WaPo: information may have been deleted in Ukraine phone call transcript

When I read it, TWO spots that had ... etc. with three dots.... that obviously means more was said.

And I very much doubt the version the white house gave us is the same one they hid in the gvt's compartmental ABOVE TOP SECRET servers that the full transcript was alleged to be placed.

President Zelenskyy: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible. {...}

There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.​

Funny isn't, the placement of these ellipses.
yep,and right at the spots that were critical to know what else was said on the topic. gosh almighty. This admin is corrupt though and through... they hide everything... the darkest admin ever.... no pure sunlight on anything they do...

Only 5 more years to go. Count the days. :04:


God help us survive! If that happens!!!

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

Maybe you'll win it back in 2025. :04:
I won't survive it, nor will the Country! :eek:


Donald Trump, YOU'RE FIRED!

(Angelic music in the background)

Do you think important information was left out?
Or do you think no important information was left out?

The answer to both questions is, We do not know.

I case anyone would actually read that thing, it states, right on the upper half of the first page: "MEMORANDUM OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION", all caps, screaming at the beholder. A memorandum is not a transcript.

Moreover, it also states: "Notetakers: The White House Situation·Room"

These guys take notes faster than anyone can talk. So, they do have a word-by-word transcript (and probably a tape), and, unless they destroyed the evidence, Congress needs to stiffen their spines and get ahold of that thing. There is a reason for the ellipses, and there's a reason why Trump readily declassified the so-called "transcript" while hiding the transcript.

That's a prank at the level of ingenuity usually to be expected from moderately talented fourth-graders trying to come up with an innocent explanation for their pudgy fingers in the cookie jar. And CNN, that garbage level fount of hysterical disinformation, consistently calls that a "transcript".
Looks like there was something to hide after all:

Current and former U.S. officials studying the document pointed to several elements that, they say, indicate that the document may have been handled in an unusual way. Those include the use of ellipses — punctuation indicating that information has been deleted for clarity or other reasons — that traditionally have not appeared in summaries of presidential calls with foreign leaders, according to the current and former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the elaborate, non-public process.
Fake news.

BTW, your link is behind a paywall. Why do you moonbats constantly post sources that are pay sites? Do you work for them?
Open an incognito window and it will work. Idiot.
You are dodging the question, spambot.
Do you think important information was left out?
Or do you think no important information was left out?

The answer to both questions is, We do not know.

I case anyone would actually read that thing, it states, right on the upper half of the first page: "MEMORANDUM OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION", all caps, screaming at the beholder. A memorandum is not a transcript.

Moreover, it also states: "Notetakers: The White House Situation·Room"

These guys take notes faster than anyone can talk. So, they do have a word-by-word transcript (and probably a tape), and, unless they destroyed the evidence, Congress needs to stiffen their spines and get ahold of that thing. There is a reason for the ellipses, and there's a reason why Trump readily declassified the so-called "transcript" while hiding the transcript.

That's a prank at the level of ingenuity usually to be expected from moderately talented fourth-graders trying to come up with an innocent explanation for their pudgy fingers in the cookie jar. And CNN, that garbage level fount of hysterical disinformation, consistently calls that a "transcript".
Cute rant! But some experts said it was unusual. Are you an expert?
if trump has nothing to hide he should simply comply with subpoenas, and release the full transcript....

how could it hurt him, since he said the call was a PERFECT call??
May have = could have = If = probably =
= every ridiculous conspiracy theory you have ever gobbled up. Which is almost all of them. Yet, when it comes to Trump, you suddenly become very careful. So much so, that you even go completely the other way, and assume all speculation to be false. Interesting.
Thanks Doctor...you need a new couch....
Looks like there was something to hide after all:

Current and former U.S. officials studying the document pointed to several elements that, they say, indicate that the document may have been handled in an unusual way. Those include the use of ellipses — punctuation indicating that information has been deleted for clarity or other reasons — that traditionally have not appeared in summaries of presidential calls with foreign leaders, according to the current and former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the elaborate, non-public process.
Others have noted the brevity of a document purporting to represent a call that lasted 30 minutes. Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) had two of his office’s interns read the call summary aloud, measuring its length with a stopwatch app. The time: 10 minutes 40 seconds, or roughly 20 minutes shorter than the White House’s assertion about the call’s length.

That reminds me of the infamous "18-minute gap". :lol:
But there is a verbatim transcript of the WHOLE call in the Super Secret Computer, is my understanding. Have they subpoenaed that yet? Or we could waterboard Pompeo, who said he listened in on the whole call.
Oh please, can we waterboard Pomeo? I'll do it. I've been living in Kansas off and on for decades. I deserve that chance to get even.
Looks like there was something to hide after all:

Current and former U.S. officials studying the document pointed to several elements that, they say, indicate that the document may have been handled in an unusual way. Those include the use of ellipses — punctuation indicating that information has been deleted for clarity or other reasons — that traditionally have not appeared in summaries of presidential calls with foreign leaders, according to the current and former officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the elaborate, non-public process.
You had to know they weren't gonna be honest about it.

We knew all along they would remove the most incriminating parts.

And since what's left is still plenty incriminating that missing 20 minutes must be a doozy.
Yeah I saw the .... I just thought they were notations of the eloquent way President "Corelone" speaks. </sarcasm>

Seriously, didn't we know the released transcript is not a full or complete version stored on the computer for super secret national security information?

If it's "super secret national security information", why should you get to see it?

That's above your pay grade, Bubba.
That's their story and they're sticking to it.

It's only super secret because it was a particularly boneheaded and compromising conversation and his staff WHO ARE ON HIS SIDE crammed in it the Super Secret Computer so some damned leaker wouldn't stumble across it in the computer where the President's calls are USUALLY kept. This was already reported in the whistleblower's complaint, which had been investigated and found credible by the Inspector General.
Prove your lies for once, cockroach.
The Inspector General proved it.
The Inspector General proved it.

Correct. Just as Mueller demonstrated the Russian intrusion into the U.S. election in 2016. Problem is, both Mueller and the Inspector General turned into "Deep State" "cockroaches" once they spoke ill of the Dear Leader. So, you got nothing.
MAY have been deleted!

Pay attention to that folks...because that type of wording is in EVERY anti-Trump article! It's how the filth gets away with their lies with no repercussions!
So did Trump and Zelensky spend 18 minutes breathing at each other and not speaking, like a couple of love sick teenagers? I thought at first they might have needed translators, but I heard Zelensky speaking fine English a couple days ago, so that's not the answer.
What were they doing all that time? Where's the conversation?]
Sure they did, sure, sure they did.
It's all true.
View attachment 282691
Yes, indeed, it is. You aren't answering my question because you can't. 30 minute phone call. 10 minutes of conversation. Where is the rest of it, mike?
The damn thing SAYS it is not a verbatim transcript
MAY have been deleted!

Pay attention to that folks...because that type of wording is in EVERY anti-Trump article! It's how the filth gets away with their lies with no repercussions!
So did Trump and Zelensky spend 18 minutes breathing at each other and not speaking, like a couple of love sick teenagers? I thought at first they might have needed translators, but I heard Zelensky speaking fine English a couple days ago, so that's not the answer.
What were they doing all that time? Where's the conversation?]
Sure they did, sure, sure they did.
It's all true.
View attachment 282691
Yes, indeed, it is. You aren't answering my question because you can't. 30 minute phone call. 10 minutes of conversation. Where is the rest of it, mike?
It's someplace so secret that Trump would have to change all his policies if I told you.

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