War on the Rich: Best Idea in the History of Man.

The war on the rich has been waged long before the US became a country.

It has been an ongoing war which has been hijacked by the far left, but their war on the rich is on those that do not give to the far left religion..
It would be nice to even the playing field a little. But if I had my way about it, I would do way more. Such as providing jobe for about 50 million people. Who would then have money to spend, which would help the rich. And these workers could pay taxes. Which would lower the tax burden on the rich. But this country has another plan in mind. Which is to get Americans to share in the same kind of poverty that they have in other countries. As I said in my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test," this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
Then get Obabble to approve the pipeline, fix our roads, reduce taxes, get moving on energy independence. It's not the rich man's plot to create poor people. They want people who have money to buy their products and services. We are consumption driven. Obabble just does not have a clue how to get it done.
First of all, they should stop the oil pipeline coming from Canada and shut down the oil sands thing where the oil comes from. As for our simian president, I of course couldn't get him to do anything. As for the creation of poor people, of course it's a rich man's plot. Almost at every instance, employers in this country have sought scabs, wage slaves and actual slaves. And for other reasons beside, right now, you are a slave.

Also, the rich couldn't give a damn how much money the poor have to buy goods. All they're concerned about is having more money than the poor. And as far as what people buy, I have heard estimates of our trade imbalance with China alone being anywhere from 300 billion per year to over 700 billion per year. And that shit is because of what another democrat did. Bill Clinton.
I started with nothing...had to borrow the money to get to my first duty station. Retired at 49. Haven't worked in 27 years. Now worth close to a million. I love being a slave
Oh. You're another one of "those." As as kid, I suppose you walked miles to school each day in knee deep snow. And it was uphill each way. Also, don't forget that any money you made came at least in some way at the expense of the poor. Another thing is that you should take a look at the debt clock. If I were you, I would buy some gold. Because in the last bailout the financial fat cats got, they escaped prosecution and in some instances were given high level government appointments. The next time it happens, the only thing higher they can be appointed to is godhood. And I don't think that's going to happen. But then again, you never know.
Don't know what to say to get you out of your depression. Maybe a good piece of ass? But don't pay him any money....it would come at the expense of some poor person. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Welcom to ignore land.
You fools think once they get done with the rich they won't come after YOU NEXT?

Your type of thinking is what's going to be end of us as a free country and free people
I take it you're talking to me. Well once WE get through with the rich, generally speaking, there would be no need to go after anybody else. You then bring up a "free" country. Do you mean like Obama is trying to give mexicans the freedom to come here? Or the freedom this country gained to send our jobs overseas? If you would do me a favor, read my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)" It has some examples of what our countries' "freedoms" have gotten us.
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The war on the rich has been waged long before the US became a country.

It has been an ongoing war which has been hijacked by the far left, but their war on the rich is on those that do not give to the far left religion..
There are probaby always have been wars on the rich. But very few of them have been successful. Also, those on the far right are probably wealthy. I don't think many of them would be waging war on themselves. You also talk of a far left religion. I was telling somebody about when I used to be homeless. On occasion I would be laying in my pup tent when it was cold and raining outside. The condensation on the inside would splas me with fine droplets of water as a raindrop hit outside. That wasn't religion. That was reality. Also, on one website it said that there are 101 million unemployed people in this country. That isn't religion either. It is reality. Etc. etc. etc. etc. et. et. etc.
Then get Obabble to approve the pipeline, fix our roads, reduce taxes, get moving on energy independence. It's not the rich man's plot to create poor people. They want people who have money to buy their products and services. We are consumption driven. Obabble just does not have a clue how to get it done.
First of all, they should stop the oil pipeline coming from Canada and shut down the oil sands thing where the oil comes from. As for our simian president, I of course couldn't get him to do anything. As for the creation of poor people, of course it's a rich man's plot. Almost at every instance, employers in this country have sought scabs, wage slaves and actual slaves. And for other reasons beside, right now, you are a slave.

