WaPo: CIA Intel Showed Putin Directly Ordered Operation To Get Trump Elected

Me and people that have been pointing out the truth are being proven right. If you don't open your eyes then you're in bed with it too and are nothing but treasonous against this nation. Putin is our enemy and this is an act of war
Act of war? I think you need to read some more about what is and isn't an act of war. Did you know that even if Trump personally colluded with Putin himself to beat Hillary that there is no law in our nation forbidding it? It would be a career killer most likely but not illegal. We have never instituted a law to cover such action. So before you go and start calling for war with Russia you had best do some homework on the issue.
You know what is the most ridiculous thing about this whole scam? What form would this "collusion" take if it did occur? Did the Trump campaign engage in hacking the DNC servers? There isn't anyone in his campaign who has the skills to do that. What assistance could Trump have possibly provided to Putin in hacking the election?
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Trump admitted, today, that Obama was aware of Russian tampering but did nothing about it. What has Trump done about it as president? Mostly, he just denied that it happened.

What's scary is that Trump and Flynn were briefed on the russian situation, and Trumps response was that the 17 intelligence agencies were "fake news" Now that we know Putin personally ordered the attack on America, we have to wonder why Trump continues to defend Putins actions.
Let me guess,,,,,Because Putin has the goods on him?
WaPo: CIA Intel Showed Putin Directly Ordered Operation To Get Trump Elected
Source: Talking Points Memo

June 23, 2007, 10:30am.

Intelligence obtained by the CIA last summer found that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered a cyber campaign intended to help elect Donald Trump and damage the electoral chances of Hillary Clinton, according to an exhaustive Washington Post report out Friday into the Obama administration’s response to Russia’s meddling in the 2016 campaign.

This explosive information was first delivered to former president Barack Obama in Aug. 2016, according to the newspaper.

The Post investigation details how Obama and his team struggled to develop a response to this unprecedented interference by a foreign country, worrying that they would be seen as trying to tip the scales in the presidential race. By the time the CIA’s warning arrived, the Obama White House knew that Russian hackers were behind cyberattacks on Democratic Party operatives and the Democratic National Committee, and that the FBI had launched an investigation into ties between Russian officials and Trump campaign staffers.

Trump, who has repeatedly cast doubt the extent of Russia’s interference, has criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to “stop them.”

Read more: WaPo: CIA Intel Showed Putin Directly Ordered Operation To Get Trump Elected

Me and people that have been pointing out the truth are being proven right. If you don't open your eyes then you're in bed with it too and are nothing but treasonous against this nation. Putin is our enemy and this is an act of war.
Washington Post...OMG. Not even real journalism.

Yup, Democrat Fake News. It's all the rage these days. Many folks enjoy being lied to. They enjoy hearing what they wanna hear. 'TRUMP'S A RACIST!, TRUMP'S A NAZI!, 'TRUMP WORKS FOR PUTIN!', TRUMP'S THE DEVIL!, and so and so on.

The Fake Newsters get paid to whip Democrat supporters up into a hysterical frenzy. That's their job. But their 24/7 propaganda is now getting to be pretty dangerous. It's incitement at this point. It's a radicalization process. The Democratic Party has created a very dangerous environment since Election Day. It's probably time to reign em in.
WTG Putin! A Clinton Presidency might have finished this country off. If this stuff is true, Putin may have actually saved our nation. Good on em bigtime. :thup:
You've lost your mind ...the little the republican party left you
The dimshits are breathing in GASPS now as they die the horrible death of realization that their thieving, lying, murdering, treasonous messiah, and his entire PARTY that they worship just as Isis worships ALLAH Is going to be revealed to the world and hanged, shot, or incarcerated forever. They will be reigned in alright by the grave.
Me and people that have been pointing out the truth are being proven right. If you don't open your eyes then you're in bed with it too and are nothing but treasonous against this nation. Putin is our enemy and this is an act of war
Act of war? I think you need to read some more about what is and isn't an act of war. Did you know that even if Trump personally colluded with Putin himself to beat Hillary that there is no law in our nation forbidding it? It would be a career killer most likely but not illegal. We have never instituted a law to cover such action. So before you go and start calling for war with Russia you had best do some homework on the issue.
You know what is the most ridiculous thing about this whole scam? What form would this "collusion" take if it did occur? Did the Trump campaign engage in hacking the DNC servers? There isn't anyone in his campaign who has the skills to do that. What assistance could Trump have possibly provided to Putin in hacking the election?

