War on the Rich: Best Idea in the History of Man.

Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

If the rich keep getting richer what the fuck business is it of yours and why do you even presume to be entitled to THEIR money THEY earned? What you bunch of dumb asses never seem to acknowledge is that when the 'rich' die government reaches out and grabs vast amounts of that wealth even though the taxes were already paid on it. Death tax heard of it? Maybe its the government not sharing this confiscated wealth with you people.
What business is it of mine!? Because the wealthy only want money to lord it over other people and enslave them. Also, in recent years, why did top salaries go up from around 25% of what the average worker makes to well over 200%. It isn't because their jobs got about 200% harder to do? It's because our government is corrupt and the rich can pay to have any law or regulation passed that enriches them further. Also, the wealthy pay less in taxes from year to year than the poor. That doesn't include the money they secretly stash overseas. As to how much their estate is charged after they die, who cares. That is besides those who might inherit their money and live the rest of their lives as self indulgent parasites.

war on rich is great idea!!. If we had started the war long ago Jobs, Gates, Brin, Zukerburg, Rockefeller, and Ford would not have bothered and we would not be burdened by their products today.
You're talking rot. Back in the days of Roosevelt, there was a 90% tax on the income of the wealthy. But somehow, the wealthy were still able to do their "wealthy" thing. Even if it may not have been to the degree that they would liked to have. The problem is that for the rich, there is never enough. Leave it up to them and they would be worshiped as gods and having pyramids built to satisfy their vanity.

dear, you are a perfect fool!! THe top 1% pay 40 % of all federal taxes today. More than they did ever. And more than in any other country on earth. Do you feel like a fool?
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

If the rich keep getting richer what the fuck business is it of yours and why do you even presume to be entitled to THEIR money THEY earned? What you bunch of dumb asses never seem to acknowledge is that when the 'rich' die government reaches out and grabs vast amounts of that wealth even though the taxes were already paid on it. Death tax heard of it? Maybe its the government not sharing this confiscated wealth with you people.
What business is it of mine!? Because the wealthy only want money to lord it over other people and enslave them. Also, in recent years, why did top salaries go up from around 25% of what the average worker makes to well over 200%. It isn't because their jobs got about 200% harder to do? It's because our government is corrupt and the rich can pay to have any law or regulation passed that enriches them further. Also, the wealthy pay less in taxes from year to year than the poor. That doesn't include the money they secretly stash overseas. As to how much their estate is charged after they die, who cares. That is besides those who might inherit their money and live the rest of their lives as self indulgent parasites.
its a free country!! If you feel the rich have too much money you can use govt to steal the money back for you or you can just stop buying their products. Which is better? Its seems idiotic to buy their stuff and then say you want your money back.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

If the rich keep getting richer what the fuck business is it of yours and why do you even presume to be entitled to THEIR money THEY earned? What you bunch of dumb asses never seem to acknowledge is that when the 'rich' die government reaches out and grabs vast amounts of that wealth even though the taxes were already paid on it. Death tax heard of it? Maybe its the government not sharing this confiscated wealth with you people.
What business is it of mine!? Because the wealthy only want money to lord it over other people and enslave them. Also, in recent years, why did top salaries go up from around 25% of what the average worker makes to well over 200%. It isn't because their jobs got about 200% harder to do? It's because our government is corrupt and the rich can pay to have any law or regulation passed that enriches them further. Also, the wealthy pay less in taxes from year to year than the poor. That doesn't include the money they secretly stash overseas. As to how much their estate is charged after they die, who cares. That is besides those who might inherit their money and live the rest of their lives as self indulgent parasites.

war on rich is great idea!!. If we had started the war long ago Jobs, Gates, Brin, Zukerburg, Rockefeller, and Ford would not have bothered and we would not be burdened by their products today.
You're talking rot. Back in the days of Roosevelt, there was a 90% tax on the income of the wealthy. But somehow, the wealthy were still able to do their "wealthy" thing. Even if it may not have been to the degree that they would liked to have. The problem is that for the rich, there is never enough. Leave it up to them and they would be worshiped as gods and having pyramids built to satisfy their vanity.