Also, the rich couldn't give a damn how much money the poor have to buy goods. All they're concerned about is having more money than the poor. And as far as what people buy, I have heard estimates of our trade imbalance with China alone being anywhere from 300 billion per year to over 700 billion per year. And that shit is because of what another democrat did. Bill Clinton.
I started with nothing...had to borrow the money to get to my first duty station. Retired at 49. Haven't worked in 27 years. Now worth close to a million. I love being a slave
Oh. You're another one of "those." As as kid, I suppose you walked miles to school each day in knee deep snow. And it was uphill each way. Also, don't forget that any money you made came at least in some way at the expense of the poor. Another thing is that you should take a look at the debt clock. If I were you, I would buy some gold. Because in the last bailout the financial fat cats got, they escaped prosecution and in some instances were given high level government appointments. The next time it happens, the only thing higher they can be appointed to is godhood. And I don't think that's going to happen. But then again, you never know.
Don't know what to say to get you out of your depression. Maybe a good piece of ass? But don't pay him any money....it would come at the expense of some poor person. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Welcom to ignore land.
You fools think once they get done with the rich they won't come after YOU NEXT?

Your type of thinking is what's going to be end of us as a free country and free people
I take it you're talking to me. Well once WE get through with the rich, generally speaking, there would be no need to go after anybody else. You then bring up a "free" country. Do you mean like Obama is trying to give mexicans the freedom to come here? Or the freedom this country gained to send our jobs overseas? If you would do me a favor, read my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party) it has some examples of what our countries' "freedoms" have gotten us.
Tell cuntsmasher I beat her to it.
As to caring how you make your money, I don't care. But in a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other.

I'm....I'm....I'm just speechless here. "In a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other"? Um....says who Cult? You? Based on what? Why should you know anything about me? The Constitution states that you shouldn't be able to know such things about others. So where exactly are you deriving your insane and absurd belief that you do?

Do you have any idea how asinine (not to mention arrogant) you sound when you declare that you somehow have the right to know the personal business of other people?

Hey Cult - I now declare that your medical history, where you hide your spare key, and how much ear wax you have accumulated falls under "such things" and as such, I have an immediate right to know (by your own admission). So please share that information and grant me the access to follow up and verify it. Oh....and one more thing - I reserve the right to examine your girlfriends rectum to see if she's engaged in anal sex and how much (I mean, in a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other and your girlfriend) :eusa_doh:
You know, the more you talk, the stupider you sound. Maybe you should just give up. First of all, I said "generally speaking." As long as what is known isn't specific, why would you or anybody care who knows what. For instance, I voted. I voted for democrats, republicans and the green party. But don't tell anybody! They will be coming after me with lighted torches and sharp farm implements! As to the rest of what you say, I will let them go as the inane ramblings that they are.
First of all, they should stop the oil pipeline coming from Canada and shut down the oil sands thing where the oil comes from. As for our simian president, I of course couldn't get him to do anything. As for the creation of poor people, of course it's a rich man's plot. Almost at every instance, employers in this country have sought scabs, wage slaves and actual slaves. And for other reasons beside, right now, you are a slave.

Also, the rich couldn't give a damn how much money the poor have to buy goods. All they're concerned about is having more money than the poor. And as far as what people buy, I have heard estimates of our trade imbalance with China alone being anywhere from 300 billion per year to over 700 billion per year. And that shit is because of what another democrat did. Bill Clinton.
I started with nothing...had to borrow the money to get to my first duty station. Retired at 49. Haven't worked in 27 years. Now worth close to a million. I love being a slave
Oh. You're another one of "those." As as kid, I suppose you walked miles to school each day in knee deep snow. And it was uphill each way. Also, don't forget that any money you made came at least in some way at the expense of the poor. Another thing is that you should take a look at the debt clock. If I were you, I would buy some gold. Because in the last bailout the financial fat cats got, they escaped prosecution and in some instances were given high level government appointments. The next time it happens, the only thing higher they can be appointed to is godhood. And I don't think that's going to happen. But then again, you never know.
Don't know what to say to get you out of your depression. Maybe a good piece of ass? But don't pay him any money....it would come at the expense of some poor person. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Welcom to ignore land.
You fools think once they get done with the rich they won't come after YOU NEXT?

