War Drums: U.S. Threatens Use Of Force in Syria After 'Massacre'...

This should be fun to watch.

Obama and the left ranted and protested the Iraq war because they "didn't attack us", and there were no WMD's found despite intell saying they were once there and, well, Saddam used them before so we knew he HAD them.

Syria not only didn't attack us, but we already dont think they have WMD's.

The ONLY similarities are neither attacked us, and both massacred their own people.

Will Obama and the left stick to their 2002-2008 ideological principles, or "evolve"?

When did Obama say he wanted to attack Syria? Of course, if it really blows up next week, the Republicans will be screaming that we should have had "boots on the ground".

Bombs in the air maybe but boots on the ground? Are you really that out of touch?

Read it again. I was saying the Reps are out of touch.
obama will do nothing in Syria. Russia won't let him. As much of a cowardly blowhard as obama is, he won't confront Russia. Putin is a real man and obama is an effeminte metrosexual.

SEE!!! Obama's opponents WANT us to invade. :cool:
What should we do?

I honestly don't know. But I won't shut the door on a call to action. Arm the rebels? Limited airstrikes on the leaders compounds and military interests? Food and medical aid?

I don't know enough about what dangers we would face to make any judgments.

I am down with arming the opposition but air strikes I am not so sure, if we go that route we have to be willing to stick it through, just bombing Damascus for a week won't do anything and will cause more people to rally around Assad.There has to be a clear objective, is it regime change? or simply to stop the slaughter?

Assad says that these kinds of massacres are carried out by muslim brotherhood and al quaeda fighters and the bodies left to look like it was Assad's forces. As this is a VERY common tactic used in palestine, whose to say he's not right?
We have an ally in the region. Where are they ? How come they aren't acting ? Isn't this exactly what allies are for ?
I honestly don't know. But I won't shut the door on a call to action. Arm the rebels? Limited airstrikes on the leaders compounds and military interests? Food and medical aid?

I don't know enough about what dangers we would face to make any judgments.

I am down with arming the opposition but air strikes I am not so sure, if we go that route we have to be willing to stick it through, just bombing Damascus for a week won't do anything and will cause more people to rally around Assad.There has to be a clear objective, is it regime change? or simply to stop the slaughter?

Assad says that these kinds of massacres are carried out by muslim brotherhood and al quaeda fighters and the bodies left to look like it was Assad's forces. As this is a VERY common tactic used in palestine, whose to say he's not right?

.. and now they don't!!! :lmao:
I honestly don't know. But I won't shut the door on a call to action. Arm the rebels? Limited airstrikes on the leaders compounds and military interests? Food and medical aid?

I don't know enough about what dangers we would face to make any judgments.

I am down with arming the opposition but air strikes I am not so sure, if we go that route we have to be willing to stick it through, just bombing Damascus for a week won't do anything and will cause more people to rally around Assad.There has to be a clear objective, is it regime change? or simply to stop the slaughter?

Assad says that these kinds of massacres are carried out by muslim brotherhood and al quaeda fighters and the bodies left to look like it was Assad's forces. As this is a VERY common tactic used in palestine, whose to say he's not right?

This is a good point, I would not want to arm the opposition unless I knew exactly who I was dealing with and what their agenda is.
obama will do nothing in Syria. Russia won't let him. As much of a cowardly blowhard as obama is, he won't confront Russia. Putin is a real man and obama is an effeminte metrosexual.

SEE!!! Obama's opponents WANT us to invade. :cool:

Whether someone wants an invasion or doesn't want an invasion is immaterial. obama is not about to confront Russia no matter what side you are on. The rebels have an alternative. They can surrender. Russia is going to protect Assad because Russia is protecting their naval base. If the fundamentalists should guarantee Russia the continued existence of that base you might see things change. Although, why Russia would trust the fundamentalists after their experience with Chechnya would be unfathomable.
I am down with arming the opposition but air strikes I am not so sure, if we go that route we have to be willing to stick it through, just bombing Damascus for a week won't do anything and will cause more people to rally around Assad.There has to be a clear objective, is it regime change? or simply to stop the slaughter?

