WaPo: CIA Intel Showed Putin Directly Ordered Operation To Get Trump Elected

The DHS just testified not one vote in the last election was altered because of any of this...

Snowflakes just can't admit THEY LOST.


Yep, they all said it.
They also said that no votes were compromised because our voting machines are not hooked up to the web.
The Dems are still are pushing to vote online because it's so much easier.
How crazy can it get?

I am not 100% sure about that, but I do know that they had millions of hack Russian bots sending out fake news when you typed in the word Hillary, or Vote , Election and so forth
Frankly, given Trump and his team's connections to Russia/Putin, one must wonder whether when Trump said the election was rigged he was indeed was aware of Putin's instructions to Russian clandestine service personnel. That is the sort of statement one could make if one knew of Putin's intentions in that regard.

Careful observers will note that Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in the 2016 summer. He claimed the election was rigged in October 2016. Later when he was asked WTF he was talking about when he said that, he replied, "Ask Obama," which was thought to be a reference to an Obama quip from 2008.

Today, however, we learn that the Obama Administration's efforts in response to learning of Putin's willful efforts to see Trump elected was to ensure that voting machines themselves were not tampered with.
That effort, if Trump knew of it, makes more sense as the basis for his "ask Obama" comment, though gvein Trump's conspiracy-theory-ridden mind, I wouldn't be surprised to learn Trump construed language like "defend the integrity of the vote" was "code" for "ensure Hillary wins."
Obamas secret struggle to punish Russia for Putins election assault
Source: Washington Post

Early last August, an envelope with extraordinary handling restrictions arrived at the White House. Sent by courier from the CIA, it carried “eyes only” instructions that its contents be shown to just four people: President Barack Obama and three senior aides.

Inside was an intelligence bombshell, a report drawn from sourcing deep inside the Russian government that detailed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direct involvement in a cyber campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race.

But it went further. The intelligence captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation’s audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump.

At that point, the outlines of the Russian assault on the U.S. election were increasingly apparent. Hackers with ties to Russian intelligence services had been rummaging through Democratic Party computer networks, as well as some Republican systems, for more than a year. In July, the FBI had opened an investigation of contacts between Russian officials and Trump associates. And on July 22, nearly 20,000 emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee were dumped online by WikiLeaks.

Read more: Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault
Many countries around the world try to influence foreign elections. And that includes the US. In fact, no other country on earth interferes with more foreign elections than the US does. That's just fact. So yeah, Russia probably did try to influence our Election. But that doesn't = 'Hacking our Election.'

Democrats have lost their minds. They truly believed Hitlery had it all wrapped up. And their reaction to losing has been unprecedented and very dangerous. Their incitement propaganda is out of control. It will lead to more violence. It is time to reign Democrats in.

It doesn't matter who won...what matters is Russian influenced our democracy.


Key word tried.
They also tried to influence every Democracy across the world, if any of you had watched the DHS hearings.
Many countries around the world try to influence foreign elections. And that includes the US. In fact, no other country on earth interferes with more foreign elections than the US does. That's just fact. So yeah, Russia probably did try to influence our Election. But that doesn't = 'Hacking our Election.'

Democrats have lost their minds. They truly believed Hitlery had it all wrapped up. And their reaction to losing has been unprecedented and very dangerous. Their incitement propaganda is out of control. It will lead to more violence. It is time to reign Democrats in.

It doesn't matter who won...what matters is Russian influenced our democracy.


Key word tried.
They also tried to influence every Democracy across the world, if any of you had watched the DHS hearings.

Many nations try to influence foreign elections. It's nothing new. In fact, the US is most known for it. The Democrats have just chosen to go the hate incitement route, as a result of their devastating losses. It's truly shameful. I truly fear more violence is coming.
Many countries around the world try to influence foreign elections. And that includes the US. In fact, no other country on earth interferes with more foreign elections than the US does. That's just fact. So yeah, Russia probably did try to influence our Election. But that doesn't = 'Hacking our Election.'

Democrats have lost their minds. They truly believed Hitlery had it all wrapped up. And their reaction to losing has been unprecedented and very dangerous. Their incitement propaganda is out of control. It will lead to more violence. It is time to reign Democrats in.

It doesn't matter who won...what matters is Russian influenced our democracy.


Key word tried.
They also tried to influence every Democracy across the world, if any of you had watched the DHS hearings.

We do not know the depth of what they did... so factual we can not say tried or achieved..
Many countries around the world try to influence foreign elections. And that includes the US. In fact, no other country on earth interferes with more foreign elections than the US does. That's just fact. So yeah, Russia probably did try to influence our Election. But that doesn't = 'Hacking our Election.'