Your type of thinking is what's going to be end of us as a free country and free people
I take it you're talking to me. Well once WE get through with the rich, generally speaking, there would be no need to go after anybody else. You then bring up a "free" country. Do you mean like Obama is trying to give mexicans the freedom to come here? Or the freedom this country gained to send our jobs overseas? If you would do me a favor, read my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party) it has some examples of what our countries' "freedoms" have gotten us.
Tell cuntsmasher I beat her to it.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

Companies tend to expand as they make more money and that means hiring more people. That is how it works. Other people get wealthy through their work (like congress members) and don't hire people and just keep piling up money and living better than others. Which one do you have the problem with? Do you hate companies for making money and providing jobs? Do you hate wealthy people who like to make their money and live well? Or do you hate politicians who think it's okay for people to keep their money?

Of course, the left doesn't go after the wealthy. More Dems are wealthy in congress than Republicans. They all love wealthy people who are willing to write checks for campaign contributions. That means big corporations, too.

California has the biggest income inequality. In one town, actors make millions on one film that takes an average of 4 months to make while the state has the most poor people. Should we follow the liberal logic and confiscate some Hollywood money and split it equally among the California residents? Should big film makers pay more? Of course, many in Hollywood say they should pay more, yet they don't do it willingly. Can't figure that one out since they could have voluntarily handed over millions every year to feel better about themselves.

If a company exists to offer services or products, they provide jobs. I have never know any to not want to expand, which always requires employing more people. Not all will expand, but that doesn't mean they should pay an unfair tax rate just because they have money. If companies know they will pay a ridiculous amount, they won't expand and might even downsize. Obamacare caused a lot of them to downsize and many to go out of business. That takes away revenue, yet the Dems still like tax increases.
"Them", why isn't it "us"? As so many of generations of (legal) immigrants have illustrated, anybody can get rich in the greatest Country in the world. Here's the deal, try out the plan and start with Hollywood. Force Hollywood "stars" to accept the same pay as the guys who push the cameras around and let us know how you make out.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

Companies tend to expand as they make more money and that means hiring more people. That is how it works. Other people get wealthy through their work (like congress members) and don't hire people and just keep piling up money and living better than others. Which one do you have the problem with? Do you hate companies for making money and providing jobs? Do you hate wealthy people who like to make their money and live well? Or do you hate politicians who think it's okay for people to keep their money?

Of course, the left doesn't go after the wealthy. More Dems are wealthy in congress than Republicans. They all love wealthy people who are willing to write checks for campaign contributions. That means big corporations, too.

California has the biggest income inequality. In one town, actors make millions on one film that takes an average of 4 months to make while the state has the most poor people. Should we follow the liberal logic and confiscate some Hollywood money and split it equally among the California residents? Should big film makers pay more? Of course, many in Hollywood say they should pay more, yet they don't do it willingly. Can't figure that one out since they could have voluntarily handed over millions every year to feel better about themselves.

If a company exists to offer services or products, they provide jobs. I have never know any to not want to expand, which always requires employing more people. Not all will expand, but that doesn't mean they should pay an unfair tax rate just because they have money. If companies know they will pay a ridiculous amount, they won't expand and might even downsize. Obamacare caused a lot of them to downsize and many to go out of business. That takes away revenue, yet the Dems still like tax increases.
If you really want to know how companies work, watch the documentary, "The Corporation." Then you ask me what I don't like. Well accordint to one website, there are !01 million unemployed people in this country. I don't like that much. When are your companies going to come to the rescue. If you would like to know more about what I don't like, I invite you to read my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)"

As for republicans and democrats, they are just two sides of the same coin. As for California, it's so full of mexicans that it's already a lost cause as far as I'm concerned. As to what we should do, we shoud reanimate Adolf mother fucking HITLER and put him in charge! You also talk about expanding companies. I saw Bill Gates sitting in front of a congressional committee and telling them that the U.S. should allow unlimited immigration of foreign workers. But if whatever is done isn't for the benefit of the American people, what's the point.

You also mention the tax rate that companies pay. But companies receive shitloads of money from the government. Some call it corporate welfare. But if we have to pay companies to create or keep jobs here, I say we cut out the middleman. Have the government take over. Also, I am reminded of all the lowlifes who want to privatize everything. At least with government, they are answerable to somebody. Private companies aren't.
If you really want to know how companies work, watch the documentary, "The Corporation."

Excuse me dingle berry.

Corporations are operated by indiviudals.

Not all individuals manage their corporation in the same manner.

Corrupt corporations manipulate the government bureaucrats, ie, ENRON

Honest companies manipulate the marketplace

"Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)"

If memory serves me right you concluded therein that you are a dumb fuck.

