War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

How about the almost 50% of people paying no income taxes pay their share?

Because they are paying sales taxes, medicare taxes, social security taxes, fees, excise and a bunch of other taxes.

Why is it that plutocrat apologists like to pretend the income tax is the only one we have?

Hey it's you who want SS and meidcare and now you whine about having to pay for it?

If we let people keep and save their own money they would actually have a chance to get wealthy but you don't want that either.

These people are saying that the union worker who wants a bigger share of the pie is Satan, but the Rich man who wants a bigger share of the same pie is God.

that's the bottom line.
There is no pie.

Really? No business produces revenue?


It's not a pie. A pie is finite before it is made. The gdp, gross wages and profit are not finite until after they are counted.

get it?

You haven't been able to tell me how much another person's increase in net worth reduces your potential increase in net worth so you cannot prove there is a pie at all

You're talking gibberish now.
No you're too thick to understand.

Tell me what is the "pie" size for 2015?

It's 2014. Buy a calendar.
No need in chronicling the various left-wing memes, we see them daily being presented as "arguments" for justifying this insidious war against the wealthy. Form the anti-capitalists bemoaning "multi-national corporations" to the Occutards who seem to think "Wall Street" is this lumbering out-of-control monster that is gobbling up everyone's wealth except for the wealthiest. Oh... and those evil "bankers" who simply have all this unlimited supply of money and won't willingly hand it out to deadbeat liberals because they are just mean and greedy.

On and on, these people have convinced themselves that it's a great idea and 'noble cause' to wage all-out war on the rich. It is arguably the most stupid political idea ever in the history of mankind, and I am here to tell you why.

The first and foremost reason is, it's a losing strategy. In fact, it is worse of a boondoggle than Vietnam ever could have hoped to be. It's literally a war that cannot ever be won. Rich people, it just so happens, are very smart when it comes to their wealth. This fact of the matter has prompted the formation of such sayings as... "A fool and his money are soon parted." Their ability to be one step ahead of you is astonishing and impressive to say the least. No matter how much you may believe that we can use the forces of government to confiscate the wealth of the rich, it ain't ever going to happen. The more you try, the more you fail.

What you manage to do in the process is bomb your own facilities and resources. You plant land mines for unsuspecting middle-income people trying to obtain wealth through small business. You rig booby-traps for poor people who are struggling to get to middle-income with better jobs. The so-called "rich" are rarely ever affected by your actions. They simply remain a few moves ahead of you, and we never touch their wealth.

Okay, so we're going to "punish" these wealthy people and corporations by burdening them with high income taxes and corporate tax, more regulations and fines, more penalties and fees... but it never works. Tax the rich person's earned income more and they stop earning income, because they are rich and don't have to earn income anymore. Make it harder for a corporation and they close the doors or move someplace else. More regulations, mandates, burdens... they simply eliminate jobs. Obamacare alone is responsible for trillions of dollars in potential raises and bonuses for the middle-income that will never be realized now. You see, you gifted to them the ultimate excuse... "no pay raise this year... Obamacare!"

Wall Street is a location in New York City, it's where capitalists go to trade public stocks with each other in our free market capitalist system. All the crap we hear about Wall Street would lead one to believe a silver stake is needed to kill this horrible evil creature who is destroying us all. If we don't have this location in NYC where capitalists can freely trade their public stocks, what do you think will take the place of it? Because, capitalists are still going to be capitalists, it's what they do. So think about that for a moment, and explain to me what you envision the alternative would be to a Wall Street?

Okay, so we're going to "punish" all these greedy capitalists on Wall Street by implementing all sorts of trade restrictions and penalties, heap more hassle and burden on them to prevent them capitalizing TOO much... Wrong! What you are going to do is force capitalists away from your market and allow foreign markets to obtain a portion of their wealth instead. *You see, as much as you may hate the rich, other countries seem to really LIKE the rich. (*I mention this for the sheeple out there who like to follow what other countries do.)

