War on the Rich: Best Idea in the History of Man.

For the most part, there is no way to become rich without abusing other people, the environment or becoming a useless parasite. Also, in that respect, it would be people's business in general to know how a rich person became rich.
You can become wealthy by not wasting your money on trash..by investing...by saving. It takes time..but it can be done.
It can also be done by how it is being done. By the pay for executives going up from about 25 times more than what the average worker makes to over 200 times what the average worker makes.
I get the fact that you want to tax the rich...rather than do it yourself...it's the liberal way...it's the Obabble way. It's never been my way.
It would be nice to even the playing field a little. But if I had my way about it, I would do way more. Such as providing jobe for about 50 million people. Who would then have money to spend, which would help the rich. And these workers could pay taxes. Which would lower the tax burden on the rich. But this country has another plan in mind. Which is to get Americans to share in the same kind of poverty that they have in other countries. As I said in my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test," this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
Then get Obabble to approve the pipeline, fix our roads, reduce taxes, get moving on energy independence. It's not the rich man's plot to create poor people. They want people who have money to buy their products and services. We are consumption driven. Obabble just does not have a clue how to get it done.
First of all, they should stop the oil pipeline coming from Canada and shut down the oil sands thing where the oil comes from. As for our simian president, I of course couldn't get him to do anything. As for the creation of poor people, of course it's a rich man's plot. Almost at every instance, employers in this country have sought scabs, wage slaves and actual slaves. And for other reasons beside, right now, you are a slave.

Also, the rich couldn't give a damn how much money the poor have to buy goods. All they're concerned about is having more money than the poor. And as far as what people buy, I have heard estimates of our trade imbalance with China alone being anywhere from 300 billion per year to over 700 billion per year. And that shit is because of what another democrat did. Bill Clinton.
best idea? Maybe for enslaving yourself. The concept has been around since Cain slew his brother Abel. It didn't work out as he expected.

so why should we want to be murderers and robbers so you can get power over us?
If you want a reply, you are going to have to make a little more sense.

I can't help your ignorance of history
Just keep trying to say something sensible. You may do it eventually.
For the most part, there is no way to become rich without abusing other people, the environment or becoming a useless parasite. Also, in that respect, it would be people's business in general to know how a rich person became rich.

That is correct.

Hitler was extremely wealthy when he died.

You hero was indeed a parasite.

Whatever. Also, Hitler wasn't perfect, but he was no parasite. He came into power because Germany was in economic turmoil. Which he fixed.
Yo Herr Fucktard

Hitler was initially a socialist. But he --correctly - concluded that socialists don't know their assess from a hole in the ground - so he chose fascism whereby the state would use the entrepreneurs intelligence to advance whatever the bureaucrats determine to be the state bests interests. So he drafted the Krupp Dynasty in his nefarious activities.

If anybody areound here is a fucktard, it is you. There's a reason why his fascist regeme was called National SOCIALIST.


Educate me.

I have already done so. Get used to it.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.
Uh....you do realize that casino's are only able to operate because of the EMPLOYEES who were hired to keep it running. You literally just contradicted your own position by proving that even while at play, the wealthy create jobs. :lmao:

Amazing that you communists can't comprehend basic economics (which is why your policies always collapse nations).
Are you high? Don't give me any of that "trickle down" shit. Besides, my mentioning casinos was more of a metaphor. Though I can give you an example that isn't a metaphor. Coal companies who remove the tops of mountains to get at coal instead of hiring miners. Also, before you start flag waving, read my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)"
Oh...of course it was "more of a metaphor" (after I exposed the gaping flaw in your complete lack of logic).

The fact is, no poor person has ever created a job in the history of the universe. Meanwhile, the wealthy have created every job - from the businesses they build to the money that flows while they play and everything in between. It's all creating jobs.

