WAPO reporter: Kashoggi was DISMEMBERED with a bone saw while still alive & disposed of

Freedom of the press protects our freedoms and keeps the government in check

More than a second amendment ever will
Your "free press" has a POLITICAL agenda. Don't pretend it's unbiased.
the constitutional guarantee of the free press HAS ALWAYS had a political agenda, that's the whole point of it.... it is suppose to act as the adversary of government officials and government and the politicking within.... thus, the ''watch dog''....

and being ''free'' means free from government stopping or interfering with their reporting and their views...

the press, has simply always been biased over the centuries... picking presidents or governors that they supported...
------------------------------------------------------- press is not supposed to be 'biased' and is only supposed to report the Who , What , Where and When and then after being informed of those facts its up to the reader to decide the WHY Care4 . As far as making recommendations of Candidates . Newpapers may make recommendations during election season i suppose but thats on Opinion or Editorial pages but not while Reporting News Care4 .
-------------------------------------- REPEAT just above for Care4 !!
the press HAS ALWAYS been biased Pismo, from the founding fathers until now....

Broadcast TV, ABC, NBC, CBS... was the only thing that was controlled by the "Fairness Doctrine" which forced them to report on both sides of issues important to their community or the Nation....

What is messing the free press up imo, and their vast political opinions and biases of the past, is now most local or city papers, or radio stations, are now owned by a handful of big corporation
Turkey hasTAPE. So the the medical 'coroner' was brought along to torture him to the MAXIMUM pain that could be inflicted and by DISMEMBERING him while he was till alive to conveniently cart him away. "Horrendous screams" could be heard.

Savage bastards! TRUMP's friends and 'customers'. Bushes business partners. Our allies. And we just sent the SEC of STATE to throw shade on them. There aren't words. We are accomplices--even if it is AFTER the fact.


  • Tubaigy began to cut Khashoggi’s body up on a table in the study
  • while he was still alive, tthe Turkish source said.
  • The killing took seven minutes, the source said.
  • As he started to dismember the body, Tubaigy put on earphones
  • and listened to music. He advised other members of the squad to do the same.
  • “When I do this job, I listen to music. You should do [that] too,” Tubaigy
  • was recorded as saying, the source told MEE.

Jamal Khashoggi tortured with bone saw for 7 minutes while Saudi killer drowned out screams with music: Turkish source


17 OCT 2018 AT 06:17 ET


Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered over seven minutes while he was still alive, according to a Turkish source who heard an audio recording of the murder.

The Washington Post columnist was abducted Oct. 2 from the consul-general’s office at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and dragged into a study next door — and a witness downstairs heard horrendous screams, reported Middle East Eye....


and WHERE is the PROOF as i haven't seen proof of the murder of 'kashoogy' Care4 ??

Turkey evidently has extensive proof

They are wisely not laying their cards on the table as yet. Doing so now would allow the Saudis to craft a story that explains the available evidence against them.
Turkey will allow the Saudis to give their dog and pony show and then provide evidence that shoots it all to hell

Doesn’t really matter. Our President will concur in any story that is provided
Turkey and Iran are allies...
Strange how animated the left are over the alleged murder of this man, yet they can usually barely be bothered to raise an eyebrow when Saudi funded and inspired terrorists murder and maim western people - and even children at music concerts - the world over, day in and day out.
Such hypocrisy.

Never heard of that.......is it true?
Freedom of the press protects our freedoms and keeps the government in check

More than a second amendment ever will
Your "free press" has a POLITICAL agenda. Don't pretend it's unbiased.
the constitutional guarantee of the free press HAS ALWAYS had a political agenda, that's the whole point of it.... it is suppose to act as the adversary of government officials and government and the politicking within.... thus, the ''watch dog''....

and being ''free'' means free from government stopping or interfering with their reporting and their views...

the press, has simply always been biased over the centuries... picking presidents or governors that they supported...
------------------------------------------------------- press is not supposed to be 'biased' and is only supposed to report the Who , What , Where and When and then after being informed of those facts its up to the reader to decide the WHY Care4 . As far as making recommendations of Candidates . Newpapers may make recommendations during election season i suppose but thats on Opinion or Editorial pages but not while Reporting News Care4 .
-------------------------------------- REPEAT just above for Care4 !!
the press HAS ALWAYS been biased Pismo, from the founding fathers until now....

Broadcast TV, ABC, NBC, CBS... was the only thing that was controlled by the "Fairness Doctrine" which forced them to report on both sides of issues important to their community or the Nation....

What is messing the free press up imo, and their vast political opinions and biases of the past, is now most local or city papers, or radio stations, are now owned by a handful of big corporation
-------------------------------------- it is Your 'Opinion' that the press has always been biased . I just say that the Press is not supposed to be biased as i typed out the Rules for reporting news Care4 .
Turkey hasTAPE. So the the medical 'coroner' was brought along to torture him to the MAXIMUM pain that could be inflicted and by DISMEMBERING him while he was till alive to conveniently cart him away. "Horrendous screams" could be heard.

