War Drums: U.S. Closes Syrian Embassy As Diplomacy Collapses...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
More 'Regime Change.' More War.

The U.S. closed its embassy in Syria and Britain recalled its ambassador to Damascus on Monday in a new Western push to get President Bashar Assad to leave power and halt the murderous grind in Syria—now among the deadliest conflicts of the Arab Spring. Although the diplomatic effort was stymied at the U.N. by vetoes from Russia and China, the moves by the U.S. and Britain were a clear message that Western powers see no point in engaging with Assad and now will seek to bolster Syria's opposition.

"This is a doomed regime as well as a murdering regime," British Foreign Secretary William Hague told lawmakers as he recalled his country's ambassador from Syria. "There is no way it can recover its credibility internationally."

President Barack Obama said the Syrian leader's departure is only a matter of time.

"We have been relentless in sending a message that it is time for Assad to go," Obama said during an interview with NBC. "This is not going to be a matter of if, it's going to be a matter of when."

The most serious violence Monday was reported in Homs, where Syrian government forces, using tanks and machine guns, shelled a makeshift medical clinic and residential areas on the third day of a relentless assault, killing a reported 40 people, activists said. More than a dozen others were reported killed elsewhere.

Those deaths followed a regime onslaught in Homs that began Saturday, the same day Syria's allies in Russia and China vetoed a Western- and Arab-backed resolution aimed at trying to end the crackdown on dissent. Some 200 people died, the highest death toll reported for a single day in the uprising, according to several activist groups.

Even as the U.S. steps up pressure on Assad to halt the violence and relinquish power, Obama said a negotiated solution was possible, without recourse to outside military intervention.

Later, however, White House spokesman Jay Carney said the administration was taking "no options off the table."

In a signal that the window for diplomatic efforts may at some point close, Carney said: "We need to act to allow a peaceful political transition to go forward before the regime's escalating violence puts a political solution out of reach."

U.S. Ambassador Robert Ford and 17 other U.S. officials left Syria on Monday, arriving in Amman, Jordan, several hours later. Ford was to travel on to Paris to spend time with his wife, the State Department said.

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US closes Syrian embassy as diplomacy collapses
We had to close the embassy there man, that country has basically descended into choas and civil war, the responsible thing to do is to close down shop and get the Americans out of there.
Just because we are closing the embassy there doesn't mean we are going to war with them.
Don't think Barry could justify another war. He must get re-elected after all.

Didn't we close our embassy there once before and then send another Ambassador in later??
They have oil, so we have to have a puppet installed before any level of peace can take place.
More interesting than that,former russian defense minister calls syria and iran customers,and will back both of them if attacked.
I guess we'll see if China and Russia allow the West to steamroll Syria & Iran the way they did Egypt & Libya. I have a feeling they may stand up this time.
I guess we'll see if China and Russia allow the West to steamroll Syria & Iran the way they did Egypt & Libya. I have a feeling they may stand up this time.

There will be no Russian or Chinese soldiers standing to fight and die for Syria or Iran.
I guess we'll see if China and Russia allow the West to steamroll Syria & Iran the way they did Egypt & Libya. I have a feeling they may stand up this time.

There will be no Russian or Chinese soldiers standing to fight and die for Syria or Iran.

I think you're probably correct on that assessment. They will likely support them in other ways. I just don't think Russia & China will sit back and allow Syria & Iran to go the way of Egypt & Libya. I could be wrong though. I guess we'll see.
I guess we'll see if China and Russia allow the West to steamroll Syria & Iran the way they did Egypt & Libya. I have a feeling they may stand up this time.

There will be no Russian or Chinese soldiers standing to fight and die for Syria or Iran.

I think you're probably correct on that assessment. They will likely support them in other ways. I just don't think Russia & China will sit back and allow Syria & Iran to go the way of Egypt & Libya. I could be wrong though. I guess we'll see.

Russia and China will more than likely help Syria and Iran by suppling cash, arms, supplies and logistics, thats probably about it.
There will be no Russian or Chinese soldiers standing to fight and die for Syria or Iran.

I think you're probably correct on that assessment. They will likely support them in other ways. I just don't think Russia & China will sit back and allow Syria & Iran to go the way of Egypt & Libya. I could be wrong though. I guess we'll see.

Russia and China will more than likely help Syria and Iran by suppling cash, arms, supplies and logistics, thats probably about it.

Yes, i agree. There is a whole lot at stake for them. They can't allow the West to seize complete control of Syria & Iran the way they did with Egypt & Libya.
I think you're probably correct on that assessment. They will likely support them in other ways. I just don't think Russia & China will sit back and allow Syria & Iran to go the way of Egypt & Libya. I could be wrong though. I guess we'll see.

Russia and China will more than likely help Syria and Iran by suppling cash, arms, supplies and logistics, thats probably about it.

Yes, i agree. There is a whole lot at stake for them. They can't allow the West to seize complete control of Syria & Iran the way they did with Egypt & Libya.

Egypt is holding 19 Americans hostage and things are pretty tense, I wouldn't say we completely control the Egyptians. The Libyans we probably have a better relationship with.
Russia and China will more than likely help Syria and Iran by suppling cash, arms, supplies and logistics, thats probably about it.

Yes, i agree. There is a whole lot at stake for them. They can't allow the West to seize complete control of Syria & Iran the way they did with Egypt & Libya.

Egypt is holding 19 Americans hostage and things are pretty tense, I wouldn't say we completely control the Egyptians. The Libyans we probably have a better relationship with.

Good point about Egypt. But basically, we have a lot of control there. We still heavily fund their Military. We have much more control there than Russia & China do.

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