Stop being so hateful and jealous. You do realize that envy is a deadly sin, don't you? I vehemently disagree with at least 50% of the stuff that comes out of Bill Gates mouth. But I greatly respect the company he built and I admire his success. I don't hate him for it nor am I jealous of it. It's awesome. He earned it. Good for him. If you want it too, then go create a product that people need and work 18 hours a day doing it. But if you're not willing to do what he did, don't expect to have what he has.
I said thay my mentioning casinos was more of a metaphore. But that doesn't make it untrue. Neither did you expose any gaping flaw in my logic. In fact, you say that casinos are only able to operate because of their employees. But you're wrong. They operate because of the money that the wealthy have to throw away. And among other things, it is bad because of the misery gambling causes many people. A misery that society then has to pay for in various ways.

Then you say that no poor person has ever created jobs. But I'm sure that there are instances where it did happen. Though they probably had to borrow money to do it. Because it usually takes money to make money. Next, absolutely nothing I have ever said about anything has had even the slightest thing to do with jealousy. Everything has been about honesty and fair play. As for Bill Gates, he earns about 3.71 billion per year. I don't care what he invented or how he went about it. No human is worth that kind of money. At least not any four eyed, weasel looking spaz like Bill gates.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

For the most part, there is no way to become rich without abusing other people, the environment or becoming a useless parasite. Also, in that respect, it would be people's business in general to know how a rich person became rich.

Dont know what you consider rich. I've heard people say having a couple million makes one rich.
And the idea that you have to be a crook to become rich is a crock,and it damn sure isn't any of your business how I got that way.
No. You don't have to be a crook to become wealthy. That is just the way it usually happens. And it's no wonder that you wouldn't want it to be any of my business how you became wealthy. Criminals usually don't like to display their criminality openly.

If you you must know...Stocks. And guess what,I didnt steal a damn thing from anybody to acquire them.
Anyone can trade stocks,whether you're any good depends on putting in the effort to learn.
I didn't want to know how you made money. But it doesn't surprise that it was through criminal behavior. Just as I suspected. Stock traders are parasites who don't contribute anything tangable to the human condition. All that scam is all about is a private enterprise turning pretend money into real money. Our capitalist system is more than just criminal. You could learn something from watching the documentary, "The Corporation." In it you would find out that coporate entities are also things like phsycopaths and sociopaths.

A few posts back you said you should know how people made their money.
So which is it?
And where exactly do you think I got the money to invest? Just because you're to damn stupid to make sound financial decisions with your money doesn't make me a crook.
Do you live in America? If you do you benefit from the capitalist system everyday.
Maybe you should try N. Korea.
As to caring how you make your money, I don't care. But in a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other. Also, I don't know where you got your money to invest. Neither do I care. Another thing is that you are a crook. Because our whole "dog eat dog" capitalist system is a crooked system. Money decides what is right and wrong. Not what is right or wrong.

Also, I am an American. But I haven't benifited from being so. Quite to the contrary in fact. At one point, I was even homeless. You know what isn't fun? Being homeless and out in a pup tent with it being cold outside, yet still raining. It isn't very pleasant for your breath to condensate on the inside of the tent. Because when a rain drop hits, it splatters you with fine droplets of moisture.

Oh the horror stories I could tell you! Fuck our system! Damn it all to hell!!! You also bring up North Korea. But N.K. doesn't have anything to do with anything. What gives people a higher standard of living in this country doesn't have a damn thing to do with the success of capitalism or the American way. It has everything to do with living in a large country rich in natural resources and arable land.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.
Uh....you do realize that casino's are only able to operate because of the EMPLOYEES who were hired to keep it running. You literally just contradicted your own position by proving that even while at play, the wealthy create jobs. :lmao:

Amazing that you communists can't comprehend basic economics (which is why your policies always collapse nations).
Are you high? Don't give me any of that "trickle down" shit. Besides, my mentioning casinos was more of a metaphor. Though I can give you an example that isn't a metaphor. Coal companies who remove the tops of mountains to get at coal instead of hiring miners. Also, before you start flag waving, read my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)"

NOBODY is going to read your crap. As long as you post with a photo of Hitler, then don't expect anything except a "kiss my ass" from anyone with a brain.

