War on Christmas continues.....Next up, Festivus

I like it when they condemn Kwanzaa as a 'madeup' holiday...

...as if Christmas isn't.

In the age of awareness 'war on women', 'slavery legacy' and 'torture' , explain to us how we should view a so-called holiday created by a man who enslaved two black women and tortured them with a soldering iron?

You should view it through the lens of Christian forgiveness.
So in summation...Just STFU Communist/Progressive fuckwits. Those 'Evil Christians' created this wonderful Country you claim to love. Without em, there is no America.

So enjoy your Kwanzaa, or whatever. But just remember, it is Christians who gave you your Country. So Merry Christmas to all!!... Even you Communist/Progressive nutters. ;)

And yet, the Founding Fathers very pointedly did not declare the U.S. to be a Christian country. They carefully avoided any mention of God or Jesus in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. They subscribed to the idea of separation of Church and State.

As a Christian, I am appalled by those who call themselves Christian and yet oppose social programs to assist the poor, who resent their tax dollars going to help those less fortunate, and who call the poor lazy and worthless. Jesus spoke out strongly against such people and their values.

I wish all of you the peace and blessings of the season. Jesus would want you to help the less fortunate at this time of year. And regardless of what you see on TV, it really is better to give than to receive.
I like it when they condemn Kwanzaa as a 'madeup' holiday...

...as if Christmas isn't.

In the age of awareness 'war on women', 'slavery legacy' and 'torture' , explain to us how we should view a so-called holiday created by a man who enslaved two black women and tortured them with a soldering iron?

You should view it through the lens of Christian forgiveness.

Forgiveness does no encompass nor require one to acknowledge a holiday created by someone. Perhaps the next time you use the Alinsky axiom of trying to hold others to their own rules and morals, you will think it through.
All other CHRISTmass hollidays are Satanic.
If what you do for your winter solstice celebration gets you through the most depressing time of year without hanging yourself in the garage then it is a good thing.

Until this present Christmas season, I have loved them all . And I am agnostic. Christmas brings a respite from the rest of the year. It puts a spring in my step and I love Christmas carols as that is what starts my happy mood going. I know I am going to make many people happy this time of year.

This year, liberal politician's racist rhetoric have brought unmentionable sadness to my country.

Thank you President Obama, et al.
All other CHRISTmass hollidays are Satanic.
If what you do for your winter solstice celebration gets you through the most depressing time of year without hanging yourself in the garage then it is a good thing.

Until this present Christmas season, I have loved them all . And I am agnostic. Christmas brings a respite from the rest of the year. It puts a spring in my step and I love Christmas carols as that is what starts my happy mood going. I know I am going to make many people happy this time of year.

This year, liberal politician's racist rhetoric have brought unmentionable sadness to my country.

Thank you President Obama, et al.
Obama stole Christmas? Did he make you cry when he told you Santa was actually mommy and daddy as well?
Ha, yeah right. 'No one attacks Christians.' That's all you hateful Communists/Progressives do. But let's see you try that with Muslims and Jews. Try to switch it up a bit. Go for it.
Muslims and Jews are not actually the topic at hand, it is the irrational idea that there is a war on Christmas, but I will indulge you for a moment. Everything I have said about Christians seeking political power to force narrow christian morality on us applies to anyone else trying to make their religious moral judgements the law of the land. I do not care what mythical figure they revere or what ancient text they use as a guide. They can keep that shit to themselves. See that was easy, it only seems we concentrate on the Christians because they are the only ones with the political power to get laws changed to suit their theocratic goals.

Yes, you guys hate Christians. We've already established that. So that isn't worth discussing anymore. Just start viciously attacking Muslims and Jews the same way, and then you might gain some sort of credibility. Till then, i'll continue considering you guys smarmy lil cowards. You only attack those who turn the other cheek.

I already addressed that, I am not attacking religion I am opposing secular control of us by people with narrow religious goals. I fully support and defend religious freedom in this country, all religions. The only way to do that is demand that none of them are officially favored or observed over the others. How long do you think religious freedom would last for a Muslim, Jew, Buddhist or anyone else would last if the Christian right had full control of our national dialog on religious freedom? It is clear that they would not extend the same consideration for other faiths that they demand for themselves.

Uh hey dumbass, Christians are the ones who created this Country. 'Religious Freedom' was one the most important reasons they founded this Nation. And go figure, they had complete control of our national dialogue. So learn some damn history for God's sake. Stop being another depressing example of our Public School System's glaring failures. Read, and learn.
So Good Christians found nations that aren't, wait for it................, Christian? Interesting. They must not have been very good Christians then now were they? A Good Christian wants others to just believe whatever they hell they choose and therefore end up in Hell for rejecting Jesus?

Ha, more Communist/Progressive butthurt nonsense. Those 'Evil Christians' founded this Nation you claim to love. It wasn't founded by bitter Atheist moocher loons like you. Deal with it.
Muslims and Jews are not actually the topic at hand, it is the irrational idea that there is a war on Christmas, but I will indulge you for a moment. Everything I have said about Christians seeking political power to force narrow christian morality on us applies to anyone else trying to make their religious moral judgements the law of the land. I do not care what mythical figure they revere or what ancient text they use as a guide. They can keep that shit to themselves. See that was easy, it only seems we concentrate on the Christians because they are the only ones with the political power to get laws changed to suit their theocratic goals.

Yes, you guys hate Christians. We've already established that. So that isn't worth discussing anymore. Just start viciously attacking Muslims and Jews the same way, and then you might gain some sort of credibility. Till then, i'll continue considering you guys smarmy lil cowards. You only attack those who turn the other cheek.

