WAR on POOR and SICK by Republicans

Washington Post reporter Jenna Portnoy went down to Puckett’s Senate district in southwest Virginia and found a family that could really benefit from the Medicaid expansion, but they oppose it because they are afraid that if they enroll for coverage under the Affordable Care Act, then the government will literally murder them:

“I am scared of Obamacare,” Underwood said. “We’ve been hearing too many tales about it. We heard there’s doctors who get to decide . . . ” Before she could put her finger on the term “death panels,” her sister Nancy Taylor, 62, made a gun gesture with her hand and said, “Pow!”

“Death panel,” of course, was the charmingly insane term coined by Sarah Palin to describe what she imagined would be Obamacare’s process for selecting elderly and disabled Americans for passive euthanasia by denying them coverage. It was, and remains, a malicious untruth.

But the problem with “death panels” is not just that it was wildly untrue and needlessly provocative – the problem is that Affordable Care Act opponents seized on it as an effective P.R. weapon against the law. Its promoters included media personalities like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, as well as some of Congress’ more eccentric conservative thinkers, like Rep. Paul Broun (“This panel is not going to put them to death, but it’s going to deny treatment”) and Rep. Steve King (“It funds abortion and it has death panels and it regulates everything that has to do with our health care”).

And as a P.R. weapon it was really effective. Political scientists Brendan Nyhan put together a study tracking the spread of healthcare misinformation, and he found that within weeks of Palin inventing the term, it had permeated the American consciousness:

By mid-August, Pew reported that 86% of Americans reported having heard of the claim that the health care reform legislation “includes the creation of so called ‘death panels’ or government organizations that will make decisions about who will and will not receive health services when they are critically ill” (Pew Research Center for the People and the Press 2009). Among those who had heard of the claim, fully half either believed it was true (30%) or did not know (20%), including 70% of Republicans (47% true, 23% don’t know).
Dems won't rest until every American is either unemployed or earning minimum wage

Trickle own, where the rich eat and the people get their droppings

there were fewer poor; fewer sick; when Republicans ran things

libs are losers who lie to themselves
an elephant is soooooooooooooooooo much wiser and more compassionate than a stubborn jackass who only cares about himself
Death panels? No death panels at the veterans administration.. Move along nothing to see bere
if you fail to die quickly the Left will make you die slowly on a waiting list

idiots and hypcrites
The GOP is the party of rich white men.

SO, don't be shocked that they don't give a shit about anyone making less than 75K a year.
The GOP is the party of rich white men.

SO, don't be shocked that they don't give a shit about anyone making less than 75K a year.


the very richest and ONLY the very richest have benefitted under obama and Democrats

record welfare and food stamps in the 8th straight year of Progressive majority rule

libs are losers who lie to themselves
there were fewer poor; fewer sick; when Republicans ran things

libs are losers who lie to themselves

If the sick people get no healthcare, there will be indeed no sick people more in the near future.

what does this mean in normal?

can you have one of your fellow idiots translate it for me?

That under Democratic governments there may be more sick people because the sick people have better access to healthcare.
If the sick people get no healthcare, there will be indeed no sick people more in the near future.

what does this mean in normal?

can you have one of your fellow idiots translate it for me?

That under Democratic governments there may be more sick people because the sick people have better access to healthcare.

um no they dont; more people have lost the healthcare they had than gained it under obama

more have lost the health care plan they had than there are people who DIDNT have a health care plan at all and have one now under obamacare

try again
Death panels? No death panels at the veterans administration.. Move along nothing to see bere
You might consider the problem was caused by the stupidest, longest wars in our history, and the problem was discovered in a more transparent Dem administration where whistle blowing is more encouraged. See also Fast and Furious, bloated IRS conferences, etc etc etc...

Dupes also should learn that Booosh caused this great recession and world depression, Pubs obstruction and phony crises have kept it going....nothing new either...
The GOP is the party of rich white men.

SO, don't be shocked that they don't give a shit about anyone making less than 75K a year.

what about all those poor people in the south who the left says votes for Republicans?.....they aint rich...
there were fewer poor; fewer sick; when Republicans ran things

libs are losers who lie to themselves

What sewer did THESE statistics emerge from? And Republicans control the House; remember, the do-nothing House.

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