War on the Rich: Best Idea in the History of Man.

Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

I am extremely wealthy and it has nothing to do with money...

Using Hitler as your avi says it all...

Hate runs deep in you little one...
Damn, I didn't realize I had stepped into a cultsmasher thread.

Gotta pay more attention, and go soak my feet in Clorox.
I started with nothing...had to borrow the money to get to my first duty station. Retired at 49. Haven't worked in 27 years. Now worth close to a million. I love being a slave
Oh. You're another one of "those." As as kid, I suppose you walked miles to school each day in knee deep snow. And it was uphill each way. Also, don't forget that any money you made came at least in some way at the expense of the poor. Another thing is that you should take a look at the debt clock. If I were you, I would buy some gold. Because in the last bailout the financial fat cats got, they escaped prosecution and in some instances were given high level government appointments. The next time it happens, the only thing higher they can be appointed to is godhood. And I don't think that's going to happen. But then again, you never know.
Don't know what to say to get you out of your depression. Maybe a good piece of ass? But don't pay him any money....it would come at the expense of some poor person. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Welcom to ignore land.
You fools think once they get done with the rich they won't come after YOU NEXT?

Your type of thinking is what's going to be end of us as a free country and free people
I take it you're talking to me. Well once WE get through with the rich, generally speaking, there would be no need to go after anybody else. You then bring up a "free" country. Do you mean like Obama is trying to give mexicans the freedom to come here? Or the freedom this country gained to send our jobs overseas? If you would do me a favor, read my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party) it has some examples of what our countries' "freedoms" have gotten us.
Tell cuntsmasher I beat her to it.
Your little laughing face isn't much of a reply. Did you read the thread I asked you to? If so, what exactly do you find to be funny. It would be interesting to hear.
"Them", why isn't it "us"? As so many of generations of (legal) immigrants have illustrated, anybody can get rich in the greatest Country in the world. Here's the deal, try out the plan and start with Hollywood. Force Hollywood "stars" to accept the same pay as the guys who push the cameras around and let us know how you make out.
First of all, this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves. That speaks a lot about the immigrants you mention. Also, we do live in a great country. (Mostly because of White people) If all the other people in the world had their way, they would like to "share" the living shit out of it with us. Only a moron would let them do so. Also, are you suggesting that I do something? Well there isn't much a poor person can do. Especially in a sea of brainwashed morons. As for the stars you speak of, I am reminded of a little skit they did on Monty Python. They were poking fun at the fact that the media could make a star out of a cinder block if they wanted to.
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If you really want to know how companies work, watch the documentary, "The Corporation."

Excuse me dingle berry.

Corporations are operated by indiviudals.

Not all individuals manage their corporation in the same manner.

Corrupt corporations manipulate the government bureaucrats, ie, ENRON

Honest companies manipulate the marketplace

"Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)"

If memory serves me right you concluded therein that you are a dumb fuck.

As for republicans and democrats, they are just two sides of the same coin.

That is true. But I do not know why you complain since BOTH parties have adopted the 1933 platform of the nazi party.

I saw Bill Gates sitting in front of a congressional committee and telling them that the U.S. should allow unlimited immigration of foreign workers. But if whatever is done isn't for the benefit of the American people, what's the point.

Before 1965 we had open borders with Canada and Mexico. There was never a problem.

Some call it corporate welfare. But if we have to pay companies to create or keep jobs here, I say we cut out the middleman. Have the government take over. Also, I am reminded of all the lowlifes who want to privatize everything. At least with government, they are answerable to somebody. Private companies aren't.

The government took over in 1913 an cemented its power in 1935.

But fail to see why from your nazi standpoint that 's a bad thing.
Do you enjoy being stupid? Or does it come naturally. Until you watch the documentary I mentioned, you don't have anything sensible to say on the subject. But I will play along anyway. Yes, companies are run by individuals. But they don't run things to suit themselves. They run things to support the corporate entity. Through which they basically work for the stockholders. So before you start spoiting nonsense and flinging insults, you should know what the fuck you're talking about.

Then you say corrupt companies manipulate government bureaucrats. Does your stupidity never end? Most companies ARE corrupt. And so are most of our "bought and paid for" government officials. Why? Because our whole "dog eat dog," "money makes right" capitalist system IS corrupt. Then you talk about companies manipulating the marketplace. You mean as in the usual practice of creating a monopoly? Or do you mean as in destroying the environment by selling the American people a lot of useless shit that has planned obsolescence built into it.

Then you insult me over my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)" Find something I said in it that is wrong you shithead. I dare you. Then you talk about both the republican and democratic party adopting the Nazi platform. Are you high? If we had done that, we wouldn't have gone to war with them. Next, from everything I have ever heard over many years, It has always been illegal for Mexicans to be in this country illegally. As for Canada, I have to doubt what you say there also. But at least with Canadians, it isn't as much of a big deal.

As to what you say about the government cementing it's power, that has been an ongoing thing since it created the declaration of independence. Then you talk about failing to see something. A whole book could be written on what you fail to see.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

I am extremely wealthy and it has nothing to do with money...

Using Hitler as your avi says it all...

Hate runs deep in you little one...
First of all, I would be willing to bet that your happiness has something to do with money. Unless you and your family live in a cave. Or unless you're some brainwashed religious shithead. Then you say that my avatar says everything. But it says nothing. If you want to really hear something said, read my threads, "Is the White Species Superior?" Part 1 and 2. Or even though it may not sound like it from the title, read my thread, "Sabrina: The Teenage Bitch." For even more fun, read my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)"

As for the rest of what you say, don't talk down to me you intellectual worm! Also, you can use words like "hate" or "racism" if you like. But what it is really all about is true patriotism.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

I am extremely wealthy and it has nothing to do with money...

Using Hitler as your avi says it all...