Assad says that these kinds of massacres are carried out by muslim brotherhood and al quaeda fighters and the bodies left to look like it was Assad's forces. As this is a VERY common tactic used in palestine, whose to say he's not right?

This is a good point, I would not want to arm the opposition unless I knew exactly who I was dealing with and what their agenda is.

That's what we did in Libya with predictable catastrophic results. And in Egypt with even worse results.
I am down with arming the opposition but air strikes I am not so sure, if we go that route we have to be willing to stick it through, just bombing Damascus for a week won't do anything and will cause more people to rally around Assad.There has to be a clear objective, is it regime change? or simply to stop the slaughter?

Assad says that these kinds of massacres are carried out by muslim brotherhood and al quaeda fighters and the bodies left to look like it was Assad's forces. As this is a VERY common tactic used in palestine, whose to say he's not right?

This is a good point, I would not want to arm the opposition unless I knew exactly who I was dealing with and what their agenda is.

Well, Assad seems to be saying the opposition is the enemy of both Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. I don't see it getting much better than that, as far as potentially helping them goes.
obama will do nothing in Syria. Russia won't let him. As much of a cowardly blowhard as obama is, he won't confront Russia. Putin is a real man and obama is an effeminte metrosexual.

SEE!!! Obama's opponents WANT us to invade. :cool:

Whether someone wants an invasion or doesn't want an invasion is immaterial. obama is not about to confront Russia no matter what side you are on. The rebels have an alternative. They can surrender. Russia is going to protect Assad because Russia is protecting their naval base. If the fundamentalists should guarantee Russia the continued existence of that base you might see things change. Although, why Russia would trust the fundamentalists after their experience with Chechnya would be unfathomable.

If the rebels surrender they will be killed, its too late to go that route.
Assad says that these kinds of massacres are carried out by muslim brotherhood and al quaeda fighters and the bodies left to look like it was Assad's forces. As this is a VERY common tactic used in palestine, whose to say he's not right?

This is a good point, I would not want to arm the opposition unless I knew exactly who I was dealing with and what their agenda is.

Well, Assad seems to be saying the opposition is the enemy of both Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. I don't see it getting much better than that, as far as potentially helping them goes.

Isn't Assad claiming the resistance are foreign fighters and Al Qaeda members?
I think Obama is just confused. The world was supposed to love him for his mere presence, after all, he got a Nobel Peace Prize for....well, being him.

Other countries aren't supposed to act like this with him in office. He's a bit confused what to do, this wasn't the plan.
Barry Hussein doesn't want war with Syria. He just wants his dwindling base to think he is willing to do something about the crisis.

He'salready in trouble with the left with what he's already done/hasn't done....He's painted himself into a precarious position to where politics guides him instead of doing the right thing.:eusa_shhh:

Yeah, i don't see anything happening til after the Election. They already worked out a deal with Israel to hold off on attacking Iran til after the Election. We'll see after November. Stay tuned.

worked out a deal with Israel..

Nice for them that they are so important to us.
This is a good point, I would not want to arm the opposition unless I knew exactly who I was dealing with and what their agenda is.

Well, Assad seems to be saying the opposition is the enemy of both Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. I don't see it getting much better than that, as far as potentially helping them goes.

Isn't Assad claiming the resistance are foreign fighters and Al Qaeda members?

Do you believe his own people aren't rebelling? If they are in cahoots with foreigners, then Assad is lying about who committed the massacres.
SEE!!! Obama's opponents WANT us to invade. :cool:

Whether someone wants an invasion or doesn't want an invasion is immaterial. obama is not about to confront Russia no matter what side you are on. The rebels have an alternative. They can surrender. Russia is going to protect Assad because Russia is protecting their naval base. If the fundamentalists should guarantee Russia the continued existence of that base you might see things change. Although, why Russia would trust the fundamentalists after their experience with Chechnya would be unfathomable.

