Wanna damage the economy? Shut down the southern border......

There are 8,000 invaders now in Tijuana with another 10,000 on the way. If border security should fail, there is a stampede of upwards of 18,000 people flooding into San Diego.

Do you think the people of San Diego are just twiddling their thumbs? They are preparing for what might be a major onslaught.

Maybe the best thing to do would just let them all through the border, and swamp San Diego so it collapses. Can you imagine the mess there would be there if they suddenly inherited thousands of illegal invaders? The leftists in this country would get the message after San Diego went to total chaos.
There are 8,000 invaders now in Tijuana with another 10,000 on the way. If border security should fail, there is a stampede of upwards of 18,000 people flooding into San Diego.

Do you think the people of San Diego are just twiddling their thumbs? They are preparing for what might be a major onslaught.

Maybe the best thing to do would just let them all through the border, and swamp San Diego so it collapses. Can you imagine the mess there would be there if they suddenly inherited thousands of illegal invaders? The leftists in this country would get the message after San Diego went to total chaos.
I'd be hearing the gunfire from here. No one is afraid of the border being shut down. They are afraid of the border failing.
So, you conservatives are cool with shutting down the border and trashing the economy if you can keep out illegals.

Hate to tell you, but the economic damage done by shutting it down completely is stupid and blind to how things actually work.

And, if you conservative types would have read my whole OP, I said that we need to fix immigration, but doing it by shutting down the border isn't it.
So, you conservatives are cool with shutting down the border and trashing the economy if you can keep out illegals.

Hate to tell you, but the economic damage done by shutting it down completely is stupid and blind to how things actually work.

And, if you conservative types would have read my whole OP, I said that we need to fix immigration, but doing it by shutting down the border isn't it.

Immigration is just fine. It's the illegal invaders that are the problem.
A fucking moron said:
Something too stupid to bother reading.
Worst fucking argument for open boarders ever.

Don't tell me you clicked on the thread with the idea you were about to stumble upon some scholarly study that brought attention to some otherwise unknown positive data that legitimized arguments against following the fuckin law.
I'm all for shutting down the border to keep an invasion force of about 20,000 from flooding in less than two hours from where I sit.

Shut it down now or the next caravan of invaders will be bigger and the next one after that bigger still.

Close the border absolutely until it is clear.
I'm all for shutting down the border to keep an invasion force of about 20,000 from flooding in less than two hours from where I sit.

Shut it down now or the next caravan of invaders will be bigger and the next one after that bigger still.

Close the border absolutely until it is clear.

Wow.................the number keeps getting bigger and bigger every time you bring up the caravan. It started out at around 1,000, but then went to 5,000, and now Tipsy is saying 20,000.

Good fish story 'bruh....................
So, you conservatives are cool with shutting down the border and trashing the economy if you can keep out illegals.

Hate to tell you, but the economic damage done by shutting it down completely is stupid and blind to how things actually work.

And, if you conservative types would have read my whole OP, I said that we need to fix immigration, but doing it by shutting down the border isn't it.
If it hurts America, it kills Mexico.

They can't even afford the few thousand disease-ridden caravaners they've got now.

Maybe next time they won't allow them safe passage through their territory.
I find it really interesting that a lot of you people are in favor of completely shutting down the border, but you don't consider the economic impact of such actions.

Hate to tell you, but there is a lot of stuff crossing the border that we need for trade, and shutting it down completely is like using a cannon to kill a fly. Yes, it will work and kill the fly, but it will also do a lot of other collateral damage.
I find it really interesting that a lot of you people are in favor of completely shutting down the border, but you don't consider the economic impact of such actions.

Hate to tell you, but there is a lot of stuff crossing the border that we need for trade, and shutting it down completely is like using a cannon to kill a fly. Yes, it will work and kill the fly, but it will also do a lot of other collateral damage.

It's like discussing a friend's cancer diagnosis. Surgery is expensive. It will hurt. You will be out of commission for a long time. You won't be able to do all the things you like for a long time. The alternative is to let the cancer spread until it kills you.
A dangerously stupid mother fucker said:
Something it was programmed to repeat

Make able-bodied welfare recipients do that job in order to get the government cheese. Send the illegals home. It would be like those prison work teams that you see working along the road and being bused from job to job. Wouldn't it be great if those hotel workers actually spoke American English?

B. I. Fucking N. G. O.

For that matter enough of the people who seem to have no more ambition in life than to work as little as possible and don't mind bagging groceries for 40 years already qualify for all sorts of government assistance. I don't even mind government providing supplemental support for low wage WORKING people. In fact I think you should get more for being motivated and moving up to Cashier. If they reach a management position, cut them a one time check for a 25% down payment on a house they can reasonably afford.

The bottom line is, illegals are doing jobs that American kids have been led to believe are beneath them, or "exploit" them. They have been artificially stagnating low wage labor rates and it's opened up a massive hole beneath the middle class that people are falling into because the upward mobility has been blocked thanks to 8 years of stagnation and malaise, plus that asshole Bush did NOTHING about the border during his term and that fucking traitor McLame was trying to give the invaders amnesty.
Wanna damage the economy more? Let tens of thousands of economic immigrants come through a porous Southern border with more to come in an unending pipeline from Central America.
Whatever San Ysidro, or whatever, loses will be a drop in the bucket compared to what unchecked entry will cost this nation.
You know, I got a bit curious this afternoon, after listening to how the border was shut down for a few hours, and started to wonder how much it would cost.

Apparently, it would not only damage the US economy, but it would also shut down Mexico's economy, and it wouldn't take long either.

The 5 hour border shut down the other day cost American businesses in San Yisidro CA around 5.3 million dollars in lost revenue.

Yes, something needs to be done about immigration, but completely shutting down the border ain't the way to do it.

Here's How Much It Would Cost If Trump Followed Through On Threats To Close The Border

The main issue is the economic activity generated by imports and exports, which would be halted immediately by a full border closure. According to CBS News, around $558 billion worth of goods flow across America's southern border in both directions, and that economic activity would all come to a screeching halt if the entire southern border were closed. Duncan Wood, director of the Wilson Center's Mexico Institute, says that this would, in essence, cause the economies of both the U.S. and Mexico to collapse.

"If you are thinking about a total shutdown of the border, then it's hundreds of millions of dollars a day — maybe a billion," Wood told CBS MoneyWatch. "It's an economic impossibility. Literally, the two economies would grind to a halt. Both economies are set up to depend upon cross-border trade." In a separate interview with the San Diego Tribune, Wood said that shutting down the border would result in "disastrous, catastrophic losses on both sides of the border."

Local economies got a taste of this on Sunday, when Trump briefly shut down the San Ysidro border crossing, the busiest passenger land crossing between the U.S. and Mexico. Over the course of just five hours — the total time the border was closed — San Ysidro businesses lost $5.3 million, according to the local chamber of commerce. And that number is almost certainly an understatement, as it only reflects the financial hits to businesses that are a) located on the American side of the border and b) members of the San Ysidro Chamber of Commerce.
Mexicos economy would collapse LONNNNNNNNG before ours, so they better get their shit together.
So, you conservatives are cool with shutting down the border and trashing the economy if you can keep out illegals.

Hate to tell you, but the economic damage done by shutting it down completely is stupid and blind to how things actually work.

And, if you conservative types would have read my whole OP, I said that we need to fix immigration, but doing it by shutting down the border isn't it.
Illegal immigration costs hundreds of billions every year, so spare us your fake arguments about "trashing the economy" you hypocrite.

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