Hate runs deep in you little one...
Damn, I didn't realize I had stepped into a cultsmasher thread.

Gotta pay more attention, and go soak my feet in Clorox.
From how brainwashed you are, you must have soaked your brain in bleach. It's no wonder you can't successfully disagree with anything I've said. Though don't go to the thing about Melissa Joan Hart dating a negro. I admit, I was wrong on that one. Also, I found out that blond isn't the biggest selling color of hair dye. But other than those two things, have at it. If you dare.
What business is it of mine!? Because the wealthy only want money to lord it over other people and enslave them. Also, in recent years, why did top salaries go up from around 25% of what the average worker makes to well over 200%. It isn't because their jobs got about 200% harder to do? It's because our government is corrupt and the rich can pay to have any law or regulation passed that enriches them further. Also, the wealthy pay less in taxes from year to year than the poor. That doesn't include the money they secretly stash overseas. As to how much their estate is charged after they die, who cares. That is besides those who might inherit their money and live the rest of their lives as self indulgent parasites.

Dude the top 10% of earners pay 68% of the Federal income taxes, they already got screwed over by the poor and middle class. How much more do they have to pay before you people feel its a fair share for fucks sake.

As for the rest of your glob of talking points, nobody is enslaved in this country you can tell your boss to eat (censored) and (censored) and quit anytime you like. Post an example of a law or regulation a rich person purchased. And you fail at understanding inheritance taxes, the government gets their share before the heirs.
Apparently nothing I say has any meaning to you. But I will give you a graph to mull over.View attachment 33947

Your graph is wrong in my case, I don't pay 4.7% I pay 0.0% AHAHAHAHA that still makes me laugh each time I think about it. There is no state income tax in my state, I tell them to keep their greedy paws off! Federal taxes well the lazy ass welfare do nothings got me, I pay my share and a bunch of their shares. I should at least get a few Christmas cards from those losers.
With the poor having to pay more, it is you who are the leech and the looser. Before the French Revolution, the aristocrats probably used to laugh it up too. Boy are you going to squeal like a pig when your turn comes.

Riiiight I pay more in federal taxes than they make and I'm the leech. Bitter, wealth envy infested people like you can kiss my ass!
Kiss my ass, leech.
tax graph.jpg
Dude the top 10% of earners pay 68% of the Federal income taxes, they already got screwed over by the poor and middle class. How much more do they have to pay before you people feel its a fair share for fucks sake.

As for the rest of your glob of talking points, nobody is enslaved in this country you can tell your boss to eat (censored) and (censored) and quit anytime you like. Post an example of a law or regulation a rich person purchased. And you fail at understanding inheritance taxes, the government gets their share before the heirs.
Apparently nothing I say has any meaning to you. But I will give you a graph to mull over.View attachment 33947

Your graph is wrong in my case, I don't pay 4.7% I pay 0.0% AHAHAHAHA that still makes me laugh each time I think about it. There is no state income tax in my state, I tell them to keep their greedy paws off! Federal taxes well the lazy ass welfare do nothings got me, I pay my share and a bunch of their shares. I should at least get a few Christmas cards from those losers.
With the poor having to pay more, it is you who are the leech and the looser. Before the French Revolution, the aristocrats probably used to laugh it up too. Boy are you going to squeal like a pig when your turn comes.

Riiiight I pay more in federal taxes than they make and I'm the leech. Bitter, wealth envy infested people like you can kiss my ass!
Kiss my ass, leech.View attachment 33960

I smell TROLL.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

If you had to be "poor" in any country in the world, where would you want to be poor? How would you like to be poor in Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico, North Korea, China, Russia, India? Think those countries don't have a 1 percent that keeps getting richer? Being poor in the US means cell phones and big screens in public housing. Compare that to being poor in Havanna.

If you want to attack the rich and wealthy, do it outside of the US. Attack the wealthy in Cuba and North Korea with Capitalism.

"The Rich get Richer and the poor get poorer " argument was already tried in other countries and the net results were the elimination of a strong middle class and the expansion of a poverty class who thinks everything is now
" fair"
I would rather be poor in this country. But that is just because this is the best country. Our success here is partially due to there being so many White people here. Another reason is because we live in a large country rich in natural resources and arable land. Capitalism takes a back seat to those things when it comes to the standard of living in this country. As to how the poor can have cell phones and big screen TV's, you lost me there. The poor can't afford those things.

As to attaching the wealthy, do you live in a dream world? Even Thomas Jefferson once basically predicted that our "tree of Liberty" would have to be watered from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots. As for the thing about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, if that saying has endured, it is because it is a trueism that always needs to be said. As for the middle class thing, the middle class is suffering greatly in our country right now.
As to caring how you make your money, I don't care. But in a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other. Also, I don't know where you got your money to invest. Neither do I care. Another thing is that you are a crook. Because our whole "dog eat dog" capitalist system is a crooked system. Money decides what is right and wrong. Not what is right or wrong.

Also, I am an American. But I haven't benifited from being so. Quite to the contrary in fact. At one point, I was even homeless. You know what isn't fun? Being homeless and out in a pup tent with it being cold outside, yet still raining. It isn't very pleasant for your breath to condensate on the inside of the tent. Because when a rain drop hits, it splatters you with fine droplets of moisture.

Oh the horror stories I could tell you! Fuck our system! Damn it all to hell!!! You also bring up North Korea. But N.K. doesn't have anything to do with anything. What gives people a higher standard of living in this country doesn't have a damn thing to do with the success of capitalism or the American way. It has everything to do with living in a large country rich in natural resources and arable land.

