War on Christmas 2014

Here's the entire article

A little history for you on the “War on Christmas.”

Christmas wasn’t a particularly American holiday at the start of the nation. The Puritans rejected it, insisting the date derived from the Roman pagan holiday of Saturnalia. From 1659 to 1681, the colony of Massachusetts outlawed celebrations of Christmas. Observation of the holiday grew slowly in America -- by the Civil War, Christmas was recognized in just 18 states.

Over time, Christmas gained popularity as an American celebration, helped along by the publication of Moore’s “Visit from St. Nicholas” and Nast’s Harper’s Weekly drawings which cemented the image of a white-bearded gift-giving Santa.

In the 1920s, the retail industry began marketing the “Christmas shopping season” in earnest, and Christian religious leaders strongly objected. A New York Times study of sermons delivered in 1931 “reported a common theme: ‘the suggestion that Christmas could not survive if Christ were thrust into the background by materialism.’"

Where does the modern belief that secular Grinches have their bazookas of atheism pointed at Christmas come from? Mostly from an anti-Semitic kook named Peter Brimelow. Brimelow published a book called “Alien Nation” where he argued that the influx of “weird aliens with dubious habits” from developing nations was eroding America’s white Christian “ethnic core,” and in turn, sullying its cultural underpinnings. The War on Christmas was, in his view, a particularly pernicious iteration of the multicultural “struggle to abolish America.”

Brimelow tried to get the conservative “National Review” to take up the cause of the war on Christmas by hosting “an annual competition for the most egregious attempt to suppress Christmas.” A change in leadership at the “National Review” killed that idea, so Brimelow founded a web journal called Vdare.com along with Jared Taylor, a white supremacist publisher, and Kevin MacDonald, an evolutionary psychology professor who has argued that Jews are genetically equipped to out-compete Gentiles for resources and power.

VDare became the staging ground for the War on the War on Christmas. Unlike their more respectable counterparts, Brimelow’s writers dared to name the true anti-Christian Grinch: Jews. The winner of Brimelow’s 2001 War on Christmas competition, a “paleoconservative” writer named Tom Piatak, insisted that those behind the assault on Christmas “evidently prefer” Hanukkah, which he called the “Jewish Kwanzaa,” a “faux-Christmas.” “Teaching children about Hanukkah, rather than the beliefs that actually sustained Jews on their sometimes tragic and tumultuous historical journey,” Piatak fumed, “inculcates negative lessons about Christianity, not positive ones about Judaism.”

VDare’s 2005 War on Christmas winner, Steve Sailer, a Eugenics enthusiast and author of the "biography" called "Barack Obama, America’s Half-Blood Prince," picked up where Piatak left off. “American Jews,” Sailer wrote, “those exemplars of successful assimilation now seem to be de-assimilating emotionally, becoming increasingly resentful, at this late date, of their fellow Americans for celebrating Christmas.” Sailer went on to quote at length from a column by the purportedly Jewish writer, Bert Prelutsky, called “ The Jewish Grinch Who Stole Christmas.”

In 2005, this vile germ seeped from the Internet into the waiting Petri dish of Fox News. Bill O’Reilly and John Gibson began dedicating entire shows to Brimelow’s thesis. Now it’s an annual tradition.

Recently, “Fox and Friends” hosted an actor dressed up as Santa Claus so that they could interview him and get confirmation that the War on Christmas continues to rage.

So, Merry Christmas to my Christian friends and to those on Fox News fighting the good anti-Semitic fight... get fucked. - Bill Prady
From this interesting article about Christmas I learned that Fox News is anti-Semitic and that Jews are genetically equipped to out-compete Gentiles.
I had four very specific questions and you answered two in very weak and evasive terms. Why not be more honest? Maybe because we will get at the truth.
He answered quite simply

Stores want to profit off of the Holiday season not just the Christian Holiday Season

Yeah, so? Are you suggesting if they played Hark the Herald angels sing in their muzak selection you would have some insurrection of shoppers?

Are you suggesting if Tom Brokaw said "our thoughts and prayers are with you" to some grieving family or celebrity that it would alienate their audience?

Why should Tom Brokaw participate in some religious fantasy to placate you?
Should he say "the stars are with you"?

Since you are unable to answer a question directly I will help you. NBC, et al. instructed their newscasters to say "our thoughts are with you" and not prayers as well because they either 1) live in fear some group of freaked out atheists will start a major campaign against them (which I doubt), or 2) there are enough delusional secular humanists out there to take notice enough to say "How dare they?" and become ins cense for a moment but surely not enough to abandon the network, yet idiot NBC still would not care to take that improbable risk, or 3) the ideologies of those who run NBC or its parent corp are so anti-God that this is another way they can contribute to coddling an ambiguous America to think less and less about God.

