War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

If we let the wealthy keep all the money, they'll usually steal it from the rest of us.

You can't stop the wealthy from keeping all the money, they do not depend on you to let them keep it. That's what is making your war so stupid and such a dismal failure. The more you've tried to get their money the more you've failed. Not only failed, but destroyed your own resources in the process of failing.

But you avoided the question. Why do you guys pretend that the income tax is the only one out there.

It's not even 47% of all Federal revenues, much less state.

No one is pretending anything. Income tax is the #1 tax. It so happens to be the tax you morons want to attach "class warfare" to and claim income earned reflects class status of wealth. And we know that is not the case. Most super-wealthy earn no income, so there is nothing to tax. *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another massive cannonball through the hull of your own ship! Oh well, let's jack up CORPORATE taxes! *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another one! Oh, oh... I know, we'll jack up INVESTMENT tax! *SHhhhBOOM!*

Face it, Rich People are far too smart of an enemy for you. We've now enjoyed 6 years of your basically unfettered dismantling of free market capitalism and War on The Rich, and are there fewer wealthy people? Is their wealth becoming more equally distributed? What's the results? Your war is an utter failure, that's what's happening.

You need to learn what a plutocracy is. You know, government of the rich by the rich for the rich. That's all that's going on. Plutocrats being plutocrats.

I think it will be so great when the ultra wealthy have basically ALL the money. Won't that work out real nice for every body else.

Now how will this be accomplished you might ask? With the help of people like you. You know, just continue to worship the ultra wealthy and make excuses about why they should have all the money. Cause they are ultra wealthy and you are a tool to be used by them. Nice job.

Maybe if you got of you a$$ geek, and apply risk and hard work, you could be one of those you bitch about. Lets face it geek, life is not an even playing filed. Society has classes as it should. But I get it.... You sound like the soccer moms out there crying that her little Johnny didn't make MVP even though he sux balls..

Same thing here, you are not good enough to be an elite. It takes some of the things I just mentioned, which you obviously lack or are to lazy to work for


Tell you what goforit. I read where Skull was schooling you folks on what "net worth" is.

Here's what we should do. I'll take my eight rentals and my primary residence and my bank accounts and establish my net worth.

And then we will compare your net worth to mine. And it will be readily apparent just who the lazy fucker is posting on these boards. Of course you will lie like a rug about all your "assets".

You get a job paying above minimum wage yet? Or any job at all?
So everyone else will lie but you won't?
If we let the wealthy keep all the money, they'll usually steal it from the rest of us.

You can't stop the wealthy from keeping all the money, they do not depend on you to let them keep it. That's what is making your war so stupid and such a dismal failure. The more you've tried to get their money the more you've failed. Not only failed, but destroyed your own resources in the process of failing.

But you avoided the question. Why do you guys pretend that the income tax is the only one out there.

It's not even 47% of all Federal revenues, much less state.

No one is pretending anything. Income tax is the #1 tax. It so happens to be the tax you morons want to attach "class warfare" to and claim income earned reflects class status of wealth. And we know that is not the case. Most super-wealthy earn no income, so there is nothing to tax. *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another massive cannonball through the hull of your own ship! Oh well, let's jack up CORPORATE taxes! *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another one! Oh, oh... I know, we'll jack up INVESTMENT tax! *SHhhhBOOM!*

Face it, Rich People are far too smart of an enemy for you. We've now enjoyed 6 years of your basically unfettered dismantling of free market capitalism and War on The Rich, and are there fewer wealthy people? Is their wealth becoming more equally distributed? What's the results? Your war is an utter failure, that's what's happening.

You need to learn what a plutocracy is. You know, government of the rich by the rich for the rich. That's all that's going on. Plutocrats being plutocrats.

I think it will be so great when the ultra wealthy have basically ALL the money. Won't that work out real nice for every body else.