Sounds to me like your just a puss.
I was homeless myself at around eighteen,but I look back on that time as a blessing because it taught me something about myself.
You choose to blame others for your failures while I pointed the finger at the real cause of my problem...........me.
Grow a pair...
First of all, fuck off and die. Also, I was smart enough to already know what was going on. I didn't have to be "taught" anything by the experience. But in a way, you are right about people like me and other poor people. If Stephen Hawkings can make a living at mathematics, the rest of us should too. But tell me. Do you think you could do it?

Apparently you weren't all that smart or you wouldnt have been homeless.
Now why would I try and make a living at mathematics? That would be pretty stupid.
Poverty is a difficult thing to work your way out of. Especially when there are no jobs. But let me guess, when you were a kid, you had to walk miles through knee high snow every day. And I bet it was uphill both ways. As far as making a living at mathematics gors, if Stephen Hawking can do it, you should be able to too.

Nope..I rode the bus or my bike to school.
You make it sound like mathematics is the only job out there.
I started out deburring parts,chipping out machines,sweeping floors,cleaning toilets and all the other grunt work that goes with being a rookie.
I worked my way into inspection and from there to running lathes and mills.
This took about six years to get to that point,followed by another six or so years of honing my skills as a machinist to reach top pay. I then started investing my earnings leading to where I am now...retired at 46.
All after quitting high school in the tenth grade,so dont tell me about how hard life is.
The problem with you kids today is you have no patience or work ethic,you want it right now.
And dont tell me thats not true,I watched dozens of first year machinist demand top pay. The standard response to these demands was to tell them they were on there own. You'd hand em a print and the material and tell em to have at it.
Not a single one of em could do the job without help. Their response? You gave me too difficult of a job!!! Of course they never stopped to think that the experienced machinist all around them could do that same job without a problem.
Stop whining,put in your time,ask a lot of questions,and success will follow.
So you found employment. Good for you. But when I needed a job, I couldn't even get one at McDonalds. Why? Because I was a highschool dropout and there was a line a mile long in front of me with people who did graduate high school. I was telling somebody around here that according to one website I looked at, it said that there were 101 million unemployed people in this country. That sucks dick no matter how you slice it. So don't wave your flag around me.
Oh. You're another one of "those." As as kid, I suppose you walked miles to school each day in knee deep snow. And it was uphill each way. Also, don't forget that any money you made came at least in some way at the expense of the poor.

Ok - I've got to ask. How exactly was any money that Deltex made at the expense of the poor? It's always fall down hilarious when communists claim that the poor are somehow being "exploited" because I went to work this morning and they chose not to :eusa_doh:
I don't know what Deltex is. Neither do I really care. Also, if you don't know that the poor are always exploited, I don't think I could tell you anything to change your mind. Also, I'm not a communist. I'm a National Socialist. The type of person who, for example, thinks the government should have a national health care system like they do in the rest of the civilized world.
I didn't change the subject. If there wasn't a wage for casino employees to earn, there would be no casino employees. But that's all beside the point. The point is if it is better for the U.S. if the wealthy are able to use $10,000 dollar chips or $!000 dollar chips.

So again, you just proved that even while at play, the wealthy are creating jobs. Please allow me to repeat your statement: if there wasn't a wage for casino employees to earn, there would be no casino employees. Um...exactly. Because of the money the wealthy are spending (in this case, at play), there is a wage to earn. Because there is a wage to earn, the casino hires employees. That's twice now that you have proven that the wealthy create jobs (even while playing).

Next, simply being flippant or dissmissive about the whole issue of society isn't going to win any arguments. As for what you said about surviving and the rest, you have to be some sort of deviant. Or you are just plain stupid. You and Andrew Carnegie would have probably have gotten along well. He believed that the poor wages, poor working conditions and long hours he subjected his workers to as "survival of the fittest." (I say with sarcasm) As if he was doing humanity a favor! I suppose it was just an unintended consequence that it stuffed his pockets full of money. I myself like it that child labor was mainly done away with, that people got better pay and shorter working hours, weekends off and vacaition time, unemployment benefits, etc. And you talk about socialism draging people down! Are you joking or ARE you a joke.

Ok - so you finally took the time to explain what you were attempting to say (thank you - this is the first time you haven't sounded high or just plain bizarre). Because you took the time to articulate it, I now see what you meant. And here is my answer:

The beauty of freedom - both politically (republic) and economically (capitalism) - is that if you don't like how you are being treated, you are free to quit and pursue income your own way. If you're a plumber and you don't like how your company is treating you, then quit your job and offer your services to the public for a fee that is worthy of your labor (ie eliminate the middle man). If you are a computer tech and you don't like how your company is treating you, then you are free to quit your job and offer your services to the public for a fee that you feel is worth of your labor. This literally applies to any craft in life (brokers, teachers, security guards, landscapers, roofers, etc.).

You then talk about some failed communist systems. That doesn't mean much. There are also plenty of failed capitalist systems. It also failed here during the great depression. Also, I wonder what ever happened with Spain's fascist system. Neither does what you have to say have much to do with National Socialism. It worked in Germany until war changed things.

I noticed you didn't name one nation in world history that collapsed under true capitalism. Do you know why that is? Because you can't. I also love how you dismiss the facts with "that doesn't mean much" simply because the facts prove you wrong.

"It worked in Germany"? Really? If it worked so well, why does Germany operate under capitalism? Because it didn't work. Because the Nazi control that you are trying praise always ends in misery - including wars.

Here's the bottom line. If you love this bullshit so much, then leave the U.S. Go live in Cuba. Go experience your communist utopia first-hand. Do you know why you communists never do that? Because you realize that freedom is pretty fuck'n bad-ass and you realize that you wouldn't have conservatives to mooch off of. You love the extravagant lifestyle that America affords you but you want to complain about it at the same time because you're greedy and you feel your not getting enough of the extravagant lifestyle.