Democrats have lost their minds. They truly believed Hitlery had it all wrapped up. And their reaction to losing has been unprecedented and very dangerous. Their incitement propaganda is out of control. It will lead to more violence. It is time to reign Democrats in.

It doesn't matter who won...what matters is Russian influenced our democracy.


Key word tried.
They also tried to influence every Democracy across the world, if any of you had watched the DHS hearings.

Many nations try to influence foreign elections. It's nothing new. In fact, the US is most known for it. The Democrats have just chosen to go the hate incitement route, as a result of their devastating losses. It's truly shameful. I truly fear more violence is coming.

Yes, especially when this last clip of Johnny Depps joke was taken out of context.
They are out to take Trump down by any means possible from impeachment to assassination.
Many countries around the world try to influence foreign elections. And that includes the US. In fact, no other country on earth interferes with more foreign elections than the US does. That's just fact. So yeah, Russia probably did try to influence our Election. But that doesn't = 'Hacking our Election.'

Democrats have lost their minds. They truly believed Hitlery had it all wrapped up. And their reaction to losing has been unprecedented and very dangerous. Their incitement propaganda is out of control. It will lead to more violence. It is time to reign Democrats in.

It doesn't matter who won...what matters is Russian influenced our democracy.


Key word tried.
They also tried to influence every Democracy across the world, if any of you had watched the DHS hearings.

Many nations try to influence foreign elections. It's nothing new. In fact, the US is most known for it. The Democrats have just chosen to go the hate incitement route, as a result of their devastating losses. It's truly shameful. I truly fear more violence is coming.

Yes, especially when this last clip of Johnny Depps joke was taken out of context.
They are out to take Trump down by any means possible from impeachment to assassination.

The Democratic Party has embarked on a very dangerous radicalization agenda. The incitement is completely out of control. It's time to reign em in.
Many countries around the world try to influence foreign elections. And that includes the US. In fact, no other country on earth interferes with more foreign elections than the US does. That's just fact. So yeah, Russia probably did try to influence our Election. But that doesn't = 'Hacking our Election.'

Democrats have lost their minds. They truly believed Hitlery had it all wrapped up. And their reaction to losing has been unprecedented and very dangerous. Their incitement propaganda is out of control. It will lead to more violence. It is time to reign Democrats in.

It doesn't matter who won...what matters is Russian influenced our democracy.


Key word tried.
They also tried to influence every Democracy across the world, if any of you had watched the DHS hearings.

Many nations try to influence foreign elections. It's nothing new. In fact, the US is most known for it. The Democrats have just chosen to go the hate incitement route, as a result of their devastating losses. It's truly shameful. I truly fear more violence is coming.

Yes, especially when this last clip of Johnny Depps joke was taken out of context.
They are out to take Trump down by any means possible from impeachment to assassination.

An actor is much different than the president of the united states. Trump is the leader of our country.... Even though I think what Depp did was not ok... Depp is going down the tubes, his wife is accusing him of spousal abuse....I think it is drug abuse related..
Many countries around the world try to influence foreign elections. And that includes the US. In fact, no other country on earth interferes with more foreign elections than the US does. That's just fact. So yeah, Russia probably did try to influence our Election. But that doesn't = 'Hacking our Election.'

Democrats have lost their minds. They truly believed Hitlery had it all wrapped up. And their reaction to losing has been unprecedented and very dangerous. Their incitement propaganda is out of control. It will lead to more violence. It is time to reign Democrats in.

It doesn't matter who won...what matters is Russian influenced our democracy.


Key word tried.
They also tried to influence every Democracy across the world, if any of you had watched the DHS hearings.

We do not know the depth of what they did... so factual we can not say tried or achieved..

You can't change the votes if they aren't online, which is what they said at the hearings.
WaPo: CIA Intel Showed Putin Directly Ordered Operation To Get Trump Elected
Source: Talking Points Memo

June 23, 2007, 10:30am.

Intelligence obtained by the CIA last summer found that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered a cyber campaign intended to help elect Donald Trump and damage the electoral chances of Hillary Clinton, according to an exhaustive Washington Post report out Friday into the Obama administration’s response to Russia’s meddling in the 2016 campaign.

This explosive information was first delivered to former president Barack Obama in Aug. 2016, according to the newspaper.