dear, you are a perfect fool!! THe top 1% pay 40 % of all federal taxes today. More than they did ever. And more than in any other country on earth. Do you feel like a fool?
Now I remember you. You're the homo who keeps calling everybody "dear." Prepare for my ignore list.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

If the rich keep getting richer what the fuck business is it of yours and why do you even presume to be entitled to THEIR money THEY earned? What you bunch of dumb asses never seem to acknowledge is that when the 'rich' die government reaches out and grabs vast amounts of that wealth even though the taxes were already paid on it. Death tax heard of it? Maybe its the government not sharing this confiscated wealth with you people.
What business is it of mine!? Because the wealthy only want money to lord it over other people and enslave them. Also, in recent years, why did top salaries go up from around 25% of what the average worker makes to well over 200%. It isn't because their jobs got about 200% harder to do? It's because our government is corrupt and the rich can pay to have any law or regulation passed that enriches them further. Also, the wealthy pay less in taxes from year to year than the poor. That doesn't include the money they secretly stash overseas. As to how much their estate is charged after they die, who cares. That is besides those who might inherit their money and live the rest of their lives as self indulgent parasites.

Dude the top 10% of earners pay 68% of the Federal income taxes, they already got screwed over by the poor and middle class. How much more do they have to pay before you people feel its a fair share for fucks sake.

As for the rest of your glob of talking points, nobody is enslaved in this country you can tell your boss to eat (censored) and (censored) and quit anytime you like. Post an example of a law or regulation a rich person purchased. And you fail at understanding inheritance taxes, the government gets their share before the heirs.
You can become wealthy by not wasting your money on trash..by investing...by saving. It takes time..but it can be done.
It can also be done by how it is being done. By the pay for executives going up from about 25 times more than what the average worker makes to over 200 times what the average worker makes.
I get the fact that you want to tax the rich...rather than do it yourself...it's the liberal way...it's the Obabble way. It's never been my way.
It would be nice to even the playing field a little. But if I had my way about it, I would do way more. Such as providing jobe for about 50 million people. Who would then have money to spend, which would help the rich. And these workers could pay taxes. Which would lower the tax burden on the rich. But this country has another plan in mind. Which is to get Americans to share in the same kind of poverty that they have in other countries. As I said in my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test," this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
Then get Obabble to approve the pipeline, fix our roads, reduce taxes, get moving on energy independence. It's not the rich man's plot to create poor people. They want people who have money to buy their products and services. We are consumption driven. Obabble just does not have a clue how to get it done.
First of all, they should stop the oil pipeline coming from Canada and shut down the oil sands thing where the oil comes from. As for our simian president, I of course couldn't get him to do anything. As for the creation of poor people, of course it's a rich man's plot. Almost at every instance, employers in this country have sought scabs, wage slaves and actual slaves. And for other reasons beside, right now, you are a slave.

Also, the rich couldn't give a damn how much money the poor have to buy goods. All they're concerned about is having more money than the poor. And as far as what people buy, I have heard estimates of our trade imbalance with China alone being anywhere from 300 billion per year to over 700 billion per year. And that shit is because of what another democrat did. Bill Clinton.
I started with nothing...had to borrow the money to get to my first duty station. Retired at 49. Haven't worked in 27 years. Now worth close to a million. I love being a slave
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

If the rich keep getting richer what the fuck business is it of yours and why do you even presume to be entitled to THEIR money THEY earned? What you bunch of dumb asses never seem to acknowledge is that when the 'rich' die government reaches out and grabs vast amounts of that wealth even though the taxes were already paid on it. Death tax heard of it? Maybe its the government not sharing this confiscated wealth with you people.
What business is it of mine!? Because the wealthy only want money to lord it over other people and enslave them. Also, in recent years, why did top salaries go up from around 25% of what the average worker makes to well over 200%. It isn't because their jobs got about 200% harder to do? It's because our government is corrupt and the rich can pay to have any law or regulation passed that enriches them further. Also, the wealthy pay less in taxes from year to year than the poor. That doesn't include the money they secretly stash overseas. As to how much their estate is charged after they die, who cares. That is besides those who might inherit their money and live the rest of their lives as self indulgent parasites.