Don't bother trying to reason with em. The Democratic Party has set out on a radicalization agenda since Election Day. Their 24/7 hate incitement has created Hundreds, maybe Thousands, of radicalized nutjobs. There's a few of em here on this Board. You can't reason with them. They're programmed hate-bots. So don't waste too much of your time trying.
That is the way soros takes over countries and destroys them It is time to see his head on the market as a piñata. .
WTG Putin! A Clinton Presidency might have finished this country off. If this stuff is true, Putin may have actually saved our nation. Good on em bigtime. :thup:
You've lost your mind ...the little the republican party left you

Hey, just stating how i feel. If these Democrat fantasies are actually reality, the man should be thanked bigtime. This country couldn't take 8 more years of Communist/Progressive Globalist destruction. So if y'all's fantasies are reality, Putin really might have saved our nation. We should all be very grateful to him.
Me and people that have been pointing out the truth are being proven right. If you don't open your eyes then you're in bed with it too and are nothing but treasonous against this nation. Putin is our enemy and this is an act of war
Act of war? I think you need to read some more about what is and isn't an act of war. Did you know that even if Trump personally colluded with Putin himself to beat Hillary that there is no law in our nation forbidding it? It would be a career killer most likely but not illegal. We have never instituted a law to cover such action. So before you go and start calling for war with Russia you had best do some homework on the issue.
You know what is the most ridiculous thing about this whole scam? What form would this "collusion" take if it did occur? Did the Trump campaign engage in hacking the DNC servers? There isn't anyone in his campaign who has the skills to do that. What assistance could Trump have possibly provided to Putin in hacking the election?

Don't bother trying to reason with em. The Democratic Party has set out on a radicalization agenda since Election Day. Their 24/7 hate incitement has created Hundreds, maybe Thousands, of radicalized nutjobs. There's a few of em here on this Board. You can't reason with them. They're programmed hate-bots. So don't waste too much of your time trying.
It's difficult for me to believe anyone takes this shit seriously, it's so absurd.
Me and people that have been pointing out the truth are being proven right. If you don't open your eyes then you're in bed with it too and are nothing but treasonous against this nation. Putin is our enemy and this is an act of war
Act of war? I think you need to read some more about what is and isn't an act of war. Did you know that even if Trump personally colluded with Putin himself to beat Hillary that there is no law in our nation forbidding it? It would be a career killer most likely but not illegal. We have never instituted a law to cover such action. So before you go and start calling for war with Russia you had best do some homework on the issue.
You know what is the most ridiculous thing about this whole scam? What form would this "collusion" take if it did occur? Did the Trump campaign engage in hacking the DNC servers? There isn't anyone in his campaign who has the skills to do that. What assistance could Trump have possibly provided to Putin in hacking the election?

Don't bother trying to reason with em. The Democratic Party has set out on a radicalization agenda since Election Day. Their 24/7 hate incitement has created Hundreds, maybe Thousands, of radicalized nutjobs. There's a few of em here on this Board. You can't reason with them. They're programmed hate-bots. So don't waste too much of your time trying.
It's difficult for me to believe anyone takes this shit seriously, it's so absurd.