For the past 8 years of this de facto "war against the rich" being waged by the left, we've managed to keep the economy floating by borrowing and printing more money. We've infused trillions of dollars so far, and will continue to do this as long as Obama and the Democrats are in charge politically. Now this is all money we will have to repay at some point, but for now, it's keeping the economy of America from going tits up. As this has happened, the screws have been tightened on the 'rich greedy capitalists' but the results are not forthcoming. In fact, they are moving in the opposite direction rather rapidly. Wealthy capitalists are at least two moves ahead at all times. It's how they got to be rich, for the most part.

So, ostensibly, you are waging a war you can't win against an enemy who cannot be defeated. In the process, you are destroying yourself and your only remaining resources. You will only be able to borrow and print for so long to float the economy. The only proven thing in the history of man to ever recover any failing economy is free market capitalism. Some will brazenly claim "Keynesianism" has worked, but the only times where Keynes policies ever were successful, were under a ripe and ready capitalist economy. You can't have Keynesianism without Capitalism, the numbers simply don't work.

Oh, but what about the terrible growing disparity in wealth? Well, what about that? Okay, imagine a marathon race... this represents the acquisition of wealth. In the marathon are competitors who are well-trained athletes, who know how to win, who have trained hard to win, and will ultimately be in a position to win. Also, we have some couch potatoes who have never had much interest in the race, they are just there for the free gatorade. Then there are a whole bunch of people in the middle, who are not couch potatoes or athletes, but honestly hope to be able to compete and do well in the race. Now.... logically speaking, who is going to likely lead this race and extend their lead as the race progresses? Is there ever going to be a time where the couch potatoes are gaining more ground on the athletes and catching up, or are the athletes always going to be pulling away?

The point of the analogy is, the wealthy naturally become wealthier at a faster rate than the poor. So, this "gap" is normal in a free capitalist system and it's normal for the "gap" to continue to grow. Now, what can be done about this? Well, one thing that doesn't ever work is to hobble the athlete so the couch potatoes can catch up, because the couch potato is only interested in free gatorade, they had just as soon not race at all. The best alternative to deal with this growing disparity is to motivate the couch potato. Get them into the race. They may not ever win, they may not ever catch the athlete, but if they are at least competing, they are improving the situation and limiting the growing disparity. At the same time, you encourage the athletes to mentor the competitors in the middle who earnestly want to learn to be a better athlete. There are any number of free market ways to do this, we just need to explore those possibilities. But we first need to take the ball and chain off the legs of the athletes and admit this is a stupid idea.

Or now.... We CAN do as Chairman Mao tried to do in China... Gather all the rich greedy capitalists in front of an open ditch and put a bullet in their head, confiscate their assets and try to implement anti-capitalism as a legitimate form of government. Last time, it resulted in 70 million deaths and still didn't work.

Apologies for not reading in full.

But the war on the rich, the envy of the libs, the fake war on "equality" is nothing more than a tool to effectuate greater government power over those who are perceived by said government and their PR branch (the main stream media) to require or need to take from the rich and "re-distribute" to everyone else. From each, according to ability, to each according to need.....the classic failed philosophy of the Left.

The war on the Rich is a war on employers, developers, entrepreneurs, businessmen, manufacturers, and every other engine of economic growth. Knowing this, the protagonists of the socialistic movement desire instead that the government provide for all. And history shows us that has worked oh so well, right???

Proponents have NO ARGUMENTS on this issue. Yet, on the margin, they will continue to try.
How about the almost 50% of people paying no income taxes pay their share?

Because they are paying sales taxes, medicare taxes, social security taxes, fees, excise and a bunch of other taxes.

Why is it that plutocrat apologists like to pretend the income tax is the only one we have?

Hey it's you who want SS and meidcare and now you whine about having to pay for it?

If we let people keep and save their own money they would actually have a chance to get wealthy but you don't want that either.

There is no pie.

Really? No business produces revenue?