As for republicans and democrats, they are just two sides of the same coin.

That is true. But I do not know why you complain since BOTH parties have adopted the 1933 platform of the nazi party.

I saw Bill Gates sitting in front of a congressional committee and telling them that the U.S. should allow unlimited immigration of foreign workers. But if whatever is done isn't for the benefit of the American people, what's the point.

Before 1965 we had open borders with Canada and Mexico. There was never a problem.

Some call it corporate welfare. But if we have to pay companies to create or keep jobs here, I say we cut out the middleman. Have the government take over. Also, I am reminded of all the lowlifes who want to privatize everything. At least with government, they are answerable to somebody. Private companies aren't.

The government took over in 1913 an cemented its power in 1935.

But fail to see why from your nazi standpoint that 's a bad thing.
If the rich keep getting richer what the fuck business is it of yours and why do you even presume to be entitled to THEIR money THEY earned? What you bunch of dumb asses never seem to acknowledge is that when the 'rich' die government reaches out and grabs vast amounts of that wealth even though the taxes were already paid on it. Death tax heard of it? Maybe its the government not sharing this confiscated wealth with you people.
What business is it of mine!? Because the wealthy only want money to lord it over other people and enslave them. Also, in recent years, why did top salaries go up from around 25% of what the average worker makes to well over 200%. It isn't because their jobs got about 200% harder to do? It's because our government is corrupt and the rich can pay to have any law or regulation passed that enriches them further. Also, the wealthy pay less in taxes from year to year than the poor. That doesn't include the money they secretly stash overseas. As to how much their estate is charged after they die, who cares. That is besides those who might inherit their money and live the rest of their lives as self indulgent parasites.

Dude the top 10% of earners pay 68% of the Federal income taxes, they already got screwed over by the poor and middle class. How much more do they have to pay before you people feel its a fair share for fucks sake.

As for the rest of your glob of talking points, nobody is enslaved in this country you can tell your boss to eat (censored) and (censored) and quit anytime you like. Post an example of a law or regulation a rich person purchased. And you fail at understanding inheritance taxes, the government gets their share before the heirs.
Apparently nothing I say has any meaning to you. But I will give you a graph to mull over.View attachment 33947

Your graph is wrong in my case, I don't pay 4.7% I pay 0.0% AHAHAHAHA that still makes me laugh each time I think about it. There is no state income tax in my state, I tell them to keep their greedy paws off! Federal taxes well the lazy ass welfare do nothings got me, I pay my share and a bunch of their shares. I should at least get a few Christmas cards from those losers.
With the poor having to pay more, it is you who are the leech and the looser. Before the French Revolution, the aristocrats probably used to laugh it up too. Boy are you going to squeal like a pig when your turn comes.

Riiiight I pay more in federal taxes than they make and I'm the leech. Bitter, wealth envy infested people like you can kiss my ass!
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

If you had to be "poor" in any country in the world, where would you want to be poor? How would you like to be poor in Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico, North Korea, China, Russia, India? Think those countries don't have a 1 percent that keeps getting richer? Being poor in the US means cell phones and big screens in public housing. Compare that to being poor in Havanna.

If you want to attack the rich and wealthy, do it outside of the US. Attack the wealthy in Cuba and North Korea with Capitalism.

"The Rich get Richer and the poor get poorer " argument was already tried in other countries and the net results were the elimination of a strong middle class and the expansion of a poverty class who thinks everything is now
" fair"
A few posts back you said you should know how people made their money.
So which is it?
And where exactly do you think I got the money to invest? Just because you're to damn stupid to make sound financial decisions with your money doesn't make me a crook.
Do you live in America? If you do you benefit from the capitalist system everyday.
Maybe you should try N. Korea.
As to caring how you make your money, I don't care. But in a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other. Also, I don't know where you got your money to invest. Neither do I care. Another thing is that you are a crook. Because our whole "dog eat dog" capitalist system is a crooked system. Money decides what is right and wrong. Not what is right or wrong.

Also, I am an American. But I haven't benifited from being so. Quite to the contrary in fact. At one point, I was even homeless. You know what isn't fun? Being homeless and out in a pup tent with it being cold outside, yet still raining. It isn't very pleasant for your breath to condensate on the inside of the tent. Because when a rain drop hits, it splatters you with fine droplets of moisture.