It's radicalization programming. That's what Democrat Fake News is all about. They whip their followers up into such a hysterical frenzy, they can no longer be reasoned with. It's exactly how Terrorist Orgs like al Qaeda and ISIS recruit. It looks like the Democratic Party has chosen to steal a page from the Terrorist Playbook. It's very sad, and very dangerous.
WTG Putin! A Clinton Presidency might have finished this country off. If this stuff is true, Putin may have actually saved our nation. Good on em bigtime. :thup:
You've lost your mind ...the little the republican party left you

Hey, just stating how i feel. If these Democrat fantasies are actually reality, the man should be thanked bigtime. This country couldn't take 8 more years of Communist/Progressive Globalist destruction. So if y'all's fantasies are reality, Putin really might have saved our nation. We should all be very grateful to him.
And imvho anyone grateful, any American,,,, to Putin the murderer is a traitor
WTG Putin! A Clinton Presidency might have finished this country off. If this stuff is true, Putin may have actually saved our nation. Good on em bigtime. :thup:
You've lost your mind ...the little the republican party left you

Hey, just stating how i feel. If these Democrat fantasies are actually reality, the man should be thanked bigtime. This country couldn't take 8 more years of Communist/Progressive Globalist destruction. So if y'all's fantasies are reality, Putin really might have saved our nation. We should all be very grateful to him.
And imvho anyone grateful, any American,,,, to Putin the murderer is a traitor

Well, that's just your radicalization programming talkin. Way too much Democrat Fake News for you. You should cut back on it bigtime. It's rotting your brain.
WTG Putin! A Clinton Presidency might have finished this country off. If this stuff is true, Putin may have actually saved our nation. Good on em bigtime. :thup:
You've lost your mind ...the little the republican party left you

Hey, just stating how i feel. If these Democrat fantasies are actually reality, the man should be thanked bigtime. This country couldn't take 8 more years of Communist/Progressive Globalist destruction. So if y'all's fantasies are reality, Putin really might have saved our nation. We should all be very grateful to him.
And imvho anyone grateful, any American,,,, to Putin the murderer is a traitor

Well, that's just your radicalization programming talkin. Way too much Democrat Fake News for you. You should cut back on it bigtime. It's rotting your brain.
Seems to me anything republicans don't like they call fake news All the news russia was responsible for in their effort to take down hillary should have told you something If Russia didn't want her we should have
WTG Putin! A Clinton Presidency might have finished this country off. If this stuff is true, Putin may have actually saved our nation. Good on em bigtime. :thup:
You've lost your mind ...the little the republican party left you

Hey, just stating how i feel. If these Democrat fantasies are actually reality, the man should be thanked bigtime. This country couldn't take 8 more years of Communist/Progressive Globalist destruction. So if y'all's fantasies are reality, Putin really might have saved our nation. We should all be very grateful to him.
And imvho anyone grateful, any American,,,, to Putin the murderer is a traitor

Well, that's just your radicalization programming talkin. Way too much Democrat Fake News for you. You should cut back on it bigtime. It's rotting your brain.
Seems to me anything republicans don't like they call fake news All the news russia was responsible for in their effort to take down hillary should have told you something If Russia didn't want her we should have

Fake news is stuff reported by douche bags like CNN that has been proven to be false.

Here Are Five Fake Stories CNN Pushed
WTG Putin! A Clinton Presidency might have finished this country off. If this stuff is true, Putin may have actually saved our nation. Good on em bigtime. :thup:
You've lost your mind ...the little the republican party left you

Hey, just stating how i feel. If these Democrat fantasies are actually reality, the man should be thanked bigtime. This country couldn't take 8 more years of Communist/Progressive Globalist destruction. So if y'all's fantasies are reality, Putin really might have saved our nation. We should all be very grateful to him.
And imvho anyone grateful, any American,,,, to Putin the murderer is a traitor

Well, that's just your radicalization programming talkin. Way too much Democrat Fake News for you. You should cut back on it bigtime. It's rotting your brain.
Seems to me anything republicans don't like they call fake news All the news russia was responsible for in their effort to take down hillary should have told you something If Russia didn't want her we should have
AND that wouldn't be betting ON Hillary but Betting against Russia Trump is a bad joke
14 of the 20 states the Hildebeast won had no voter ID law and the Barrypuppet encouraged illegals to vote. I would guessetimate that Trump beat the Hildebeast by 10 million legitimate votes.

The russians hacked 21 state voter registration systems. And tried to hack 41 state election systems.

Says whom? The CIA that has software that can mimic cyber attacks from any country?
Isn't it amazing that we get this claim with no actual evidence, when the only actual evidence we have is that Homeland Security tried to hack Idaho and Georgia's records?

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