I already addressed that, I am not attacking religion I am opposing secular control of us by people with narrow religious goals. I fully support and defend religious freedom in this country, all religions. The only way to do that is demand that none of them are officially favored or observed over the others. How long do you think religious freedom would last for a Muslim, Jew, Buddhist or anyone else would last if the Christian right had full control of our national dialog on religious freedom? It is clear that they would not extend the same consideration for other faiths that they demand for themselves.

Uh hey dumbass, Christians are the ones who created this Country. 'Religious Freedom' was one the most important reasons they founded this Nation. And go figure, they had complete control of our national dialogue. So learn some damn history for God's sake. Stop being another depressing example of our Public School System's glaring failures. Read, and learn.
So Good Christians found nations that aren't, wait for it................, Christian? Interesting. They must not have been very good Christians then now were they? A Good Christian wants others to just believe whatever they hell they choose and therefore end up in Hell for rejecting Jesus?

Ha, more Communist/Progressive butthurt nonsense. Those 'Evil Christians' founded this Nation you claim to love. It wasn't founded by bitter Atheist moocher loons like you. Deal with it.
It was founded by Liberals like myself, who did not found a Christian nation even though they easily could have. When you can start to deal with that you'll be something like a grownup Ask Santa for help.
Ha, yeah right. 'No one attacks Christians.' That's all you hateful Communists/Progressives do. But let's see you try that with Muslims and Jews. Try to switch it up a bit. Go for it.
Muslims and Jews are not actually the topic at hand, it is the irrational idea that there is a war on Christmas, but I will indulge you for a moment. Everything I have said about Christians seeking political power to force narrow christian morality on us applies to anyone else trying to make their religious moral judgements the law of the land. I do not care what mythical figure they revere or what ancient text they use as a guide. They can keep that shit to themselves. See that was easy, it only seems we concentrate on the Christians because they are the only ones with the political power to get laws changed to suit their theocratic goals.

Yes, you guys hate Christians. We've already established that. So that isn't worth discussing anymore. Just start viciously attacking Muslims and Jews the same way, and then you might gain some sort of credibility. Till then, i'll continue considering you guys smarmy lil cowards. You only attack those who turn the other cheek.

I already addressed that, I am not attacking religion I am opposing secular control of us by people with narrow religious goals. I fully support and defend religious freedom in this country, all religions. The only way to do that is demand that none of them are officially favored or observed over the others. How long do you think religious freedom would last for a Muslim, Jew, Buddhist or anyone else would last if the Christian right had full control of our national dialog on religious freedom? It is clear that they would not extend the same consideration for other faiths that they demand for themselves.

Uh hey dumbass, Christians are the ones who created this Country. 'Religious Freedom' was one the most important reasons they founded this Nation. And go figure, they had complete control of our national dialogue. So learn some damn history for God's sake. Stop being another depressing example of our Public School System's glaring failures. Read, and learn.
Our founders despised their equivalent of the Christian right because they knew what would happen if the Calvinists ever got their hands on the levers of power.

Maybe so, but our Founding Fathers were all Christians. And somehow those 'Evil Christians' managed to create possibly the greatest Nation in the history of the world.

So no matter what, you still owe Christians a huge debt of gratitude. They gave you this country you claim to love so much. Instead of hating and insulting them, you should actually thank them.
Uh hey dumbass, Christians are the ones who created this Country.


'Religious Freedom' was one the most important reasons they founded this Nation.

Not really.

And go figure, they had complete control of our national dialogue.

Then that's "Christian freedom" not religious freedom.

So learn some damn history for God's sake.

I think it's better for people to learn history for wisdom's sake. Otherwise, their learning process will be biased.

Stop being another depressing example of our Public School System's glaring failures. Read, and learn.

Aren't too keen on having competition for your title, are you?

Those 'Evil Christians' created possibly the greatest Nation in the history of the world. What have you bitter Communist Atheists ever done?
All other CHRISTmass hollidays are Satanic.
If what you do for your winter solstice celebration gets you through the most depressing time of year without hanging yourself in the garage then it is a good thing.

Until this present Christmas season, I have loved them all . And I am agnostic. Christmas brings a respite from the rest of the year. It puts a spring in my step and I love Christmas carols as that is what starts my happy mood going. I know I am going to make many people happy this time of year.

This year, liberal politician's racist rhetoric have brought unmentionable sadness to my country.

Thank you President Obama, et al.
Obama stole Christmas? Did he make you cry when he told you Santa was actually mommy and daddy as well?

No, it was my mom who made me cry when she told me the rumors I was hearing were true.

Would I fore-go annual Christmas seasons because Mom made me cry? Not at all. The many joys it brought me over my first few years, outweighed a little cry and feeling of betrayal which helped strengthen me for more, the rest of the years.

Building blocks come in more than one form. :wink_2:
Time for you wingnuts to show some balls and start attacking Muslims and Jews.

That's almost sig worthy.

I'll bring the ovens, you bring the Zyklon B, eh comrade?

Ha, you Communists are such pussies. You attack those who don't fight back. Christians are tolerant of your hate. They turn the other cheek. Why don't you assholes try attacking Muslims the same way? Go for it.
Let's be real, Christians have become easy targets for the Communists/Progressives to attack and persecute. They don't fight back. They turn the other cheek for the most part.

In reality, all should actually thank Christians for creating this incredible Country. Without Christians, there would be no America. So maybe it's time for the Communists/Progressives to ease up on their attacks. Just a thought anyway.

I wonder why my Christian rightie neighbor is stockpiling guns and taking survival courses if he's planning on turning the other cheek? :p

Christians are incredibly tolerant of your bitter hate. And that's why you Communist assholes enjoy attacking them. You're cowards. Try that shot with Muslims. Go for it.

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