Savage bastards! TRUMP's friends and 'customers'. Bushes business partners. Our allies. And we just sent the SEC of STATE to throw shade on them. There aren't words. We are accomplices--even if it is AFTER the fact.


  • Tubaigy began to cut Khashoggi’s body up on a table in the study
  • while he was still alive, tthe Turkish source said.
  • The killing took seven minutes, the source said.
  • As he started to dismember the body, Tubaigy put on earphones
  • and listened to music. He advised other members of the squad to do the same.
  • “When I do this job, I listen to music. You should do [that] too,” Tubaigy
  • was recorded as saying, the source told MEE.

Jamal Khashoggi tortured with bone saw for 7 minutes while Saudi killer drowned out screams with music: Turkish source


17 OCT 2018 AT 06:17 ET


Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered over seven minutes while he was still alive, according to a Turkish source who heard an audio recording of the murder.

The Washington Post columnist was abducted Oct. 2 from the consul-general’s office at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and dragged into a study next door — and a witness downstairs heard horrendous screams, reported Middle East Eye....


------------------------------- well , lets see and hear the tapes , otherwise , who know IF there are tapes and even then , are the tapes legitimate Skews ??
and WHERE is the PROOF as i haven't seen proof of the murder of 'kashoogy' Care4 ??

Turkey evidently has extensive proof

They are wisely not laying their cards on the table as yet. Doing so now would allow the Saudis to craft a story that explains the available evidence against them.
Turkey will allow the Saudis to give their dog and pony show and then provide evidence that shoots it all to hell

Doesn’t really matter. Our President will concur in any story that is provided
Turkey and Iran are allies...
and WHERE is the PROOF as i haven't seen proof of the murder of 'kashoogy' Care4 ??

Turkey evidently has extensive proof

They are wisely not laying their cards on the table as yet. Doing so now would allow the Saudis to craft a story that explains the available evidence against them.
Turkey will allow the Saudis to give their dog and pony show and then provide evidence that shoots it all to hell

Doesn’t really matter. Our President will concur in any story that is provided
Turkey and Iran are allies...
Turkey is in NATO
and WHERE is the PROOF as i haven't seen proof of the murder of 'kashoogy' Care4 ??

Turkey evidently has extensive proof

They are wisely not laying their cards on the table as yet. Doing so now would allow the Saudis to craft a story that explains the available evidence against them.
Turkey will allow the Saudis to give their dog and pony show and then provide evidence that shoots it all to hell

Doesn’t really matter. Our President will concur in any story that is provided
Turkey and Iran are allies...
Turkey is in NATO
But they are allies with iran
the constitutional guarantee of the free press HAS ALWAYS had a political agenda, that's the whole point of it.... it is suppose to act as the adversary of government officials and government and the politicking within.... thus, the ''watch dog''....
You KNOW the MSM provides political cover for the likes of Hillary and Obama while turning every day into a new scandal for the likes of Reagan, Bush and Trump.

Your dishonesty is clear to all
there was no cover for Hillary by them, and that's a fact. Obama was the most honest president we've ever had... not perfect, but better than most other presidents, and NO, I DID NOT vote for him, either time.

FOX and Clear Channel right wing radio and the Washington Examiner, and internet media.... all covered his negatives quite well... to the point of ad nauseam ....
FOX is not news. They are an arm of the REP Party.
Our President is a distinguished liar. He knows how to fabricate a cover story and ignore any actual facts that disprove the story

He is working closely with the Saudis to come up with a story that he will endorse
There is nothing distinguished about our WHITE TRASH billionaire president. He is a PROLIFIC liar.
Turkey hasTAPE. So the the medical 'coroner' was brought along to torture him to the MAXIMUM pain that could be inflicted and by DISMEMBERING him while he was till alive to conveniently cart him away. "Horrendous screams" could be heard.

Savage bastards! TRUMP's friends and 'customers'. Bushes business partners. Our allies. And we just sent the SEC of STATE to throw shade on them. There aren't words. We are accomplices--even if it is AFTER the fact.


  • Tubaigy began to cut Khashoggi’s body up on a table in the study
  • while he was still alive, tthe Turkish source said.
  • The killing took seven minutes, the source said.
  • As he started to dismember the body, Tubaigy put on earphones
  • and listened to music. He advised other members of the squad to do the same.
  • “When I do this job, I listen to music. You should do [that] too,” Tubaigy
  • was recorded as saying, the source told MEE.