For example, what makes somebody who gets a loan a slave? Well slaves are obliged to do things. Things that they have no choice but to do. That makes them a slave. Unless they simple renege on their loan. But from the things you say, no doubt you would like to see the whole "debters prison" thing done here. Another thing is that there is another reason why people get loans. Not to help them earn money, but just simple because they need money. And some of that would go away if we had a single payer national health system like they have in the rest of the civilized world. Unfortunately, mexicans already have too much incentive to come here.

But people are not forced to take a loan. They do that of their own free will. It is not "slavery" to give back what you borrowed. If I borrowed my neighbors broom, is it "slavery" in your twisted mind that I have an obligation to give his or her broom back to them?!?!

On the other hand, you sit here and demand socialism which actually is slavery. I have a gun placed to my head by a government and am forced to surrender most or all of what is mine against my will. That is the very definition of slavery. The only one advocating for slavery is you. And that's what the left always does. Why do you think the Democrats started a Civil War with the Republicans in the 1860's? Because the left has always wanted to force people to provide for them. You people wanted slavery back then, you want slavery today, and you will want slavery 100 years from now.

As to your analogy of having a gun placed to your head, it isn't much different than having a gillotine blade hanging over sonebody's neck. As I mentioned with the French Revolution, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to be freed.

Well that's some vintage "left-wing" logic for you. Your idea of "freedom" is putting a gun to my head and forcing me into slavery for your benefit. Wow! Well, yeah, I guess that is "liberating" for you. But for the rest of us, that's slavery. In true capitalism, we are all free. Not just you greedy, lazy people who want to place a gun to my head and make me work against my will for your benefit.

As to your gold nugget question, you said that no poor person ever employed anybody. I just pointed out an instance where it probably did happen.

Uh...hey genius? If that poor person found gold nuggets - at that very moment they ceased to be poor and instantly became wealthy (which is why they were able to hire other people to mine for more gold for them). So once again, you defeat your own argument and prove my point. So as I stated (and you just proved), no poor person in the history of the universe has ever created a single job. Only the wealthy create jobs because you can only hire someone if you have enough money to pay them.

As for what you said about the failure of socialism, it hasn't failed. If it did, there would be no socialist elements in any government. But there are.

Yes - and it continues to create failure. If it weren't for the fact that conservatives have kept a healthy dose of capitalism in America, the U.S. would have collapsed just like Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, the former U.S.S.R., etc.
What I said was clear enough. If you didn't see it, don't blame me. Also, you say that if you don't like the way you are being treated, you have the freedom to quit. What kind of dreamworld do you live in. There aren't that many jobs out there. Next, there is no such thing as a "true capitalist" system. But capitalist systems collapsed in just about every capitalist system that ever existed at one time or another.

It would have happened again here if the government didn't bail out the criminals that caused it. Now if you want me to name a capitalist system that failed to the level of "The Road Warrior" status. Then no, I can't name one. But according to something I saw on TV, the failure of France to build the Panama Canal caused the biggest financial collapse in human history. Though I find that a little difficult to believe. Because being on the losing end in a war can cause a calamity greater than anything that can be measured by money. Just like there isn't enough money in the world to clean up nuclear disasters.

As far as Germany's Fascist system, it collapsed because of war. Not because of the economic policies of that system. As for your, "bottom line," here is the bottom line. We don't live in a democracy. We live in a plutocracy. Almost all laws and regulations are written for the benefit of the rich. I think it was Calvin Coolidge who said, "The business of government IS business." You have to be high to think that approach doesn't leave the poor in the dust.

Then you say people aren't forced to take out loans. Yes. You must be high. Sure, you can go without having a car. Nobody is "forcing" you take out a loan to get one. But take it from somebody who lives in a city with no grocery store within the city limits. Not having a car sucks really bad. Also, nobody would "force" somebody to take a loan to pay for life saving medical treatment. They are free to die. As to your "broom" analogy, you really go off the deep end there.

As to your thing about the civil war, it was right wing republican like philosophy that caused Southern plantation owners to bring negroes to this country as slaves. It was like what Clinton did with making it easy to send U.S. jobs overseas. He did that for one reason. To get elected, he was willing to go along with a republican aganda.

As to my, "left wing" logic, I will put it up against "right wing" logic any day. For example, back in the 18 or early 1900's, some thugs working for mine owners in Colorado shot up a strikers camp with women and children in it. There was also an instance years later where about 20 hired thugs shot a couple cops to death on the steps of a courthouse. Because they were hired by rich people, nothing was ever done about it. Turn your head an look up asshole. Do you see the guillotine balde? In fact, I'm done even talking to your stupid ass. If there is anything else that you had to say, consider it answered with your end of the argument losing.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

I am extremely wealthy and it has nothing to do with money...

Using Hitler as your avi says it all...

Hate runs deep in you little one...
First of all, I would be willing to bet that your happiness has something to do with money. Unless you and your family live in a cave. Or unless you're some brainwashed religious shithead. Then you say that my avatar says everything. But it says nothing. If you want to really hear something said, read my threads, "Is the White Species Superior?" Part 1 and 2. Or even though it may not sound like it from the title, read my thread, "Sabrina: The Teenage Bitch." For even more fun, read my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)"

As for the rest of what you say, don't talk down to me you intellectual worm! Also, you can use words like "hate" or "racism" if you like. But what it is really all about is true patriotism.

Actually my happiness has nothing to do with my money, never has...

Anybody stupid enough to use Adolf Hitler says it ALL...

If you weren't so low it wouldn't feel like I was talking down to you, try taking accountability for were you are...

Patriot? Hate has nothing to do with it, your full of it, the two don't mix...