Dude the top 10% of earners pay 68% of the Federal income taxes, they already got screwed over by the poor and middle class. How much more do they have to pay before you people feel its a fair share for fucks sake.

As for the rest of your glob of talking points, nobody is enslaved in this country you can tell your boss to eat (censored) and (censored) and quit anytime you like. Post an example of a law or regulation a rich person purchased. And you fail at understanding inheritance taxes, the government gets their share before the heirs.
Apparently nothing I say has any meaning to you. But I will give you a graph to mull over.
tax graph.jpg
It can also be done by how it is being done. By the pay for executives going up from about 25 times more than what the average worker makes to over 200 times what the average worker makes.
I get the fact that you want to tax the rich...rather than do it yourself...it's the liberal way...it's the Obabble way. It's never been my way.
It would be nice to even the playing field a little. But if I had my way about it, I would do way more. Such as providing jobe for about 50 million people. Who would then have money to spend, which would help the rich. And these workers could pay taxes. Which would lower the tax burden on the rich. But this country has another plan in mind. Which is to get Americans to share in the same kind of poverty that they have in other countries. As I said in my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test," this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
Then get Obabble to approve the pipeline, fix our roads, reduce taxes, get moving on energy independence. It's not the rich man's plot to create poor people. They want people who have money to buy their products and services. We are consumption driven. Obabble just does not have a clue how to get it done.
First of all, they should stop the oil pipeline coming from Canada and shut down the oil sands thing where the oil comes from. As for our simian president, I of course couldn't get him to do anything. As for the creation of poor people, of course it's a rich man's plot. Almost at every instance, employers in this country have sought scabs, wage slaves and actual slaves. And for other reasons beside, right now, you are a slave.

Also, the rich couldn't give a damn how much money the poor have to buy goods. All they're concerned about is having more money than the poor. And as far as what people buy, I have heard estimates of our trade imbalance with China alone being anywhere from 300 billion per year to over 700 billion per year. And that shit is because of what another democrat did. Bill Clinton.
I started with nothing...had to borrow the money to get to my first duty station. Retired at 49. Haven't worked in 27 years. Now worth close to a million. I love being a slave
Oh. You're another one of "those." As as kid, I suppose you walked miles to school each day in knee deep snow. And it was uphill each way. Also, don't forget that any money you made came at least in some way at the expense of the poor. Another thing is that you should take a look at the debt clock. If I were you, I would buy some gold. Because in the last bailout the financial fat cats got, they escaped prosecution and in some instances were given high level government appointments. The next time it happens, the only thing higher they can be appointed to is godhood. And I don't think that's going to happen. But then again, you never know.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

If the rich keep getting richer what the fuck business is it of yours and why do you even presume to be entitled to THEIR money THEY earned? What you bunch of dumb asses never seem to acknowledge is that when the 'rich' die government reaches out and grabs vast amounts of that wealth even though the taxes were already paid on it. Death tax heard of it? Maybe its the government not sharing this confiscated wealth with you people.
What business is it of mine!? Because the wealthy only want money to lord it over other people and enslave them. Also, in recent years, why did top salaries go up from around 25% of what the average worker makes to well over 200%. It isn't because their jobs got about 200% harder to do? It's because our government is corrupt and the rich can pay to have any law or regulation passed that enriches them further. Also, the wealthy pay less in taxes from year to year than the poor. That doesn't include the money they secretly stash overseas. As to how much their estate is charged after they die, who cares. That is besides those who might inherit their money and live the rest of their lives as self indulgent parasites.

Dude the top 10% of earners pay 68% of the Federal income taxes, they already got screwed over by the poor and middle class. How much more do they have to pay before you people feel its a fair share for fucks sake.

