Want to drive a stake through the Establishment's heart?

Since when does The O'bama own CNN? How do you figure he controls jobs at a private company?

Magic teleprompter? Mind control? Secret codes embedded in birth certificates?

Ask CNN, they are the ones that made the claim. I'm just reporting what they said.

CNN Anchor: Obama Administration Threatens Reporter?s Jobs | Say Anything

Bullshit. CNN made no claim; the subject is this anchorperson. And your own link says she's talking about "Obama's people" -- which you somehow morphed into O'bama himself before you even finished writing the OP.

I was going to post this in response to the OP's ridiculous request to "go viral"...


...but seeing the beating he's taking I compelled to make this comment.

It is clear from the report that earlier in her career Costello was upbraided by the Obama admin for making a critcal comments and ALSO
It is clear from the video that earlier in her career Costello believes she was intimidated by the Obama admin for making critical comments and furthermore that she believes she was threatened with losing her job.

That left wingers can't admit this shows your lack of objectivity not to mention class.

If it was the bush admin you'd be all over it.
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Actually what's "clear" is that the OP in his usual paranoia-fueled reverie took a Newsbuster "story" and morphed it into something it isn't.

He's got two fantasy players here that he just simply made up. On one side he morphs an offhand comment by a CNN talking head (which doesn't even make the video btw) into the entire institution of CNN itself talking -- then on the other side he morphs what the lady was talking about... "Obama's people"... into Obama himself. This despite the fact that neither O'bama nor "his people" have any say over who gets hired and fired at CNN.

I could threaten your job right now -- doesn't mean the threat has any teeth, nor does it mean I speak for my employer.

Moreover, the OP put this bullshit story up in two different threads within ten minutes of each other (the other one being here) and then wants to threaten another poster for the crime of using a bold font. No word on whether that threat is backed by O'bama too.

Can't make this stuff up.
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Actually what's "clear" is that the OP took a Newsbuster "story" and morphed it into something it isn't.

It's a CNN story. Did you see the CNN logo on the video?

No, it is NOT a CNN story. CNN did no such "story". It's not a story at all. It's a Brent Bozo-elle gadfly snark piece designed for gullible idiots who can't read -- like you.

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