If the rebels surrender they will be killed, its too late to go that route.

Maybe that's why so many of them are going to Yemen, save their own cowardly behinds.
If Paul was elected president it wuld be interesting how or if he would hold to his anit interventionisp policy...

I doubt that he would be able to.
The president does not actually run the USA.
This should be fun to watch.

Obama and the left ranted and protested the Iraq war because they "didn't attack us", and there were no WMD's found despite intell saying they were once there and, well, Saddam used them before so we knew he HAD them.

Syria not only didn't attack us, but we already dont think they have WMD's.

The ONLY similarities are neither attacked us, and both massacred their own people.

Will Obama and the left stick to their 2002-2008 ideological principles, or "evolve"?

When did Obama say he wanted to attack Syria? Of course, if it really blows up next week, the Republicans will be screaming that we should have had "boots on the ground".

When did he say he wanted to attack Libya? Country still ended up in smoke, as Al Qaeda celebrated with american taxpayer bought weapons.
Ladies and Gentlemen;

108 women and children were EXECUTED in a town in Syria. Observers say that they came in the middle of the night and they shot them in the back of the head. Children as young as several months.

I don't like putting our men in harm's way. I don't like the idea of starting something militarily. I cannot stand by and watch this, like I also cannot condone letting millions starve in North Korea simply because their "Dear Leader" is a maniacal idiot who plays silly games. There IS evil in this world. There is evil in this world and if there is a soul to this nation, can we sit by and allow this to take place? If we have God in our heart can we watch while other innocents are murdered in their sleep?

Nation building is a fool's pursuit. Assad MUST go and I believe that the United States of America is the leader of the free world for a reason. If I was the deciding factor, it would be VERY QUICK and we would leave as quickly as it was over, which I don't think would take very long. A couple quick Tomahawks, some F-117's and B-2's and the Rangers to seal off some landing strips.

I cannot watch innocents perish just because some madman wants to retain power...
Whether someone wants an invasion or doesn't want an invasion is immaterial. obama is not about to confront Russia no matter what side you are on. The rebels have an alternative. They can surrender. Russia is going to protect Assad because Russia is protecting their naval base. If the fundamentalists should guarantee Russia the continued existence of that base you might see things change. Although, why Russia would trust the fundamentalists after their experience with Chechnya would be unfathomable.

If the rebels surrender they will be killed, its too late to go that route.

Maybe that's why so many of them are going to Yemen, save their own cowardly behinds.

I wouldn't call them cowards for fighting Assad, but many of them have gone to Iraq and Lebanon.
Ladies and Gentlemen;

108 women and children were EXECUTED in a town in Syria. Observers say that they came in the middle of the night and they shot them in the back of the head. Children as young as several months.

I don't like putting our men in harm's way. I don't like the idea of starting something militarily. I cannot stand by and watch this, like I also cannot condone letting millions starve in North Korea simply because their "Dear Leader" is a maniacal idiot who plays silly games. There IS evil in this world. There is evil in this world and if there is a soul to this nation, can we sit by and allow this to take place? If we have God in our heart can we watch while other innocents are murdered in their sleep?

Nation building is a fool's pursuit. Assad MUST go and I believe that the United States of America is the leader of the free world for a reason. If I was the deciding factor, it would be VERY QUICK and we would leave as quickly as it was over, which I don't think would take very long. A couple quick Tomahawks, some F-117's and B-2's and the Rangers to seal off some landing strips.

I cannot watch innocents perish just because some madman wants to retain power...

Thats the problem though, people want a quick solution to this problem but there isn't one. It took 8 months to get rid of Gaddafi, it will take longer for Assad because he is deeply entrenched and armed by Iran, Russia and China, do we have the patience for this type of operation? its sad now to see these dead Syrian families but what happens when we start seeing pictures of dead Syrians killed by US bombs? that changes everything over night.

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