But I guess they aren't your target audience.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.
Uh....you do realize that casino's are only able to operate because of the EMPLOYEES who were hired to keep it running. You literally just contradicted your own position by proving that even while at play, the wealthy create jobs. :lmao:

Amazing that you communists can't comprehend basic economics (which is why your policies always collapse nations).
Are you high? Don't give me any of that "trickle down" shit. Besides, my mentioning casinos was more of a metaphor. Though I can give you an example that isn't a metaphor. Coal companies who remove the tops of mountains to get at coal instead of hiring miners. Also, before you start flag waving, read my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)"

NOBODY is going to read your crap. As long as you post with a photo of Hitler, then don't expect anything except a "kiss my ass" from anyone with a brain.

But I guess they aren't your target audience.
Most of the brainwashed people on this forum have a brain. I could care less if they like my avatar or not. The whole point is the truth. I invite anybody to try to dispute anything I say. I started a thread where I said that Melissa Joan Heart was in a relationship with a negro. I was wrong. Apart from that, I have responded to hundreds of people on this thread and others. Nobody else was able to successfully prove me wrong on anything else. Though a couple people did come close.

I freely admit that Hitler wasn't perfect. But that isn't the point. I invite you to read my threads, "The Cost Of Not Backing Hitler" and "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)" Maybe you will be able to do something that nobody else has been able to do. Successfully dispute what I say in them.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.
Uh....you do realize that casino's are only able to operate because of the EMPLOYEES who were hired to keep it running. You literally just contradicted your own position by proving that even while at play, the wealthy create jobs. :lmao:

Amazing that you communists can't comprehend basic economics (which is why your policies always collapse nations).
Are you high? Don't give me any of that "trickle down" shit. Besides, my mentioning casinos was more of a metaphor. Though I can give you an example that isn't a metaphor. Coal companies who remove the tops of mountains to get at coal instead of hiring miners. Also, before you start flag waving, read my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)"
Oh...of course it was "more of a metaphor" (after I exposed the gaping flaw in your complete lack of logic).

The fact is, no poor person has ever created a job in the history of the universe. Meanwhile, the wealthy have created every job - from the businesses they build to the money that flows while they play and everything in between. It's all creating jobs.

Stop being so hateful and jealous. You do realize that envy is a deadly sin, don't you? I vehemently disagree with at least 50% of the stuff that comes out of Bill Gates mouth. But I greatly respect the company he built and I admire his success. I don't hate him for it nor am I jealous of it. It's awesome. He earned it. Good for him. If you want it too, then go create a product that people need and work 18 hours a day doing it. But if you're not willing to do what he did, don't expect to have what he has.
I said thay my mentioning casinos was more of a metaphore. But that doesn't make it untrue. Neither did you expose any gaping flaw in my logic. In fact, you say that casinos are only able to operate because of their employees. But you're wrong. They operate because of the money that the wealthy have to throw away. And among other things, it is bad because of the misery gambling causes many people. A misery that society then has to pay for in various ways.

Then you say that no poor person has ever created jobs. But I'm sure that there are instances where it did happen. Though they probably had to borrow money to do it. Because it usually takes money to make money. Next, absolutely nothing I have ever said about anything has had even the slightest thing to do with jealousy. Everything has been about honesty and fair play. As for Bill Gates, he earns about 3.71 billion per year. I don't care what he invented or how he went about it. No human is worth that kind of money. At least not any four eyed, weasel looking spaz like Bill gates.
Without employees there to open the doors, run the games, cash the chips, etc. then the casino could not operate. Period. I was 100% correct. And that reality just proves that even while playing, the wealthy are creating jobs.

Furthermore, society doesn't have to pay for anything. It only ends up that way because of people with your views insisting that society pick up the check. If we end the unconstitutional (not to mention absurd) communism that you advocate for, then the gambling habits of others would not be a "misery" for anyone beyond themselves.

Finally, if a poor person received a loan, then they are no longer "poor". They were handed money. Also, you can't declare "I'm sure it has happened" when you aren't sure. No poor person has ever created a job (it's simply impossible for someone who doesn't have money for themselves to provide money to so someone else)
Dont know what you consider rich. I've heard people say having a couple million makes one rich.
And the idea that you have to be a crook to become rich is a crock,and it damn sure isn't any of your business how I got that way.
No. You don't have to be a crook to become wealthy. That is just the way it usually happens. And it's no wonder that you wouldn't want it to be any of my business how you became wealthy. Criminals usually don't like to display their criminality openly.

