WAPO reporter: Kashoggi was DISMEMBERED with a bone saw while still alive & disposed of

'from what i hear 'kashoogy' was a foreign muslim , member of the muslim brotherhood , was a RESIDENT of the USA who probably owned a house in the USA and had a job at a USA newspaper RWinger .
whats this talk about TOTURED and killed . Has anything been proven yet 'balsey ford' , er , i mean RWinger .
member of the American Press . Guess that they are SPECIAL in your mind eh RWinger ??
I'm one who wants to get the facts on the table. You and I don't know how much is known. That IS my point. Everybody goes off like they know.
I'm tired of that crap, we only know what IS fed to us. I don't trust our government, and I don't trust our media, Care.
Trump needs to handle this properly and without error. The Saudi's could really destabilize the oil market, and the blame would be put
on Trump's shoulders. The media would have a filed day with that, and the left would follow.
Fuk the oil market

It does not excuse torture and assassination
Big talk for such a little guy.
You would be one of the first people screamimg "tRump....tRump....tRump!!!!!!!"

Our President cares more about his financial connections than protecting human rights

Used to be valuing human rights was what made America Great

Now, we will sell out to the highest bidder
------------------- let whoever foreigner may be fight and secure their own 'human rights' while America takes care to follow Americans Bill of RIGHTS RWinger !!

He was a member of the American press. He was tortured and killed for what he reported in American newspapers.

America used to stand for freedom of the press, now we ignore it if the person killing a reporter has oil money and connections to the Presidents son in law

He was also member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
whats this talk about TOTURED and killed . Has anything been proven yet 'balsey ford' , er , i mean RWinger .
Let’s see.....

Who has been more forthcoming?
The Turks who had this happen on their soil have been selectively releasing tapes to the media and what has been reported is a horrific tale of torture and media

The Saudis who claim the guy left the embassy and they have no idea of what happened ......yet there is no video from inside the embassy or out, showing he left
Fuk the oil market

It does not excuse torture and assassination
Big talk for such a little guy.
You would be one of the first people screamimg "tRump....tRump....tRump!!!!!!!"

Our President cares more about his financial connections than protecting human rights

Used to be valuing human rights was what made America Great

Now, we will sell out to the highest bidder
------------------- let whoever foreigner may be fight and secure their own 'human rights' while America takes care to follow Americans Bill of RIGHTS RWinger !!

He was a member of the American press. He was tortured and killed for what he reported in American newspapers.

America used to stand for freedom of the press, now we ignore it if the person killing a reporter has oil money and connections to the Presidents son in law

He was also member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

whats this talk about TOTURED and killed . Has anything been proven yet 'balsey ford' , er , i mean RWinger .
------------------------------------------------- same question for you LEW . Is there any proof of who murdered 'kashoogy' if he was actually murdered Lew .
Big talk for such a little guy.
You would be one of the first people screamimg "tRump....tRump....tRump!!!!!!!"

Our President cares more about his financial connections than protecting human rights

Used to be valuing human rights was what made America Great

Now, we will sell out to the highest bidder
------------------- let whoever foreigner may be fight and secure their own 'human rights' while America takes care to follow Americans Bill of RIGHTS RWinger !!

He was a member of the American press. He was tortured and killed for what he reported in American newspapers.

America used to stand for freedom of the press, now we ignore it if the person killing a reporter has oil money and connections to the Presidents son in law

He was also member of the Muslim Brotherhood.


So, this isn't like someone whacked Bob Woodward. Khashoggi was a player in high stakes internecine political warfare in the Muslim world. Multiple factions have agendas which would be served by his death. I'm not going to jump to any conclusions as to Who Dunnit.
member of the American Press . Guess that they are SPECIAL in your mind eh RWinger ??
Yes, they are
--------------------------------- they work a job , get paid on Friday . Its all their own risk and reward . No body forced them to take their jobs RWinger .

Freedom of the press protects our freedoms and keeps the government in check

More than a second amendment ever will
Thanks for the article, but it is waaay too early to start disparaging anyone at this time.
And no, we aren't complicit in this.....unless you are just being partisan.
Nobody has all the facts, yet. Let's get them before we start pointing fingers, right?
Why is a certain someone that resides in the White House dragging his feet on getting to the bottom of this, and is promoting the clear lies from Saudi Arabia as to what really happened?

You know what happened?? Do tell!!

That is what INVESTIGATIONS are for!! Then the COURT CASES!! I wouldn't take Turkey's word on anything!!! (Applies to ALL but a properly constituted COURT of Law).

