
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