If you you must know...Stocks. And guess what,I didnt steal a damn thing from anybody to acquire them.
Anyone can trade stocks,whether you're any good depends on putting in the effort to learn.
I didn't want to know how you made money. But it doesn't surprise that it was through criminal behavior. Just as I suspected. Stock traders are parasites who don't contribute anything tangable to the human condition. All that scam is all about is a private enterprise turning pretend money into real money. Our capitalist system is more than just criminal. You could learn something from watching the documentary, "The Corporation." In it you would find out that coporate entities are also things like phsycopaths and sociopaths.

A few posts back you said you should know how people made their money.
So which is it?
And where exactly do you think I got the money to invest? Just because you're to damn stupid to make sound financial decisions with your money doesn't make me a crook.
Do you live in America? If you do you benefit from the capitalist system everyday.
Maybe you should try N. Korea.
As to caring how you make your money, I don't care. But in a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other. Also, I don't know where you got your money to invest. Neither do I care. Another thing is that you are a crook. Because our whole "dog eat dog" capitalist system is a crooked system. Money decides what is right and wrong. Not what is right or wrong.

Also, I am an American. But I haven't benifited from being so. Quite to the contrary in fact. At one point, I was even homeless. You know what isn't fun? Being homeless and out in a pup tent with it being cold outside, yet still raining. It isn't very pleasant for your breath to condensate on the inside of the tent. Because when a rain drop hits, it splatters you with fine droplets of moisture.

Oh the horror stories I could tell you! Fuck our system! Damn it all to hell!!! You also bring up North Korea. But N.K. doesn't have anything to do with anything. What gives people a higher standard of living in this country doesn't have a damn thing to do with the success of capitalism or the American way. It has everything to do with living in a large country rich in natural resources and arable land.

Sounds to me like your just a puss.
I was homeless myself at around eighteen,but I look back on that time as a blessing because it taught me something about myself.
You choose to blame others for your failures while I pointed the finger at the real cause of my problem...........me.
Grow a pair...
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

If the rich keep getting richer what the fuck business is it of yours and why do you even presume to be entitled to THEIR money THEY earned? What you bunch of dumb asses never seem to acknowledge is that when the 'rich' die government reaches out and grabs vast amounts of that wealth even though the taxes were already paid on it. Death tax heard of it? Maybe its the government not sharing this confiscated wealth with you people.
You can become wealthy by not wasting your money on trash..by investing...by saving. It takes time..but it can be done.
It can also be done by how it is being done. By the pay for executives going up from about 25 times more than what the average worker makes to over 200 times what the average worker makes.
I get the fact that you want to tax the rich...rather than do it yourself...it's the liberal way...it's the Obabble way. It's never been my way.
It would be nice to even the playing field a little. But if I had my way about it, I would do way more. Such as providing jobe for about 50 million people. Who would then have money to spend, which would help the rich. And these workers could pay taxes. Which would lower the tax burden on the rich. But this country has another plan in mind. Which is to get Americans to share in the same kind of poverty that they have in other countries. As I said in my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test," this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
Then get Obabble to approve the pipeline, fix our roads, reduce taxes, get moving on energy independence. It's not the rich man's plot to create poor people. They want people who have money to buy their products and services. We are consumption driven. Obabble just does not have a clue how to get it done.
First of all, they should stop the oil pipeline coming from Canada and shut down the oil sands thing where the oil comes from. As for our simian president, I of course couldn't get him to do anything. As for the creation of poor people, of course it's a rich man's plot. Almost at every instance, employers in this country have sought scabs, wage slaves and actual slaves. And for other reasons beside, right now, you are a slave.