Oh the horror stories I could tell you! Fuck our system! Damn it all to hell!!! You also bring up North Korea. But N.K. doesn't have anything to do with anything. What gives people a higher standard of living in this country doesn't have a damn thing to do with the success of capitalism or the American way. It has everything to do with living in a large country rich in natural resources and arable land.

Sounds to me like your just a puss.
I was homeless myself at around eighteen,but I look back on that time as a blessing because it taught me something about myself.
You choose to blame others for your failures while I pointed the finger at the real cause of my problem...........me.
Grow a pair...
First of all, fuck off and die. Also, I was smart enough to already know what was going on. I didn't have to be "taught" anything by the experience. But in a way, you are right about people like me and other poor people. If Stephen Hawkings can make a living at mathematics, the rest of us should too. But tell me. Do you think you could do it?

Apparently you weren't all that smart or you wouldnt have been homeless.
Now why would I try and make a living at mathematics? That would be pretty stupid.
Poverty is a difficult thing to work your way out of. Especially when there are no jobs. But let me guess, when you were a kid, you had to walk miles through knee high snow every day. And I bet it was uphill both ways. As far as making a living at mathematics gors, if Stephen Hawking can do it, you should be able to too.

Nope..I rode the bus or my bike to school.
You make it sound like mathematics is the only job out there.
I started out deburring parts,chipping out machines,sweeping floors,cleaning toilets and all the other grunt work that goes with being a rookie.
I worked my way into inspection and from there to running lathes and mills.
This took about six years to get to that point,followed by another six or so years of honing my skills as a machinist to reach top pay. I then started investing my earnings leading to where I am now...retired at 46.
All after quitting high school in the tenth grade,so dont tell me about how hard life is.
The problem with you kids today is you have no patience or work ethic,you want it right now.
And dont tell me thats not true,I watched dozens of first year machinist demand top pay. The standard response to these demands was to tell them they were on there own. You'd hand em a print and the material and tell em to have at it.
Not a single one of em could do the job without help. Their response? You gave me too difficult of a job!!! Of course they never stopped to think that the experienced machinist all around them could do that same job without a problem.
Stop whining,put in your time,ask a lot of questions,and success will follow.
Oh. You're another one of "those." As as kid, I suppose you walked miles to school each day in knee deep snow. And it was uphill each way. Also, don't forget that any money you made came at least in some way at the expense of the poor.

Ok - I've got to ask. How exactly was any money that Deltex made at the expense of the poor? It's always fall down hilarious when communists claim that the poor are somehow being "exploited" because I went to work this morning and they chose not to :eusa_doh:
I didn't change the subject. If there wasn't a wage for casino employees to earn, there would be no casino employees. But that's all beside the point. The point is if it is better for the U.S. if the wealthy are able to use $10,000 dollar chips or $!000 dollar chips.

So again, you just proved that even while at play, the wealthy are creating jobs. Please allow me to repeat your statement: if there wasn't a wage for casino employees to earn, there would be no casino employees. Um...exactly. Because of the money the wealthy are spending (in this case, at play), there is a wage to earn. Because there is a wage to earn, the casino hires employees. That's twice now that you have proven that the wealthy create jobs (even while playing).

Next, simply being flippant or dissmissive about the whole issue of society isn't going to win any arguments. As for what you said about surviving and the rest, you have to be some sort of deviant. Or you are just plain stupid. You and Andrew Carnegie would have probably have gotten along well. He believed that the poor wages, poor working conditions and long hours he subjected his workers to as "survival of the fittest." (I say with sarcasm) As if he was doing humanity a favor! I suppose it was just an unintended consequence that it stuffed his pockets full of money. I myself like it that child labor was mainly done away with, that people got better pay and shorter working hours, weekends off and vacaition time, unemployment benefits, etc. And you talk about socialism draging people down! Are you joking or ARE you a joke.

Ok - so you finally took the time to explain what you were attempting to say (thank you - this is the first time you haven't sounded high or just plain bizarre). Because you took the time to articulate it, I now see what you meant. And here is my answer:

The beauty of freedom - both politically (republic) and economically (capitalism) - is that if you don't like how you are being treated, you are free to quit and pursue income your own way. If you're a plumber and you don't like how your company is treating you, then quit your job and offer your services to the public for a fee that is worthy of your labor (ie eliminate the middle man). If you are a computer tech and you don't like how your company is treating you, then you are free to quit your job and offer your services to the public for a fee that you feel is worth of your labor. This literally applies to any craft in life (brokers, teachers, security guards, landscapers, roofers, etc.).