Fuck off...
Sounds to me like your just a puss.
I was homeless myself at around eighteen,but I look back on that time as a blessing because it taught me something about myself.
You choose to blame others for your failures while I pointed the finger at the real cause of my problem...........me.
Grow a pair...
First of all, fuck off and die. Also, I was smart enough to already know what was going on. I didn't have to be "taught" anything by the experience. But in a way, you are right about people like me and other poor people. If Stephen Hawkings can make a living at mathematics, the rest of us should too. But tell me. Do you think you could do it?

Apparently you weren't all that smart or you wouldnt have been homeless.
Now why would I try and make a living at mathematics? That would be pretty stupid.
Poverty is a difficult thing to work your way out of. Especially when there are no jobs. But let me guess, when you were a kid, you had to walk miles through knee high snow every day. And I bet it was uphill both ways. As far as making a living at mathematics gors, if Stephen Hawking can do it, you should be able to too.

Nope..I rode the bus or my bike to school.
You make it sound like mathematics is the only job out there.
I started out deburring parts,chipping out machines,sweeping floors,cleaning toilets and all the other grunt work that goes with being a rookie.
I worked my way into inspection and from there to running lathes and mills.
This took about six years to get to that point,followed by another six or so years of honing my skills as a machinist to reach top pay. I then started investing my earnings leading to where I am now...retired at 46.
All after quitting high school in the tenth grade,so dont tell me about how hard life is.
The problem with you kids today is you have no patience or work ethic,you want it right now.
And dont tell me thats not true,I watched dozens of first year machinist demand top pay. The standard response to these demands was to tell them they were on there own. You'd hand em a print and the material and tell em to have at it.
Not a single one of em could do the job without help. Their response? You gave me too difficult of a job!!! Of course they never stopped to think that the experienced machinist all around them could do that same job without a problem.
Stop whining,put in your time,ask a lot of questions,and success will follow.
So you found employment. Good for you. But when I needed a job, I couldn't even get one at McDonalds. Why? Because I was a highschool dropout and there was a line a mile long in front of me with people who did graduate high school. I was telling somebody around here that according to one website I looked at, it said that there were 101 million unemployed people in this country. That sucks dick no matter how you slice it. So don't wave your flag around me.

Like I said,I quit highschool myself,so dont act like thats why you cant find work.
Get in as a helper in a trade and work your ass off and good things will happen.
And where exactly do you live? If there's no work why are you still there?
Do you actually go business to business and try to apply or do you rely on the internet?
And I dont want to hear about bad times,the eighties were a bitch when it came to employment so your position is nothing new.
And if you vote dem you ain't helping yourself.
I didn't change the subject. If there wasn't a wage for casino employees to earn, there would be no casino employees. But that's all beside the point. The point is if it is better for the U.S. if the wealthy are able to use $10,000 dollar chips or $!000 dollar chips.

So again, you just proved that even while at play, the wealthy are creating jobs. Please allow me to repeat your statement: if there wasn't a wage for casino employees to earn, there would be no casino employees. Um...exactly. Because of the money the wealthy are spending (in this case, at play), there is a wage to earn. Because there is a wage to earn, the casino hires employees. That's twice now that you have proven that the wealthy create jobs (even while playing).

Next, simply being flippant or dissmissive about the whole issue of society isn't going to win any arguments. As for what you said about surviving and the rest, you have to be some sort of deviant. Or you are just plain stupid. You and Andrew Carnegie would have probably have gotten along well. He believed that the poor wages, poor working conditions and long hours he subjected his workers to as "survival of the fittest." (I say with sarcasm) As if he was doing humanity a favor! I suppose it was just an unintended consequence that it stuffed his pockets full of money. I myself like it that child labor was mainly done away with, that people got better pay and shorter working hours, weekends off and vacaition time, unemployment benefits, etc. And you talk about socialism draging people down! Are you joking or ARE you a joke.

Ok - so you finally took the time to explain what you were attempting to say (thank you - this is the first time you haven't sounded high or just plain bizarre). Because you took the time to articulate it, I now see what you meant. And here is my answer:

The beauty of freedom - both politically (republic) and economically (capitalism) - is that if you don't like how you are being treated, you are free to quit and pursue income your own way. If you're a plumber and you don't like how your company is treating you, then quit your job and offer your services to the public for a fee that is worthy of your labor (ie eliminate the middle man). If you are a computer tech and you don't like how your company is treating you, then you are free to quit your job and offer your services to the public for a fee that you feel is worth of your labor. This literally applies to any craft in life (brokers, teachers, security guards, landscapers, roofers, etc.).

You then talk about some failed communist systems. That doesn't mean much. There are also plenty of failed capitalist systems. It also failed here during the great depression. Also, I wonder what ever happened with Spain's fascist system. Neither does what you have to say have much to do with National Socialism. It worked in Germany until war changed things.

I noticed you didn't name one nation in world history that collapsed under true capitalism. Do you know why that is? Because you can't. I also love how you dismiss the facts with "that doesn't mean much" simply because the facts prove you wrong.

"It worked in Germany"? Really? If it worked so well, why does Germany operate under capitalism? Because it didn't work. Because the Nazi control that you are trying praise always ends in misery - including wars.

Here's the bottom line. If you love this bullshit so much, then leave the U.S. Go live in Cuba. Go experience your communist utopia first-hand. Do you know why you communists never do that? Because you realize that freedom is pretty fuck'n bad-ass and you realize that you wouldn't have conservatives to mooch off of. You love the extravagant lifestyle that America affords you but you want to complain about it at the same time because you're greedy and you feel your not getting enough of the extravagant lifestyle.

For example, what makes somebody who gets a loan a slave? Well slaves are obliged to do things. Things that they have no choice but to do. That makes them a slave. Unless they simple renege on their loan. But from the things you say, no doubt you would like to see the whole "debters prison" thing done here. Another thing is that there is another reason why people get loans. Not to help them earn money, but just simple because they need money. And some of that would go away if we had a single payer national health system like they have in the rest of the civilized world. Unfortunately, mexicans already have too much incentive to come here.