The Post investigation details how Obama and his team struggled to develop a response to this unprecedented interference by a foreign country, worrying that they would be seen as trying to tip the scales in the presidential race. By the time the CIA’s warning arrived, the Obama White House knew that Russian hackers were behind cyberattacks on Democratic Party operatives and the Democratic National Committee, and that the FBI had launched an investigation into ties between Russian officials and Trump campaign staffers.

Trump, who has repeatedly cast doubt the extent of Russia’s interference, has criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to “stop them.”

Read more: WaPo: CIA Intel Showed Putin Directly Ordered Operation To Get Trump Elected

Me and people that have been pointing out the truth are being proven right. If you don't open your eyes then you're in bed with it too and are nothing but treasonous against this nation. Putin is our enemy and this is an act of war.

Washington Post?
Many countries around the world try to influence foreign elections. And that includes the US. In fact, no other country on earth interferes with more foreign elections than the US does. That's just fact. So yeah, Russia probably did try to influence our Election. But that doesn't = 'Hacking our Election.'

Democrats have lost their minds. They truly believed Hitlery had it all wrapped up. And their reaction to losing has been unprecedented and very dangerous. Their incitement propaganda is out of control. It will lead to more violence. It is time to reign Democrats in.

It doesn't matter who won...what matters is Russian influenced our democracy.


Key word tried.
They also tried to influence every Democracy across the world, if any of you had watched the DHS hearings.

Many nations try to influence foreign elections. It's nothing new. In fact, the US is most known for it. The Democrats have just chosen to go the hate incitement route, as a result of their devastating losses. It's truly shameful. I truly fear more violence is coming.

Yes, especially when this last clip of Johnny Depps joke was taken out of context.
They are out to take Trump down by any means possible from impeachment to assassination.

An actor is much different than the president of the united states. Trump is the leader of our country.... Even though I think what Depp did was not ok... Depp is going down the tubes, his wife is accusing him of spousal abuse....I think it is drug abuse related..

When did President Trump say someone should be assassinated?
WaPo: CIA Intel Showed Putin Directly Ordered Operation To Get Trump Elected
Source: Talking Points Memo

June 23, 2007, 10:30am.

Intelligence obtained by the CIA last summer found that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered a cyber campaign intended to help elect Donald Trump and damage the electoral chances of Hillary Clinton, according to an exhaustive Washington Post report out Friday into the Obama administration’s response to Russia’s meddling in the 2016 campaign.

This explosive information was first delivered to former president Barack Obama in Aug. 2016, according to the newspaper.

The Post investigation details how Obama and his team struggled to develop a response to this unprecedented interference by a foreign country, worrying that they would be seen as trying to tip the scales in the presidential race. By the time the CIA’s warning arrived, the Obama White House knew that Russian hackers were behind cyberattacks on Democratic Party operatives and the Democratic National Committee, and that the FBI had launched an investigation into ties between Russian officials and Trump campaign staffers.

Trump, who has repeatedly cast doubt the extent of Russia’s interference, has criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to “stop them.”

Read more: WaPo: CIA Intel Showed Putin Directly Ordered Operation To Get Trump Elected

Me and people that have been pointing out the truth are being proven right. If you don't open your eyes then you're in bed with it too and are nothing but treasonous against this nation. Putin is our enemy and this is an act of war.
Since when did the CIA start releasing information in an ongoing investigation? I'm thinking you are probably full of shit if you are claiming that they have, either that or someone should be under arrest for doing such a thing. BTW, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Putin had people working to meddle in elections.
Many countries around the world try to influence foreign elections. And that includes the US. In fact, no other country on earth interferes with more foreign elections than the US does. That's just fact. So yeah, Russia probably did try to influence our Election. But that doesn't = 'Hacking our Election.'

Democrats have lost their minds. They truly believed Hitlery had it all wrapped up. And their reaction to losing has been unprecedented and very dangerous. Their incitement propaganda is out of control. It will lead to more violence. It is time to reign Democrats in.

It doesn't matter who won...what matters is Russian influenced our democracy.


But but but what about when Obama actually interfered in the Israeli General Election and used American tax payers money to actually attempt to oust Bibi?

Unlike the Conspiracy Theory of Russia hacking the American election, where zero proof has been provided, there was and is plenty of proof about Obama's interfering in other nations elections.

So it was okay for Obama to interfere in the Israeli election directly to attempt to oust Bibi?

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 12, 2016

"The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday.

Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign — all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.

In one stunning finding, the subcommittee said OneVoice even told the State Department’s top diplomat in Jerusalem of its plans in an email, but the official, Consul General Michael Ratney, claims never to have seen them.

