War Drums: U.S. Threatens Use Of Force in Syria After 'Massacre'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Looks like War with Syria is coming.

Houla massacre: US military warns Syria as pressure builds on Obama

Top US general urges increased diplomatic pressure on Bashar al-Assad but warns military is prepared to act if necessary.

The US's top military officer has warned Syria it could face armed intervention as international outrage grows over the massacre of women and children by tanks and artillery in Houla.

General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, said that following the UN security council's condemnation of the slaughter – in which more than 100 people were killed, many of them children – there needed to be increased diplomatic pressure on Damascus. But he added that the US would be prepared to act militarily if it was "asked to do so".

"There is always a military option," he told Fox News. "You'll always find military leaders to be somewhat cautious about the use of force, because we're never entirely sure what comes out on the other side. But that said, it may come to a point with Syria because of the atrocities."

The warning comes as Barack Obama is under increasing pressure from his Republican opponent in November's presidential election, Mitt Romney, and members of Congress to take tougher action over Syria.

Romney accused Obama of weakness and disparaged his support for efforts by the former UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, to revive a failing peace plan. He said Washington should instead arm opposition groups.

"After nearly a year and a half of slaughter, it is far past time for the United States to begin to lead and put an end to the Assad regime. President Obama can no longer ignore calls from congressional leaders in both parties to take more assertive steps," he said...

Read More:
Houla massacre: US military warns Syria as pressure builds on Obama | World news | guardian.co.uk
Barry Hussein doesn't want war with Syria. He just wants his dwindling base to think he is willing to do something about the crisis.
WE dont' need another war.

Let the Arab League spend their blood, treasure and their money in their part of the world.

I could give a fuck what goes on in Syria.
I don't see it, if we go into Syria it will be alone and I don't see that happening, no other country has offered their Military so far.
Barry Hussein doesn't want war with Syria. He just wants his dwindling base to think he is willing to do something about the crisis.

So which is it this week, he does want war, he doesn't want war? :eusa_eh:
Barry Hussein doesn't want war with Syria. He just wants his dwindling base to think he is willing to do something about the crisis.

He'salready in trouble with the left with what he's already done/hasn't done....He's painted himself into a precarious position to where politics guides him instead of doing the right thing.:eusa_shhh:
The US went into Kuwait, Iraq, and over Tunisia for supposedly humanitarian reasons. Why is Syria much different? I'm glad we're not quick to attack, but if we have the power to stop a madman from killing his own people, why not get NATO + Arab League and do something?

Oh, and before y'all start complaining about Obama starting another war, make sure you didn't defend Bush II and his invasion of Iraq. I hated hearing conservatives scream, "Saddam needed to go!" back then but it's worse hearing those same idiots scream, "Obama shouldn't invade anyone!"
Barry Hussein doesn't want war with Syria. He just wants his dwindling base to think he is willing to do something about the crisis.

He'salready in trouble with the left with what he's already done/hasn't done....He's painted himself into a precarious position to where politics guides him instead of doing the right thing.:eusa_shhh:

Yeah, i don't see anything happening til after the Election. They already worked out a deal with Israel to hold off on attacking Iran til after the Election. We'll see after November. Stay tuned.
Tyrants like this should not be ignored. History tells us what will happen if we do. Now I'm not suggesting we need troops involved but this mass slaughter can not be allowed to continue no matter who our president is.
And like it or not Obama gave us a good template for dealing with situations like this. Granted his use of air power on gadaffi was questionable it was effective none the less. As were the ramped up drone strikes.
Tyrants like this should not be ignored. History tells us what will happen if we do. Now I'm not suggesting we need troops involved but this mass slaughter can not be allowed to continue no matter who our president is.

They should be cut off...isolated from the rest of the world.
Tyrants like this should not be ignored. History tells us what will happen if we do. Now I'm not suggesting we need troops involved but this mass slaughter can not be allowed to continue no matter who our president is.

What should we do?

I honestly don't know. But I won't shut the door on a call to action. Arm the rebels? Limited airstrikes on the leaders compounds and military interests? Food and medical aid?

I don't know enough about what dangers we would face to make any judgments.
This should be fun to watch.

Obama and the left ranted and protested the Iraq war because they "didn't attack us", and there were no WMD's found despite intell saying they were once there and, well, Saddam used them before so we knew he HAD them.

Syria not only didn't attack us, but we already dont think they have WMD's.

The ONLY similarities are neither attacked us, and both massacred their own people.

Will Obama and the left stick to their 2002-2008 ideological principles, or "evolve"?
This should be fun to watch.

Obama and the left ranted and protested the Iraq war because they "didn't attack us", and there were no WMD's found despite intell saying they were once there and, well, Saddam used them before so we knew he HAD them.

Syria not only didn't attack us, but we already dont think they have WMD's.

The ONLY similarities are neither attacked us, and both massacred their own people.

Will Obama and the left stick to their 2002-2008 ideological principles, or "evolve"?

When did Obama say he wanted to attack Syria? Of course, if it really blows up next week, the Republicans will be screaming that we should have had "boots on the ground".
This should be fun to watch.

Obama and the left ranted and protested the Iraq war because they "didn't attack us", and there were no WMD's found despite intell saying they were once there and, well, Saddam used them before so we knew he HAD them.

Syria not only didn't attack us, but we already dont think they have WMD's.

The ONLY similarities are neither attacked us, and both massacred their own people.

Will Obama and the left stick to their 2002-2008 ideological principles, or "evolve"?

When did Obama say he wanted to attack Syria? Of course, if it really blows up next week, the Republicans will be screaming that we should have had "boots on the ground".

Bombs in the air maybe but boots on the ground? Are you really that out of touch?
Tyrants like this should not be ignored. History tells us what will happen if we do. Now I'm not suggesting we need troops involved but this mass slaughter can not be allowed to continue no matter who our president is.

What should we do?

I honestly don't know. But I won't shut the door on a call to action. Arm the rebels? Limited airstrikes on the leaders compounds and military interests? Food and medical aid?

I don't know enough about what dangers we would face to make any judgments.

I am down with arming the opposition but air strikes I am not so sure, if we go that route we have to be willing to stick it through, just bombing Damascus for a week won't do anything and will cause more people to rally around Assad.There has to be a clear objective, is it regime change? or simply to stop the slaughter?
if we have the power to stop a madman from killing his own people, why not get NATO + Arab League and do something?
What you fail to grasp is the fact that it's Syrian meatheads killing their own people. " Just following orders ma'am. BANG !"

Your gaWd Blass murkin troops will be ready to do the same to you, if ordered to.
Meatheads are a strange lot.The vast majority are incapable of thinking for themselves and love the commie lifestyle demanded of them by their handlers.
obama will do nothing in Syria. Russia won't let him. As much of a cowardly blowhard as obama is, he won't confront Russia. Putin is a real man and obama is an effeminte metrosexual.

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