It's not a pie. A pie is finite before it is made. The gdp, gross wages and profit are not finite until after they are counted.

get it?

You haven't been able to tell me how much another person's increase in net worth reduces your potential increase in net worth so you cannot prove there is a pie at all

You're talking gibberish now.
No you're too thick to understand.

Tell me what is the "pie" size for 2015?

It's 2014. Buy a calendar.
So the pie that will be baked in 2015 is the same as the one being baked this year?

So not only can you not understand wealth you can't cook either.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Wealth is not finite. However, when the wealthy hold the vast majority of the wealth, it reduces long term growth and begins to create greater poverty. This is the exact opposite of what conservatives believe. That does not mean we need a war against the wealthy, but if the wealthy do not begin to fairly redistribute income so that everyone is sharing in the wealth, then eventually those who become poor will revolt and take everything away from the wealthy. This has happened over and over again throughout history. The bottom line is that we do need some redistribution of wealth. That does not mean raping the wealthy or paying McDonald's employees the same as CEO's, but seeing to it that the wealthy are not the only ones benefiting from economic growth.

We have never produced an infinite amount of wealth in any given year.

No company has ever produced an infinite amount of revenue/profit in any given year.

There is always only so much to go around, so much to be divided up.
WHat exactly your definition of wealth?

Anything of material value.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Wealth is not finite. However, when the wealthy hold the vast majority of the wealth, it reduces long term growth and begins to create greater poverty. This is the exact opposite of what conservatives believe. That does not mean we need a war against the wealthy, but if the wealthy do not begin to fairly redistribute income so that everyone is sharing in the wealth, then eventually those who become poor will revolt and take everything away from the wealthy. This has happened over and over again throughout history. The bottom line is that we do need some redistribution of wealth. That does not mean raping the wealthy or paying McDonald's employees the same as CEO's, but seeing to it that the wealthy are not the only ones benefiting from economic growth.

We have never produced an infinite amount of wealth in any given year.

No company has ever produced an infinite amount of revenue/profit in any given year.

There is always only so much to go around, so much to be divided up.
WHat exactly your definition of wealth?

Anything of material value.

I have lot's and lots and lots of Gold.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Wealth is not finite. However, when the wealthy hold the vast majority of the wealth, it reduces long term growth and begins to create greater poverty. This is the exact opposite of what conservatives believe. That does not mean we need a war against the wealthy, but if the wealthy do not begin to fairly redistribute income so that everyone is sharing in the wealth, then eventually those who become poor will revolt and take everything away from the wealthy. This has happened over and over again throughout history. The bottom line is that we do need some redistribution of wealth. That does not mean raping the wealthy or paying McDonald's employees the same as CEO's, but seeing to it that the wealthy are not the only ones benefiting from economic growth.

We have never produced an infinite amount of wealth in any given year.

No company has ever produced an infinite amount of revenue/profit in any given year.

There is always only so much to go around, so much to be divided up.
WHat exactly your definition of wealth?

Anything of material value.

Wealth is net worth.

Wealth is not income it is not possessions or goods.

Your net worth is your wealth. So you beat figure out what that is and then maybe you can understand what you're talking about
Because they are paying sales taxes, medicare taxes, social security taxes, fees, excise and a bunch of other taxes.

Why is it that plutocrat apologists like to pretend the income tax is the only one we have?

Hey it's you who want SS and meidcare and now you whine about having to pay for it?

If we let people keep and save their own money they would actually have a chance to get wealthy but you don't want that either.

Really? No business produces revenue?


It's not a pie. A pie is finite before it is made. The gdp, gross wages and profit are not finite until after they are counted.

get it?

You haven't been able to tell me how much another person's increase in net worth reduces your potential increase in net worth so you cannot prove there is a pie at all

You're talking gibberish now.
No you're too thick to understand.

Tell me what is the "pie" size for 2015?

It's 2014. Buy a calendar.
So the pie that will be baked in 2015 is the same as the one being baked this year?