Also, the rich couldn't give a damn how much money the poor have to buy goods. All they're concerned about is having more money than the poor. And as far as what people buy, I have heard estimates of our trade imbalance with China alone being anywhere from 300 billion per year to over 700 billion per year. And that shit is because of what another democrat did. Bill Clinton.
That is an astounding display of ignorance right there. The Soviet Union is was also a vast nation with plenty of resources. They collapsed because that's what socialism/communism/marxism does. The U.S. has flourished under capitalism because that's what capitalism does. This is not rocket science.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.
Uh....you do realize that casino's are only able to operate because of the EMPLOYEES who were hired to keep it running. You literally just contradicted your own position by proving that even while at play, the wealthy create jobs. :lmao:

Amazing that you communists can't comprehend basic economics (which is why your policies always collapse nations).
Are you high? Don't give me any of that "trickle down" shit. Besides, my mentioning casinos was more of a metaphor. Though I can give you an example that isn't a metaphor. Coal companies who remove the tops of mountains to get at coal instead of hiring miners. Also, before you start flag waving, read my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)"
Oh...of course it was "more of a metaphor" (after I exposed the gaping flaw in your complete lack of logic).

The fact is, no poor person has ever created a job in the history of the universe. Meanwhile, the wealthy have created every job - from the businesses they build to the money that flows while they play and everything in between. It's all creating jobs.

Stop being so hateful and jealous. You do realize that envy is a deadly sin, don't you? I vehemently disagree with at least 50% of the stuff that comes out of Bill Gates mouth. But I greatly respect the company he built and I admire his success. I don't hate him for it nor am I jealous of it. It's awesome. He earned it. Good for him. If you want it too, then go create a product that people need and work 18 hours a day doing it. But if you're not willing to do what he did, don't expect to have what he has.
I said thay my mentioning casinos was more of a metaphore. But that doesn't make it untrue. Neither did you expose any gaping flaw in my logic. In fact, you say that casinos are only able to operate because of their employees. But you're wrong. They operate because of the money that the wealthy have to throw away. And among other things, it is bad because of the misery gambling causes many people. A misery that society then has to pay for in various ways.

Then you say that no poor person has ever created jobs. But I'm sure that there are instances where it did happen. Though they probably had to borrow money to do it. Because it usually takes money to make money. Next, absolutely nothing I have ever said about anything has had even the slightest thing to do with jealousy. Everything has been about honesty and fair play. As for Bill Gates, he earns about 3.71 billion per year. I don't care what he invented or how he went about it. No human is worth that kind of money. At least not any four eyed, weasel looking spaz like Bill gates.
Without employees there to open the doors, run the games, cash the chips, etc. then the casino could not operate. Period. I was 100% correct. And that reality just proves that even while playing, the wealthy are creating jobs.

Furthermore, society doesn't have to pay for anything. It only ends up that way because of people with your views insisting that society pick up the check. If we end the unconstitutional (not to mention absurd) communism that you advocate for, then the gambling habits of others would not be a "misery" for anyone beyond themselves.

Finally, if a poor person received a loan, then they are no longer "poor". They were handed money. Also, you can't declare "I'm sure it has happened" when you aren't sure. No poor person has ever created a job (it's simply impossible for someone who doesn't have money for themselves to provide money to so someone else)
You're talking in circles. What came first, the chicken or the egg. If there was no money for employees to earn at a casino, chances are there would be no employees. You then basically promote living in a society that is based more along the social structure of cockroaches. Where it is every roach for himself or herself and let the chips fall where they may. Are you high?! You couldn't live in such a world. Besides, even with our technology as it is, there are too many people on it for it to sustainably support. Again, you couldn't live in a world without society and the technology it supports.

Next. Do you know what you call a person who gets a loan? A slave. Because they are obliged to pay it back. Likely with interest. Next, I can declare anything I want to. If I declare that a tree falling in the woods makes a sound, even if there is nobody around to hear it, you can either accept it or not. Also, what if a poor person stumbled along a stream out in the wilderness and found some gold nuggets. He would have money to hire others to help him gather more.
No. You don't have to be a crook to become wealthy. That is just the way it usually happens. And it's no wonder that you wouldn't want it to be any of my business how you became wealthy. Criminals usually don't like to display their criminality openly.

If you you must know...Stocks. And guess what,I didnt steal a damn thing from anybody to acquire them.
Anyone can trade stocks,whether you're any good depends on putting in the effort to learn.
I didn't want to know how you made money. But it doesn't surprise that it was through criminal behavior. Just as I suspected. Stock traders are parasites who don't contribute anything tangable to the human condition. All that scam is all about is a private enterprise turning pretend money into real money. Our capitalist system is more than just criminal. You could learn something from watching the documentary, "The Corporation." In it you would find out that coporate entities are also things like phsycopaths and sociopaths.