You then talk about some failed communist systems. That doesn't mean much. There are also plenty of failed capitalist systems. It also failed here during the great depression. Also, I wonder what ever happened with Spain's fascist system. Neither does what you have to say have much to do with National Socialism. It worked in Germany until war changed things.

I noticed you didn't name one nation in world history that collapsed under true capitalism. Do you know why that is? Because you can't. I also love how you dismiss the facts with "that doesn't mean much" simply because the facts prove you wrong.

"It worked in Germany"? Really? If it worked so well, why does Germany operate under capitalism? Because it didn't work. Because the Nazi control that you are trying praise always ends in misery - including wars.

Here's the bottom line. If you love this bullshit so much, then leave the U.S. Go live in Cuba. Go experience your communist utopia first-hand. Do you know why you communists never do that? Because you realize that freedom is pretty fuck'n bad-ass and you realize that you wouldn't have conservatives to mooch off of. You love the extravagant lifestyle that America affords you but you want to complain about it at the same time because you're greedy and you feel your not getting enough of the extravagant lifestyle.

For example, what makes somebody who gets a loan a slave? Well slaves are obliged to do things. Things that they have no choice but to do. That makes them a slave. Unless they simple renege on their loan. But from the things you say, no doubt you would like to see the whole "debters prison" thing done here. Another thing is that there is another reason why people get loans. Not to help them earn money, but just simple because they need money. And some of that would go away if we had a single payer national health system like they have in the rest of the civilized world. Unfortunately, mexicans already have too much incentive to come here.

But people are not forced to take a loan. They do that of their own free will. It is not "slavery" to give back what you borrowed. If I borrowed my neighbors broom, is it "slavery" in your twisted mind that I have an obligation to give his or her broom back to them?!?!

On the other hand, you sit here and demand socialism which actually is slavery. I have a gun placed to my head by a government and am forced to surrender most or all of what is mine against my will. That is the very definition of slavery. The only one advocating for slavery is you. And that's what the left always does. Why do you think the Democrats started a Civil War with the Republicans in the 1860's? Because the left has always wanted to force people to provide for them. You people wanted slavery back then, you want slavery today, and you will want slavery 100 years from now.

As to your analogy of having a gun placed to your head, it isn't much different than having a gillotine blade hanging over sonebody's neck. As I mentioned with the French Revolution, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to be freed.

Well that's some vintage "left-wing" logic for you. Your idea of "freedom" is putting a gun to my head and forcing me into slavery for your benefit. Wow! Well, yeah, I guess that is "liberating" for you. But for the rest of us, that's slavery. In true capitalism, we are all free. Not just you greedy, lazy people who want to place a gun to my head and make me work against my will for your benefit.

As to your gold nugget question, you said that no poor person ever employed anybody. I just pointed out an instance where it probably did happen.

Uh...hey genius? If that poor person found gold nuggets - at that very moment they ceased to be poor and instantly became wealthy (which is why they were able to hire other people to mine for more gold for them). So once again, you defeat your own argument and prove my point. So as I stated (and you just proved), no poor person in the history of the universe has ever created a single job. Only the wealthy create jobs because you can only hire someone if you have enough money to pay them.

As for what you said about the failure of socialism, it hasn't failed. If it did, there would be no socialist elements in any government. But there are.

Yes - and it continues to create failure. If it weren't for the fact that conservatives have kept a healthy dose of capitalism in America, the U.S. would have collapsed just like Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, the former U.S.S.R., etc.
That is an astounding display of ignorance right there. The Soviet Union is was also a vast nation with plenty of resources. They collapsed because that's what socialism/communism/marxism does. The U.S. has flourished under capitalism because that's what capitalism does. This is not rocket science.
If anybody's ignorance is astounding, it's yours. Have you ever had to work outside for a living? If so, have you ever had to do it on a sustained basis at 100 degrees below zero? I doubt if you could handle it at even 20 degrees below zero.
And what exactly does that have to do with the failures of socialism/marxism/communism and the resounding success of capitalism?
I believe you took issue with my saying that the reason for our success was because we lived in a large country rich in natural resources and arable land. Not because of capitalism. You said that Russia was the same way. But with it being a frozen wastland most of the year, it isn't the same way. That's what it has to do with the success-failure of the political ideologies you mentioned.
Russia does not exist in a constant state of frozen tundra. Quite the contrary, Russia sees some extremely hot days, some mild/moderate days, and then some brutally cold days. Just like......wait for it......the U.S.!