Now how will this be accomplished you might ask? With the help of people like you. You know, just continue to worship the ultra wealthy and make excuses about why they should have all the money. Cause they are ultra wealthy and you are a tool to be used by them. Nice job.

Maybe if you got of you a$$ geek, and apply risk and hard work, you could be one of those you bitch about. Lets face it geek, life is not an even playing filed. Society has classes as it should. But I get it.... You sound like the soccer moms out there crying that her little Johnny didn't make MVP even though he sux balls..

Same thing here, you are not good enough to be an elite. It takes some of the things I just mentioned, which you obviously lack or are to lazy to work for


Tell you what goforit. I read where Skull was schooling you folks on what "net worth" is.

Here's what we should do. I'll take my eight rentals and my primary residence and my bank accounts and establish my net worth.

And then we will compare your net worth to mine. And it will be readily apparent just who the lazy fucker is posting on these boards. Of course you will lie like a rug about all your "assets".

You get a job paying above minimum wage yet? Or any job at all?
So everyone else will lie but you won't?

Hey skull feel free to point to the post where I say "everyone" posting is a liar.

I will say that IF goforit were to post up a net worth in the same range as I am in, that he would be a liar. Dude doesn't even have a JOB that pays jack shit. And I've worked my ass off for 45 years. A landlord for 26. Don't need to lie about anything, It is what it is.

You, I don't know about. Goforit I am sure hasn't accomplished jack shit.
You can't stop the wealthy from keeping all the money, they do not depend on you to let them keep it. That's what is making your war so stupid and such a dismal failure. The more you've tried to get their money the more you've failed. Not only failed, but destroyed your own resources in the process of failing.

No one is pretending anything. Income tax is the #1 tax. It so happens to be the tax you morons want to attach "class warfare" to and claim income earned reflects class status of wealth. And we know that is not the case. Most super-wealthy earn no income, so there is nothing to tax. *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another massive cannonball through the hull of your own ship! Oh well, let's jack up CORPORATE taxes! *SHhhhBOOM!* There goes another one! Oh, oh... I know, we'll jack up INVESTMENT tax! *SHhhhBOOM!*

Face it, Rich People are far too smart of an enemy for you. We've now enjoyed 6 years of your basically unfettered dismantling of free market capitalism and War on The Rich, and are there fewer wealthy people? Is their wealth becoming more equally distributed? What's the results? Your war is an utter failure, that's what's happening.

You need to learn what a plutocracy is. You know, government of the rich by the rich for the rich. That's all that's going on. Plutocrats being plutocrats.

I think it will be so great when the ultra wealthy have basically ALL the money. Won't that work out real nice for every body else.

Now how will this be accomplished you might ask? With the help of people like you. You know, just continue to worship the ultra wealthy and make excuses about why they should have all the money. Cause they are ultra wealthy and you are a tool to be used by them. Nice job.

Maybe if you got of you a$$ geek, and apply risk and hard work, you could be one of those you bitch about. Lets face it geek, life is not an even playing filed. Society has classes as it should. But I get it.... You sound like the soccer moms out there crying that her little Johnny didn't make MVP even though he sux balls..

Same thing here, you are not good enough to be an elite. It takes some of the things I just mentioned, which you obviously lack or are to lazy to work for


Tell you what goforit. I read where Skull was schooling you folks on what "net worth" is.

Here's what we should do. I'll take my eight rentals and my primary residence and my bank accounts and establish my net worth.

And then we will compare your net worth to mine. And it will be readily apparent just who the lazy fucker is posting on these boards. Of course you will lie like a rug about all your "assets".

You get a job paying above minimum wage yet? Or any job at all?
So everyone else will lie but you won't?

Hey skull feel free to point to the post where I say "everyone" posting is a liar.

I will say that IF goforit were to post up a net worth in the same range as I am in, that he would be a liar. Dude doesn't even have a JOB that pays jack shit. And I've worked my ass off for 45 years. A landlord for 26. Don't need to lie about anything, It is what it is.

You, I don't know about. Goforit I am sure hasn't accomplished jack shit.