A few posts back you said you should know how people made their money.
So which is it?
And where exactly do you think I got the money to invest? Just because you're to damn stupid to make sound financial decisions with your money doesn't make me a crook.
Do you live in America? If you do you benefit from the capitalist system everyday.
Maybe you should try N. Korea.
As to caring how you make your money, I don't care. But in a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other. Also, I don't know where you got your money to invest. Neither do I care. Another thing is that you are a crook. Because our whole "dog eat dog" capitalist system is a crooked system. Money decides what is right and wrong. Not what is right or wrong.

Also, I am an American. But I haven't benifited from being so. Quite to the contrary in fact. At one point, I was even homeless. You know what isn't fun? Being homeless and out in a pup tent with it being cold outside, yet still raining. It isn't very pleasant for your breath to condensate on the inside of the tent. Because when a rain drop hits, it splatters you with fine droplets of moisture.

Oh the horror stories I could tell you! Fuck our system! Damn it all to hell!!! You also bring up North Korea. But N.K. doesn't have anything to do with anything. What gives people a higher standard of living in this country doesn't have a damn thing to do with the success of capitalism or the American way. It has everything to do with living in a large country rich in natural resources and arable land.

Sounds to me like your just a puss.
I was homeless myself at around eighteen,but I look back on that time as a blessing because it taught me something about myself.
You choose to blame others for your failures while I pointed the finger at the real cause of my problem...........me.
Grow a pair...
First of all, fuck off and die. Also, I was smart enough to already know what was going on. I didn't have to be "taught" anything by the experience. But in a way, you are right about people like me and other poor people. If Stephen Hawkings can make a living at mathematics, the rest of us should too. But tell me. Do you think you could do it?
If you you must know...Stocks. And guess what,I didnt steal a damn thing from anybody to acquire them.
Anyone can trade stocks,whether you're any good depends on putting in the effort to learn.
I didn't want to know how you made money. But it doesn't surprise that it was through criminal behavior. Just as I suspected. Stock traders are parasites who don't contribute anything tangable to the human condition. All that scam is all about is a private enterprise turning pretend money into real money. Our capitalist system is more than just criminal. You could learn something from watching the documentary, "The Corporation." In it you would find out that coporate entities are also things like phsycopaths and sociopaths.

A few posts back you said you should know how people made their money.
So which is it?
And where exactly do you think I got the money to invest? Just because you're to damn stupid to make sound financial decisions with your money doesn't make me a crook.
Do you live in America? If you do you benefit from the capitalist system everyday.
Maybe you should try N. Korea.
As to caring how you make your money, I don't care. But in a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other. Also, I don't know where you got your money to invest. Neither do I care. Another thing is that you are a crook. Because our whole "dog eat dog" capitalist system is a crooked system. Money decides what is right and wrong. Not what is right or wrong.

Also, I am an American. But I haven't benifited from being so. Quite to the contrary in fact. At one point, I was even homeless. You know what isn't fun? Being homeless and out in a pup tent with it being cold outside, yet still raining. It isn't very pleasant for your breath to condensate on the inside of the tent. Because when a rain drop hits, it splatters you with fine droplets of moisture.

Oh the horror stories I could tell you! Fuck our system! Damn it all to hell!!! You also bring up North Korea. But N.K. doesn't have anything to do with anything. What gives people a higher standard of living in this country doesn't have a damn thing to do with the success of capitalism or the American way. It has everything to do with living in a large country rich in natural resources and arable land.

Sounds to me like your just a puss.
I was homeless myself at around eighteen,but I look back on that time as a blessing because it taught me something about myself.
You choose to blame others for your failures while I pointed the finger at the real cause of my problem...........me.
Grow a pair...
First of all, fuck off and die. Also, I was smart enough to already know what was going on. I didn't have to be "taught" anything by the experience. But in a way, you are right about people like me and other poor people. If Stephen Hawkings can make a living at mathematics, the rest of us should too. But tell me. Do you think you could do it?