Well, it seems to me that Christians cope with this in three ways:
1. Boycott NBC, et. al., or
2. Pass a law requiring everyone to say Merry Christmas, or
3. Become aware that there are other religions, including Jews, in America, who would prefer not to have your religion in their face 24/7 from Thanksgiving to New Year's...especially in a commercial establishment.


Since so many say that Christians brought on this “silly” war on Christmas, might you answer the following questions:
Why do many retail giants forbid their staff from saying Merry Christmas after a sale?

Why do many retail giants playing holiday music during the Christmas season forbid any religious songs from being part of the songlist, that includes even just instrumental songs, no religious instrumentals?

Why do most major network newscasters or commentators when interviewing someone who experienced a great tragedy just now say “our thoughts are with you” instead of “thoughts and prayers” like they used to?

Why are any public school speakers cautioned against using the word God in any context to the point of total absurdity?

Who started those little wars?

My guess is that it's because they are in business to profit. Profit trumps religious beliefs.

How does people being courteous and respectful to all religions, equal a war on Christmas?

I had four very specific questions and you answered two in very weak and evasive terms. Why not be more honest? Maybe because we will get at the truth.
He answered quite simply

Stores want to profit off of the Holiday season not just the Christian Holiday Season

Yeah, so? Are you suggesting if they played Hark the Herald angels sing in their muzak selection you would have some insurrection of shoppers?

Are you suggesting if Tom Brokaw said "our thoughts and prayers are with you" to some grieving family or celebrity that it would alienate their audience?

I believe I've answered your questions, so how about answering mine?

Are you celebrating Christmas with your family this year? Will you be attending Church? Is there anything preventing you from celebrating Christmas the way you normally do?



It's here...my favorite time of year! :p

Why would this billboard bother anyone? Even back when I considered myself a Christian, this sign wouldn't have bothered me in the least.

Does the billboard constitute a War on Christmas?

Yes, I was offended by the billboard.
I had four very specific questions and you answered two in very weak and evasive terms. Why not be more honest? Maybe because we will get at the truth.
He answered quite simply

Stores want to profit off of the Holiday season not just the Christian Holiday Season

Yeah, so? Are you suggesting if they played Hark the Herald angels sing in their muzak selection you would have some insurrection of shoppers?

Are you suggesting if Tom Brokaw said "our thoughts and prayers are with you" to some grieving family or celebrity that it would alienate their audience?

Why should Tom Brokaw participate in some religious fantasy to placate you?
Should he say "the stars are with you"?

Since you are unable to answer a question directly I will help you. NBC, et al. instructed their newscasters to say "our thoughts are with you" and not prayers as well because they either 1) live in fear some group of freaked out atheists will start a major campaign against them (which I doubt), or 2) there are enough delusional secular humanists out there to take notice enough to say "How dare they?" and become ins cense for a moment but surely not enough to abandon the network, yet idiot NBC still would not care to take that improbable risk, or 3) the ideologies of those who run NBC or its parent corp are so anti-God that this is another way they can contribute to coddling an ambiguous America to think less and less about God.

Well, it seems to me that Christians cope with this in three ways:
1. Boycott NBC, et. al., or
2. Pass a law requiring everyone to say Merry Christmas, or
3. Become aware that there are other religions, including Jews, in America, who would prefer not to have your religion in their face 24/7 from Thanksgiving to New Year's...especially in a commercial establishment.

So, I could not care less. My point was not what should I do about it. My question was why these anti-religious activists do what THEY do! And I answered it for you. I am not fooled, I am merely amazed by them.
Here's the entire article

A little history for you on the “War on Christmas.”

Christmas wasn’t a particularly American holiday at the start of the nation. The Puritans rejected it, insisting the date derived from the Roman pagan holiday of Saturnalia. From 1659 to 1681, the colony of Massachusetts outlawed celebrations of Christmas. Observation of the holiday grew slowly in America -- by the Civil War, Christmas was recognized in just 18 states.

Over time, Christmas gained popularity as an American celebration, helped along by the publication of Moore’s “Visit from St. Nicholas” and Nast’s Harper’s Weekly drawings which cemented the image of a white-bearded gift-giving Santa.

In the 1920s, the retail industry began marketing the “Christmas shopping season” in earnest, and Christian religious leaders strongly objected. A New York Times study of sermons delivered in 1931 “reported a common theme: ‘the suggestion that Christmas could not survive if Christ were thrust into the background by materialism.’"

