Want More Trump? This Is How You Get More Trump.

The left still have no clue as to why the American people made them irrelevant in politics.

A New York Times column about the need for mass deportations of native-born Americans, because they don’t live up to Ruling Class expectations.

“Bottom line: So-called real Americans are screwing up America. Maybe they should leave, so that we can replace them with new and better ones: newcomers who are more appreciative of what the United States has to offer, more ambitious for themselves and their children, and more willing to sacrifice for the future.”
He makes a good point. Native born Americans are too often fat, dumb, and happy to cash their disability and welfare checks hoping their savior in the white house will create jobs which they are unqualified to fill. In just about every category, foreign born Americans are out pacing their native born counterparts. Of course, their children and their offspring will be native born and will begin to suffer from the same lack of incentive as those today.

The problem is native born Americans and their decedents take what we have in this country for granted. They have never had to live in an environment where only the strongest survive where what we consider necessities are considered luxuries, or where your opportunities in life are determined by your birth. If this country does not have a significant number of new immigrants, we will suffer as a nation.
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That lame excuse belongs in the Islamic YouTube and Russians Hacked The
How Presidential elections are conducted. You missed that.

The Constitution was set up to prevent Mob Rule - which lunatic mobs of Leftists hate.
what does mob rule have to do with Trumps dismal election and his performance so far. Are you tired of winning yet?

Trump is accomplishing a great deal that the Deep State Media Megaphone is desperate to conceal. But keep listening to the dog whistle, bub.

And personally, I don't give a fig about Left Wing Media Polls. They are cooked to play to audiences made up of you and your fellow gullible idiots.
Conservative pollsters also show Trump in deep deep trouble

Spin spin spin little prog. Spin Spin Spin away!
How do you spin special prosecutor and criminal investigation?

It's not a criminal investigation. The FBI was engaged in a counter intelligence investigation, not a criminal one. A Special Prosecutor never should have been appointed in the first place.

This is just the Deep State Swamp Things attempting a Coup.
Liberals have no respect for the law, the constitution, or election results when they lose. You see how intolerant they are now? Hell they can barely tolerate people in their own party.
Trump is President of the Electoral College. He lost the election by millions of votes

No he didn't you are lying, there's a shocker. There was no popular vote election, no popular vote campaign, no popular vote campaign strategy even. Run and hide under your rock lib, take your dumb ass talking point with you.
Did or did Not, Hillary garner 3 million more votes than did Trump?

This means what?
Liberals have no respect for the law, the constitution, or election results when they lose. You see how intolerant they are now? Hell they can barely tolerate people in their own party.
Trump is President of the Electoral College. He lost the election by millions of votes

No he didn't you are lying, there's a shocker. There was no popular vote election, no popular vote campaign, no popular vote campaign strategy even. Run and hide under your rock lib, take your dumb ass talking point with you.
Did or did Not, Hillary garner 3 million more votes than did Trump?
How ya gong yo spin that answer, loser?
Ya done gong yo spin, yo.


This means what.


Fetch boy.


Here's a stick..

Fetch boy.
I agree with the OP. After 8 years of the new and better style rule of Democrats, the article's author still hasn't figured out that the public came to conclusion that enough is enough.

on that note, 8 years later the Republicans STILL haven't found a way to write a damn healthcare bill the would replace the one they insist is worthless.
Here's a good idea.

Buy your own fucking insurance.

It is worthless.
So cute, Reasonable seems to have a man crush on an ugly ass, uncool, stupid Kenyan douchebag who has never grabbed a pussy, but has grabbed a dick or two according to reports. :p

Liberals have no respect for the law, the constitution, or election results when they lose. You see how intolerant they are now? Hell they can barely tolerate people in their own party.
Trump showed the world who the left really are!
Larry Sinclair indicates Barry Obama was a HOMOSEXUAL who grabbed dicks. It is great that we now we have a leader who grabs pussy! I am just biased I guess. Billions of years of evolution. That kind of thing. Cock and Pussy seem to be made for each other, but Reasonable implies cocks go with cocks which simply makes no sense from an evolutionary standpoint. Why do "liberals" hate science?
Liberals have no respect for the law, the constitution, or election results when they lose. You see how intolerant they are now? Hell they can barely tolerate people in their own party.
Trump is President of the Electoral College. He lost the election by millions of votes

She didn't just get 3 million votes more than the cheeto, she got more than any other candidate in our history.

And yet, read that Agent Orange is demanding some sort of proclamation that he's more popular than President Obama.

Very funny since he's down to about 36% now. That means his "base" is slipping away. Understandable since he's really screwing over the very people who voted for him.

OP - I'd be reeel happy if he tweets some more. Does that count as "more trump"?[emoji23]

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Liberals have no respect for the law, the constitution, or election results when they lose. You see how intolerant they are now? Hell they can barely tolerate people in their own party.
Trump is President of the Electoral College. He lost the election by millions of votes

She didn't just get 3 million votes more than the cheeto, she got more than any other candidate in our history.

And yet, read that Agent Orange is demanding some sort of proclamation that he's more popular than President Obama.

Very funny since he's down to about 36% now. That means his "base" is slipping away. Understandable since he's really screwing over the very people who voted for him.

OP - I'd be reeel happy if he tweets some more. Does that count as "more trump"?[emoji23]

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So...you have butthurt over losing got it.
Liberals have no respect for the law, the constitution, or election results when they lose. You see how intolerant they are now? Hell they can barely tolerate people in their own party.
Trump is President of the Electoral College. He lost the election by millions of votes
Does your pussy hurt?
Are you saying the old pussy grabber is at work?
Who's that?
Liberals have no respect for the law, the constitution, or election results when they lose. You see how intolerant they are now? Hell they can barely tolerate people in their own party.
Trump is President of the Electoral College. He lost the election by millions of votes

She didn't just get 3 million votes more than the cheeto, she got more than any other candidate in our history.

And yet, read that Agent Orange is demanding some sort of proclamation that he's more popular than President Obama.

Very funny since he's down to about 36% now. That means his "base" is slipping away. Understandable since he's really screwing over the very people who voted for him.

OP - I'd be reeel happy if he tweets some more. Does that count as "more trump"?[emoji23]

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Except what?
Liberals have no respect for the law, the constitution, or election results when they lose. You see how intolerant they are now? Hell they can barely tolerate people in their own party.
Trump is President of the Electoral College. He lost the election by millions of votes
Does your pussy hurt?
Are you saying the old pussy grabber is at work?
Who's that?
The Trump Pussy Grabber 5000

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