Apparently you weren't all that smart or you wouldnt have been homeless.
Now why would I try and make a living at mathematics? That would be pretty stupid.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

If the rich keep getting richer what the fuck business is it of yours and why do you even presume to be entitled to THEIR money THEY earned? What you bunch of dumb asses never seem to acknowledge is that when the 'rich' die government reaches out and grabs vast amounts of that wealth even though the taxes were already paid on it. Death tax heard of it? Maybe its the government not sharing this confiscated wealth with you people.
What business is it of mine!? Because the wealthy only want money to lord it over other people and enslave them. Also, in recent years, why did top salaries go up from around 25% of what the average worker makes to well over 200%. It isn't because their jobs got about 200% harder to do? It's because our government is corrupt and the rich can pay to have any law or regulation passed that enriches them further. Also, the wealthy pay less in taxes from year to year than the poor. That doesn't include the money they secretly stash overseas. As to how much their estate is charged after they die, who cares. That is besides those who might inherit their money and live the rest of their lives as self indulgent parasites.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

If the rich keep getting richer what the fuck business is it of yours and why do you even presume to be entitled to THEIR money THEY earned? What you bunch of dumb asses never seem to acknowledge is that when the 'rich' die government reaches out and grabs vast amounts of that wealth even though the taxes were already paid on it. Death tax heard of it? Maybe its the government not sharing this confiscated wealth with you people.
What business is it of mine!? Because the wealthy only want money to lord it over other people and enslave them. Also, in recent years, why did top salaries go up from around 25% of what the average worker makes to well over 200%. It isn't because their jobs got about 200% harder to do? It's because our government is corrupt and the rich can pay to have any law or regulation passed that enriches them further. Also, the wealthy pay less in taxes from year to year than the poor. That doesn't include the money they secretly stash overseas. As to how much their estate is charged after they die, who cares. That is besides those who might inherit their money and live the rest of their lives as self indulgent parasites.

war on rich is great idea!!. If we had started the war long ago Jobs, Gates, Brin, Zukerburg, Rockefeller, and Ford would not have bothered and we would not be burdened by their products today.
It can also be done by how it is being done. By the pay for executives going up from about 25 times more than what the average worker makes to over 200 times what the average worker makes.
I get the fact that you want to tax the rich...rather than do it yourself...it's the liberal way...it's the Obabble way. It's never been my way.
It would be nice to even the playing field a little. But if I had my way about it, I would do way more. Such as providing jobe for about 50 million people. Who would then have money to spend, which would help the rich. And these workers could pay taxes. Which would lower the tax burden on the rich. But this country has another plan in mind. Which is to get Americans to share in the same kind of poverty that they have in other countries. As I said in my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test," this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves.
Then get Obabble to approve the pipeline, fix our roads, reduce taxes, get moving on energy independence. It's not the rich man's plot to create poor people. They want people who have money to buy their products and services. We are consumption driven. Obabble just does not have a clue how to get it done.
First of all, they should stop the oil pipeline coming from Canada and shut down the oil sands thing where the oil comes from. As for our simian president, I of course couldn't get him to do anything. As for the creation of poor people, of course it's a rich man's plot. Almost at every instance, employers in this country have sought scabs, wage slaves and actual slaves. And for other reasons beside, right now, you are a slave.

Also, the rich couldn't give a damn how much money the poor have to buy goods. All they're concerned about is having more money than the poor. And as far as what people buy, I have heard estimates of our trade imbalance with China alone being anywhere from 300 billion per year to over 700 billion per year. And that shit is because of what another democrat did. Bill Clinton.
That is an astounding display of ignorance right there. The Soviet Union is was also a vast nation with plenty of resources. They collapsed because that's what socialism/communism/marxism does. The U.S. has flourished under capitalism because that's what capitalism does. This is not rocket science.
If anybody's ignorance is astounding, it's yours. Have you ever had to work outside for a living? If so, have you ever had to do it on a sustained basis at 100 degrees below zero? I doubt if you could handle it at even 20 degrees below zero.
I didn't want to know how you made money. But it doesn't surprise that it was through criminal behavior. Just as I suspected. Stock traders are parasites who don't contribute anything tangable to the human condition. All that scam is all about is a private enterprise turning pretend money into real money. Our capitalist system is more than just criminal. You could learn something from watching the documentary, "The Corporation." In it you would find out that coporate entities are also things like phsycopaths and sociopaths.

