WaPo: CIA Intel Showed Putin Directly Ordered Operation To Get Trump Elected

WaPo: CIA Intel Showed Putin Directly Ordered Operation To Get Trump Elected
Source: Talking Points Memo

June 23, 2007, 10:30am.

Intelligence obtained by the CIA last summer found that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered a cyber campaign intended to help elect Donald Trump and damage the electoral chances of Hillary Clinton, according to an exhaustive Washington Post report out Friday into the Obama administration’s response to Russia’s meddling in the 2016 campaign.

This explosive information was first delivered to former president Barack Obama in Aug. 2016, according to the newspaper.

The Post investigation details how Obama and his team struggled to develop a response to this unprecedented interference by a foreign country, worrying that they would be seen as trying to tip the scales in the presidential race. By the time the CIA’s warning arrived, the Obama White House knew that Russian hackers were behind cyberattacks on Democratic Party operatives and the Democratic National Committee, and that the FBI had launched an investigation into ties between Russian officials and Trump campaign staffers.

Trump, who has repeatedly cast doubt the extent of Russia’s interference, has criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to “stop them.”

Read more: WaPo: CIA Intel Showed Putin Directly Ordered Operation To Get Trump Elected

Me and people that have been pointing out the truth are being proven right. If you don't open your eyes then you're in bed with it too and are nothing but treasonous against this nation. Putin is our enemy and this is an act of war.

"according to an exhaustive Washington Post report"

Horseshit, in other words.
republican traitorous scum find this funny They should die a horrible death

I don't know if republicans are russian moles, or just dumb enough to be duped into doing the work of russian moles.

My question for all the liberals that are terrified of Russia is this; What exactly did you do differently as a result of the alleged interference? How did those tricky Russians fool you? Did gaining knowledge of the rigged Democrat primaries make you behave differently? If so, how?
Hi matthew. You and "the people" are still lying and you never offer any proof but media total BS.


So the fbi and everyone that worked high up in the Obama admin like the head of the homeland sectary that seen it happen is just a fucking lie. You're diluted and should be deported to be with your boy friend putin.

This isn't a joke as Russia really did fucking hack the last election and we have plenty of proof all over the country. Hundreds of IP addresses coming from russia were discovered to have attempted to fuck with our voting rolls.
Ok RETARD, if in fact Obama knew in August about why did he say in October that there was NO WAY anyone could effect the race or the vote? Why would he do NOTHING from August until November?
This is a bald faced lie and you bought into it. The narrative is dying from lack of evidence and the facts being all against it. So SUDDENLY an anonymous source makes this new claim. Why did the FBI director even after being fired claim that NO SUCH thing happened? Why have ALL the directors put under oath all denied having ANY evidence that Trump colluded with Russia and have no evidence that anything even remotely like this happened? MORON
ScienceRocks, why the thing that Democrats are spreading nonsense about Trump and make Congress "investigate" that nonsense doesn't bother you? It should bother every normal American citizen/taxpayer: Globalists are fooling you and you, liberals, are buying their crap without demanding any little hint of evidence . It's 21st century, but you don't mind to live in Wonderland next door to Alice.

Oliver Stone: an attempt to find Russian interference in US elections is true witch hunting: a lot of smoke but no fire. You better look at Israel and Mr. Netanyahu who comes to USA and talks to the Congress just before the elections. Or look at our billionaires like Soros who donate millions to certain candidates. Or look at Israeli Lobby who works with our Congressmen so close. This is the real interference. Don’t talk about Russian interference: Russians are not pouring their money into US political processes.

Interview to a Russian TV channel

Sorry, people, I posted this yesterday, but those brainwashed libs keep annoying us with same nonsense 24/7.

an attempt to find Russian interference in US elections is true witch hunting: a lot of smoke but no fire.

What? Seriously? You don't think explicit "intelligence obtained by the CIA last summer [that] found that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered a cyber campaign intended to help elect Donald Trump and damage the electoral chances of Hillary Clinton" isn't "fire?"

An anonymous source and no actual evidence to back the claim? In fact the evidence says it never happened. Every person that testified denied any collusion between Trump and Russia. The narrative is dying what better way to bring it back then another fake story with absolutely no basis in fact.
republican traitorous scum find this funny They should die a horrible death

I don't know if republicans are russian moles, or just dumb enough to be duped into doing the work of russian moles.

Dude, anyone with ANY common sense knew that the Hildebeast was a disgusting sack of shit that even stooped to getting the debate questions ahead of time. Was it the ROOSKIES that revealed Bill 'drop trou's private meeting with Lynch? Spare me the bullshit, dude.....seriously.
Dude, anyone with ANY common sense knew that the Hildebeast was a disgusting sack of shit that even stooped to getting the debate questions ahead of time. .

Hllary was americas choice (by 3 million votes) Trump was Putins choice.

14 of the 20 states the Hildebeast won had no voter ID law and the Barrypuppet encouraged illegals to vote. I would guessetimate that Trump beat the Hildebeast by 10 million legitimate votes.
14 of the 20 states the Hildebeast won had no voter ID law and the Barrypuppet encouraged illegals to vote. I would guessetimate that Trump beat the Hildebeast by 10 million legitimate votes.

The russians hacked 21 state voter registration systems. And tried to hack 41 state election systems.
republican traitorous scum find this funny They should die a horrible death

I don't know if republicans are russian moles, or just dumb enough to be duped into doing the work of russian moles.

Dude, anyone with ANY common sense knew that the Hildebeast was a disgusting sack of shit that even stooped to getting the debate questions ahead of time. Was it the ROOSKIES that revealed Bill 'drop trou's private meeting with Lynch? Spare me the bullshit, dude.....seriously.
As bad as George W. Bush with a device on his back during a debate?
14 of the 20 states the Hildebeast won had no voter ID law and the Barrypuppet encouraged illegals to vote. I would guessetimate that Trump beat the Hildebeast by 10 million legitimate votes.

The russians hacked 21 state voter registration systems. And tried to hack 41 state election systems.

Says whom? The CIA that has software that can mimic cyber attacks from any country?
republican traitorous scum find this funny They should die a horrible death

I don't know if republicans are russian moles, or just dumb enough to be duped into doing the work of russian moles.

Dude, anyone with ANY common sense knew that the Hildebeast was a disgusting sack of shit that even stooped to getting the debate questions ahead of time. Was it the ROOSKIES that revealed Bill 'drop trou's private meeting with Lynch? Spare me the bullshit, dude.....seriously.
As bad as George W. Bush with a device on his back during a debate?

GW was a sack of shit...no doubt.........next question?
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14 of the 20 states the Hildebeast won had no voter ID law and the Barrypuppet encouraged illegals to vote. I would guessetimate that Trump beat the Hildebeast by 10 million legitimate votes.

The russians hacked 21 state voter registration systems. And tried to hack 41 state election systems.
Obama said it's impossible to hack our elections before we actually had one.

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