So not only can you not understand wealth you can't cook either.

Whatever you're talking about points to the merit of paying workers a combination of a base wage plus profit sharing.
Hey it's you who want SS and meidcare and now you whine about having to pay for it?

If we let people keep and save their own money they would actually have a chance to get wealthy but you don't want that either.

It's not a pie. A pie is finite before it is made. The gdp, gross wages and profit are not finite until after they are counted.

get it?

You haven't been able to tell me how much another person's increase in net worth reduces your potential increase in net worth so you cannot prove there is a pie at all

You're talking gibberish now.
No you're too thick to understand.

Tell me what is the "pie" size for 2015?

It's 2014. Buy a calendar.
So the pie that will be baked in 2015 is the same as the one being baked this year?

So not only can you not understand wealth you can't cook either.

Whatever you're talking about points to the merit of paying workers a combination of a base wage plus profit sharing.
Wages are the workers' share of company revenue
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The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Wealth is not finite. However, when the wealthy hold the vast majority of the wealth, it reduces long term growth and begins to create greater poverty. This is the exact opposite of what conservatives believe. That does not mean we need a war against the wealthy, but if the wealthy do not begin to fairly redistribute income so that everyone is sharing in the wealth, then eventually those who become poor will revolt and take everything away from the wealthy. This has happened over and over again throughout history. The bottom line is that we do need some redistribution of wealth. That does not mean raping the wealthy or paying McDonald's employees the same as CEO's, but seeing to it that the wealthy are not the only ones benefiting from economic growth.

We have never produced an infinite amount of wealth in any given year.

No company has ever produced an infinite amount of revenue/profit in any given year.

There is always only so much to go around, so much to be divided up.
WHat exactly your definition of wealth?

Anything of material value.

Wealth is net worth.

Wealth is not income it is not possessions or goods.

Your net worth is your wealth. So you beat figure out what that is and then maybe you can understand what you're talking about

a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches:
the wealth of a city.
an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount:
a wealth of imagery.

a. all things that have a monetary or exchange value.
b. anything that has utility and is capable of being appropriated or exchanged.
rich or valuable contents or produce:
the wealth of the soil.
the state of being rich; prosperity; affluence:
persons of wealth and standing.

I'm right. Fuck off
You're talking gibberish now.
No you're too thick to understand.

Tell me what is the "pie" size for 2015?

It's 2014. Buy a calendar.
So the pie that will be baked in 2015 is the same as the one being baked this year?

So not only can you not understand wealth you can't cook either.

Whatever you're talking about points to the merit of paying workers a combination of a base wage plus profit sharing.
Wages are the workers' share of company revenue

Yes, the revenue is the pie, and wages are the workers' piece of the pie.

I'm right again.
Wealth is not finite. However, when the wealthy hold the vast majority of the wealth, it reduces long term growth and begins to create greater poverty. This is the exact opposite of what conservatives believe. That does not mean we need a war against the wealthy, but if the wealthy do not begin to fairly redistribute income so that everyone is sharing in the wealth, then eventually those who become poor will revolt and take everything away from the wealthy. This has happened over and over again throughout history. The bottom line is that we do need some redistribution of wealth. That does not mean raping the wealthy or paying McDonald's employees the same as CEO's, but seeing to it that the wealthy are not the only ones benefiting from economic growth.

We have never produced an infinite amount of wealth in any given year.

No company has ever produced an infinite amount of revenue/profit in any given year.

There is always only so much to go around, so much to be divided up.
WHat exactly your definition of wealth?

Anything of material value.

Wealth is net worth.

Wealth is not income it is not possessions or goods.

Your net worth is your wealth. So you beat figure out what that is and then maybe you can understand what you're talking about

a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches:
the wealth of a city.
an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount:
a wealth of imagery.

  1. all things that have a monetary or exchange value.
  2. anything that has utility and is capable of being appropriated or exchanged.
rich or valuable contents or produce:
the wealth of the soil.
the state of being rich; prosperity; affluence:
persons of wealth and standing.