A few posts back you said you should know how people made their money.
So which is it?
And where exactly do you think I got the money to invest? Just because you're to damn stupid to make sound financial decisions with your money doesn't make me a crook.
Do you live in America? If you do you benefit from the capitalist system everyday.
Maybe you should try N. Korea.
As to caring how you make your money, I don't care. But in a general sense, people should be able to know such things about each other. Also, I don't know where you got your money to invest. Neither do I care. Another thing is that you are a crook. Because our whole "dog eat dog" capitalist system is a crooked system. Money decides what is right and wrong. Not what is right or wrong.

Also, I am an American. But I haven't benifited from being so. Quite to the contrary in fact. At one point, I was even homeless. You know what isn't fun? Being homeless and out in a pup tent with it being cold outside, yet still raining. It isn't very pleasant for your breath to condensate on the inside of the tent. Because when a rain drop hits, it splatters you with fine droplets of moisture.

Oh the horror stories I could tell you! Fuck our system! Damn it all to hell!!! You also bring up North Korea. But N.K. doesn't have anything to do with anything. What gives people a higher standard of living in this country doesn't have a damn thing to do with the success of capitalism or the American way. It has everything to do with living in a large country rich in natural resources and arable land.

Sounds to me like your just a puss.
I was homeless myself at around eighteen,but I look back on that time as a blessing because it taught me something about myself.
You choose to blame others for your failures while I pointed the finger at the real cause of my problem...........me.
Grow a pair...
First of all, fuck off and die. Also, I was smart enough to already know what was going on. I didn't have to be "taught" anything by the experience. But in a way, you are right about people like me and other poor people. If Stephen Hawkings can make a living at mathematics, the rest of us should too. But tell me. Do you think you could do it?

Apparently you weren't all that smart or you wouldnt have been homeless.
Now why would I try and make a living at mathematics? That would be pretty stupid.
Poverty is a difficult thing to work your way out of. Especially when there are no jobs. But let me guess, when you were a kid, you had to walk miles through knee high snow every day. And I bet it was uphill both ways. As far as making a living at mathematics gors, if Stephen Hawking can do it, you should be able to too.
Rich people say that if you take money away from them, they won't be able to create as many jobs. But what it really means is that if you take money from them, they will be stuck with getting $1000 dollar chips at the casino instead of $10,000 dollar chips. The reality in this country is that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And what of whatever goods and services the wealthy get. They have more money to pay for them. That puts those things even farther out of the reach of the common people. Unfortunately, the voice of the rich in this country is louder than a foghorn. But the cries of the poor are little more than a whisper.

If the rich keep getting richer what the fuck business is it of yours and why do you even presume to be entitled to THEIR money THEY earned? What you bunch of dumb asses never seem to acknowledge is that when the 'rich' die government reaches out and grabs vast amounts of that wealth even though the taxes were already paid on it. Death tax heard of it? Maybe its the government not sharing this confiscated wealth with you people.
What business is it of mine!? Because the wealthy only want money to lord it over other people and enslave them. Also, in recent years, why did top salaries go up from around 25% of what the average worker makes to well over 200%. It isn't because their jobs got about 200% harder to do? It's because our government is corrupt and the rich can pay to have any law or regulation passed that enriches them further. Also, the wealthy pay less in taxes from year to year than the poor. That doesn't include the money they secretly stash overseas. As to how much their estate is charged after they die, who cares. That is besides those who might inherit their money and live the rest of their lives as self indulgent parasites.

war on rich is great idea!!. If we had started the war long ago Jobs, Gates, Brin, Zukerburg, Rockefeller, and Ford would not have bothered and we would not be burdened by their products today.
You're talking rot. Back in the days of Roosevelt, there was a 90% tax on the income of the wealthy. But somehow, the wealthy were still able to do their "wealthy" thing. Even if it may not have been to the degree that they would liked to have. The problem is that for the rich, there is never enough. Leave it up to them and they would be worshiped as gods and having pyramids built to satisfy their vanity.

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