As for the rest of your glob of talking points, nobody is enslaved in this country you can tell your boss to eat (censored) and (censored) and quit anytime you like. Post an example of a law or regulation a rich person purchased. And you fail at understanding inheritance taxes, the government gets their share before the heirs.
Apparently nothing I say has any meaning to you. But I will give you a graph to mull over.View attachment 33947

Your graph is wrong in my case, I don't pay 4.7% I pay 0.0% AHAHAHAHA that still makes me laugh each time I think about it. There is no state income tax in my state, I tell them to keep their greedy paws off! Federal taxes well the lazy ass welfare do nothings got me, I pay my share and a bunch of their shares. I should at least get a few Christmas cards from those losers.
I get the fact that you want to tax the rich...rather than do it yourself...it's the liberal way...it's the Obabble way. It's never been my way.
It would be nice to even the playing field a little. But if I had my way about it, I would do way more. Such as providing jobe for about 50 million people. Who would then have money to spend, which would help the rich. And these workers could pay taxes. Which would lower the tax burden on the rich. But this country has another plan in mind. Which is to get Americans to share in the same kind of poverty that they have in other countries. As I said in my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test," this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
Then get Obabble to approve the pipeline, fix our roads, reduce taxes, get moving on energy independence. It's not the rich man's plot to create poor people. They want people who have money to buy their products and services. We are consumption driven. Obabble just does not have a clue how to get it done.
First of all, they should stop the oil pipeline coming from Canada and shut down the oil sands thing where the oil comes from. As for our simian president, I of course couldn't get him to do anything. As for the creation of poor people, of course it's a rich man's plot. Almost at every instance, employers in this country have sought scabs, wage slaves and actual slaves. And for other reasons beside, right now, you are a slave.

Also, the rich couldn't give a damn how much money the poor have to buy goods. All they're concerned about is having more money than the poor. And as far as what people buy, I have heard estimates of our trade imbalance with China alone being anywhere from 300 billion per year to over 700 billion per year. And that shit is because of what another democrat did. Bill Clinton.
That is an astounding display of ignorance right there. The Soviet Union is was also a vast nation with plenty of resources. They collapsed because that's what socialism/communism/marxism does. The U.S. has flourished under capitalism because that's what capitalism does. This is not rocket science.
If anybody's ignorance is astounding, it's yours. Have you ever had to work outside for a living? If so, have you ever had to do it on a sustained basis at 100 degrees below zero? I doubt if you could handle it at even 20 degrees below zero.
And what exactly does that have to do with the failures of socialism/marxism/communism and the resounding success of capitalism?
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

If the rich keep getting richer what the fuck business is it of yours and why do you even presume to be entitled to THEIR money THEY earned? What you bunch of dumb asses never seem to acknowledge is that when the 'rich' die government reaches out and grabs vast amounts of that wealth even though the taxes were already paid on it. Death tax heard of it? Maybe its the government not sharing this confiscated wealth with you people.
What business is it of mine!? Because the wealthy only want money to lord it over other people and enslave them. Also, in recent years, why did top salaries go up from around 25% of what the average worker makes to well over 200%. It isn't because their jobs got about 200% harder to do? It's because our government is corrupt and the rich can pay to have any law or regulation passed that enriches them further. Also, the wealthy pay less in taxes from year to year than the poor. That doesn't include the money they secretly stash overseas. As to how much their estate is charged after they die, who cares. That is besides those who might inherit their money and live the rest of their lives as self indulgent parasites.

Dude the top 10% of earners pay 68% of the Federal income taxes, they already got screwed over by the poor and middle class. How much more do they have to pay before you people feel its a fair share for fucks sake.

As for the rest of your glob of talking points, nobody is enslaved in this country you can tell your boss to eat (censored) and (censored) and quit anytime you like. Post an example of a law or regulation a rich person purchased. And you fail at understanding inheritance taxes, the government gets their share before the heirs.
Apparently nothing I say has any meaning to you. But I will give you a graph to mull over.View attachment 33947

Your graph is wrong in my case, I don't pay 4.7% I pay 0.0% AHAHAHAHA that still makes me laugh each time I think about it. There is no state income tax in my state, I tell them to keep their greedy paws off! Federal taxes well the lazy ass welfare do nothings got me, I pay my share and a bunch of their shares. I should at least get a few Christmas cards from those losers.
With the poor having to pay more, it is you who are the leech and the looser. Before the French Revolution, the aristocrats probably used to laugh it up too. Boy are you going to squeal like a pig when your turn comes.
You're talking in circles. What came first, the chicken or the egg. If there was no money for employees to earn at a casino, chances are there would be no employees.