What people say on an anonymous message board really doesn't mean much.

If you care that people here believe what you say then you should stop posting
You need to learn what a plutocracy is. You know, government of the rich by the rich for the rich. That's all that's going on. Plutocrats being plutocrats.

I think it will be so great when the ultra wealthy have basically ALL the money. Won't that work out real nice for every body else.

Now how will this be accomplished you might ask? With the help of people like you. You know, just continue to worship the ultra wealthy and make excuses about why they should have all the money. Cause they are ultra wealthy and you are a tool to be used by them. Nice job.

...when the ultra wealthy have basically ALL the money.
Isn't that the argument now? Isn't that what all these graphs and charts show us? What the hell do you mean "when" they have it, they already DO have it, don't they? Isn't that your whole point?

But you see.... This is the philosophy you boneheads adopt whenever you see wealth as finite. There is only so much pie, and the super-wealthy have it all! No more pie left for anyone else, the super-rich hoard it all to themselves! And so you launch a war and go on the attack against the system that made these wealthy people become so super-wealthy. You've not touched them, you've been successful in blowing more holes in your boat, but the super-wealthy remain just as wealthy as always and life goes on.

You are in a war you cannot win against an enemy you cannot defeat. Dumbest idea in the history of man.

You need to learn what a plutocracy is. You know, government of the rich by the rich for the rich. That's all that's going on. Plutocrats being plutocrats.

I think it will be so great when the ultra wealthy have basically ALL the money. Won't that work out real nice for every body else.

Now how will this be accomplished you might ask? With the help of people like you. You know, just continue to worship the ultra wealthy and make excuses about why they should have all the money. Cause they are ultra wealthy and you are a tool to be used by them. Nice job.

Maybe if you got of you a$$ geek, and apply risk and hard work, you could be one of those you bitch about. Lets face it geek, life is not an even playing filed. Society has classes as it should. But I get it.... You sound like the soccer moms out there crying that her little Johnny didn't make MVP even though he sux balls..

Same thing here, you are not good enough to be an elite. It takes some of the things I just mentioned, which you obviously lack or are to lazy to work for


Tell you what goforit. I read where Skull was schooling you folks on what "net worth" is.

Here's what we should do. I'll take my eight rentals and my primary residence and my bank accounts and establish my net worth.

And then we will compare your net worth to mine. And it will be readily apparent just who the lazy fucker is posting on these boards. Of course you will lie like a rug about all your "assets".

You get a job paying above minimum wage yet? Or any job at all?
So everyone else will lie but you won't?

Hey skull feel free to point to the post where I say "everyone" posting is a liar.

I will say that IF goforit were to post up a net worth in the same range as I am in, that he would be a liar. Dude doesn't even have a JOB that pays jack shit. And I've worked my ass off for 45 years. A landlord for 26. Don't need to lie about anything, It is what it is.

You, I don't know about. Goforit I am sure hasn't accomplished jack shit.

What people say on an anonymous message board really doesn't mean much.

If you care that people here believe what you say then you should stop posting

You think I CARE? LMAO. It is what it is Skull. But telling the truth is a reason to stop posting? No wonder you Rethugs flock to a message board. Lying is evidently expected. Carry on dude. Make shit up. Like you say, no one believes anything or really gives a flying fuck about what is posted.

Just make shit up. It's as good as the truth. That should be the Republican motto.
How about the almost 50% of people paying no income taxes pay their share?

Because they are paying sales taxes, medicare taxes, social security taxes, fees, excise and a bunch of other taxes.

Why is it that plutocrat apologists like to pretend the income tax is the only one we have?
But they dont pay income taxes.
How is it fair for libs to scream that "the rich" ought to pay more of their income when many middle class people and working class people aren't paying anything?
So do tell Boss, If I am the CEO of a large company and I can cut labor costs by reducing the hourly wage for the workers thereby increasing profits for the company of which I am paid on the profitability of the company and I receive a 10 million dollar bonus for cutting labor costs, who was the winner and who was the loser?

