Wanna Know Exactly How Well Hillary Clinton is Doing?

You have to wonder who the 45% is that still approves of the old battle ax. If a republican was anywhere near embroiled in the scandals Hillary is the media would have buried them long ago

The reason is obvious. The GOP has been unable to offer up anyone better than Clinton. They do not put any solutions on the table. The GOP has morphed into the party of complaints and fear and pessimism.

That's why I said they will continue with the tactic of attack and smearing Clinton rather than improving their own image. Because they have no spines, and have no answers for anything.

It is the same reason Obama has succeeded. Although he is one of the most incompetent boobs to ever occupy the White House, he has the unprecedented good fortune, from his perspective, of being opposed by people more retarded than he is.
I can tell you what those low favorability ratings across the board mean. It means we are probably going to have the lowest voter turnout for a Presidential election since WWII.

The 2014 election had the lowest turnout in 72 years. 2016 will have a slightly higher turnout, only because it is a Presidential election. But it will still be very low.

America is sick of both parties. They are sick of every last one of them.

Luckily for the GOP, low voter turnouts favor the Republican party.

It is like I have been saying for a while now. Things have gotten so rotten, elections will be determined by how many of their voters one party manages to turn off so much they stay home.
There is a lot of spin about Hillary Clinton, and of course folks can cherry pick polls. But at this point, most polling is more about name recognition than anything else. What really matters is how favorably the candidate is perceived.

Very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%. You pretty much have to get half the electorate to like you. :)

Here is aggregate data per the Huffington Post. As you can see, Hillary's favor number is 45.9%. her negative is 48%.

Unless that changes....the Hildabeast is in serious trouble. :(

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
Of all the candidates, Democratic and Republican, Clinton has the highest favorability rating. By far. She has a commanding lead.

So...circling back to your statement "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%", what say you now about the chances of the other candidates who trail Clinton considerably in favorability numbers?

You must be feeling pretty goddam stupid by this point, eh?

You should.

No....the Hildabeast does not have the highest favorability. You must be feeling pretty fucking stupid to say that...right? :lol:

She has a wide lead in favorability.

How embarrassing for you.

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster


Jeb Bush Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

Definition of the word Poll-------Popularity Of Looney Ladies

A poll is a popularity contest.
There is a lot of spin about Hillary Clinton, and of course folks can cherry pick polls. But at this point, most polling is more about name recognition than anything else. What really matters is how favorably the candidate is perceived.

Very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%. You pretty much have to get half the electorate to like you. :)

Here is aggregate data per the Huffington Post. As you can see, Hillary's favor number is 45.9%. her negative is 48%.

Unless that changes....the Hildabeast is in serious trouble. :(

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
Of all the candidates, Democratic and Republican, Clinton has the highest favorability rating. By far. She has a commanding lead.

So...circling back to your statement "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%", what say you now about the chances of the other candidates who trail Clinton considerably in favorability numbers?

You must be feeling pretty goddam stupid by this point, eh?

You should.

No....the Hildabeast does not have the highest favorability. You must be feeling pretty fucking stupid to say that...right? :lol:

She has a wide lead in favorability.

How embarrassing for you.

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster


Jeb Bush Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

Definition of the word Poll-------Popularity Of Looney Ladies

A poll is a popularity contest.
So is an election.

This topic was built on the premise, "Very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%." The numbnut who built that premise failed to check the GOP numbers before prematurely dancing on Hillary's grave.
I wanted her to be President the first time around over Obama, why would I change my mind now?

There is so much crap...and noise being spouted by the R's about her now on this second run, that I don't believe any of it as anything other than partisan crapola.

That's what happens when the boy cried wolf, one too many times I suppose....?
How come the Cuntons have always been embroiled in controversy and scandal? It goes on and on and on...... Something smells mighty fishy here. There's smoke here.
Because they are successful...jealousy....

When you go through a thousand and one Gates, and nothing comes out of them, the problem is not with those being accused, but with those doing the accusing...

