Wanna Know Exactly How Well Hillary Clinton is Doing?

I'm a registeed Indi

i too am a registered independent, done that my last D.L. renewal. as far as shoveling shit.., she is barely qualified to pick up my dogs poo, and if she did she most likely would do it with bare hands. :lmao: maybe even with her lips, i will not discuss which lips. :lmao:
After what Hillary did with Sidney Blumenthal, obumble is going to make scuttling her campaign his mission in life.

Get some popcorn. It's going to be a fun ride.
After what Hillary did with Sidney Blumenthal, obumble is going to make scuttling her campaign his mission in life.

Get some popcorn. It's going to be a fun ride.

Rumor is Valerie Jarrett has been feeding the NYC Times stories to deep six the Hildabeast.

Frankly....it wouldn't surprise me at all.
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I wanted her to be President the first time around over Obama, why would I change my mind now?

There is so much crap...and noise being spouted by the R's about her now on this second run, that I don't believe any of it as anything other than partisan crapola.

That's what happens when the boy cried wolf, one too many times I suppose....?
How come the Cuntons have always been embroiled in controversy and scandal? It goes on and on and on...... Something smells mighty fishy here. There's smoke here.
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Well, there's no other GOP candidate that comes even remotely close to 50% in either category besides Bush, none of them are well known enough.

All the rest are either negative or pretty much break even.

It's like you don't understand the purpose of primaries, or you think the election is next week, or something.
This election will be about new ideas. A young, charismatic person with energy will win...whoever that may be.

Nobody wants tired and old.

:cow: :puke:

What I find interesting about all the R polls is that not one of the candidates ever gets any larger percentage than in the teens. The party is splintered, fractured and, other than take from the poor and give to the rich, has no clear message.

OTOH, according to the OP, future president Hillary has a favorability rating of almost half.

But, the RWs would vote for Jack the Ripper if he had an R behind his name.

Ah.....Luddster.....there's like 15 GOP candidates. There have been no primaries yet.

See.....we have a lot of viable candidates to look at and evaluate. That's good. :thup:

You Dims just have a dried-up old bitch who sucked as Secretary of State and worked for a failed President.

Me....I'd rather have options. :)

You know having this many candidates is not normal right? In fact it's kinda unprecedented.

Whatever you're smoking, my friend, you should stop immediately and visit your doctor.

There is nothing particularly new or alarming about having a lot of people floating a Presidential candidacy at this stage of the game. In a few months, the ones without a snowball's chance in Hell will get that message, and the field will narrow. That's what primaries are FOR.

Only leftist Chicken Littles consider the lack of an Anointed Messiah du jour and marching orders to goosestep to to be a sign of the sky falling.
You have to wonder who the 45% is that still approves of the old battle ax. If a republican was anywhere near embroiled in the scandals Hillary is the media would have buried them long ago
There is a lot of spin about Hillary Clinton, and of course folks can cherry pick polls. But at this point, most polling is more about name recognition than anything else. What really matters is how favorably the candidate is perceived.

Very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%. You pretty much have to get half the electorate to like you. :)

Here is aggregate data per the Huffington Post. As you can see, Hillary's favor number is 45.9%. her negative is 48%.

Unless that changes....the Hildabeast is in serious trouble. :(

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
Of all the candidates, Democratic and Republican, Clinton has the highest favorability rating. By far. She has a commanding lead.

So...circling back to your statement "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%", what say you now about the chances of the other candidates who trail Clinton considerably in favorability numbers?

You must be feeling pretty goddam stupid by this point, eh?

You should.
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When trailing in popularity, the GOP's track record has been miserable on improving their image. And so instead of making themselves look better, they try to drag the other guy down. Which is why we can expect the same old tactics of character assassination, manufactured bullshit, and hypocrisy.

It worked so well for them in 2008 and 2012!

Stand by for some serious heavy mud slinging.
There is a lot of spin about Hillary Clinton, and of course folks can cherry pick polls. But at this point, most polling is more about name recognition than anything else. What really matters is how favorably the candidate is perceived.

Very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%. You pretty much have to get half the electorate to like you. :)

Here is aggregate data per the Huffington Post. As you can see, Hillary's favor number is 45.9%. her negative is 48%.