So did the pie get bigger for the CEO or did the pie just get smaller for the workers who got their wages cut?
Or did the CEO just take a bigger piece of the pie?

You ever study any history Boss? Think you can find where there has been concentrated wealth and abject poverty which resulted in a revolution. You seem to think that nothing can be done about the wealthy having it all while the poor get poorer. I don't think that is quite correct. But I know people like you are working hard to make people believe there is nothing to be done. We will see.
How about the almost 50% of people paying no income taxes pay their share?

Because they are paying sales taxes, medicare taxes, social security taxes, fees, excise and a bunch of other taxes.

Why is it that plutocrat apologists like to pretend the income tax is the only one we have?
But they dont pay income taxes.
How is it fair for libs to scream that "the rich" ought to pay more of their income when many middle class people and working class people aren't paying anything?

If I receive 10 million dollars a year in capital gains, that is my "income".It is what I show on my tax returns. By law I get to pay a specific tax known as the "capital gains tax". By bribing politicians I get to pay a lower tax on my capital gains than you do on your W2 income. But income is income. W2 or capital gains.

What the fuck is wrong with you people. Just plain stupid or what? That's twice where I've read the capital gains isn't "income". What the fuck you think it is; outgo?
So do tell Boss, If I am the CEO of a large company and I can cut labor costs by reducing the hourly wage for the workers thereby increasing profits for the company of which I am paid on the profitability of the company and I receive a 10 million dollar bonus for cutting labor costs, who was the winner and who was the loser?

So did the pie get bigger for the CEO or did the pie just get smaller for the workers who got their wages cut?
Or did the CEO just take a bigger piece of the pie?

You ever study any history Boss? Think you can find where there has been concentrated wealth and abject poverty which resulted in a revolution. You seem to think that nothing can be done about the wealthy having it all while the poor get poorer. I don't think that is quite correct. But I know people like you are working hard to make people believe there is nothing to be done. We will see.

Well first of all, zeke, you'd never be the CEO of any company because you don't even know what a CEO does and you are economically illiterate. Even a liberal capitalist would have better sense than to hire you as CEO. Secondly, the CEO doesn't have the authority to reduce hourly wages across the board, this would have to be approved by a board of directors and thirdly, there is no guarantee this would result in increased profit. I will predict that you cannot produce a single example of any corporation in America who reduced the hourly wages of all employees in the past 30 years. And IF you manage to find one, I bet they did not show a profit the following year. You see, people aren't real big on getting their pay cut... they like raises... they don't like cuts. So when you cut their pay, it tends to have an affect on things like productivity.

I have indeed studied history, which is why I stated previously, about every generation or two, we spawn enough of your morons who buy into 19th century Marxist claptrap, we end up having to kill a bunch of you. Is that what it's coming to again? You are talking about revolution, so apparently so.

Now let's get to this truth of the matter... There has never been a successful socialist revolution which ushered in economic prosperity. If such an example were to exist, it would always be the first thing mentioned in any of these threads, paraded around as THE example we need to follow and emulate. If you want to look at results of revolutions, we had one here about 240 years ago. The people revolted against government tyranny and taxation. We The People established a free market, free enterprise capitalist system, where free people are free to participate in free trade and commerce. As revolutions go, ours is at the top of the hill. None have ever been so successful at producing wealth and prosperity... no other even comes close.
We have never produced an infinite amount of wealth in any given year.

No company has ever produced an infinite amount of revenue/profit in any given year.

There is always only so much to go around, so much to be divided up.
WHat exactly your definition of wealth?

Anything of material value.

Wealth is net worth.

Wealth is not income it is not possessions or goods.

Your net worth is your wealth. So you beat figure out what that is and then maybe you can understand what you're talking about

a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches:
the wealth of a city.
an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount:
a wealth of imagery.