Screaming bloody murder non stop, or crying wolf NON STOP,

IS the problem, not the remedy. (even if there were something, anything that came out to be true about them, no one would believe the accusation because so many false accusations were thrown at them)

Don't get me wrong, the Clintons are not perfect, they have faults along with everyone else in this world.
Remember, if you throw a blivet against the wall enough times, one will eventually stick.
We will see an unprecedented smear campaign against Clinton. Then the GOP candidates will turn on each other for a while as they seek the GOP nomination. They will slice and dice each other to pieces, sickening everyone in America with their antics. Then, once someone has come out on top of the pile of bodies, the Right will return to smearing Clinton rather than explain how they will solve America's problems.

Book it.
Well, there's no other GOP candidate that comes even remotely close to 50% in either category besides Bush, none of them are well known enough.

All the rest are either negative or pretty much break even.
Negative? Oh, right I forgot. Liberals need to pick out the GOP candidates, their opinion is what matters. And the only future for the Republican party is to be like Democrats.

Back in reality...the race hasn't started yet, Walker hasn't even announced. And Hillary hasn't faced tough questions or been held accountable for anything.
Well, there's no other GOP candidate that comes even remotely close to 50% in either category besides Bush, none of them are well known enough.

All the rest are either negative or pretty much break even.
Negative? Oh, right I forgot. Liberals need to pick out the GOP candidates, their opinion is what matters. And the only future for the Republican party is to be like Democrats.

Back in reality...the race hasn't started yet, Walker hasn't even announced. And Hillary hasn't faced tough questions or been held accountable for anything.
Plus, Hillary still has to go through the Trey Gowdy meatgrinder. Bet she's looking forward to that with joy in her evil heart.
There is a lot of spin about Hillary Clinton, and of course folks can cherry pick polls. But at this point, most polling is more about name recognition than anything else. What really matters is how favorably the candidate is perceived.

Very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%. You pretty much have to get half the electorate to like you. :)

Here is aggregate data per the Huffington Post. As you can see, Hillary's favor number is 45.9%. her negative is 48%.

Unless that changes....the Hildabeast is in serious trouble. :(

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
Of all the candidates, Democratic and Republican, Clinton has the highest favorability rating. By far. She has a commanding lead.

So...circling back to your statement "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%", what say you now about the chances of the other candidates who trail Clinton considerably in favorability numbers?

You must be feeling pretty goddam stupid by this point, eh?

You should.
Dont call anyone stupid, you ignorant scroat. Clinton's unfavorability ratings are also the highest. She is the best known of the candidates, mainly because she's been on the political scene since the time of Jesus. Look at the GOP candidates with high favorability ratings. Guess who scores best. Yup, it's Mike Huckabee. Anyone think Mike Huckabee is going to be the GOP candidate? Nope.
You have to wonder who the 45% is that still approves of the old battle ax. If a republican was anywhere near embroiled in the scandals Hillary is the media would have buried them long ago

The reason is obvious. The GOP has been unable to offer up anyone better than Clinton. They do not put any solutions on the table. The GOP has morphed into the party of complaints and fear and pessimism.

That's why I said they will continue with the tactic of attack and smearing Clinton rather than improving their own image. Because they have no spines, and have no answers for anything.

It is the same reason Obama has succeeded. Although he is one of the most incompetent boobs to ever occupy the White House, he has the unprecedented good fortune, from his perspective, of being opposed by people more retarded than he is.
You are a low information moron. The GOP candidates are putting policies and ideas on the table. Christie announced a bunch of entitlement reforms etc. Others are doing similar. None of them are attacking clinton. Why would they? SHe's doing a fine job self-destructing.
Any GOP candidate would be better, and is better qualified, than Clinton. That includes Carly Fiorina.
We will see an unprecedented smear campaign against Clinton. Then the GOP candidates will turn on each other for a while as they seek the GOP nomination. They will slice and dice each other to pieces, sickening everyone in America with their antics. Then, once someone has come out on top of the pile of bodies, the Right will return to smearing Clinton rather than explain how they will solve America's problems.