But people are not forced to take a loan. They do that of their own free will. It is not "slavery" to give back what you borrowed. If I borrowed my neighbors broom, is it "slavery" in your twisted mind that I have an obligation to give his or her broom back to them?!?!

On the other hand, you sit here and demand socialism which actually is slavery. I have a gun placed to my head by a government and am forced to surrender most or all of what is mine against my will. That is the very definition of slavery. The only one advocating for slavery is you. And that's what the left always does. Why do you think the Democrats started a Civil War with the Republicans in the 1860's? Because the left has always wanted to force people to provide for them. You people wanted slavery back then, you want slavery today, and you will want slavery 100 years from now.

As to your analogy of having a gun placed to your head, it isn't much different than having a gillotine blade hanging over sonebody's neck. As I mentioned with the French Revolution, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to be freed.

Well that's some vintage "left-wing" logic for you. Your idea of "freedom" is putting a gun to my head and forcing me into slavery for your benefit. Wow! Well, yeah, I guess that is "liberating" for you. But for the rest of us, that's slavery. In true capitalism, we are all free. Not just you greedy, lazy people who want to place a gun to my head and make me work against my will for your benefit.

As to your gold nugget question, you said that no poor person ever employed anybody. I just pointed out an instance where it probably did happen.

Uh...hey genius? If that poor person found gold nuggets - at that very moment they ceased to be poor and instantly became wealthy (which is why they were able to hire other people to mine for more gold for them). So once again, you defeat your own argument and prove my point. So as I stated (and you just proved), no poor person in the history of the universe has ever created a single job. Only the wealthy create jobs because you can only hire someone if you have enough money to pay them.

As for what you said about the failure of socialism, it hasn't failed. If it did, there would be no socialist elements in any government. But there are.

Yes - and it continues to create failure. If it weren't for the fact that conservatives have kept a healthy dose of capitalism in America, the U.S. would have collapsed just like Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, the former U.S.S.R., etc.
What I said was clear enough. If you didn't see it, don't blame me. Also, you say that if you don't like the way you are being treated, you have the freedom to quit. What kind of dreamworld do you live in. There aren't that many jobs out there. Next, there is no such thing as a "true capitalist" system. But capitalist systems collapsed in just about every capitalist system that ever existed at one time or another.

It would have happened again here if the government didn't bail out the criminals that caused it. Now if you want me to name a capitalist system that failed to the level of "The Road Warrior" status. Then no, I can't name one. But according to something I saw on TV, the failure of France to build the Panama Canal caused the biggest financial collapse in human history. Though I find that a little difficult to believe. Because being on the losing end in a war can cause a calamity greater than anything that can be measured by money. Just like there isn't enough money in the world to clean up nuclear disasters.

As far as Germany's Fascist system, it collapsed because of war. Not because of the economic policies of that system. As for your, "bottom line," here is the bottom line. We don't live in a democracy. We live in a plutocracy. Almost all laws and regulations are written for the benefit of the rich. I think it was Calvin Coolidge who said, "The business of government IS business." You have to be high to think that approach doesn't leave the poor in the dust.

Then you say people aren't forced to take out loans. Yes. You must be high. Sure, you can go without having a car. Nobody is "forcing" you take out a loan to get one. But take it from somebody who lives in a city with no grocery store within the city limits. Not having a car sucks really bad. Also, nobody would "force" somebody to take a loan to pay for life saving medical treatment. They are free to die. As to your "broom" analogy, you really go off the deep end there.

As to your thing about the civil war, it was right wing republican like philosophy that caused Southern plantation owners to bring negroes to this country as slaves. It was like what Clinton did with making it easy to send U.S. jobs overseas. He did that for one reason. To get elected, he was willing to go along with a republican aganda.

As to my, "left wing" logic, I will put it up against "right wing" logic any day. For example, back in the 18 or early 1900's, some thugs working for mine owners in Colorado shot up a strikers camp with women and children in it. There was also an instance years later where about 20 hired thugs shot a couple cops to death on the steps of a courthouse. Because they were hired by rich people, nothing was ever done about it. Turn your head an look up asshole. Do you see the guillotine balde? In fact, I'm done even talking to your stupid ass. If there is anything else that you had to say, consider it answered with your end of the argument losing.

I see your pseudo shell has hatch a rather different intelligence than wench you first were laid...
First of all, fuck off and die. Also, I was smart enough to already know what was going on. I didn't have to be "taught" anything by the experience. But in a way, you are right about people like me and other poor people. If Stephen Hawkings can make a living at mathematics, the rest of us should too. But tell me. Do you think you could do it?

Apparently you weren't all that smart or you wouldnt have been homeless.
Now why would I try and make a living at mathematics? That would be pretty stupid.
Poverty is a difficult thing to work your way out of. Especially when there are no jobs. But let me guess, when you were a kid, you had to walk miles through knee high snow every day. And I bet it was uphill both ways. As far as making a living at mathematics gors, if Stephen Hawking can do it, you should be able to too.

Nope..I rode the bus or my bike to school.
You make it sound like mathematics is the only job out there.
I started out deburring parts,chipping out machines,sweeping floors,cleaning toilets and all the other grunt work that goes with being a rookie.
I worked my way into inspection and from there to running lathes and mills.
This took about six years to get to that point,followed by another six or so years of honing my skills as a machinist to reach top pay. I then started investing my earnings leading to where I am now...retired at 46.
All after quitting high school in the tenth grade,so dont tell me about how hard life is.
The problem with you kids today is you have no patience or work ethic,you want it right now.
And dont tell me thats not true,I watched dozens of first year machinist demand top pay. The standard response to these demands was to tell them they were on there own. You'd hand em a print and the material and tell em to have at it.
Not a single one of em could do the job without help. Their response? You gave me too difficult of a job!!! Of course they never stopped to think that the experienced machinist all around them could do that same job without a problem.
Stop whining,put in your time,ask a lot of questions,and success will follow.
So you found employment. Good for you. But when I needed a job, I couldn't even get one at McDonalds. Why? Because I was a highschool dropout and there was a line a mile long in front of me with people who did graduate high school. I was telling somebody around here that according to one website I looked at, it said that there were 101 million unemployed people in this country. That sucks dick no matter how you slice it. So don't wave your flag around me.

