WAPO reporter: Kashoggi was DISMEMBERED with a bone saw while still alive & disposed of

Turkey hasTAPE. So the the medical 'coroner' was brought along to torture him to the MAXIMUM pain that could be inflicted and by DISMEMBERING him while he was till alive to conveniently cart him away. "Horrendous screams" could be heard.

Savage bastards! TRUMP's friends and 'customers'. Bushes business partners. Our allies. And we just sent the SEC of STATE to throw shade on them. There aren't words. We are accomplices--even if it is AFTER the fact.


  • Tubaigy began to cut Khashoggi’s body up on a table in the study
  • while he was still alive, tthe Turkish source said.
  • The killing took seven minutes, the source said.
  • As he started to dismember the body, Tubaigy put on earphones
  • and listened to music. He advised other members of the squad to do the same.
  • “When I do this job, I listen to music. You should do [that] too,” Tubaigy
  • was recorded as saying, the source told MEE.

Jamal Khashoggi tortured with bone saw for 7 minutes while Saudi killer drowned out screams with music: Turkish source


17 OCT 2018 AT 06:17 ET


Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered over seven minutes while he was still alive, according to a Turkish source who heard an audio recording of the murder.

The Washington Post columnist was abducted Oct. 2 from the consul-general’s office at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and dragged into a study next door — and a witness downstairs heard horrendous screams, reported Middle East Eye....

That’s what Muslims do…
What about the one here who worships the ground that trump walks on? I'm sure you know who I'm referring to.

A coroner is a doctor------------I cannot so much as pull the wings off a fly-----maybe it was a MUSLIM CORONER
Well we missed our chance after 9-11.

That's when we should have flattened SA.

that would have been silly-----think of the OIL IN THAT THAR SAND

I think about the 3,000 dead from 9-11.

it was not an attack from Saudi Arabia-------it was Sunni---OSAMA BIN LADEN---
interestingly enough-----an ethnic Yemeni. Bin Laden ALSO wanted to destroy
Saudi Arabia as a state-------He attacked Mecca-----for reasons similar to the
Iranian desire to attack Mecca. Bin Laden was not a "houthi" -----but he did share that MECCA MADNESS with houthis and Iran
OOPS! Watch what you say about the Sunni. We have one here on this board (his SN) and he worships the ground trump walks on. I'm sure you've seen his comments.

Clearly, you don't need a starter kit, but the Halloween version might be nice for a seasonal change.

View attachment 223212
Because I have a cat? My cat is deaf and her IQ is still higher than the orange POS in the WH. And, she's not in the pocket of every dictator and terrorist that would put money in her pocket. I also have a black cat, and she is the one I use for my spells, so tread lightly.....
Turkey hasTAPE. So the the medical 'coroner' was brought along to torture him to the MAXIMUM pain that could be inflicted and by DISMEMBERING him while he was till alive to conveniently cart him away. "Horrendous screams" could be heard.

Savage bastards! TRUMP's friends and 'customers'. Bushes business partners. Our allies. And we just sent the SEC of STATE to throw shade on them. There aren't words. We are accomplices--even if it is AFTER the fact.


  • Tubaigy began to cut Khashoggi’s body up on a table in the study
  • while he was still alive, tthe Turkish source said.
  • The killing took seven minutes, the source said.
  • As he started to dismember the body, Tubaigy put on earphones
  • and listened to music. He advised other members of the squad to do the same.
  • “When I do this job, I listen to music. You should do [that] too,” Tubaigy
  • was recorded as saying, the source told MEE.

Jamal Khashoggi tortured with bone saw for 7 minutes while Saudi killer drowned out screams with music: Turkish source


17 OCT 2018 AT 06:17 ET


Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered over seven minutes while he was still alive, according to a Turkish source who heard an audio recording of the murder.

The Washington Post columnist was abducted Oct. 2 from the consul-general’s office at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and dragged into a study next door — and a witness downstairs heard horrendous screams, reported Middle East Eye....

That’s what Muslims do…
What about the one here who worships the ground that trump walks on? I'm sure you know who I'm referring to.

A coroner is a doctor------------I cannot so much as pull the wings off a fly-----maybe it was a MUSLIM CORONER
I wasn't replying to the coroner part, you said that's what Muslims do and I was replying to the fact that we have a Muslim here who worships trump. I'm surprised that he isn't here with a counter point to yours and others comments about Muslims.
What a horrendous way to die. It is quite similar to the way the drug cartels dispose of enemies.

The participants were all foreign nationals. The crime committed on Turkish soil. What makes it our business?

Well what makes Syria or Russia your business? When have America cared about that, you have never cared IF something was YOUR business you just go Gung Ho interfering either with UNILATERAL and usually illegal Sanctions or you just bomb Sovereign Nations and Regime Change because the leader doesn't want to be a Puppet of Washington DC anymore and/or he has served his use.

Why does America want to protect the filthy Saudi's they are basic sand rats and barbaric terrorists, you PROTECT those who financially supported AND then harboured those who planned and committed September 11, this for just one thing is fucked up and illustrates having no moral compass.
Because they own the entire 45th floor of trump towers and are still pumping money into trump's businesses.
The Saudis pump money into all kinds of businesses, not just Trump businesses.
What a horrendous way to die. It is quite similar to the way the drug cartels dispose of enemies.

The participants were all foreign nationals. The crime committed on Turkish soil. What makes it our business?

Well what makes Syria or Russia your business? When have America cared about that, you have never cared IF something was YOUR business you just go Gung Ho interfering either with UNILATERAL and usually illegal Sanctions or you just bomb Sovereign Nations and Regime Change because the leader doesn't want to be a Puppet of Washington DC anymore and/or he has served his use.

