Wanna Know Exactly How Well Hillary Clinton is Doing?

We will see an unprecedented smear campaign against Clinton. Then the GOP candidates will turn on each other for a while as they seek the GOP nomination. They will slice and dice each other to pieces, sickening everyone in America with their antics. Then, once someone has come out on top of the pile of bodies, the Right will return to smearing Clinton rather than explain how they will solve America's problems.

Book it.
What you call a "smear campaign" is also called a criminal investigation. Because Hillary is a criminal.

There are no criminal investigations against Clinton currently.
Thats because the Obama Administration is covering for her. We;ll see what Trey Gowdy gets out of her and where it goes from there.
The Justice Dept indicted Menendez for attempting to influence a decision for a campaign contributor. Hillary actually made decisions favorable to Foundation contributors. Why isnt Justice investigating her?
Didn't see this coming, nope not at all LOL

Look at my sig. Scat is predicting a massive Hildabeast landslide victory. This from a candidate who can't even get half the electorate to like her. :lol:

God I love how delusional the Dims are. :D
This morning, the Fox news programs are showing clips from a focus group of Democrats and the moderator is asking what accomplishments Hitlery made as Secy of State. Not one of those heroes can name a single accomplishment. Interesting note: All of them are voting for her , regardless. Such inspiring loyalty!
There is ONE accomplishment that we can credit Hillary with concerning her term as Secretary of State.... She learned how to delete emails pretty quick!:badgrin:

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