Would you like to try again my friend?
Is that how you usually try to win arguments? By making shit up? But if you want to believe that I said Russia remains frozen all year long, you just go ahead and believe it.
You're the one making shit up! First you claimed that America has not flourished because of capitalism but rather because it is "a large nation with vast resources". I proved that was wrong by reminding you that the former U.S.S.R. was also a (very) large nation with vast resources and it collapsed because they implemented the exact opposite of capitalism (and thus got the exact opposite results). You then try to cover up that reality by claiming that the U.S.S.R. was "100 degrees below zero" when in fact that their climate very much mirrors ours. They have seasons and some areas of their nation can reach extreme conditions depending on the area and season - just like ours.

Face it my friend, you're just pissed off that the facts prove that capitalism creates prosperity and socialism creates poverty.
As to caring how you make your money, I don't care. But in a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other.

I'm....I'm....I'm just speechless here. "In a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other"? Um....says who Cult? You? Based on what? Why should you know anything about me? The Constitution states that you shouldn't be able to know such things about others. So where exactly are you deriving your insane and absurd belief that you do?

Do you have any idea how asinine (not to mention arrogant) you sound when you declare that you somehow have the right to know the personal business of other people?

Hey Cult - I now declare that your medical history, where you hide your spare key, and how much ear wax you have accumulated falls under "such things" and as such, I have an immediate right to know (by your own admission). So please share that information and grant me the access to follow up and verify it. Oh....and one more thing - I reserve the right to examine your girlfriends rectum to see if she's engaged in anal sex and how much (I mean, in a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other and your girlfriend) :eusa_doh:
You know, the more you talk, the stupider you sound. Maybe you should just give up. First of all, I said "generally speaking." As long as what is known isn't specific, why would you or anybody care who knows what. For instance, I voted. I voted for democrats, republicans and the green party. But don't tell anybody! They will be coming after me with lighted torches and sharp farm implements! As to the rest of what you say, I will let them go as the inane ramblings that they are.

Because I have my right to privacy. Because it is none of your business. Because you are a disturbed and disturbed people do bad things with information.

Why are you so desperate to know everybody else's business? Kind of sounds like you have some serious condition that needs to be treated.

The more you talk, the more unhinged and disturbed you sound. Anyone who runs around screaming for communism and insisting that they have the right to know about the business of everybody in a nation has some major issues.
I didn't change the subject. If there wasn't a wage for casino employees to earn, there would be no casino employees. But that's all beside the point. The point is if it is better for the U.S. if the wealthy are able to use $10,000 dollar chips or $!000 dollar chips.

So again, you just proved that even while at play, the wealthy are creating jobs. Please allow me to repeat your statement: if there wasn't a wage for casino employees to earn, there would be no casino employees. Um...exactly. Because of the money the wealthy are spending (in this case, at play), there is a wage to earn. Because there is a wage to earn, the casino hires employees. That's twice now that you have proven that the wealthy create jobs (even while playing).

Next, simply being flippant or dissmissive about the whole issue of society isn't going to win any arguments. As for what you said about surviving and the rest, you have to be some sort of deviant. Or you are just plain stupid. You and Andrew Carnegie would have probably have gotten along well. He believed that the poor wages, poor working conditions and long hours he subjected his workers to as "survival of the fittest." (I say with sarcasm) As if he was doing humanity a favor! I suppose it was just an unintended consequence that it stuffed his pockets full of money. I myself like it that child labor was mainly done away with, that people got better pay and shorter working hours, weekends off and vacaition time, unemployment benefits, etc. And you talk about socialism draging people down! Are you joking or ARE you a joke.