  1. all things that have a monetary or exchange value.
  2. anything that has utility and is capable of being appropriated or exchanged.
rich or valuable contents or produce:
the wealth of the soil.
the state of being rich; prosperity; affluence:
persons of wealth and standing.

I'm right. Fuck off
tell me if you possess a house a car etc that has a market value of 10 million and yet you owe 9,999,999 dollars in debt for all those things how wealthy are you?

Adam Smith, in his seminal work The Wealth of Nations, described wealth as "the annual produce of the land and labour of the society".

That is the definition/usage I was using. We can either argue about whether Adam Smith and I are misusing the word,

or, we could get back on topic. It's up to you.

If I receive 10 million dollars a year in capital gains, that is my "income".It is what I show on my tax returns. By law I get to pay a specific tax known as the "capital gains tax". By bribing politicians I get to pay a lower tax on my capital gains than you do on your W2 income. But income is income. W2 or capital gains.

What the fuck is wrong with you people. Just plain stupid or what? That's twice where I've read the capital gains isn't "income". What the fuck you think it is; outgo?

If you receive $10 million per year in capital gains, this is short-term capital gain which is taxed at current income tax rates. You'd be paying 39.6% tax on your $10 million. The only "break" anyone gets on this is for "long-term capital gains" which are dispositions of long-term capital investments.

Politicians are not bribed in order to have lower rates for long-term capital gains investments. They all sat down and debated it and decided it was a better idea to have a lower rate so as to encourage investment in long-term capital projects. See, it's important to have money available to build factories and industries, to finance new technology and research, to enable economic growth and prosperity for all in the process. Oh... we can jack that rate on up and make it the same as short-term cap gains, but *SHhhBOOM!* There goes another cannonball through the hull of your ship! You merely succeed in producing less and less long-term capital gains investment.
Maybe if you got of you a$$ geek, and apply risk and hard work, you could be one of those you bitch about. Lets face it geek, life is not an even playing filed. Society has classes as it should. But I get it.... You sound like the soccer moms out there crying that her little Johnny didn't make MVP even though he sux balls..

Same thing here, you are not good enough to be an elite. It takes some of the things I just mentioned, which you obviously lack or are to lazy to work for


Tell you what goforit. I read where Skull was schooling you folks on what "net worth" is.

Here's what we should do. I'll take my eight rentals and my primary residence and my bank accounts and establish my net worth.

And then we will compare your net worth to mine. And it will be readily apparent just who the lazy fucker is posting on these boards. Of course you will lie like a rug about all your "assets".

You get a job paying above minimum wage yet? Or any job at all?
So everyone else will lie but you won't?

Hey skull feel free to point to the post where I say "everyone" posting is a liar.

I will say that IF goforit were to post up a net worth in the same range as I am in, that he would be a liar. Dude doesn't even have a JOB that pays jack shit. And I've worked my ass off for 45 years. A landlord for 26. Don't need to lie about anything, It is what it is.

You, I don't know about. Goforit I am sure hasn't accomplished jack shit.

What people say on an anonymous message board really doesn't mean much.

If you care that people here believe what you say then you should stop posting

You think I CARE? LMAO. It is what it is Skull. But telling the truth is a reason to stop posting? No wonder you Rethugs flock to a message board. Lying is evidently expected. Carry on dude. Make shit up. Like you say, no one believes anything or really gives a flying fuck about what is posted.

Just make shit up. It's as good as the truth. That should be the Republican motto.
Here you go with your 2 dimensional thinking again

How many times do I have to tell you that I am not a republican and haven't voted for one in 20 years?

And if you are going to accuse other people of lying then you obviously do care don't you?
WHat exactly your definition of wealth?

Anything of material value.

Wealth is net worth.

Wealth is not income it is not possessions or goods.

Your net worth is your wealth. So you beat figure out what that is and then maybe you can understand what you're talking about

a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches:
the wealth of a city.
an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount:
a wealth of imagery.