Like I said,I quit highschool myself,so dont act like thats why you cant find work.
Get in as a helper in a trade and work your ass off and good things will happen.
And where exactly do you live? If there's no work why are you still there?
Do you actually go business to business and try to apply or do you rely on the internet?
And I dont want to hear about bad times,the eighties were a bitch when it came to employment so your position is nothing new.
And if you vote dem you ain't helping yourself.
I lost more work with illegal employment under W. Bushed then B.OBlama so that's not it....
During Clinton we had more work than we could handle and no skilled pool to pull from...Since they were working..

I dropped out of high school and went to college 6 months later...No biggie
I've never had a problem finding work, even if it's not what I wanted, and had more success being self employed...
The main issue is your skills...You must learn many trades or many educational routes available to earn money and to increase money flow...
Many people will not work a job they don't like...they all want the gravy jobs...
Apparently you weren't all that smart or you wouldnt have been homeless.
Now why would I try and make a living at mathematics? That would be pretty stupid.
Poverty is a difficult thing to work your way out of. Especially when there are no jobs. But let me guess, when you were a kid, you had to walk miles through knee high snow every day. And I bet it was uphill both ways. As far as making a living at mathematics gors, if Stephen Hawking can do it, you should be able to too.

Nope..I rode the bus or my bike to school.
You make it sound like mathematics is the only job out there.
I started out deburring parts,chipping out machines,sweeping floors,cleaning toilets and all the other grunt work that goes with being a rookie.
I worked my way into inspection and from there to running lathes and mills.
This took about six years to get to that point,followed by another six or so years of honing my skills as a machinist to reach top pay. I then started investing my earnings leading to where I am now...retired at 46.
All after quitting high school in the tenth grade,so dont tell me about how hard life is.
The problem with you kids today is you have no patience or work ethic,you want it right now.
And dont tell me thats not true,I watched dozens of first year machinist demand top pay. The standard response to these demands was to tell them they were on there own. You'd hand em a print and the material and tell em to have at it.
Not a single one of em could do the job without help. Their response? You gave me too difficult of a job!!! Of course they never stopped to think that the experienced machinist all around them could do that same job without a problem.
Stop whining,put in your time,ask a lot of questions,and success will follow.
So you found employment. Good for you. But when I needed a job, I couldn't even get one at McDonalds. Why? Because I was a highschool dropout and there was a line a mile long in front of me with people who did graduate high school. I was telling somebody around here that according to one website I looked at, it said that there were 101 million unemployed people in this country. That sucks dick no matter how you slice it. So don't wave your flag around me.

Like I said,I quit highschool myself,so dont act like thats why you cant find work.
Get in as a helper in a trade and work your ass off and good things will happen.
And where exactly do you live? If there's no work why are you still there?
Do you actually go business to business and try to apply or do you rely on the internet?
And I dont want to hear about bad times,the eighties were a bitch when it came to employment so your position is nothing new.
And if you vote dem you ain't helping yourself.
I lost more work with illegal employment under W. Bushed then B.OBlama so that's not it....
During Clinton we had more work than we could handle and no skilled pool to pull from...Since they were working..

I dropped out of high school and went to college 6 months later...No biggie
I've never had a problem finding work, even if it's not what I wanted, and had more success being self employed...
The main issue is your skills...You must learn many trades or many educational routes available to earn money and to increase money flow...
Many people will not work a job they don't like...they all want the gravy jobs...

I agree with most of this..:lol:
Oh. You're another one of "those." As as kid, I suppose you walked miles to school each day in knee deep snow. And it was uphill each way. Also, don't forget that any money you made came at least in some way at the expense of the poor.

Ok - I've got to ask. How exactly was any money that Deltex made at the expense of the poor? It's always fall down hilarious when communists claim that the poor are somehow being "exploited" because I went to work this morning and they chose not to :eusa_doh:
I don't know what Deltex is. Neither do I really care. Also, if you don't know that the poor are always exploited, I don't think I could tell you anything to change your mind. Also, I'm not a communist. I'm a National Socialist. The type of person who, for example, thinks the government should have a national health care system like they do in the rest of the civilized world.
Yeah - that's just another word for "communism". I love how everyone who wants to have government place a gun to the head of people and force them to surrender what is theirs denies being a communist.
Oh. You're another one of "those." As as kid, I suppose you walked miles to school each day in knee deep snow. And it was uphill each way. Also, don't forget that any money you made came at least in some way at the expense of the poor.

Ok - I've got to ask. How exactly was any money that Deltex made at the expense of the poor? It's always fall down hilarious when communists claim that the poor are somehow being "exploited" because I went to work this morning and they chose not to :eusa_doh:
I don't know what Deltex is. Neither do I really care. Also, if you don't know that the poor are always exploited, I don't think I could tell you anything to change your mind. Also, I'm not a communist. I'm a National Socialist. The type of person who, for example, thinks the government should have a national health care system like they do in the rest of the civilized world.
You were arguing with Deltex1 for 3 weeks now and you (and I quote) "don't know what Deltex is"? :lmao:

Deltex is someone you have been arguing with on this board. And you said to him that he needed to remember that any money he made was at the expense of the poor. I would like to know how exactly Deltex getting up and going to work every day is somehow "at the expense of the poor".