Why does America want to protect the filthy Saudi's they are basic sand rats and barbaric terrorists, you PROTECT those who financially supported AND then harboured those who planned and committed September 11, this for just one thing is fucked up and illustrates having no moral compass.
Because they own the entire 45th floor of trump towers and are still pumping money into trump's businesses.
The Saudis pump money into all kinds of businesses, not just Trump businesses.
That may be true, but for trump, his business is his only concern. Nice try though.
Freedom of the press protects our freedoms and keeps the government in check

More than a second amendment ever will
Your "free press" has a POLITICAL agenda. Don't pretend it's unbiased.
the constitutional guarantee of the free press HAS ALWAYS had a political agenda, that's the whole point of it.... it is suppose to act as the adversary of government officials and government and the politicking within.... thus, the ''watch dog''....

and being ''free'' means free from government stopping or interfering with their reporting and their views...

the press, has simply always been biased over the centuries... picking presidents or governors that they supported...
the constitutional guarantee of the free press HAS ALWAYS had a political agenda, that's the whole point of it.... it is suppose to act as the adversary of government officials and government and the politicking within.... thus, the ''watch dog''....
You KNOW the MSM provides political cover for the likes of Hillary and Obama while turning every day into a new scandal for the likes of Reagan, Bush and Trump.

Your dishonesty is clear to all
Freedom of the press protects our freedoms and keeps the government in check

More than a second amendment ever will
Your "free press" has a POLITICAL agenda. Don't pretend it's unbiased.
the constitutional guarantee of the free press HAS ALWAYS had a political agenda, that's the whole point of it.... it is suppose to act as the adversary of government officials and government and the politicking within.... thus, the ''watch dog''....

and being ''free'' means free from government stopping or interfering with their reporting and their views...

the press, has simply always been biased over the centuries... picking presidents or governors that they supported...
------------------------------------------------------- press is not supposed to be 'biased' and is only supposed to report the Who , What , Where and When and then after being informed of those facts its up to the reader to decide the WHY Care4 . As far as making recommendations of Candidates . Newpapers may make recommendations during election season i suppose but thats on Opinion or Editorial pages but not while Reporting News Care4 .
the constitutional guarantee of the free press HAS ALWAYS had a political agenda, that's the whole point of it.... it is suppose to act as the adversary of government officials and government and the politicking within.... thus, the ''watch dog''....
You KNOW the MSM provides political cover for the likes of Hillary and Obama while turning every day into a new scandal for the likes of Reagan, Bush and Trump.

Your dishonesty is clear to all
there was no cover for Hillary by them, and that's a fact. Obama was the most honest president we've ever had... not perfect, but better than most other presidents, and NO, I DID NOT vote for him, either time.

FOX and Clear Channel right wing radio and the Washington Examiner, and internet media.... all covered his negatives quite well... to the point of ad nauseam ....
Wasn't there a guy named Levinson who was a DEA or FBI agent who disappeared in Iran around 2007? Wouldn't it have been prudent for Barry Hussein to demand his release or an account of his whereabouts during the infamous 2 billion payoff to the Iran regime? Barry couldn't bluff his way out of the freaking rest room.
Freedom of the press protects our freedoms and keeps the government in check

More than a second amendment ever will
Your "free press" has a POLITICAL agenda. Don't pretend it's unbiased.
the constitutional guarantee of the free press HAS ALWAYS had a political agenda, that's the whole point of it.... it is suppose to act as the adversary of government officials and government and the politicking within.... thus, the ''watch dog''....

and being ''free'' means free from government stopping or interfering with their reporting and their views...

the press, has simply always been biased over the centuries... picking presidents or governors that they supported...
------------------------------------------------------- press is not supposed to be 'biased' and is only supposed to report the Who , What , Where and When and then after being informed of those facts its up to the reader to decide the WHY Care4 . As far as making recommendations of Candidates . Newpapers may make recommendations during election season i suppose but thats on Opinion or Editorial pages but not while Reporting News Care4 .
-------------------------------------- REPEAT just above for Care4 !!
and WHERE is the PROOF as i haven't seen proof of the murder of 'kashoogy' Care4 ??
and WHERE is the PROOF as i haven't seen proof of the murder of 'kashoogy' Care4 ??

Turkey evidently has extensive proof

They are wisely not laying their cards on the table as yet. Doing so now would allow the Saudis to craft a story that explains the available evidence against them.
Turkey will allow the Saudis to give their dog and pony show and then provide evidence that shoots it all to hell

Doesn’t really matter. Our President will concur in any story that is provided
and WHERE is the PROOF as i haven't seen proof of the murder of 'kashoogy' Care4 ??

Turkey evidently has extensive proof

They are wisely not laying their cards on the table as yet. Doing so now would allow the Saudis to craft a story that explains the available evidence against them.
Turkey will allow the Saudis to give their dog and pony show and then provide evidence that shoots it all to hell

Doesn’t really matter. Our President will concur in any story that is provided
Turkey and Iran are allies...
Strange how animated the left are over the alleged murder of this man, yet they can usually barely be bothered to raise an eyebrow when Saudi funded and inspired terrorists murder and maim western people - and even children at music concerts - the world over, day in and day out.
Such hypocrisy.
And the left in TDS blames the President for the killing of a foreign Journalists..................

And the call for blowing Saudi Arabia to dust goes again................which would ensure shiites would have even a greater advantage in the area.........

The man killed was not an American..............why is it the WORLD says WHAT IS AMERICA TO DO ABOUT IT..............It is in Europe's back yard........what are they prepared to do about it............happened in Turkey..........a Murder..........what are they prepared to do about it................

This region of the world has been brutal for a long time.............All of the countries there.........nothing is new..........just the social media sounding the drum beats of War again.............so later they can say America fucked up again...

How about they handle their own damned problems for a change..................

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