Want to know the root cause of many of today's problems?

This: https://nypost.com/2019/09/30/more-...OXANJIeD3eLd4VMM-6DVPpWx_cnQE1FDfjFug_umw2AYc

I cannot imagine going a year without reading a single book. No wonder people's brains are going soft.

trump admits he is one of those non-readers.

I imagine he is a shining example to all the conservatives....

does this mean conservatives don't actually READ all those books of right wing lunacies that they buy every year?

sad....all of those "why we need to do something about the liberal problem" books sitting on shelves unread....but LOVED!
I love it!! I love anything Trump does
This: https://nypost.com/2019/09/30/more-...OXANJIeD3eLd4VMM-6DVPpWx_cnQE1FDfjFug_umw2AYc

I cannot imagine going a year without reading a single book. No wonder people's brains are going soft.
..I went to the library all the time as a kid...read WW2 books...English was my best class.....
....so I took my kids there all the time.....people who read books usually do better in English class/etc--obviously ....
..my kid is a straight A student/plus....does great in English class....is far ahead of her classmates
....OBVIOUSLY you should read to your children starting when they are very young--but a lot of parents don't!!!
10 Benefits of Reading: Why You Should Read Every Day
Reading Books to Babies (for Parents) - KidsHealth
My children don't read.
I just look at the pictures

I have some of those books.
I'm going with violent video games and explicit rap lyrics.
The root of our problems is ourselves and our unwillingness to follow the teachings of Jesus.
This: https://nypost.com/2019/09/30/more-...OXANJIeD3eLd4VMM-6DVPpWx_cnQE1FDfjFug_umw2AYc

I cannot imagine going a year without reading a single book. No wonder people's brains are going soft.
a national sample of 1,502 adults, 18 years of age or older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia (302 respondents were interviewed on a landline telephone, and 1,200 were interviewed on a cellphone, including 779 who had no landline telephone).

Is that a big enough sample?

Three thangs.

If you look at the demographics, it's Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Basic needs food,shelter, water etc. must be met, belonging/companionship is next. Simply, you have to reach a level of financial/emotional stability that allow you the room to question/think and seek. You have to move out of the constant crisis cycle and have more than enough time to breathe.

That said, we do know that there have been significant changes in the last 25-30 years as to how things are taught/what is taught. Tidbits of information are included in text books on sidebars leading to regurgitating required information in k-12. Living in an ADHD created world.

When I was in high school there were 2 sentences devoted to the Spanish Influenza; however, my mother taught me a rhyme when I was like 5.

I had a little bird, it's name was Enza
I opened up the window and in flew Enza.

If all that I had been left with was those two sentences, I would have skipped it until I was older or forgotten it along the way.

It's really easy to toy with that Hispanic thang but if there are no books written in Spanish at the library it's probably use. Further, you can speak Spanish but not be able to read and write in the language. Happens a lot.
This: https://nypost.com/2019/09/30/more-...OXANJIeD3eLd4VMM-6DVPpWx_cnQE1FDfjFug_umw2AYc

I cannot imagine going a year without reading a single book. No wonder people's brains are going soft.

And underlying all the problems? Fatherless homes.....single teenage girls trying to raise children from multiple males......and failing.....

Bullshit! A single parent can encourage reading. Trips to the library don't require 2 parents.

Wrong......the primary problem is fatherless homes. Single teenage girls raising young children is the major problem in our poor communities. Look into the research.......
The root of our problems is ourselves and our unwillingness to follow the teachings of Jesus.

I see what you did there. Covert illustration.

And yes the point is well taken, the root of our problems is indeed intolerance. The whole "my way or the highway" binary-bot mentality. Too true.

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