Where does the modern belief that secular Grinches have their bazookas of atheism pointed at Christmas come from? Mostly from an anti-Semitic kook named Peter Brimelow. Brimelow published a book called “Alien Nation” where he argued that the influx of “weird aliens with dubious habits” from developing nations was eroding America’s white Christian “ethnic core,” and in turn, sullying its cultural underpinnings. The War on Christmas was, in his view, a particularly pernicious iteration of the multicultural “struggle to abolish America.”

Brimelow tried to get the conservative “National Review” to take up the cause of the war on Christmas by hosting “an annual competition for the most egregious attempt to suppress Christmas.” A change in leadership at the “National Review” killed that idea, so Brimelow founded a web journal called Vdare.com along with Jared Taylor, a white supremacist publisher, and Kevin MacDonald, an evolutionary psychology professor who has argued that Jews are genetically equipped to out-compete Gentiles for resources and power.

VDare became the staging ground for the War on the War on Christmas. Unlike their more respectable counterparts, Brimelow’s writers dared to name the true anti-Christian Grinch: Jews. The winner of Brimelow’s 2001 War on Christmas competition, a “paleoconservative” writer named Tom Piatak, insisted that those behind the assault on Christmas “evidently prefer” Hanukkah, which he called the “Jewish Kwanzaa,” a “faux-Christmas.” “Teaching children about Hanukkah, rather than the beliefs that actually sustained Jews on their sometimes tragic and tumultuous historical journey,” Piatak fumed, “inculcates negative lessons about Christianity, not positive ones about Judaism.”

VDare’s 2005 War on Christmas winner, Steve Sailer, a Eugenics enthusiast and author of the "biography" called "Barack Obama, America’s Half-Blood Prince," picked up where Piatak left off. “American Jews,” Sailer wrote, “those exemplars of successful assimilation now seem to be de-assimilating emotionally, becoming increasingly resentful, at this late date, of their fellow Americans for celebrating Christmas.” Sailer went on to quote at length from a column by the purportedly Jewish writer, Bert Prelutsky, called “ The Jewish Grinch Who Stole Christmas.”

In 2005, this vile germ seeped from the Internet into the waiting Petri dish of Fox News. Bill O’Reilly and John Gibson began dedicating entire shows to Brimelow’s thesis. Now it’s an annual tradition.

Recently, “Fox and Friends” hosted an actor dressed up as Santa Claus so that they could interview him and get confirmation that the War on Christmas continues to rage.

So, Merry Christmas to my Christian friends and to those on Fox News fighting the good anti-Semitic fight... get fucked. - Bill Prady
From this interesting article about Christmas I learned that Fox News is anti-Semitic and that Jews are genetically equipped to out-compete Gentiles.

I think that VDare is a bunch of white supremacists.
He answered quite simply

Stores want to profit off of the Holiday season not just the Christian Holiday Season

Yeah, so? Are you suggesting if they played Hark the Herald angels sing in their muzak selection you would have some insurrection of shoppers?

Are you suggesting if Tom Brokaw said "our thoughts and prayers are with you" to some grieving family or celebrity that it would alienate their audience?

Why should Tom Brokaw participate in some religious fantasy to placate you?
Should he say "the stars are with you"?

Since you are unable to answer a question directly I will help you. NBC, et al. instructed their newscasters to say "our thoughts are with you" and not prayers as well because they either 1) live in fear some group of freaked out atheists will start a major campaign against them (which I doubt), or 2) there are enough delusional secular humanists out there to take notice enough to say "How dare they?" and become ins cense for a moment but surely not enough to abandon the network, yet idiot NBC still would not care to take that improbable risk, or 3) the ideologies of those who run NBC or its parent corp are so anti-God that this is another way they can contribute to coddling an ambiguous America to think less and less about God.

Well, it seems to me that Christians cope with this in three ways:
1. Boycott NBC, et. al., or
2. Pass a law requiring everyone to say Merry Christmas, or
3. Become aware that there are other religions, including Jews, in America, who would prefer not to have your religion in their face 24/7 from Thanksgiving to New Year's...especially in a commercial establishment.

So, I could not care less. My point was not what should I do about it. My question was why these anti-religious activists do what THEY do! And I answered it for you. I am not fooled, I am merely amazed by them.

So basically, you just want to complain.
Since so many say that Christians brought on this “silly” war on Christmas, might you answer the following questions:
Why do many retail giants forbid their staff from saying Merry Christmas after a sale?

Why do many retail giants playing holiday music during the Christmas season forbid any religious songs from being part of the songlist, that includes even just instrumental songs, no religious instrumentals?

