Want work? Accept a job.

Wonder how many of the people crticizing those that don't take shit paying jobs have nice cush, high paying jobs and don't ever have to face what they criticize others for doing, or live in an area with such a low cost of living that a service job wage is livable

Do you ever consider that a lot of people who have good jobs now or own their own businesses have actually worked a lot of shitty jobs in their lives because rather than feeling entitled they put their noses to the grindstone and did what they had to do.

It's more likely that those who believe they "deserve" this or "have a right" to that are the ones who have never really worked for a living.
Wonder how many of the people crticizing those that don't take shit paying jobs have nice cush, high paying jobs and don't ever have to face what they criticize others for doing, or live in an area with such a low cost of living that a service job wage is livable

Do you ever consider that a lot of people who have good jobs now or own their own businesses have actually worked a lot of shitty jobs in their lives because rather than feeling entitled they put their noses to the grindstone and did what they had to do.

It's more likely that those who believe they "deserve" this or "have a right" to that are the ones who have never really worked for a living.

Of course not. The really nice jobs are just given away to any Joe Bum off the street. Hard work? ha!
Wonder how many of the people crticizing those that don't take shit paying jobs have nice cush, high paying jobs and don't ever have to face what they criticize others for doing, or live in an area with such a low cost of living that a service job wage is livable

Do you ever consider that a lot of people who have good jobs now or own their own businesses have actually worked a lot of shitty jobs in their lives because rather than feeling entitled they put their noses to the grindstone and did what they had to do.

It's more likely that those who believe they "deserve" this or "have a right" to that are the ones who have never really worked for a living.

Other than being President of the United States, how many shitty jobs has George W Bush held?

The guy who worked shitty jobs to get ahead is the guy who owns the local shoe store chain, not the guys sitting up in Washington with all the power. Most of them have never worked a day in their life.
Wonder how many of the people crticizing those that don't take shit paying jobs have nice cush, high paying jobs and don't ever have to face what they criticize others for doing, or live in an area with such a low cost of living that a service job wage is livable

Do you ever consider that a lot of people who have good jobs now or own their own businesses have actually worked a lot of shitty jobs in their lives because rather than feeling entitled they put their noses to the grindstone and did what they had to do.

It's more likely that those who believe they "deserve" this or "have a right" to that are the ones who have never really worked for a living.

Other than being President of the United States, how many shitty jobs has George W Bush held?

The guy who worked shitty jobs to get ahead is the guy who owns the local shoe store chain, not the guys sitting up in Washington with all the power. Most of them have never worked a day in their life.

When did this become a thread about BOOOOOOOOSHHHH!!!!

For Christ's fucking sake.
There's nothing more I can say to you except; "I'm sorry to see that you bought into all the bull they sold you". We use to be the industrial might of the world; now, we haven't got enough industry or craftsmanship left to support ourselves if we had to.

That's capitalism at work right there. The free market economy....
me me me me me me mememe me me me me I I I I I I I I I I I I I gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme Bush blew up the levi's....

Typical liberal....."it's OK to make everyone else contribute to MY well being but I won't work until I find something that's not beneath my lofty stature."

oh, the irony of this post...

...a neocon accusing a liberal of being about "me, me, me, me"...

Tariffs, quotas, and other protectionist policies may save a few jobs but the cost to the American consumer is far greater than the benefits.

taxes must come from somewhere. It does mot matter if they are income taxes or tariffs. Both take from the private sector for government use. The difference is that Income taxes raise the cost of production in this country, while tariffs raise the cost of importig from another country. To look at it another way, Income Taxes are like a reverse tariff - we pay extra for it if it is made here. Would you like to see a mathematical proof of this?
I don't know how many here appreciate this fact , and it may not have much relevancy to this thread but keep in mind folks, that self employed people do not qualify for unemployment compensation of any kind. They are always on their own hook. Times like these make them more and more cognizant of their competition.

True but I am sure some insurance company would sell them unimployment insurance if they wanted it.
Are you sure about that? Or is that a rhetorical comment without substantiation? My commercial agent says no such insurance is sold. The closest that would come to such a policy is a policy for disability, which would be due to medical reasons, and W.C. insurance which is payed for by the employer, and would also be a disability due to medical reasons.

NO insurer has ever or would ever sell unemployment insurance.
They would go broke in 1/2 day.
Respectfully sir, have you ever been self employed or run a business?
Wonder how many of the people crticizing those that don't take shit paying jobs have nice cush, high paying jobs and don't ever have to face what they criticize others for doing, or live in an area with such a low cost of living that a service job wage is livable

If you have a high paying "cush" job there is a reason for it.
You educated yourself, focused on your target market, worled your ass off and take 5 times more responsibility than others.
Jobs are EARNED.
Wonder how many of the people crticizing those that don't take shit paying jobs have nice cush, high paying jobs and don't ever have to face what they criticize others for doing, or live in an area with such a low cost of living that a service job wage is livable

If you have a high paying "cush" job there is a reason for it.
You educated yourself, focused on your target market, worled your ass off and take 5 times more responsibility than others.
Jobs are EARNED.