It is astounding how you have been conditioned to think. Someone taught you this insanity at a young age and you've never once stopped to question any of it. Money is not earned "at the expense of the poor". When I get up and go to work, I'm not doing anything to the poor. I'm not hurting them. I'm not taking advantage of them. I'm not affecting them in any way. But I guess when you're on the wrong side of the facts, a false narrative is necessary....
What I said was clear enough. If you didn't see it, don't blame me. Also, you say that if you don't like the way you are being treated, you have the freedom to quit. What kind of dreamworld do you live in. There aren't that many jobs out there.

Actually, there are millions of jobs out there right now. It's so funny how you keep screaming at people about "dreamworlds" and "being high" when literally everything you say is 100% inaccurate. Go out to Monster.com right now and do a search with no parameters. Hundreds of thousands of jobs will come back. Now do the same thing on Careerbuilder.com, LinkedIn, and the thousands of other jobs sites on there and you will see the same thing.

But here's the thing. You keep ignoring what I've said because I'm kicking your ass in this debate with facts. I didn't say "quit your job and find a new one". I said "quit your job and SELL YOUR LABOR". I said, create your own job. But you have to ignore that because you don't have an intelligent response (being a communist, you never do). I said, "if you're a plumber, then sell your labor to the public for the price you think is fair for your labor". Nobody has to work for someone else. Everybody has the freedom to work for themselves and sell their labor to the public for whatever price they want to set.

Next, there is no such thing as a "true capitalist" system. But capitalist systems collapsed in just about every capitalist system that ever existed at one time or another.

Um...no....it hasn't. Which is why you are unable to name even one nation that collapsed under true capitalism (meanwhile, I can name dozens of nations that collapsed under the system you advocate for because it has a 100% failure rate world wide).

It would have happened again here if the government didn't bail out the criminals that caused it.

Except that we don't have capitalism in this nation. When Bill Clinton signed the 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which essentially forced banks to give loans to people who couldn't afford them (because that's what idiot socialism does), he collapsed the U.S. economy and we once again had to bailout the ignorant left-wing policies that continue to create failure world-wide. People who couldn't afford the loans were unable to pay them back (shocking!) and that caused banks to lose tons of money. They had to lay off workers who then could no longer afford their homes. And all of these homes on the market caused the value of homes to plummet (basic supply & demand). As always, idiot socialism caused collapse.

Now if you want me to name a capitalist system that failed to the level of "The Road Warrior" status. Then no, I can't name one.

Exactly. You can't name one because capitalism creates prosperity while socialism creates poverty. The first honest and accurate thing you've said.

As far as Germany's Fascist system, it collapsed because of war. Not because of the economic policies of that system. As for your, "bottom line," here is the bottom line. We don't live in a democracy. We live in a plutocracy. Almost all laws and regulations are written for the benefit of the rich. I think it was Calvin Coolidge who said, "The business of government IS business." You have to be high to think that approach doesn't leave the poor in the dust.

Nobody is "left in the dust" and nobody is a victim in America. We are each free to pursue anything we want to pursue. If someone chooses not to pursue success, that's the right. But they must be forced to live with the results.

Furthermore, how is welfare (passed into law) "for the benefit of the rich"? How are food-stamps (passed into law) "for the benefit of the rich"? How is Social Security (passed into law) "for the benefit of the rich"? Again, you just continue to make stuff up because you can't support your position with facts.

Then you say people aren't forced to take out loans. Yes. You must be high. Sure, you can go without having a car. Nobody is "forcing" you take out a loan to get one. But take it from somebody who lives in a city with no grocery store within the city limits. Not having a car sucks really bad.

Oh, no doubt. It absolutely does. But why do you have to take a loan for a car? Why can't you save up a few grand and purchase a used car? If you want the $70K BMW, I don't want to hear you whine about the loan.

Furthermore, I have personally financed vehicles through the dealership for 0% financing. That's right, not one cent of interest. So where is the problem here (other than the fact that you want to play the victim to support your communist position)?

Also, nobody would "force" somebody to take a loan to pay for life saving medical treatment. They are free to die.

Absolutely! Or they are free to take the loan (be thankful that such an option was available), and pay it back. Again, where is the problem here?

As to your "broom" analogy, you really go off the deep end there.

Why? Because you're so unhinged you can't articulate why it is that you believe a person borrowing a broom should be expected to give it back but somebody borrowing money should not be expected to give it back lest they be a "slave"??

As to your thing about the civil war, it was right wing republican like philosophy that caused Southern plantation owners to bring negroes to this country as slaves.

LMAO!!! Now that's funny stuff right there. Republicans made Democrats bring slaves to America and then keep them? And they made Democrats love slavery so much that they made Democrats start a war with their own country because they refused to relinquish slavery (just as you are doing right now by demanding that other people should labor for your benefit)?!?

As to my, "left wing" logic, I will put it up against "right wing" logic any day. For example, back in the 18 or early 1900's, some thugs working for mine owners in Colorado shot up a strikers camp with women and children in it. There was also an instance years later where about 20 hired thugs shot a couple cops to death on the steps of a courthouse. Because they were hired by rich people, nothing was ever done about it. Turn your head an look up asshole. Do you see the guillotine balde?

And that differs from left-wing labor union thugs lead by the mafia how? You know, when they would go around attacking (sometimes killing) business owners, voters, and anyone who would cross the line during strikes to work? Yeah, nice try my friend, but the left has a much longer and uglier history of violence.

In fact, I'm done even talking to your stupid ass. If there is anything else that you had to say, consider it answered with your end of the argument losing.

Well of course. If I were beat this soundly in a debate, I wouldn't want to continue either.

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