Why do most major network newscasters or commentators when interviewing someone who experienced a great tragedy just now say “our thoughts are with you” instead of “thoughts and prayers” like they used to?

Why are any public school speakers cautioned against using the word God in any context to the point of total absurdity?

Who started those little wars?

My guess is that it's because they are in business to profit. Profit trumps religious beliefs.

How does people being courteous and respectful to all religions, equal a war on Christmas?

I had four very specific questions and you answered two in very weak and evasive terms. Why not be more honest? Maybe because we will get at the truth.
He answered quite simply

Stores want to profit off of the Holiday season not just the Christian Holiday Season

Yeah, so? Are you suggesting if they played Hark the Herald angels sing in their muzak selection you would have some insurrection of shoppers?

Are you suggesting if Tom Brokaw said "our thoughts and prayers are with you" to some grieving family or celebrity that it would alienate their audience?

I believe I've answered your questions, so how about answering mine?

Are you celebrating Christmas with your family this year? Will you be attending Church? Is there anything preventing you from celebrating Christmas the way you normally do?

Your question is both stupid and almost a bit of a non sequitur to the subject.

Of course since you think God is a myth or Christianity is a danger to society (or whatever you think?), it does not surprise me you are at "peace" with anything that disparages it. That's fine with me. In some ways, we are both at peace with ourselves. But someone is making a grave error, imo.
Yeah, so? Are you suggesting if they played Hark the Herald angels sing in their muzak selection you would have some insurrection of shoppers?

Are you suggesting if Tom Brokaw said "our thoughts and prayers are with you" to some grieving family or celebrity that it would alienate their audience?

Why should Tom Brokaw participate in some religious fantasy to placate you?
Should he say "the stars are with you"?

Since you are unable to answer a question directly I will help you. NBC, et al. instructed their newscasters to say "our thoughts are with you" and not prayers as well because they either 1) live in fear some group of freaked out atheists will start a major campaign against them (which I doubt), or 2) there are enough delusional secular humanists out there to take notice enough to say "How dare they?" and become ins cense for a moment but surely not enough to abandon the network, yet idiot NBC still would not care to take that improbable risk, or 3) the ideologies of those who run NBC or its parent corp are so anti-God that this is another way they can contribute to coddling an ambiguous America to think less and less about God.

Well, it seems to me that Christians cope with this in three ways:
1. Boycott NBC, et. al., or
2. Pass a law requiring everyone to say Merry Christmas, or
3. Become aware that there are other religions, including Jews, in America, who would prefer not to have your religion in their face 24/7 from Thanksgiving to New Year's...especially in a commercial establishment.

So, I could not care less. My point was not what should I do about it. My question was why these anti-religious activists do what THEY do! And I answered it for you. I am not fooled, I am merely amazed by them.

So basically, you just want to complain.

No, basically I get more enjoyment than I do results in pointing out the folly in institutions, governments, political activists, et al. and individuals who think God is a myth or it does not matter what we do while on earth to what happens to us when we die.
My guess is that it's because they are in business to profit. Profit trumps religious beliefs.

How does people being courteous and respectful to all religions, equal a war on Christmas?

I had four very specific questions and you answered two in very weak and evasive terms. Why not be more honest? Maybe because we will get at the truth.
He answered quite simply

Stores want to profit off of the Holiday season not just the Christian Holiday Season

Yeah, so? Are you suggesting if they played Hark the Herald angels sing in their muzak selection you would have some insurrection of shoppers?

Are you suggesting if Tom Brokaw said "our thoughts and prayers are with you" to some grieving family or celebrity that it would alienate their audience?

Why should Tom Brokaw participate in some religious fantasy to placate you?
Should he say "the stars are with you"?

Since you are unable to answer a question directly I will help you. NBC, et al. instructed their newscasters to say "our thoughts are with you" and not prayers as well because they either 1) live in fear some group of freaked out atheists will start a major campaign against them (which I doubt), or 2) there are enough delusional secular humanists out there to take notice enough to say "How dare they?" and become ins cense for a moment but surely not enough to abandon the network, yet idiot NBC still would not care to take that improbable risk, or 3) the ideologies of those who run NBC or its parent corp are so anti-God that this is another way they can contribute to coddling an ambiguous America to think less and less about God.
Again....why is NBC obligated to endorse your fantasies?