Book it.
What you call a "smear campaign" is also called a criminal investigation. Because Hillary is a criminal.
There is a lot of spin about Hillary Clinton, and of course folks can cherry pick polls. But at this point, most polling is more about name recognition than anything else. What really matters is how favorably the candidate is perceived.

Very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%. You pretty much have to get half the electorate to like you. :)

Here is aggregate data per the Huffington Post. As you can see, Hillary's favor number is 45.9%. her negative is 48%.

Unless that changes....the Hildabeast is in serious trouble. :(

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
Of all the candidates, Democratic and Republican, Clinton has the highest favorability rating. By far. She has a commanding lead.

So...circling back to your statement "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%", what say you now about the chances of the other candidates who trail Clinton considerably in favorability numbers?

You must be feeling pretty goddam stupid by this point, eh?

You should.
Dont call anyone stupid, you ignorant scroat. Clinton's unfavorability ratings are also the highest. She is the best known of the candidates, mainly because she's been on the political scene since the time of Jesus. Look at the GOP candidates with high favorability ratings. Guess who scores best. Yup, it's Mike Huckabee. Anyone think Mike Huckabee is going to be the GOP candidate? Nope.
The premise was "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%". You can thrash about and wail as loud as you like, but it is a simple fact that Clinton currently has a commanding lead over all the others in the "favorability numbers" game.

It is also a fact that no GOP candidate cracks the 40% favorabilty number, much less 50%.

The OP is a giant blundering FAIL.
There is a lot of spin about Hillary Clinton, and of course folks can cherry pick polls. But at this point, most polling is more about name recognition than anything else. What really matters is how favorably the candidate is perceived.

Very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%. You pretty much have to get half the electorate to like you. :)

Here is aggregate data per the Huffington Post. As you can see, Hillary's favor number is 45.9%. her negative is 48%.

Unless that changes....the Hildabeast is in serious trouble. :(

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
Of all the candidates, Democratic and Republican, Clinton has the highest favorability rating. By far. She has a commanding lead.

So...circling back to your statement "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%", what say you now about the chances of the other candidates who trail Clinton considerably in favorability numbers?

You must be feeling pretty goddam stupid by this point, eh?

You should.
Dont call anyone stupid, you ignorant scroat. Clinton's unfavorability ratings are also the highest. She is the best known of the candidates, mainly because she's been on the political scene since the time of Jesus. Look at the GOP candidates with high favorability ratings. Guess who scores best. Yup, it's Mike Huckabee. Anyone think Mike Huckabee is going to be the GOP candidate? Nope.
The premise was "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%". You can thrash about and wail as loud as you like, but it is a simple fact that Clinton has a commanding lead over all the others in the "favorability numbers" game.

It is also a fact that no GOP candidate cracks the 40% favorabilty number, much less 50%.

The OP is a giant blundering FAIL.
No your post is a fail.
It is a statement of fact that no candidate has won with low favorability ratings. The low ratings among the GOP can be explained by lack of exposure. Most people dont know who they are. Huckabee's high rating is explained because he was on Fox News for years as a commentator. As the race goes on more people will become aware of the GOP candidates and their favorabilities will, presumably, increase. As the race goes on more negative information will come out about Hillary, and her favorability will decline.
There is a lot of spin about Hillary Clinton, and of course folks can cherry pick polls. But at this point, most polling is more about name recognition than anything else. What really matters is how favorably the candidate is perceived.

Very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%. You pretty much have to get half the electorate to like you. :)

Here is aggregate data per the Huffington Post. As you can see, Hillary's favor number is 45.9%. her negative is 48%.

Unless that changes....the Hildabeast is in serious trouble. :(

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
Of all the candidates, Democratic and Republican, Clinton has the highest favorability rating. By far. She has a commanding lead.

So...circling back to your statement "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%", what say you now about the chances of the other candidates who trail Clinton considerably in favorability numbers?

You must be feeling pretty goddam stupid by this point, eh?