Unless that changes....the Hildabeast is in serious trouble. :(

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
Of all the candidates, Democratic and Republican, Clinton has the highest favorability rating. By far. She has a commanding lead.

So...circling back to your statement "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%", what say you now about the chances of the other candidates who trail Clinton considerably in favorability numbers?

You must be feeling pretty goddam stupid by this point, eh?

You should.

No....the Hildabeast does not have the highest favorability. You must be feeling pretty fucking stupid to say that...right? :lol:

Second....she is well know now....others....not so much.

Your post = Fail. :( Try again.
There is a lot of spin about Hillary Clinton, and of course folks can cherry pick polls. But at this point, most polling is more about name recognition than anything else. What really matters is how favorably the candidate is perceived.

Very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%. You pretty much have to get half the electorate to like you. :)

Here is aggregate data per the Huffington Post. As you can see, Hillary's favor number is 45.9%. her negative is 48%.

Unless that changes....the Hildabeast is in serious trouble. :(

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

Unfortunately, the Empty Pantsuit will be a shoe-in if she makes it to the finish line. With her probable health issues from the recent past, and with her BMI it is unlikely unless she can sit her way through the campaign.
After what Hillary did with Sidney Blumenthal, obumble is going to make scuttling her campaign his mission in life.

Get some popcorn. It's going to be a fun ride.

Rumor is Valerie Jarrett has been feeding the NYC Times stories to deep six the Hildabeast.

Frankly....it wouldn't surprise me at all.
Do you really believe that Bill Clinton said that O'Malley would be a better president than Hillary?
There is a lot of spin about Hillary Clinton, and of course folks can cherry pick polls. But at this point, most polling is more about name recognition than anything else. What really matters is how favorably the candidate is perceived.

Very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%. You pretty much have to get half the electorate to like you. :)

Here is aggregate data per the Huffington Post. As you can see, Hillary's favor number is 45.9%. her negative is 48%.

Unless that changes....the Hildabeast is in serious trouble. :(

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
Of all the candidates, Democratic and Republican, Clinton has the highest favorability rating. By far. She has a commanding lead.

So...circling back to your statement "very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%", what say you now about the chances of the other candidates who trail Clinton considerably in favorability numbers?

You must be feeling pretty goddam stupid by this point, eh?

You should.

No....the Hildabeast does not have the highest favorability. You must be feeling pretty fucking stupid to say that...right? :lol:

She has a wide lead in favorability.

How embarrassing for you.

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster


Jeb Bush Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

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Ted Cruz Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

Mike Huckabee Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

Rand Paul Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

As can be seen by THE EVIDENCE, no GOP candidate cracks 40% favorability, while Clinton is well above 40%.

Very few politicians have ever been elected with favorability numbers under 50%.

Like I said, you must be feeling pretty goddam stupid.

You should. But it looks like you are too retarded to realize what an ass you just made of yourself.
I wanted her to be President the first time around over Obama, why would I change my mind now?

There is so much crap...and noise being spouted by the R's about her now on this second run, that I don't believe any of it as anything other than partisan crapola.

That's what happens when the boy cried wolf, one too many times I suppose....?
How come the Cuntons have always been embroiled in controversy and scandal? It goes on and on and on...... Something smells mighty fishy here. There's smoke here.

RWs would just love to be rid of due process and the presumption of innocence.
I wanted her to be President the first time around over Obama, why would I change my mind now?

There is so much crap...and noise being spouted by the R's about her now on this second run, that I don't believe any of it as anything other than partisan crapola.

That's what happens when the boy cried wolf, one too many times I suppose....?
How come the Cuntons have always been embroiled in controversy and scandal? It goes on and on and on...... Something smells mighty fishy here. There's smoke here.
Because they are successful...jealousy....

When you go through a thousand and one Gates, and nothing comes out of them, the problem is not with those being accused, but with those doing the accusing...

Screaming bloody murder non stop, or crying wolf NON STOP,

IS the problem, not the remedy. (even if there were something, anything that came out to be true about them, no one would believe the accusation because so many false accusations were thrown at them)

Don't get me wrong, the Clintons are not perfect, they have faults along with everyone else in this world.

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