I'm right. Fuck off
tell me if you possess a house a car etc that has a market value of 10 million and yet you owe 9,999,999 dollars in debt for all those things how wealthy are you?
No you're too thick to understand.

Tell me what is the "pie" size for 2015?

It's 2014. Buy a calendar.
So the pie that will be baked in 2015 is the same as the one being baked this year?

So not only can you not understand wealth you can't cook either.

Whatever you're talking about points to the merit of paying workers a combination of a base wage plus profit sharing.
Wages are the workers' share of company revenue

Yes, the revenue is the pie, and wages are the workers' piece of the pie.

I'm right again.

The pie analogy is wrong if you don't get that you will never understand wealth
If we let the wealthy keep all the money, they'll usually steal it from the rest of us.

You can't stop the wealthy from keeping all the money, they do not depend on you to let them keep it. That's what is making your war so stupid and such a dismal failure. The more you've tried to get their money the more you've failed. Not only failed, but destroyed your own resources in the process of failing.

But you avoided the question. Why do you guys pretend that the income tax is the only one out there.

It's not even 47% of all Federal revenues, much less state.

No one is pretending anything. Income tax is the #1 tax. It so happens to be the tax you morons want to attach "class warfare" to and claim income earned reflects class status of wealth. And we know that is not the case. Most super-wealthy earn no income, so there is nothing to tax. *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another massive cannonball through the hull of your own ship! Oh well, let's jack up CORPORATE taxes! *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another one! Oh, oh... I know, we'll jack up INVESTMENT tax! *SHhhhBOOM!*

Face it, Rich People are far too smart of an enemy for you. We've now enjoyed 6 years of your basically unfettered dismantling of free market capitalism and War on The Rich, and are there fewer wealthy people? Is their wealth becoming more equally distributed? What's the results? Your war is an utter failure, that's what's happening.
Note how often the Left uses the word "the workers" as if all free citizens of the United States are enslaved to the state and system as such. This is because that's how it is in European socialist countries where Marxism emerged. In America, if you're not happy being "a worker" you can become an entrepreneur. You can use the tool of free market capitalism to better your lot in life, where you no longer have to be "a worker."

Now, it is important for the Left to beat you down emotionally and convince you that some people are hopeless and can never be anything more than "worker drones" and so we have to impose harsh penalties on wealth acquisition so as to make things better for them through some redistribution scheme that never works.
If we let the wealthy keep all the money, they'll usually steal it from the rest of us.

You can't stop the wealthy from keeping all the money, they do not depend on you to let them keep it. That's what is making your war so stupid and such a dismal failure. The more you've tried to get their money the more you've failed. Not only failed, but destroyed your own resources in the process of failing.

But you avoided the question. Why do you guys pretend that the income tax is the only one out there.

It's not even 47% of all Federal revenues, much less state.

No one is pretending anything. Income tax is the #1 tax. It so happens to be the tax you morons want to attach "class warfare" to and claim income earned reflects class status of wealth. And we know that is not the case. Most super-wealthy earn no income, so there is nothing to tax. *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another massive cannonball through the hull of your own ship! Oh well, let's jack up CORPORATE taxes! *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another one! Oh, oh... I know, we'll jack up INVESTMENT tax! *SHhhhBOOM!*

Face it, Rich People are far too smart of an enemy for you. We've now enjoyed 6 years of your basically unfettered dismantling of free market capitalism and War on The Rich, and are there fewer wealthy people? Is their wealth becoming more equally distributed? What's the results? Your war is an utter failure, that's what's happening.

You need to learn what a plutocracy is. You know, government of the rich by the rich for the rich. That's all that's going on. Plutocrats being plutocrats.

I think it will be so great when the ultra wealthy have basically ALL the money. Won't that work out real nice for every body else.