Ok - so you finally took the time to explain what you were attempting to say (thank you - this is the first time you haven't sounded high or just plain bizarre). Because you took the time to articulate it, I now see what you meant. And here is my answer:

The beauty of freedom - both politically (republic) and economically (capitalism) - is that if you don't like how you are being treated, you are free to quit and pursue income your own way. If you're a plumber and you don't like how your company is treating you, then quit your job and offer your services to the public for a fee that is worthy of your labor (ie eliminate the middle man). If you are a computer tech and you don't like how your company is treating you, then you are free to quit your job and offer your services to the public for a fee that you feel is worth of your labor. This literally applies to any craft in life (brokers, teachers, security guards, landscapers, roofers, etc.).

You then talk about some failed communist systems. That doesn't mean much. There are also plenty of failed capitalist systems. It also failed here during the great depression. Also, I wonder what ever happened with Spain's fascist system. Neither does what you have to say have much to do with National Socialism. It worked in Germany until war changed things.

I noticed you didn't name one nation in world history that collapsed under true capitalism. Do you know why that is? Because you can't. I also love how you dismiss the facts with "that doesn't mean much" simply because the facts prove you wrong.

"It worked in Germany"? Really? If it worked so well, why does Germany operate under capitalism? Because it didn't work. Because the Nazi control that you are trying praise always ends in misery - including wars.

Here's the bottom line. If you love this bullshit so much, then leave the U.S. Go live in Cuba. Go experience your communist utopia first-hand. Do you know why you communists never do that? Because you realize that freedom is pretty fuck'n bad-ass and you realize that you wouldn't have conservatives to mooch off of. You love the extravagant lifestyle that America affords you but you want to complain about it at the same time because you're greedy and you feel your not getting enough of the extravagant lifestyle.

For example, what makes somebody who gets a loan a slave? Well slaves are obliged to do things. Things that they have no choice but to do. That makes them a slave. Unless they simple renege on their loan. But from the things you say, no doubt you would like to see the whole "debters prison" thing done here. Another thing is that there is another reason why people get loans. Not to help them earn money, but just simple because they need money. And some of that would go away if we had a single payer national health system like they have in the rest of the civilized world. Unfortunately, mexicans already have too much incentive to come here.

But people are not forced to take a loan. They do that of their own free will. It is not "slavery" to give back what you borrowed. If I borrowed my neighbors broom, is it "slavery" in your twisted mind that I have an obligation to give his or her broom back to them?!?!

On the other hand, you sit here and demand socialism which actually is slavery. I have a gun placed to my head by a government and am forced to surrender most or all of what is mine against my will. That is the very definition of slavery. The only one advocating for slavery is you. And that's what the left always does. Why do you think the Democrats started a Civil War with the Republicans in the 1860's? Because the left has always wanted to force people to provide for them. You people wanted slavery back then, you want slavery today, and you will want slavery 100 years from now.

As to your analogy of having a gun placed to your head, it isn't much different than having a gillotine blade hanging over sonebody's neck. As I mentioned with the French Revolution, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to be freed.

Well that's some vintage "left-wing" logic for you. Your idea of "freedom" is putting a gun to my head and forcing me into slavery for your benefit. Wow! Well, yeah, I guess that is "liberating" for you. But for the rest of us, that's slavery. In true capitalism, we are all free. Not just you greedy, lazy people who want to place a gun to my head and make me work against my will for your benefit.

As to your gold nugget question, you said that no poor person ever employed anybody. I just pointed out an instance where it probably did happen.

Uh...hey genius? If that poor person found gold nuggets - at that very moment they ceased to be poor and instantly became wealthy (which is why they were able to hire other people to mine for more gold for them). So once again, you defeat your own argument and prove my point. So as I stated (and you just proved), no poor person in the history of the universe has ever created a single job. Only the wealthy create jobs because you can only hire someone if you have enough money to pay them.

As for what you said about the failure of socialism, it hasn't failed. If it did, there would be no socialist elements in any government. But there are.

Yes - and it continues to create failure. If it weren't for the fact that conservatives have kept a healthy dose of capitalism in America, the U.S. would have collapsed just like Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, the former U.S.S.R., etc.
It's amazing to see you acknowledge that Europeans are capitalists. Usually you simpleminded idealogues see some form of a social contract and you scream that they're a bunch of socialists.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.
War on the Rich dates back to cavemen who were poor hunters envying cavemen who were good hunters.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

I am extremely wealthy and it has nothing to do with money...

Using Hitler as your avi says it all...

Hate runs deep in you little one...

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