What if NBC were to say some tragedy happened because of a witch or the astrological stars were not aligned?
My point is that most atheists don't care what is said at the checkout counter. I don't. However, Jews have always felt uncomfortable during the Christmas season. Hell, they even came up with the idea of a Hanukah Bush, just to fit in. The issue with Christmas greetings has always been mostly a Christian vs. Jew thing. Why doesn't the cashier tell everyone "Happy Hanukah"? Blaming the controversy on atheists is just the RW's way of finding a scapegoat which does not make them anti-sematic.
I'm not really at war with Christmas. it is more like passive resistance. I opted out after my daughter grew up, about 20 years ago. I have not bought a Christmas present or a card since. One member of my family is really into it, and gives everyone a present every year. Does anyone here know how long it takes a single guy to eat a honey baked ham? The others rack their brains every year trying to think of presents to mail to people they only see about once per year. I suspect that they are very relieved that they don't have to shop for me.

Christmas.....That special time of year when you are obligated to buy more presents than you can afford for people you don't really care that much about, and don't want whatever you got them anyway. All to celebrate the birth of a man who might not have even existed, but if he did, he would be disgusted with the commercialism of the whole thing.
If one of my customers says "Merry Christmas," I say Merry Christmas back. The same goes for "Happy Holiday." If they don't say either, I might say something like, "have a safe holiday." :up:
My point is that most atheists don't care what is said at the checkout counter. I don't. However, Jews have always felt uncomfortable during the Christmas season. Hell, they even came up with the idea of a Hanukah Bush, just to fit in. The issue with Christmas greetings has always been mostly a Christian vs. Jew thing. Why doesn't the cashier tell everyone "Happy Hanukah"? Blaming the controversy on atheists is just the RW's way of finding a scapegoat which does not make them anti-sematic.
Most Jews Wish You a Merry Christmas FrontPage Magazine
I think that Walgreens has a pretty good idea. They tell all their "associates" to say, "Be well", to customers as they leave. I find this amusing, because they even say it when finishing the transaction in the liquor department. None of it means anything to me anyway, because I know damned well that they are really thinking about how long it will be before they can get off of their aching feet, while telling me that.
My point is that most atheists don't care what is said at the checkout counter. I don't. However, Jews have always felt uncomfortable during the Christmas season. Hell, they even came up with the idea of a Hanukah Bush, just to fit in. The issue with Christmas greetings has always been mostly a Christian vs. Jew thing. Why doesn't the cashier tell everyone "Happy Hanukah"? Blaming the controversy on atheists is just the RW's way of finding a scapegoat which does not make them anti-sematic.
Most Jews Wish You a Merry Christmas FrontPage Magazine

The fact that Frontpage Mag (Inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out) blog published such an opinion piece, pretty much confirms that the War on Christmas thing is, and has always been a Christian vs. Jew thing, or they would not have bothered to bring the issue up at all. All us atheist want is for the Right to leave us out of their war against Jews.
My point is that most atheists don't care what is said at the checkout counter. I don't. However, Jews have always felt uncomfortable during the Christmas season. Hell, they even came up with the idea of a Hanukah Bush, just to fit in. The issue with Christmas greetings has always been mostly a Christian vs. Jew thing. Why doesn't the cashier tell everyone "Happy Hanukah"? Blaming the controversy on atheists is just the RW's way of finding a scapegoat which does not make them anti-sematic.
Most Jews Wish You a Merry Christmas FrontPage Magazine

The fact that Frontpage Mag (Inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out) blog published such an opinion piece, pretty much confirms that the War on Christmas thing is, and has always been a Christian vs. Jew thing, or they would not have bothered to bring the issue up at all. All us atheist want is for the Right to leave us out of their war against Jews.

Right. Only care about the Jews when you can come up with some perceived war between them and use it to disparage Christianity even more as though it were some blight on this nation.

“Since you are unable to answer a question directly I will help you. NBC, et al. instructed their newscasters to say "our thoughts are with you" and not prayers as well because they either 1) live in fear some group of freaked out atheists will start a major campaign against them (which I doubt), or 2) there are enough delusional secular humanists out there to take notice enough to say "How dare they?" and become ins cense for a moment but surely not enough to abandon the network, yet idiot NBC still would not care to take that improbable risk, or 3) the ideologies of those who run NBC or its parent corp are so anti-God that this is another way they can contribute to coddling an ambiguous America to think less and less about God.'

Delusional, paranoid nonsense.

There is no evidence for any of this.

NBC is not 'anti-god,' the notion is ignorant idiocy. And no one is seeking to compel Americans to 'think less about god.'
The 'war on Christmas' is yet another inane contrivance of the right, seeking to fabricate a controversy where none exists for some perceived partisan gain, and is yet another example of the divisive conservative agenda.

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