Now how will this be accomplished you might ask? With the help of people like you. You know, just continue to worship the ultra wealthy and make excuses about why they should have all the money. Cause they are ultra wealthy and you are a tool to be used by them. Nice job.
"Government cannot relieve from toil. The normal must take care of themselves. Self-government means self-support.... Ultimately property rights and personal rights are the same thing.... History reveals no civilized people among whom there was not a highly educated class and large aggregations of wealth. Large profits mean large payrolls." -- Calvin Coolidge
Note how often the Left uses the word "the workers" as if all free citizens of the United States are enslaved to the state and system as such. This is because that's how it is in European socialist countries where Marxism emerged. In America, if you're not happy being "a worker" you can become an entrepreneur. You can use the tool of free market capitalism to better your lot in life, where you no longer have to be "a worker."

Now, it is important for the Left to beat you down emotionally and convince you that some people are hopeless and can never be anything more than "worker drones" and so we have to impose harsh penalties on wealth acquisition so as to make things better for them through some redistribution scheme that never works.

It's Marxism, they're embracing their Inner Mao
If we let the wealthy keep all the money, they'll usually steal it from the rest of us.

You can't stop the wealthy from keeping all the money, they do not depend on you to let them keep it. That's what is making your war so stupid and such a dismal failure. The more you've tried to get their money the more you've failed. Not only failed, but destroyed your own resources in the process of failing.

But you avoided the question. Why do you guys pretend that the income tax is the only one out there.

It's not even 47% of all Federal revenues, much less state.

No one is pretending anything. Income tax is the #1 tax. It so happens to be the tax you morons want to attach "class warfare" to and claim income earned reflects class status of wealth. And we know that is not the case. Most super-wealthy earn no income, so there is nothing to tax. *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another massive cannonball through the hull of your own ship! Oh well, let's jack up CORPORATE taxes! *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another one! Oh, oh... I know, we'll jack up INVESTMENT tax! *SHhhhBOOM!*

Face it, Rich People are far too smart of an enemy for you. We've now enjoyed 6 years of your basically unfettered dismantling of free market capitalism and War on The Rich, and are there fewer wealthy people? Is their wealth becoming more equally distributed? What's the results? Your war is an utter failure, that's what's happening.

You need to learn what a plutocracy is. You know, government of the rich by the rich for the rich. That's all that's going on. Plutocrats being plutocrats.

I think it will be so great when the ultra wealthy have basically ALL the money. Won't that work out real nice for every body else.

Now how will this be accomplished you might ask? With the help of people like you. You know, just continue to worship the ultra wealthy and make excuses about why they should have all the money. Cause they are ultra wealthy and you are a tool to be used by them. Nice job.

Maybe if you got of you a$$ geek, and apply risk and hard work, you could be one of those you bitch about. Lets face it geek, life is not an even playing filed. Society has classes as it should. But I get it.... You sound like the soccer moms out there crying that her little Johnny didn't make MVP even though he sux balls..

Same thing here, you are not good enough to be an elite. It takes some of the things I just mentioned, which you obviously lack or are to lazy to work for

If we let the wealthy keep all the money, they'll usually steal it from the rest of us.

You can't stop the wealthy from keeping all the money, they do not depend on you to let them keep it. That's what is making your war so stupid and such a dismal failure. The more you've tried to get their money the more you've failed. Not only failed, but destroyed your own resources in the process of failing.

But you avoided the question. Why do you guys pretend that the income tax is the only one out there.

It's not even 47% of all Federal revenues, much less state.

No one is pretending anything. Income tax is the #1 tax. It so happens to be the tax you morons want to attach "class warfare" to and claim income earned reflects class status of wealth. And we know that is not the case. Most super-wealthy earn no income, so there is nothing to tax. *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another massive cannonball through the hull of your own ship! Oh well, let's jack up CORPORATE taxes! *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another one! Oh, oh... I know, we'll jack up INVESTMENT tax! *SHhhhBOOM!*

Face it, Rich People are far too smart of an enemy for you. We've now enjoyed 6 years of your basically unfettered dismantling of free market capitalism and War on The Rich, and are there fewer wealthy people? Is their wealth becoming more equally distributed? What's the results? Your war is an utter failure, that's what's happening.