I'm not "talking in circles" - I'm simply defeating your argument with sound facts and reason. But because you can't dispute my facts and rational position, you have to change the subject.

You then basically promote living in a society that is based more along the social structure of cockroaches. Where it is every roach for himself or herself and let the chips fall where they may.

Gasp! Oh my gosh! Let people succeed or fail based on their own merit? Allow people to live in freedom and pursue their own life as they see fit, and then live with the results? Oh imagine the horrors!

Are you high?! You couldn't live in such a world. Besides, even with our technology as it is, there are too many people on it for it to sustainably support. Again, you couldn't live in a world without society and the technology it supports.

Why couldn't I (or anyone else) live in a world without socialism dragging society down into poverty? I could very easily survive and thrive in a world without the shared misery of socialism.

Your way has been tried my friend. Fidel Castro was an immature idealist as well. After 60 years of his entire nation experiencing the shared misery of socialism forcing them into poverty, even he finally relented to Time Magazine and admitted that it doesn't work. Your immature idealism also failed in Cambodia, the former U.S.S.R., Vietnam, and Ethiopia.

Next. Do you know what you call a person who gets a loan? A slave. Because they are obliged to pay it back. Likely with interest. Next, I can declare anything I want to. If I declare that a tree falling in the woods makes a sound, even if there is nobody around to hear it, you can either accept it or not. Also, what if a poor person stumbled along a stream out in the wilderness and found some gold nuggets. He would have money to hire others to help him gather more.

I notice you keep asking others (and I quote) "are you high"? Is that because you spend all of your time high? I ask because this last part here is the ramblings of a mad-man. First of all, why is a person who received a loan a "slave"? They asked for the loan of their own volition (sounds like the opposite of a slave to me). They also agreed to pay it back at their own volition (still sounding like the complete opposite of a slave to me). If they don't want to owe somebody, then don't borrow something. Sounds pretty liberating to me.

Now, lets logically look at your way. A person places a gun to the head of a man and tells him he will work and then surrender everything (or at the very least half) that his labor produced to others. Now that is slavery. So you consider free enterprise "slavery" and actually slavery to be a great thing for society. Wow. Seriously. Just....wow.

Finally, I don't understand your last question about a poor person finding gold. You said "what if"? I have no way to answer your bizarre question. Can you answer it? What if a poor person did find gold? So what? They are then wealthier than the day before. What does that prove? How does that even remotely support your bizarre position that we should all embrace a system (socialism) that has a failure rate of 100% world wide and has dragged everyone into poverty everywhere it has been instituted?
It would be nice to even the playing field a little. But if I had my way about it, I would do way more. Such as providing jobe for about 50 million people. Who would then have money to spend, which would help the rich. And these workers could pay taxes. Which would lower the tax burden on the rich. But this country has another plan in mind. Which is to get Americans to share in the same kind of poverty that they have in other countries. As I said in my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test," this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
Then get Obabble to approve the pipeline, fix our roads, reduce taxes, get moving on energy independence. It's not the rich man's plot to create poor people. They want people who have money to buy their products and services. We are consumption driven. Obabble just does not have a clue how to get it done.
First of all, they should stop the oil pipeline coming from Canada and shut down the oil sands thing where the oil comes from. As for our simian president, I of course couldn't get him to do anything. As for the creation of poor people, of course it's a rich man's plot. Almost at every instance, employers in this country have sought scabs, wage slaves and actual slaves. And for other reasons beside, right now, you are a slave.

