WaPo: CIA Intel Showed Putin Directly Ordered Operation To Get Trump Elected

I can't begin to imagine how Hillary Clinton must feel after having proof that she was cheated out of the presidency. I can't imagine...
Liberals will do whatever to compromise both Trump and Putin: they are meeting for the first time in July and if they agree, it will be "Game Over!" for Globalists. Watch how pushy and stupid Kelly looks in her alleged blames.

Megyn Kelly: But all 17 of the United States’ intelligence agencies have concluded the Russians did interfere with our election, Are they all wrong?

Vladimir Putin: Have you read these reports?

Megyn Kelly: I have read the non-classified version.

Vladimir Putin: A non-classified version means no version. Now you also say, “a non-classified version.” I have read these reports. There is nothing specific in these reports. There is only supposition and inference in those reports. That is it.

This is detrimental, damaging to international relations, the global economy, security issues and the fight against terrorism. It is simply harmful. Somebody is behind this. The people who engage in this nonsense also initiate such reports..

IP addresses can be simply made up. Do you know how many such specialists there are? They will make it look like it was sent from your home address by your children – your three-year old kid, they will organise everything to look like it was your three-year old daughter who carried out the attack.

It is an attempt to lay the blame at someone else’s door. Trump’s team proved more capable during the election campaign.

The other team lost. They are reluctant to acknowledge the mistake.

Did the Russians engage in pushing through one Democratic Party candidate to the detriment of another candidate?
St Petersburg International Economic Forum plenary meeting
The actions of the D Party are bordering on sedition. They know the Russia Trump connection is bogus, but the they continue to push it.

These people are the lowest of the low. Scumbags is too nice a word for these traitors.
Liberals will do whatever to compromise both Trump and Putin: they are meeting for the first time in July and if they agree, it will be "Game Over!" for Globalists. Watch how pushy and stupid Kelly looks in her alleged blames.

Megyn Kelly: But all 17 of the United States’ intelligence agencies have concluded the Russians did interfere with our election, Are they all wrong?

Vladimir Putin: Have you read these reports?

Megyn Kelly: I have read the non-classified version.

Vladimir Putin: A non-classified version means no version. Now you also say, “a non-classified version.” I have read these reports. There is nothing specific in these reports. There is only supposition and inference in those reports. That is it.

This is detrimental, damaging to international relations, the global economy, security issues and the fight against terrorism. It is simply harmful. Somebody is behind this. The people who engage in this nonsense also initiate such reports..

IP addresses can be simply made up. Do you know how many such specialists there are? They will make it look like it was sent from your home address by your children – your three-year old kid, they will organise everything to look like it was your three-year old daughter who carried out the attack.

It is an attempt to lay the blame at someone else’s door. Trump’s team proved more capable during the election campaign.

The other team lost. They are reluctant to acknowledge the mistake.

Did the Russians engage in pushing through one Democratic Party candidate to the detriment of another candidate?
St Petersburg International Economic Forum plenary meeting
The actions of the D Party are bordering on sedition. They know the Russia Trump connection is bogus, but the they continue with to push it.

These people are the lowest of the low. Scumbags is too nice a word for these traitors.

I wonder why are liberals hating those who are able to improve their life (quite a bit!) and bow to those who's goal is to decrease the world's population (including liberals and their families, no difference for Globalists). Globalists are using them like sheep in their struggle with conservatives and then will sacrifice them without any hesitation. Are their liberal "values" more important than their and their love ones' lives?
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I can't begin to imagine how Hillary Clinton must feel after having proof that she was cheated out of the presidency. I can't imagine...

Probably about what Bernie felt when he found out the DNC and Cankles were cheating him.

You really are fucking stupid, Lacoocoo
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It's curious that liberals are feigning outrage based on no evidence about Russian involvement in the 2016 election, yet they could not have cared less when conservatives were able to show plenty of hard evidence that Hamas and other radical anti-Israeli groups were doing all they could to drum up votes for Obama in 2008.
I can't begin to imagine how Hillary Clinton must feel after having proof that she was cheated out of the presidency. I can't imagine...

You stupid fuck


I can't begin to imagine how Hillary Clinton must feel after having proof that she was cheated out of the presidency. I can't imagine...

Probably about what Bernie felt when he found out the DNC and Cankles were cheating him.

You really are fucking stupid, Lacoocoo

How did anyone "cheat" Bernie? Proof? Link?

OMFG you can't possibly be this ill informed....oh wait, it's you. Yeah you can

It was all over the news, you must have been paased out...for like six weeks
I can't begin to imagine how Hillary Clinton must feel after having proof that she was cheated out of the presidency. I can't imagine...

Probably about what Bernie felt when he found out the DNC and Cankles were cheating him.

You really are fucking stupid, Lacoocoo

How did anyone "cheat" Bernie? Proof? Link?

OMFG you can't possibly be this ill informed....oh wait, it's you. Yeah you can

It was all over the news, you must have been paased out...for like six weeks

Funny. Well, we now actually have smoking gun proof that Putin influenced our presidential election - and it was directly ordered by Putin himself. The weaponized fake news against Hillary was heinous.
Trump admits that the Russians meddled:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 43m43 minutes ago

Just out: The Obama Administration knew far in advance of November 8th about election meddling by Russia. Did nothing about it. WHY?
I can't begin to imagine how Hillary Clinton must feel after having proof that she was cheated out of the presidency. I can't imagine...

Well I'm sure she would like to know how that feels too. Right now she just lost all on her own

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