He said he regularly deleted emails with large attachments — a striking violation of open-records laws for a department already reeling from former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s handling of official government records."

Here's the rest of the article.

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

The below video the duration is ten minutes and twenty one seconds.

Israelis think Obama interfering in election, poll finds

It doesn't matter who won...what matters is Russian influenced our democracy.


Key word tried.
They also tried to influence every Democracy across the world, if any of you had watched the DHS hearings.

Many nations try to influence foreign elections. It's nothing new. In fact, the US is most known for it. The Democrats have just chosen to go the hate incitement route, as a result of their devastating losses. It's truly shameful. I truly fear more violence is coming.

Yes, especially when this last clip of Johnny Depps joke was taken out of context.
They are out to take Trump down by any means possible from impeachment to assassination.

An actor is much different than the president of the united states. Trump is the leader of our country.... Even though I think what Depp did was not ok... Depp is going down the tubes, his wife is accusing him of spousal abuse....I think it is drug abuse related..

When did President Trump say someone should be assassinated?
Or are you referring to Trumps words being taken out of context?
Many countries around the world try to influence foreign elections. And that includes the US. In fact, no other country on earth interferes with more foreign elections than the US does. That's just fact. So yeah, Russia probably did try to influence our Election. But that doesn't = 'Hacking our Election.'

Democrats have lost their minds. They truly believed Hitlery had it all wrapped up. And their reaction to losing has been unprecedented and very dangerous. Their incitement propaganda is out of control. It will lead to more violence. It is time to reign Democrats in.

It doesn't matter who won...what matters is Russian influenced our democracy.


Key word tried.
They also tried to influence every Democracy across the world, if any of you had watched the DHS hearings.

We do not know the depth of what they did... so factual we can not say tried or achieved..

You can't change the votes if they aren't online, which is what they said at the hearings.

I am not saying this happened but this expert explains in a few minutes..

Many countries around the world try to influence foreign elections. And that includes the US. In fact, no other country on earth interferes with more foreign elections than the US does. That's just fact. So yeah, Russia probably did try to influence our Election. But that doesn't = 'Hacking our Election.'

Democrats have lost their minds. They truly believed Hitlery had it all wrapped up. And their reaction to losing has been unprecedented and very dangerous. Their incitement propaganda is out of control. It will lead to more violence. It is time to reign Democrats in.

It doesn't matter who won...what matters is Russian influenced our democracy.


We're not actually a Democracy
The DHS just testified not one vote in the last election was altered because of any of this...

Actually- they testified that they couldn't say whether any votes had been changed.

Why exactly are you so determined not to blame Russia for attacking our election?
Many countries around the world try to influence foreign elections. And that includes the US. In fact, no other country on earth interferes with more foreign elections than the US does. That's just fact. So yeah, Russia probably did try to influence our Election. But that doesn't = 'Hacking our Election.'

Democrats have lost their minds. They truly believed Hitlery had it all wrapped up. And their reaction to losing has been unprecedented and very dangerous. Their incitement propaganda is out of control. It will lead to more violence. It is time to reign Democrats in.

It doesn't matter who won...what matters is Russian influenced our democracy.


Key word tried.
They also tried to influence every Democracy across the world, if any of you had watched the DHS hearings.

Many nations try to influence foreign elections. It's nothing new. In fact, the US is most known for it. The Democrats have just chosen to go the hate incitement route, as a result of their devastating losses. It's truly shameful. I truly fear more violence is coming.

"In fact, the US is most known for it."

Yes very well known for it, including illegal CIA Black Op overthrowing of democratically elected Governments.

Hypocrisy Is Thy Name.

The situation is that The Establishment NEVER wanted Trump to win, NEVER thought Trump would win and when Trump DID win they had to fabricate the Russia Hacked The Election For Trump, to give a reason to begin a Witch Hunt sans ANY evidence in an attempt to overthrow America's democratically elected President.

Shocking, disgusting and outrageous. The stuff of a Banana Republic, they are happy to turn America into a Banana Republic and crap on democracy itself, like they've crapped 81 TIMES on other Sovereign nations democracy.

What The Establishment has done 81 TIMES to Sovereign nations, they are now attempting to perform a Coup WITHIN America to remove America's democratically elected President.

Between 1946 and 2000 America has interfered in the democratic process of Sovereign nations 81 TIMES, this according to the database at Carnegie Mellon University and that 81 times DOESN'T include the CIA backed military coups or the Regime Changes a la Iraq, Libya etc. See and read the below article:



Here is the full article from The Los Angeles Times.

The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries

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