You should.
Dont call anyone stupid, you ignorant scroat. Clinton's unfavorability ratings are also the highest. She is the best known of the candidates, mainly because she's been on the political scene since the time of Jesus. Look at the GOP candidates with high favorability ratings. Guess who scores best. Yup, it's Mike Huckabee. Anyone think Mike Huckabee is going to be the GOP candidate? Nope.
The premise was "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%". You can thrash about and wail as loud as you like, but it is a simple fact that Clinton has a commanding lead over all the others in the "favorability numbers" game.

It is also a fact that no GOP candidate cracks the 40% favorabilty number, much less 50%.

The OP is a giant blundering FAIL.
No your post is a fail.
It is a statement of fact that no candidate has won with low favorability ratings. The low ratings among the GOP can be explained by lack of exposure. Most people dont know who they are. Huckabee's high rating is explained because he was on Fox News for years as a commentator. As the race goes on more people will become aware of the GOP candidates and their favorabilities will, presumably, increase. As the race goes on more negative information will come out about Hillary, and her favorability will decline.
Sorry, everyone knows who Jeb Bush is. Everyone knows who Ted Cruz is.

And if one nominee has a favorability of 40 percent and one nominee has a favorability of 30 percent, then a candidate with less than 50 percent favorability is going to win. This topic and the Tard Logic™ behind it is stupid.
There is a lot of spin about Hillary Clinton, and of course folks can cherry pick polls. But at this point, most polling is more about name recognition than anything else. What really matters is how favorably the candidate is perceived.

Very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%. You pretty much have to get half the electorate to like you. :)

Here is aggregate data per the Huffington Post. As you can see, Hillary's favor number is 45.9%. her negative is 48%.

Unless that changes....the Hildabeast is in serious trouble. :(

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
Of all the candidates, Democratic and Republican, Clinton has the highest favorability rating. By far. She has a commanding lead.

So...circling back to your statement "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%", what say you now about the chances of the other candidates who trail Clinton considerably in favorability numbers?

You must be feeling pretty goddam stupid by this point, eh?

You should.
Dont call anyone stupid, you ignorant scroat. Clinton's unfavorability ratings are also the highest. She is the best known of the candidates, mainly because she's been on the political scene since the time of Jesus. Look at the GOP candidates with high favorability ratings. Guess who scores best. Yup, it's Mike Huckabee. Anyone think Mike Huckabee is going to be the GOP candidate? Nope.
The premise was "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%". You can thrash about and wail as loud as you like, but it is a simple fact that Clinton has a commanding lead over all the others in the "favorability numbers" game.

It is also a fact that no GOP candidate cracks the 40% favorabilty number, much less 50%.

The OP is a giant blundering FAIL.
No your post is a fail.
It is a statement of fact that no candidate has won with low favorability ratings. The low ratings among the GOP can be explained by lack of exposure. Most people dont know who they are. Huckabee's high rating is explained because he was on Fox News for years as a commentator. As the race goes on more people will become aware of the GOP candidates and their favorabilities will, presumably, increase. As the race goes on more negative information will come out about Hillary, and her favorability will decline.
Sorry, everyone knows who Jeb Bush is. Everyone knows who Ted Cruz is.
No one knows who Ted Cruz is.
Name recognition lacking for many potential Republican candidates TheHill
Of all the candidates, Democratic and Republican, Clinton has the highest favorability rating. By far. She has a commanding lead.

So...circling back to your statement "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%", what say you now about the chances of the other candidates who trail Clinton considerably in favorability numbers?

You must be feeling pretty goddam stupid by this point, eh?

You should.
Dont call anyone stupid, you ignorant scroat. Clinton's unfavorability ratings are also the highest. She is the best known of the candidates, mainly because she's been on the political scene since the time of Jesus. Look at the GOP candidates with high favorability ratings. Guess who scores best. Yup, it's Mike Huckabee. Anyone think Mike Huckabee is going to be the GOP candidate? Nope.
The premise was "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%". You can thrash about and wail as loud as you like, but it is a simple fact that Clinton has a commanding lead over all the others in the "favorability numbers" game.