Also, the rich couldn't give a damn how much money the poor have to buy goods. All they're concerned about is having more money than the poor. And as far as what people buy, I have heard estimates of our trade imbalance with China alone being anywhere from 300 billion per year to over 700 billion per year. And that shit is because of what another democrat did. Bill Clinton.
That is an astounding display of ignorance right there. The Soviet Union is was also a vast nation with plenty of resources. They collapsed because that's what socialism/communism/marxism does. The U.S. has flourished under capitalism because that's what capitalism does. This is not rocket science.
If anybody's ignorance is astounding, it's yours. Have you ever had to work outside for a living? If so, have you ever had to do it on a sustained basis at 100 degrees below zero? I doubt if you could handle it at even 20 degrees below zero.
And what exactly does that have to do with the failures of socialism/marxism/communism and the resounding success of capitalism?
I believe you took issue with my saying that the reason for our success was because we lived in a large country rich in natural resources and arable land. Not because of capitalism. You said that Russia was the same way. But with it being a frozen wastland most of the year, it isn't the same way. That's what it has to do with the success-failure of the political ideologies you mentioned.
As to caring how you make your money, I don't care. But in a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other.

I'm....I'm....I'm just speechless here. "In a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other"? Um....says who Cult? You? Based on what? Why should you know anything about me? The Constitution states that you shouldn't be able to know such things about others. So where exactly are you deriving your insane and absurd belief that you do?

Do you have any idea how asinine (not to mention arrogant) you sound when you declare that you somehow have the right to know the personal business of other people?

Hey Cult - I now declare that your medical history, where you hide your spare key, and how much ear wax you have accumulated falls under "such things" and as such, I have an immediate right to know (by your own admission). So please share that information and grant me the access to follow up and verify it. Oh....and one more thing - I reserve the right to examine your girlfriends rectum to see if she's engaged in anal sex and how much (I mean, in a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other and your girlfriend) :eusa_doh:
Then get Obabble to approve the pipeline, fix our roads, reduce taxes, get moving on energy independence. It's not the rich man's plot to create poor people. They want people who have money to buy their products and services. We are consumption driven. Obabble just does not have a clue how to get it done.
First of all, they should stop the oil pipeline coming from Canada and shut down the oil sands thing where the oil comes from. As for our simian president, I of course couldn't get him to do anything. As for the creation of poor people, of course it's a rich man's plot. Almost at every instance, employers in this country have sought scabs, wage slaves and actual slaves. And for other reasons beside, right now, you are a slave.

Also, the rich couldn't give a damn how much money the poor have to buy goods. All they're concerned about is having more money than the poor. And as far as what people buy, I have heard estimates of our trade imbalance with China alone being anywhere from 300 billion per year to over 700 billion per year. And that shit is because of what another democrat did. Bill Clinton.
That is an astounding display of ignorance right there. The Soviet Union is was also a vast nation with plenty of resources. They collapsed because that's what socialism/communism/marxism does. The U.S. has flourished under capitalism because that's what capitalism does. This is not rocket science.
If anybody's ignorance is astounding, it's yours. Have you ever had to work outside for a living? If so, have you ever had to do it on a sustained basis at 100 degrees below zero? I doubt if you could handle it at even 20 degrees below zero.
And what exactly does that have to do with the failures of socialism/marxism/communism and the resounding success of capitalism?
I believe you took issue with my saying that the reason for our success was because we lived in a large country rich in natural resources and arable land. Not because of capitalism. You said that Russia was the same way. But with it being a frozen wastland most of the year, it isn't the same way. That's what it has to do with the success-failure of the political ideologies you mentioned.
Russia does not exist in a constant state of frozen tundra. Quite the contrary, Russia sees some extremely hot days, some mild/moderate days, and then some brutally cold days. Just like......wait for it......the U.S.!

Would you like to try again my friend?
I get the fact that you want to tax the rich...rather than do it yourself...it's the liberal way...it's the Obabble way. It's never been my way.
It would be nice to even the playing field a little. But if I had my way about it, I would do way more. Such as providing jobe for about 50 million people. Who would then have money to spend, which would help the rich. And these workers could pay taxes. Which would lower the tax burden on the rich. But this country has another plan in mind. Which is to get Americans to share in the same kind of poverty that they have in other countries. As I said in my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test," this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
Then get Obabble to approve the pipeline, fix our roads, reduce taxes, get moving on energy independence. It's not the rich man's plot to create poor people. They want people who have money to buy their products and services. We are consumption driven. Obabble just does not have a clue how to get it done.
First of all, they should stop the oil pipeline coming from Canada and shut down the oil sands thing where the oil comes from. As for our simian president, I of course couldn't get him to do anything. As for the creation of poor people, of course it's a rich man's plot. Almost at every instance, employers in this country have sought scabs, wage slaves and actual slaves. And for other reasons beside, right now, you are a slave.