You need to learn what a plutocracy is. You know, government of the rich by the rich for the rich. That's all that's going on. Plutocrats being plutocrats.

I think it will be so great when the ultra wealthy have basically ALL the money. Won't that work out real nice for every body else.

Now how will this be accomplished you might ask? With the help of people like you. You know, just continue to worship the ultra wealthy and make excuses about why they should have all the money. Cause they are ultra wealthy and you are a tool to be used by them. Nice job.

Maybe if you got of you a$$ geek, and apply risk and hard work, you could be one of those you bitch about. Lets face it geek, life is not an even playing filed. Society has classes as it should. But I get it.... You sound like the soccer moms out there crying that her little Johnny didn't make MVP even though he sux balls..

Same thing here, you are not good enough to be an elite. It takes some of the things I just mentioned, which you obviously lack or are to lazy to work for


Tell you what goforit. I read where Skull was schooling you folks on what "net worth" is.

Here's what we should do. I'll take my eight rentals and my primary residence and my bank accounts and establish my net worth.

And then we will compare your net worth to mine. And it will be readily apparent just who the lazy fucker is posting on these boards. Of course you will lie like a rug about all your "assets".

You get a job paying above minimum wage yet? Or any job at all?
If we let the wealthy keep all the money, they'll usually steal it from the rest of us.

You can't stop the wealthy from keeping all the money, they do not depend on you to let them keep it. That's what is making your war so stupid and such a dismal failure. The more you've tried to get their money the more you've failed. Not only failed, but destroyed your own resources in the process of failing.

But you avoided the question. Why do you guys pretend that the income tax is the only one out there.

It's not even 47% of all Federal revenues, much less state.

No one is pretending anything. Income tax is the #1 tax. It so happens to be the tax you morons want to attach "class warfare" to and claim income earned reflects class status of wealth. And we know that is not the case. Most super-wealthy earn no income, so there is nothing to tax. *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another massive cannonball through the hull of your own ship! Oh well, let's jack up CORPORATE taxes! *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another one! Oh, oh... I know, we'll jack up INVESTMENT tax! *SHhhhBOOM!*

Face it, Rich People are far too smart of an enemy for you. We've now enjoyed 6 years of your basically unfettered dismantling of free market capitalism and War on The Rich, and are there fewer wealthy people? Is their wealth becoming more equally distributed? What's the results? Your war is an utter failure, that's what's happening.

You need to learn what a plutocracy is. You know, government of the rich by the rich for the rich. That's all that's going on. Plutocrats being plutocrats.

I think it will be so great when the ultra wealthy have basically ALL the money. Won't that work out real nice for every body else.

Now how will this be accomplished you might ask? With the help of people like you. You know, just continue to worship the ultra wealthy and make excuses about why they should have all the money. Cause they are ultra wealthy and you are a tool to be used by them. Nice job.

Maybe if you got of you a$$ geek, and apply risk and hard work, you could be one of those you bitch about. Lets face it geek, life is not an even playing filed. Society has classes as it should. But I get it.... You sound like the soccer moms out there crying that her little Johnny didn't make MVP even though he sux balls..

Same thing here, you are not good enough to be an elite. It takes some of the things I just mentioned, which you obviously lack or are to lazy to work for


Tell you what goforit. I read where Skull was schooling you folks on what "net worth" is.

Here's what we should do. I'll take my eight rentals and my primary residence and my bank accounts and establish my net worth.

And then we will compare your net worth to mine. And it will be readily apparent just who the lazy fucker is posting on these boards. Of course you will lie like a rug about all your "assets".

You get a job paying above minimum wage yet? Or any job at all?

Wait.. So you're proud of being a slumlord and ripping off the blacks in the hood? Best be careful here, blacks might call you a 'Jew'


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