You mean like the CEOs of those investment banks that went down the gurgler? Those educated, hard working guys?
Folks, you have to look for what is available, NOT what you want.

Unless you are a well heeled executive who makes their money cheating the workers.
Why do we have such high unemployment?
High Taxes and cheap imports combine with the underhanded tactics of Executives to create unemployment so they can force highly trained professionals (Engineers for example) to "swallow their pride" and "take what is being offerred" i order to facilitate another vaction to Aruba for the exec and his mistress.
Perhaps the US should instead lower taxes and raise tariffs.

The market determines your wage. How does a "well heeled executive" make $ cheating anyone? And news flash to the uninformed, executives ARE ALSO WORKERS.
Liberals always believe someone is cheating someone else when they make good $.
The fact is I risk hundreds of thousands of dollars as the equity holder of my business. The help do not risk a damn thing. Accordingly, I, not the hired help, make more $ than them and make all the decisions. Always.
They do it differently in old style Russia. Collectivism is a failure.
Wonder how many of the people crticizing those that don't take shit paying jobs have nice cush, high paying jobs and don't ever have to face what they criticize others for doing, or live in an area with such a low cost of living that a service job wage is livable

If you have a high paying "cush" job there is a reason for it.
You educated yourself, focused on your target market, worled your ass off and take 5 times more responsibility than others.
Jobs are EARNED.

You mean like the CEOs of those investment banks that went down the gurgler? Those educated, hard working guys?

Under your thesis every company or industry that fails has non educated executives that do not work hard.
Excellent. Unfortunately the real world does not operate that way in the free market.
Typical college grad... all paper, no mental fortitude

Typical fascist - disdain for anyone with a college degree.

I have a degree, and I sure as hell have disdain for a significant number of people with degrees.

I've got a couple. And you know what? Doesn't make me any better, worse or different than anybody else. I just paid a lot of money and spent a lot of time so I could perform different tasks.

I can see how some people buy into the whole elitist/non-elitist garbage they're fed, but really what you do for a living isn't the sum total of any person. The ones who buy it are the dumb ones, piece of paper or no.
Wonder how many of the people crticizing those that don't take shit paying jobs have nice cush, high paying jobs and don't ever have to face what they criticize others for doing, or live in an area with such a low cost of living that a service job wage is livable

Do you ever consider that a lot of people who have good jobs now or own their own businesses have actually worked a lot of shitty jobs in their lives because rather than feeling entitled they put their noses to the grindstone and did what they had to do.

It's more likely that those who believe they "deserve" this or "have a right" to that are the ones who have never really worked for a living.

yes, I realize that, but lots of these close minded people that want to paint everybody who may refuse a shit paying job and wait for a better one all with the same brush don't seem to get it.
Some people here have a utopic view of the world. Many people get jobs not solely cause they "worked hard', as everybody has likely worked hard to get an education for a job. Many get their chances because they know people, you can't deny that goes a long way in people getting jobs and being able to get into a profession with lack of experience.
Wonder how many of the people crticizing those that don't take shit paying jobs have nice cush, high paying jobs and don't ever have to face what they criticize others for doing, or live in an area with such a low cost of living that a service job wage is livable

Do you ever consider that a lot of people who have good jobs now or own their own businesses have actually worked a lot of shitty jobs in their lives because rather than feeling entitled they put their noses to the grindstone and did what they had to do.

It's more likely that those who believe they "deserve" this or "have a right" to that are the ones who have never really worked for a living.

yes, I realize that, but lots of these close minded people that want to paint everybody who may refuse a shit paying job and wait for a better one all with the same brush don't seem to get it.

In this economy, a shit job might be all you get for a while. To turn that opportunity down because you feel you are above it is unwise and I daresay an expression of the worst kind of hubris.
Some people here have a utopic view of the world. Many people get jobs not solely cause they "worked hard', as everybody has likely worked hard to get an education for a job. Many get their chances because they know people, you can't deny that goes a long way in people getting jobs and being able to get into a profession with lack of experience.

Not everybody has likely worked hard.

And so what if one knows people or has connections?

A person of character who has a work ethic does not whine about such things.
Wonder how many of the people crticizing those that don't take shit paying jobs have nice cush, high paying jobs and don't ever have to face what they criticize others for doing, or live in an area with such a low cost of living that a service job wage is livable

If you have a high paying "cush" job there is a reason for it.
You educated yourself, focused on your target market, worled your ass off and take 5 times more responsibility than others.
Jobs are EARNED.

Sure, in dreamland that's all it takes. LIke my 4 years of undergrad, 6 years grad schoolla nd 5 years research experience as a postdoc isn't hard work? Studying and passing a patent bar exam wouldn't be considered hard work? I'd still have to volunteer my time to "get experience".

No, its not all about "hard work" its about who you know. Many jobs are gotten this way, or at least people are given a chance to get into a profession based on it.
With high education level jobs, in which everybody has worked hard, its no longer about working hard but who you know and doing some shmoozing.

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