You LYNCH much??

when TRUMP gets the info that he considers to be reliable he will decide what to do Ladies , Gents and RWinger .
What bullshit

Trump is playing dumb. He has the most effective intelligence network on the globe. US intelligence intercepted communications indicating the Saudis were planning to abduct him.
It is also unlikely the Turks have not released tapes to the US. What was Pompeo doing in Turkey if he didn’t get to hear the tapes?
A Trump ally can chop up someone in a consulate, and Trump supporters will still love him.
If the Turks have the tapes why haven't they been leaked yet? Sounds like a bit of a "fake" story; GET THE FACTS!!!

This sounds like bullshit though.


Well they don't NEED any facts when they decide to put more sanctions on Russia and they don't need any facts when they decide to bomb Syria when obvious False Flag happens with the White Helmets aka the Al-Nusra Front do False Flags and blame Assad and NO INDEPENDENT analysis is permitted it's just Bombs Away!

But OMG they need facts to protect the filthy buttocks of The House of Saud. WTF if this was Russia or Syria or North Korea or ANYONE except Saudi Arabia they would ALREADY have been bombed yesterday AND had Sanctions put on them. Total hypocrisy. Disgusting.

Maybe, but they would have been bombed BEFORE the facts are in. I've ALWAYS been a "wait for the court case" sorta guy; patience and time, time and patience. Then unleash HELL!!. I get less wrong that way. You must also note that the source is "Raw Story" who I wouldn't trust regardless. Basically it sounds too amateur. A "Death Squad" that has to be TOLD about blocking out screams?? May of course be true but without corroborating evidence I don't accept it.

And yes; the House of Saud is frankly NOT my cup of tea.

I'm one who wants to get the facts on the table. You and I don't know how much is known. That IS my point. Everybody goes off like they know.
I'm tired of that crap, we only know what IS fed to us. I don't trust our government, and I don't trust our media, Care.
Trump needs to handle this properly and without error. The Saudi's could really destabilize the oil market, and the blame would be put
on Trump's shoulders. The media would have a filed day with that, and the left would follow.
Fuk the oil market

It does not excuse torture and assassination

Sure it does. All that matters to Trump and his supporters is money. Period. Morals, reputation, and image play second and third fiddle to money.
----------------------------------------- i could not care less about the money though it would be a hit to USA money accumulation . i just want to make sure that USA Allies like the Saudis get the weapons to kill USA Enemies of 'iranians' and 'yeminis' Lewdog .

Why would you want to be allies with a country that tortures and dismembers people while they are alive just because they don't like the person for being a journalist that peaks freely?

If you sleep with dogs don't be surprised when you wake up with fleas. You ever think maybe the U.S. wouldn't have enemies in Iran and Yemen that want to kill Americans if America wasn't allies with people like the Saudis?
------------------------------------- its up to the TRUMP to decide what is true and what isn't true Lewdog .

It's up to a known liar who's supporters admit he lies and don't care?

That's like asking a fat kid to watch your chocolate cake while you go to the bathroom.
I'm one who wants to get the facts on the table. You and I don't know how much is known. That IS my point. Everybody goes off like they know.
I'm tired of that crap, we only know what IS fed to us. I don't trust our government, and I don't trust our media, Care.
Trump needs to handle this properly and without error. The Saudi's could really destabilize the oil market, and the blame would be put
on Trump's shoulders. The media would have a filed day with that, and the left would follow.
Fuk the oil market

It does not excuse torture and assassination

Sure it does. All that matters to Trump and his supporters is money. Period. Morals, reputation, and image play second and third fiddle to money.
----------------------------------------- i could not care less about the money though it would be a hit to USA money accumulation . i just want to make sure that USA Allies like the Saudis get the weapons to kill USA Enemies of 'iranians' and 'yeminis' Lewdog .

Why would you want to be allies with a country that tortures and dismembers people while they are alive just because they don't like the person for being a journalist that peaks freely?

If you sleep with dogs don't be surprised when you wake up with fleas. You ever think maybe the U.S. wouldn't have enemies in Iran and Yemen that want to kill Americans if America wasn't allies with people like the Saudis?
------------------------------------- you are probably too young to remember but 'iran' is a 40 - 50 year old enemy and they are 'muslim' . Plus wasn't it just a few years ago that they took American sailors captive . Plus 'iran' messes with American War ships and announces Death to America at Rallies Lewdog .

No I'm not too young, and a great deal of the problem the U.S. has in the Middle East is from sticking our noses in other people's business and taking sides. Saudi Arabia is Muslim too.
Trump is playing his typical Trump
Deny, deny, deny

When undeniable evidence comes out, he will move the goalposts and claim there is no proof the king or Prince Asshole knew anything about it

Trump just wants this thing to go away so he can go back to felating the Saudis

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