  1. all things that have a monetary or exchange value.
  2. anything that has utility and is capable of being appropriated or exchanged.
rich or valuable contents or produce:
the wealth of the soil.
the state of being rich; prosperity; affluence:
persons of wealth and standing.

I'm right. Fuck off
tell me if you possess a house a car etc that has a market value of 10 million and yet you owe 9,999,999 dollars in debt for all those things how wealthy are you?

Adam Smith, in his seminal work The Wealth of Nations, described wealth as "the annual produce of the land and labour of the society".

That is the definition/usage I was using. We can either argue about whether Adam Smith and I are misusing the word,

or, we could get back on topic. It's up to you.
We are talking about the wealth of people not of nations.

You do realize that any wealth the US government has is not yours don't you?

The wealth of people is their net worth is it not?

BTW the answer to my question I asked earlier was $1 if you couldn't figure it out.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Wrong! Wealth is NOT finite, it is infinite. People generate wealth through their labor, creativity, talents, etc. This is your key problem, the failure to understand wealth is not finite. When you believe such a fallacy, it causes you to think the wealthy should only become so wealthy else the poor can never become wealthy. It makes you believe there is only so much wealth and the wealthy have it all.

The truth is, wealth is generated, so wealth is limitless. Now the people who are wealthy in a nation, especially a free market economy nation like our own, generally got wealthy because they were smart with their money, were successful at free market capitalism, and had the drive, motivation and ambition to succeed. Many came from abject poverty to become wealthy. Seems to me, the really "smart" person might want to listen to them, learn from them, try to emulate them and find out about how they were successful.

Just total opposite of what you want to do.

I can't imagine how far removed from actually producing anything of value you'd have to be to think that wealth is infinite. You probably think that money somehow just generates more money.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Wrong! Wealth is NOT finite, it is infinite. People generate wealth through their labor, creativity, talents, etc. This is your key problem, the failure to understand wealth is not finite. When you believe such a fallacy, it causes you to think the wealthy should only become so wealthy else the poor can never become wealthy. It makes you believe there is only so much wealth and the wealthy have it all.

The truth is, wealth is generated, so wealth is limitless. Now the people who are wealthy in a nation, especially a free market economy nation like our own, generally got wealthy because they were smart with their money, were successful at free market capitalism, and had the drive, motivation and ambition to succeed. Many came from abject poverty to become wealthy. Seems to me, the really "smart" person might want to listen to them, learn from them, try to emulate them and find out about how they were successful.

Just total opposite of what you want to do.

I can't imagine how far removed from actually producing anything of value you'd have to be to think that wealth is infinite. You probably think that money somehow just generates more money.
SO what limits your net worth? If someone else's net worth increases does yours decrease?

Is it what someone else makes? How does one person's salary influence how much your salary can be?
Anything of material value.

Wealth is net worth.

Wealth is not income it is not possessions or goods.

Your net worth is your wealth. So you beat figure out what that is and then maybe you can understand what you're talking about

a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches:
the wealth of a city.
an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount:
a wealth of imagery.

  1. all things that have a monetary or exchange value.
  2. anything that has utility and is capable of being appropriated or exchanged.
rich or valuable contents or produce:
the wealth of the soil.
the state of being rich; prosperity; affluence:
persons of wealth and standing.

I'm right. Fuck off
tell me if you possess a house a car etc that has a market value of 10 million and yet you owe 9,999,999 dollars in debt for all those things how wealthy are you?

Adam Smith, in his seminal work The Wealth of Nations, described wealth as "the annual produce of the land and labour of the society".

That is the definition/usage I was using. We can either argue about whether Adam Smith and I are misusing the word,

or, we could get back on topic. It's up to you.
We are talking about the wealth of people not of nations.

You do realize that any wealth the US government has is not yours don't you?

The wealth of people is their net worth is it not?

BTW the answer to my question I asked earlier was $1 if you couldn't figure it out.

Don't tell me what I'm talking about.