Also, the rich couldn't give a damn how much money the poor have to buy goods. All they're concerned about is having more money than the poor. And as far as what people buy, I have heard estimates of our trade imbalance with China alone being anywhere from 300 billion per year to over 700 billion per year. And that shit is because of what another democrat did. Bill Clinton.
I started with nothing...had to borrow the money to get to my first duty station. Retired at 49. Haven't worked in 27 years. Now worth close to a million. I love being a slave
Oh. You're another one of "those." As as kid, I suppose you walked miles to school each day in knee deep snow. And it was uphill each way. Also, don't forget that any money you made came at least in some way at the expense of the poor. Another thing is that you should take a look at the debt clock. If I were you, I would buy some gold. Because in the last bailout the financial fat cats got, they escaped prosecution and in some instances were given high level government appointments. The next time it happens, the only thing higher they can be appointed to is godhood. And I don't think that's going to happen. But then again, you never know.
Don't know what to say to get you out of your depression. Maybe a good piece of ass? But don't pay him any money....it would come at the expense of some poor person. Good luck in your future endeavors.
You're talking in circles. What came first, the chicken or the egg. If there was no money for employees to earn at a casino, chances are there would be no employees.

I'm not "talking in circles" - I'm simply defeating your argument with sound facts and reason. But because you can't dispute my facts and rational position, you have to change the subject.

You then basically promote living in a society that is based more along the social structure of cockroaches. Where it is every roach for himself or herself and let the chips fall where they may.

Gasp! Oh my gosh! Let people succeed or fail based on their own merit? Allow people to live in freedom and pursue their own life as they see fit, and then live with the results? Oh imagine the horrors!

Are you high?! You couldn't live in such a world. Besides, even with our technology as it is, there are too many people on it for it to sustainably support. Again, you couldn't live in a world without society and the technology it supports.

Why couldn't I (or anyone else) live in a world without socialism dragging society down into poverty? I could very easily survive and thrive in a world without the shared misery of socialism.

Your way has been tried my friend. Fidel Castro was an immature idealist as well. After 60 years of his entire nation experiencing the shared misery of socialism forcing them into poverty, even he finally relented to Time Magazine and admitted that it doesn't work. Your immature idealism also failed in Cambodia, the former U.S.S.R., Vietnam, and Ethiopia.

Next. Do you know what you call a person who gets a loan? A slave. Because they are obliged to pay it back. Likely with interest. Next, I can declare anything I want to. If I declare that a tree falling in the woods makes a sound, even if there is nobody around to hear it, you can either accept it or not. Also, what if a poor person stumbled along a stream out in the wilderness and found some gold nuggets. He would have money to hire others to help him gather more.

I notice you keep asking others (and I quote) "are you high"? Is that because you spend all of your time high? I ask because this last part here is the ramblings of a mad-man. First of all, why is a person who received a loan a "slave"? They asked for the loan of their own volition (sounds like the opposite of a slave to me). They also agreed to pay it back at their own volition (still sounding like the complete opposite of a slave to me). If they don't want to owe somebody, then don't borrow something. Sounds pretty liberating to me.

Now, lets logically look at your way. A person places a gun to the head of a man and tells him he will work and then surrender everything (or at the very least half) that his labor produced to others. Now that is slavery. So you consider free enterprise "slavery" and actually slavery to be a great thing for society. Wow. Seriously. Just....wow.

