War on Christmas continues.....Next up, Festivus

Looks like the atheists have failed once again in their effort to kill Christmas. But we must remain vigilant......they will be back next year

Thankfully, we have Bill O'Reilly and Fox protecting it

"Busted cold!"

As we approach Christmas while still 6 months away it's important to realize that fake outrage and phoney 'wars on crap' do not take a holiday. The war on Christmas is as real as Santa Claus so all you doubters just need to tell everyone else who it is that is dressed in red and white every Christmas? You think those are all just people hired to play Santa? Hah, you fall for that line from the Lame Stream Media? Watch Faux News, they know Santa is white and what he wears.

Last year Starbucks tried to inject their worship of Satan into Christmas by making all red coffee cups! You think we don't know what that is about? Anyone knows if you make a red coffee cup at Christmas, without a snowflake or snowman on the cup, that it is a direct attack on Jesus. You think Jesus wants to drink coffee out of a plain red cup? The devil's cup? Or an all green cup? All green - you environmentalists just don't give up do you. Now you hate Christmas.

Rest assured heathens, we're already watching you, waiting. Waiting for the moment you try selling all-red candy-canes, or wrapping paper that looks like a brown paper bag, or Happy Holidays on your cookies. As soon as we see you so obviously dissing Jesus and not playing 'I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas' once very 15 minutes in your store we will drop down on you like three wise men falling off the roof at Walmart.

(And by the way, we know what all-red is about as well. All-red, as in Gloria Allred! Nice try commies, you and your women's movement trying to brainwash our kids with all-red paper cups. It won't work comrade!)

Now excuse while I get these gifts ready for my coworkers. They're all making a very generous donation to The Human Fund.
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I still refuse to kill a tree for Christ..

What about a turkey or a pig?
That's a different story, I have to eat, Jesus, not so much...

Aren't you supposed to eat of his body?
I'm more of a blood sucker myself..

That's Halloween.

We're talking about the War on Christmas. Which is waged year round but is only on Fox News from October through January 1st. I guess they run out of bullets or bullshit or something.
I still refuse to kill a tree for Christ..

What about a turkey or a pig?
That's a different story, I have to eat, Jesus, not so much...

Aren't you supposed to eat of his body?
I'm more of a blood sucker myself..

That's Halloween.

We're talking about the War on Christmas. Which is waged year round but is only on Fox News from October through January 1st. I guess they run out of bullets or bullshit or something.
Christ has blood to drink..War on Christmas? More like a war on my wallet for Santa selling crap...
What about a turkey or a pig?
That's a different story, I have to eat, Jesus, not so much...

Aren't you supposed to eat of his body?
I'm more of a blood sucker myself..

That's Halloween.

We're talking about the War on Christmas. Which is waged year round but is only on Fox News from October through January 1st. I guess they run out of bullets or bullshit or something.
Christ has blood to drink..War on Christmas? More like a war on my wallet for Santa selling crap...

The power of Christ compels you. The more you spend the more holy you are.
That's a different story, I have to eat, Jesus, not so much...

Aren't you supposed to eat of his body?
I'm more of a blood sucker myself..

That's Halloween.

We're talking about the War on Christmas. Which is waged year round but is only on Fox News from October through January 1st. I guess they run out of bullets or bullshit or something.
Christ has blood to drink..War on Christmas? More like a war on my wallet for Santa selling crap...

The power of Christ compels you. The more you spend the more holy you are.
And yet diamonds never got me a blow job, I always get gypped..

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