Jamal Khashoggi tortured with bone saw for 7 minutes while Saudi killer drowned out screams with music: Turkish source


17 OCT 2018 AT 06:17 ET


Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered over seven minutes while he was still alive, according to a Turkish source who heard an audio recording of the murder.

The Washington Post columnist was abducted Oct. 2 from the consul-general’s office at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and dragged into a study next door — and a witness downstairs heard horrendous screams, reported Middle East Eye....


Mr. Khashoggi was a Saudi subject on sovereign Saudi territory- their consulate, which is located in another islamonazi country, Turkey.

Sorry to see what happened to him- but it wasn't by the United States and it seems to be an internal matter for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

As far as Turkey is concerned, they don't have clean hands either. The atrocities they have committed over the centuries were horrific too.
Turkey hasTAPE. So the the medical 'coroner' was brought along to torture him to the MAXIMUM pain that could be inflicted and by DISMEMBERING him while he was till alive to conveniently cart him away. "Horrendous screams" could be heard.

Savage bastards! TRUMP's friends and 'customers'. Bushes business partners. Our allies. And we just sent the SEC of STATE to throw shade on them. There aren't words. We are accomplices--even if it is AFTER the fact.


  • Tubaigy began to cut Khashoggi’s body up on a table in the study
  • while he was still alive, tthe Turkish source said.
  • The killing took seven minutes, the source said.
  • As he started to dismember the body, Tubaigy put on earphones
  • and listened to music. He advised other members of the squad to do the same.
  • “When I do this job, I listen to music. You should do [that] too,” Tubaigy
  • was recorded as saying, the source told MEE.

Jamal Khashoggi tortured with bone saw for 7 minutes while Saudi killer drowned out screams with music: Turkish source


17 OCT 2018 AT 06:17 ET


Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered over seven minutes while he was still alive, according to a Turkish source who heard an audio recording of the murder.

The Washington Post columnist was abducted Oct. 2 from the consul-general’s office at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and dragged into a study next door — and a witness downstairs heard horrendous screams, reported Middle East Eye....


TRUMP's friends and 'customers'. Bushes business partners.

Obamas Masters

Well it seems they are Donald Trump's Masters now also considering he is defending them and protecting their filthy buttocks.

Ok, and WTF should he do about this? There were people on this forum talking about "record market correction" when the market dropped once or twice after setting 75 records under Trump. They ignore that and talk about how bad the economy is doing because some investors took some profits.

People like you bitch at Trump for NOT sactioning Saudi Arabia or worse, starting a war with them. But you would also be the first to come on here and cry your little eyes out after they cut off the oil spigot and oil jumps to 200 to 250 dollars a barrel and gas goes over 6 dollars a gallon overnight. While I don't think they would do this, they could and the pain would be very high in the short term. Then you'd be complaining that Trump caused this by going after Saudi Arabia.

So by all means, WHAT SHOULD HE DO? This guy was not even a US citizen. His home country should be taking care of business. We are not the world police.
Ok, and WTF should he do about this? There were people on this forum talking about "record market correction" when the market dropped once or twice after setting 75 records under Trump. They ignore that and talk about how bad the economy is doing because some investors took some profits.

Saudi Arabia is a sovereign nation and the way they apparently dealt with Mr. Khashoggi- one of the subjects of the SA crown, is really nothing America can really do anything about. If an American is electrocuting the testicles of another American on American soil, other nations might not like it- but it isn't their beeswax.

I'm more concerned about the death of Kate Steinle on US Soil and the fact that the man that killed her was an illegal. I'm also concerned about the murder of Seth Rich- killed in a liberal hot spot- libs say it was a robbery but have failed to prove their case.

These are cases on US Soil
Ok, and WTF should he do about this? There were people on this forum talking about "record market correction" when the market dropped once or twice after setting 75 records under Trump. They ignore that and talk about how bad the economy is doing because some investors took some profits.

Saudi Arabia is a sovereign nation and the way they apparently dealt with Mr. Khashoggi- one of the subjects of the SA crown, is really nothing America can really do anything about. If an American is electrocuting the testicles of another American on American soil, other nations might not like it- but it isn't their beeswax.

I'm more concerned about the death of Kate Steinle on US Soil and the fact that the man that killed her was an illegal. I'm also concerned about the murder of Seth Rich- killed in a liberal hot spot- libs say it was a robbery but have failed to prove their case.

These are cases on US Soil

He is an American resident, and it was not in Saudi Arabia... but a Saudi embassy in Turkey.

The fact you want to equate it to some conspiracy theory about Seth Rich, which has already been debunked by the Rich family, just shows you aren't intelligent enough to even discuss this situation.
Thanks for the article, but it is waaay too early to start disparaging anyone at this time.
And no, we aren't complicit in this.....unless you are just being partisan.
Nobody has all the facts, yet. Let's get them before we start pointing fingers, right?

It's always best to get all the facts first.

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