War in Heaven: Media Narrative


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism-parable inspired by The Post.

Signing off,



"The trial in heaven had begun. The issue was whether or not God was exhibiting nepotism in the coronation of his begotten miraculous Son, Jesus Christ, who would be the supreme 'figurehead' in heaven and rule over the hearts of all spirits and men (and angels!). Lucifer, God's first-knight, decided to rebel against God, claiming that Jesus's election was a biased event, and God ordered his archangel Michael to ensure that all political procedures proceeded smoothly. Lucifer was cast down (way down) and decided to become the official 'fallen-angel' and adopted the name Satan. Satan recruited other rebellion-minded angels, and these 'minions' comprised the 'dominion' of hell.

The war between heaven and hell raged on for epochs, and mankind was often caught in the middle, almost like a 'guinea-pig,' witnessing (somewhat) what God and Satan were arguing about regarding the vulnerability and virtue of the human soul and the general reliability of ethics. Satan's belief was that competitive behaviors engendered all kinds of 'natural curiosity' about speculating about fate and destiny. These behaviors gave rise to territorialism-based wars and power-games (e.g., Wall Street, European Union, Nazi Germany, etc.). God sent Jesus to redeem man's soul during the corrupt time of Ancient Rome. God also promised Jesus would return at the prophetic 'End of Days' when mankind would simply be over-run by the forces of hell and temptation. Jesus would return to ensure mankind did not turn to crude behaviors (e.g., cannibalism).

Damien was born in 1974 and grew up to be a very popular Hollywood (USA) movie star, making films about historically overwhelming events and politically-turbulent decisions such as the Lindbergh case, Al Capone and the Untouchables, the mob rule in 1800s New York, the Enron scandal, and of course, Nazi Germany. Damien was the AntiChrist, begotten by Satan and an evil woman named Emanuelle. Damien's mission was to challenge the wisdom of Jesus Christ. In his 30th year, Damien began making a film about speculations of cannibalistic behaviors among soldiers (Union and Confederate) in the seminal American Civil War. God realized Damien was extremely shrewd and sensitive about humanity's 'unnatural curiosities' (e.g., cannibalism). God ordered his archangel Michael to once again restore government and possibly recruit human 'helpers' to create sanity on Earth (so mankind could be reconciled to God).

Ajay was a comic book writer living in Los Angeles in the year 2001. After 9/11, he started writing and drawing a great deal about the patriotism-oriented American comic book superhero Captain America (Marvel Comics), a social symbol of civic duty and democratic idealism. Ajay was fascinated by America's appreciation of intellectual freedom and free-speech and therefore generated many Captain America stories involving the protection of intellectual properties and the defense of liberties in the face of anti-democracy (and/or anti-capitalism) oriented terrorism (e.g., ISIS, Taliban, etc.). Captain America's nemesis Red Skull, a deformed fascist/terrorist, represented pure malice and power, so Ajay generated stories about Captain America dealing with Red Skull trying to exploit the modern media to brainwash the American public.

Steven was a self-proclaimed American vigilante and a big fan of Ajay's comic book stories about Captain America, so Steven decided to reinvent himself as an urban 'democracy-defender' named the Shadow. The Shadow carried pistols and tranquilizer-darts and used them to break up urban gangs assembled to create power-sectors for their crime-bosses (modelled after super-criminals such as Al Capone). The Shadow became very optimistic about American mobilization, but when he read about a professed book written by Satan (the Devil) himself called the Book of the Nine Gates, he became fascinated. The Shadow realized that this Satanic text wielded the power to invoke the presence of the Devil and ask him questions about the value of democracy and human liberty. Michael noticed the activities of the Shadow and realized he needed to intercede on his behalf.

The Shadow was given a special 'office' by Michael to create citizen editorials in defense of democracy to submit to the symbolic American newspaper The Washington Post. The Shadow's weekly editorials became quite popular, and he used this public-address 'pulpit' to talk about the perceived modern social value of governance in a time of commerce and consumerism proliferation (e.g., Wall Street, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, TrumpUSA, IBM, eBay, etc., etc.). The Shadow suggested that commercial activities created a need for more proactive forms of regulation/supervision (e.g., U.S. vs. Microsoft, Napster, etc.). This sudden new need for 'monitoring' created new forms of curiosity about labor-speculation (e.g., Teamsters) and risk-evaluation (e.g., steroids). Damien (the AntiChrist) noticed the Shadow's popular editorials and wanted to meet him.

Michael told the Shadow (in a dream) that Damien was the AntiChrist, so when Damien confronted the Shadow, the idealistic vigilante turned editorial-writer wanted to debate with this 'shrewd adversary' (Damien) about the value of fighting for democracy (and America!). The Shadow wanted to make sure that he covered all the important topics regarding spiritual advocacy (so that God would approve of his 'appointed-crusade' about democracy-defense in the public-pulpit).

SHADOW: America's worst vices include Enron and the Ku Klux Klan.
DAMIEN: Americans care about capitalism and labor (e.g., Hoffa).
SHADOW: I noticed the stories about those crazy shootings in Vegas!
DAMIEN: Gambling is a part of capitalism(!), so there're obviously 'crazies.'
SHADOW: Are you the AntiChrist?
DAMIEN: If I was, I wouldn't jus tell you...
SHADOW: Of course (haha); in any case, I think Vegas represents optimism.
DAMIEN: Really? I thought it was a den for indulgences.
SHADOW: Men are naturally tempted by daydreams of fortune!
DAMIEN: Should we 'pardon' such childishness?
SHADOW: No one is immune from feelings of disgust, which should promote humility!
DAMIEN: I find eco-pollution absolutely disgusting, and I find no 'inspiration.'
SHADOW: Education is a tool for both God and men, and we need idealism, Damien.
DAMIEN: I'm merely an 'entertainer,' Mr. Shadow, so I prefer watching the news.
SHADOW: Well, we can agree that Jesus would tell us about Vegas 'etiquette.'
DAMIEN: I suppose Jesus does understand something about labor-angst!
SHADOW: Sure, he does! So does God (and his archangel Michael).
DAMIEN: Perhaps The Washington Post will make you a 'democracy-celebrity.'
SHADOW: If the apocalypse comes, I will trumpet the optimism towards 'TrumpUSA.'
DAMIEN: Let's hope God shares your idealism regarding failure, Mr. Shadow."



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