Nation - a large aggregrate of people.


Wealth is net worth.

Wealth is not income it is not possessions or goods.

Your net worth is your wealth. So you beat figure out what that is and then maybe you can understand what you're talking about

a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches:
the wealth of a city.
an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount:
a wealth of imagery.

  1. all things that have a monetary or exchange value.
  2. anything that has utility and is capable of being appropriated or exchanged.
rich or valuable contents or produce:
the wealth of the soil.
the state of being rich; prosperity; affluence:
persons of wealth and standing.

I'm right. Fuck off
tell me if you possess a house a car etc that has a market value of 10 million and yet you owe 9,999,999 dollars in debt for all those things how wealthy are you?

Adam Smith, in his seminal work The Wealth of Nations, described wealth as "the annual produce of the land and labour of the society".

That is the definition/usage I was using. We can either argue about whether Adam Smith and I are misusing the word,

or, we could get back on topic. It's up to you.
We are talking about the wealth of people not of nations.

You do realize that any wealth the US government has is not yours don't you?

The wealth of people is their net worth is it not?

BTW the answer to my question I asked earlier was $1 if you couldn't figure it out.

Don't tell me what I'm talking about.

Nation - a large aggregrate of people.

Your entire premise is that your wealth is limited by someone else.

Your wealth has nothing to do with the nation's wealth and everything to do with your net worth.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Wrong! Wealth is NOT finite, it is infinite. People generate wealth through their labor, creativity, talents, etc. This is your key problem, the failure to understand wealth is not finite. When you believe such a fallacy, it causes you to think the wealthy should only become so wealthy else the poor can never become wealthy. It makes you believe there is only so much wealth and the wealthy have it all.

The truth is, wealth is generated, so wealth is limitless. Now the people who are wealthy in a nation, especially a free market economy nation like our own, generally got wealthy because they were smart with their money, were successful at free market capitalism, and had the drive, motivation and ambition to succeed. Many came from abject poverty to become wealthy. Seems to me, the really "smart" person might want to listen to them, learn from them, try to emulate them and find out about how they were successful.

Just total opposite of what you want to do.

I can't imagine how far removed from actually producing anything of value you'd have to be to think that wealth is infinite. You probably think that money somehow just generates more money.

You have to go back and look at why he tried to make that claim. He is in denial that the determination of rich and poor is the result of how wealth is divided.

Like the example of a MacDonald's franchise making about $750,000 in a profit a year, as I posted. He can't admit that that number is affected by the cost of labor, and that even if for example $150,000 of that went to the people who work in the MacDonald's,
the franchise owner would still be making $600,000.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Wrong! Wealth is NOT finite, it is infinite. People generate wealth through their labor, creativity, talents, etc. This is your key problem, the failure to understand wealth is not finite. When you believe such a fallacy, it causes you to think the wealthy should only become so wealthy else the poor can never become wealthy. It makes you believe there is only so much wealth and the wealthy have it all.

The truth is, wealth is generated, so wealth is limitless. Now the people who are wealthy in a nation, especially a free market economy nation like our own, generally got wealthy because they were smart with their money, were successful at free market capitalism, and had the drive, motivation and ambition to succeed. Many came from abject poverty to become wealthy. Seems to me, the really "smart" person might want to listen to them, learn from them, try to emulate them and find out about how they were successful.

Just total opposite of what you want to do.

I can't imagine how far removed from actually producing anything of value you'd have to be to think that wealth is infinite. You probably think that money somehow just generates more money.
SO what limits your net worth? If someone else's net worth increases does yours decrease?

Is it what someone else makes? How does one person's salary influence how much your salary can be?

In any industry or or company, there's a certain sized market. That market can be grown to some degree but generally, individual industries or companies grow by increasing their market share. Within a company, the generally finite amount of money that's earned is distributed in some way to the people within it. If one guy gets more than he deserves, everybody else gets less. The difficulty is in determining a fair distribution.

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