Finally, I don't understand your last question about a poor person finding gold. You said "what if"? I have no way to answer your bizarre question. Can you answer it? What if a poor person did find gold? So what? They are then wealthier than the day before. What does that prove? How does that even remotely support your bizarre position that we should all embrace a system (socialism) that has a failure rate of 100% world wide and has dragged everyone into poverty everywhere it has been instituted?
I didn't change the subject. If there wasn't a wage for casino employees to earn, there would be no casino employees. But that's all beside the point. The point is if it is better for the U.S. if the wealthy are able to use $10,000 dollar chips or $!000 dollar chips.

Next, simply being flippant or dissmissive about the whole issue of society isn't going to win any arguments. As for what you said about surviving and the rest, you have to be some sort of deviant. Or you are just plain stupid. You and Andrew Carnegie would have probably have gotten along well. He believed that the poor wages, poor working conditions and long hours he subjected his workers to as "survival of the fittest." (I say with sarcasm) As if he was doing humanity a favor! I suppose it was just an unintended consequence that it stuffed his pockets full of money. I myself like it that child labor was mainly done away with, that people got better pay and shorter working hours, weekends off and vacaition time, unemployment benefits, etc. And you talk about socialism draging people down! Are you joking or ARE you a joke.

You then talk about some failed communist systems. That doesn't mean much. There are also plenty of failed capitalist systems. It also failed here during the great depression. Also, I wonder what ever happened with Spain's fascist system. Neither does what you have to say have much to do with National Socialism. It worked in Germany until war changed things.

Next, your insults to me or about what I say mean nothing. Because I know that I am right. For example, what makes somebody who gets a loan a slave? Well slaves are obliged to do things. Things that they have no choice but to do. That makes them a slave. Unless they simple renege on their loan. But from the things you say, no doubt you would like to see the whole "debters prison" thing done here. Another thing is that there is another reason why people get loans. Not to help them earn money, but just simple because they need money. And some of that would go away if we had a single payer national health system like they have in the rest of the civilized world. Unfortunately, mexicans already have too much incentive to come here.

As to your analogy of having a gun placed to your head, it isn't much different than having a gillotine blade hanging over sonebody's neck. As I mentioned with the French Revolution, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to be free. As to your gold nugget question, you said that no poor person ever employed anybody. I just pointed out an instance where it probably did happen. As for what you said about the failure of socialism, it hasn't failed. If it did, there would be no socialist elements in any government. But there are.
First of all, they should stop the oil pipeline coming from Canada and shut down the oil sands thing where the oil comes from. As for our simian president, I of course couldn't get him to do anything. As for the creation of poor people, of course it's a rich man's plot. Almost at every instance, employers in this country have sought scabs, wage slaves and actual slaves. And for other reasons beside, right now, you are a slave.

Also, the rich couldn't give a damn how much money the poor have to buy goods. All they're concerned about is having more money than the poor. And as far as what people buy, I have heard estimates of our trade imbalance with China alone being anywhere from 300 billion per year to over 700 billion per year. And that shit is because of what another democrat did. Bill Clinton.
That is an astounding display of ignorance right there. The Soviet Union is was also a vast nation with plenty of resources. They collapsed because that's what socialism/communism/marxism does. The U.S. has flourished under capitalism because that's what capitalism does. This is not rocket science.
If anybody's ignorance is astounding, it's yours. Have you ever had to work outside for a living? If so, have you ever had to do it on a sustained basis at 100 degrees below zero? I doubt if you could handle it at even 20 degrees below zero.
And what exactly does that have to do with the failures of socialism/marxism/communism and the resounding success of capitalism?
I believe you took issue with my saying that the reason for our success was because we lived in a large country rich in natural resources and arable land. Not because of capitalism. You said that Russia was the same way. But with it being a frozen wastland most of the year, it isn't the same way. That's what it has to do with the success-failure of the political ideologies you mentioned.
Russia does not exist in a constant state of frozen tundra. Quite the contrary, Russia sees some extremely hot days, some mild/moderate days, and then some brutally cold days. Just like......wait for it......the U.S.!

Would you like to try again my friend?
Is that how you usually try to win arguments? By making shit up? But if you want to believe that I said Russia remains frozen all year long, you just go ahead and believe it.
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You fools think once they get done with the rich they won't come after YOU NEXT?

Your type of thinking is what's going to be end of us as a free country and free people

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