It is also a fact that no GOP candidate cracks the 40% favorabilty number, much less 50%.

The OP is a giant blundering FAIL.
No your post is a fail.
It is a statement of fact that no candidate has won with low favorability ratings. The low ratings among the GOP can be explained by lack of exposure. Most people dont know who they are. Huckabee's high rating is explained because he was on Fox News for years as a commentator. As the race goes on more people will become aware of the GOP candidates and their favorabilities will, presumably, increase. As the race goes on more negative information will come out about Hillary, and her favorability will decline.
Sorry, everyone knows who Jeb Bush is. Everyone knows who Ted Cruz is.
No one knows who Ted Cruz is.
Name recognition lacking for many potential Republican candidates TheHill
Name recognition works for and against a candidate. That's why Hillary has one of the highest unfavorability numbers, tied with Bush.

It's no coincidence the two most recognized candidates have the highest unfavorabilty ratings. But one has a commanding lead over the other in favorability. And so that bodes very badly for Bush and all the other GOP candidates, not Clinton.

Tied for unfavorable, commanding lead in favorable. Get it now?
It's just a simple and sad fact the numbnut who started this topic dancing for joy over Hillary's <50% favorability number :banana: failed to check the same exact numbers for the GOP. :banana2:

A textbook example of tunnel vision.
Dont call anyone stupid, you ignorant scroat. Clinton's unfavorability ratings are also the highest. She is the best known of the candidates, mainly because she's been on the political scene since the time of Jesus. Look at the GOP candidates with high favorability ratings. Guess who scores best. Yup, it's Mike Huckabee. Anyone think Mike Huckabee is going to be the GOP candidate? Nope.
The premise was "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%". You can thrash about and wail as loud as you like, but it is a simple fact that Clinton has a commanding lead over all the others in the "favorability numbers" game.

It is also a fact that no GOP candidate cracks the 40% favorabilty number, much less 50%.

The OP is a giant blundering FAIL.
No your post is a fail.
It is a statement of fact that no candidate has won with low favorability ratings. The low ratings among the GOP can be explained by lack of exposure. Most people dont know who they are. Huckabee's high rating is explained because he was on Fox News for years as a commentator. As the race goes on more people will become aware of the GOP candidates and their favorabilities will, presumably, increase. As the race goes on more negative information will come out about Hillary, and her favorability will decline.
Sorry, everyone knows who Jeb Bush is. Everyone knows who Ted Cruz is.
No one knows who Ted Cruz is.
Name recognition lacking for many potential Republican candidates TheHill
Name recognition works for and against a candidate. That's why Hillary has one of the highest unfavorability numbers, tied with Bush.

It's no coincidence the two most recognized candidates have the highest unfavorabilty ratings. But one has a commanding lead over the other in favorability. And so that bodes very badly for Bush and all the other GOP candidates, not Clinton.

Tied for unfavorable, commanding lead in favorable. Get it now?
If you think the GOP candidate is going to eb Bush I have news for you.

Campaigns are uncertain things. Herman Cain seemed like a winner. Until his campaign blew up in a bimbo eruption. Clinton's campaign was declared dead. Until he blew a sax on Arsenio Hall. Howard Dean seemed unstoppable. Until he looked like a psychotic on TV screaming. Anything can happen and fortunes can reverse on a dime. It is way too early to predict anything. But based on past campaigns and races it is simply a fact that the bright upcoming candidate with new ideas trumps the old established candidate running on name recognition.
And Hillary's claim is she has a name and a vagina.
We will see an unprecedented smear campaign against Clinton. Then the GOP candidates will turn on each other for a while as they seek the GOP nomination. They will slice and dice each other to pieces, sickening everyone in America with their antics. Then, once someone has come out on top of the pile of bodies, the Right will return to smearing Clinton rather than explain how they will solve America's problems.

Book it.
What you call a "smear campaign" is also called a criminal investigation. Because Hillary is a criminal.

There are no criminal investigations against Clinton currently.

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